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March 24, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-24

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Steady Growth of Musical Event Re-
sults in Use of Much Adver-
tising Matter
With the coming of spring, the an-
nual May Festival, "Michigan's great-
est musical event," looms up as the
biggest attraction of the season. Such
is the prestige of Ann Arbor's festival
that the prominent musical journals of
both Chicago and New York detail spe-
cial representatives to attend the re-
citals and report on the work of the
artists present.
The steady growth in magnitude of
the festival, has necessitated a corre-
sponding increase in the facilities for
disposing of seats and the carrying on
of the work of the publicity committee.
A visit to the mailing and storage
rooms in the basement of the Univer-
sity School of Music will convince the
most doubtful that the event has long
since outgrown its swaddling clothes,
and that it is an occasion of more
than local or community interest.
At the present time immense quan-
tities of printed matter are being clas-
sified and labeled preparatory to be-
ing sent out as advertising to various
portions of the <: 1ntry. Some idea
of the magnitude )f the task may be
gained from the following figures re-
garding matter now ready for distri-
bution: 3,000 window card pictures
of the prominent artists; 30,000 small
descriptive circulars; 10,000 railway
hangers; 1,000 single sheet posters;
500 3-sheet posters; ani 100 20-sheet
stands. In addition, there are 30,000
special 12-page announcements con-
taining the program of the festival,
short sketches of the artists, with
photographs, and a large mass of gen-
eral information. Newspaper cuts and
pictures of the celebrities are furnish-
ed in large quantities to the newspa-
pers throughout the state in order
that their public may be informed as
to the names of those participating inl
the program and the dates of their ap-
In accordance with announcement
previously made, the seat sale for all
seats in Block A will take place at the
box office in Hill Auditorium Saturday
morning, beginning at 8:00 o'clock.



Defense Body Has Plan to Combine
Military Training With Con-
structive Work
One of the most serious obstacles to
an increase in the United States army
has been the difficulty of obtaining
satisfactory recruits. This difficulty
was admitted. by the ex-secretary of
war in his report for 1915.
Recent experiments carried on un-
der the direction of the Society for
Constructive Defense have thrown an
interesting light upon this matter, and
the society feels that it has solved the
problem by its plan, which is to com-
bine intensive military training during
part of the soldier's enlisted time with
constructive work on roads, rivers, and
other public works under the super-
vision of army engineers.
Recently an advertisement was in-
serted in a New York newspaper ask-
ing for men to sign for several years
of military service requiring hard out-
door work and taking three months'
preliminary training with five hours
weekly drilling thereafter, as suggest-
ed by army officers.
From this one advertisement there
were received 533 written applications.
. The handwriting, neatness and char-
acter of the letters received caused
employers of wide experience to say
that they had'never seen a better class
of applications. Over one-fourth as
many more applications were the re-
sult of this advertisement for a con-
structive army, as were received for
the existing army system from news-
paper advertising during the year 1915.
The reason for the exceptionally high
grade of the applicants is that many
of the applications came from young
men who had studied surveying, civil
engineering, or some other technical
~At The Tetr
"The Yellow Jacket," that much-dis-
cussed play, will have its first appear-
ance here on Saturday, March 25, at
the Whitney Theatre.
"The Yellow Jacket" is one of those
plays that win favor partly because of
their novelty and partly on account of
their own inherent charm. It is a
Chinese play; to be accurate, a compo-
site of several Chinese plays, and it is
presented "in the Chinese manner."
Yet it makes little difference wheth-
er it is the Hazelton and Benrimo



Editor, The Michigan Daily:--
Factional interest runs so high no-
where on the campus as in the inter-
class contests. This fact makes it im-
perative that the refereeing, time-
keeping and scoring in such events be
as impartial as humanly possible. We
submit the following performance as
an argument in favor of an official
score-keeper for interclass basketball
In the soph lit-architect game of
Tuesday, March 21, there was a dis-
pute over the score. At the end of the
game no one knew what the score was.
Scores were kept by the following:
Lambert, soph-lit manager, represent-
ing the soph lits, a soph engineer, ap-
pointed by Kruger, the architect man-
ager, representing the architects, and
a Daily reporter.
The first and last named turned in
a tie, 17-17. The architects' represen-
tative turned in the result 17-16, in
favor of the architects. McGinnis at-
tested the 17-17 score.
The point lies here. There was no
official score-keeper. Intramural Di-
rector Rowe held that in a case of this
sort he would accept The Daily man's
score, over any kept by interested par-
ties.1 To settle the dispute, Director
Rowe took into Dr. May's office two
scores-the 17-17 tie kept by The Daily
reporter and the 17-16 score kept by
the architect's score-keeper, exclud-
ing from the conference the score of
the soph lit representative, which
checked with that of the reporter.
Something happened in the office.
The final score announced was 18-16
in favor of the architects. It was ap-
parently reached by a compromise
between The Daily reporter and the
architect's score-keeper.
We submit the following facts:
1. No one knows what the score
actually was.
2. Of those kept, the 17-17 score
was attested by three out of four.
3. No one turned in an 18-16 score.
It was, from all appearances, the re-
sult of a compromise at which all in-
terested were not represented.
If a series of this sort is to mean
anything, there can be no doubt about
final scores. Intramural Director Rowe
intimated after the game that he wohld
accept the reporter's score. But the'
score he gave out as official was not
the reporter's score. It was some-

OU'LL find many smart overcoat styles in our
store this spring; in them you'll find the Hart
Schaffner & Marx label; it means that the style is

Alice Haynes in "The Yellow Jacket,"
at the Whitney Saturday, March 25
manner, or the strictly Celestial man-
ner. The audience sometimes laughs
at it and sometimes is thrilled by it,
which is proof that it creates the de-
sired impression. And from be-
ginning to end the production is satu-
rated with that elusive something
which is designated by the word "at-
mosphere." It is evident in the set-
ting, the writing, the costuming and
the acting.
thing different. In the opinion of the
undersigned the whole situation can
be considerably cleared by the ap-
pointment of an official .score-keeper
whose score will stand.
Lester E. Waterbury, '17.
R. W. Rose, '17E.

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