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March 22, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-22

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I All cigarettes are pure,

purity alone doesn't make
a cigarette SENSIBLE.
We don't know of a
single one of our competi-
tors who doesn't make his
cigarettes of pure tobacco.
Buthainpure cigarette
that didn'ttaste just right
wouldn't do for you,
would it?
And to be really sensi-
ble a cigarette must give
you more than purity and
a good taste.


r -_ * t 'ato ty
, O Z4aR
Kft at U61.

It must be root and
friendly to your throat and
tongue. And it must
leave you feeling fine after
A Ion -smoking day.
Fatimas are not the only
cigarettes that measure up
to all these requirements.
There are other sensible
But Fatimas seem to
have a big margin in their
favor on their good taste.
Otherwise they could not
outsell all other cigarettes'
costing over 5c.
You can't tell whether
they will just suit your
taste until you try them.
Atthe same time, you can
Feasily prove how senzsible
they aretby these two tests.
Most men who try
Fatimas say'"Good Bye!"
to all other cigarettes right
away. That's why F'ati-
mas sell so fast.
Why don't you try
Fatimas today?
Fatimna was the only csrarette
awarded the GRAND PRIZE,
the lziIhest award givens to anty
cigarette at thge Panama-Paeific
International Expos~ition.

"t 4 its ° wZQbd 4*po6bj7pfl ' bict
wagsliel Qofd4

isiakein Identity Is Basis for Theme
of "Nenarcihmi," the Comedy to Be
(;iven by Classieal Club
The plot of "Menaechmi," the Latin
play to be given under the auspices
of the CvaLical club in University hall,
0,arch 30, centers upon a mistaken
vientity i the case of twin brothers.
One of them, while still a child, has
been stolen from his father and- taken
to Eidinnus.
The other twin, when he arrives at
.. tanhood, goes from Syracuse to Epi-
damnus in search of his brother, whom
he has not seen since childhood. The
two are constantly mistaken, the one
for the other, by the friends of each,
u rtil in the last act the two happen
C- meet and the mystery is solved.
Titus Maccius Plautus, the author
o the "Meraechmi," lived between 251
a ad 184 B. C. He was born in Um-
1:ria, of poor but free parentage, and
it is. supposedbthat he waent to Rome
early in life to seek his fortune. He
is said to have made a fortune by
-,tage decorating, but later was re-
d;,ced to poverty through speculation
and was forced to labor in a tread-
mill. It was while engaged in this
nienial occupation that he wrote his'
pl)ays, v-hich brought him fame ahd.
Under the direction of Pauline 0.
Emerson, '16, with the assistance of
Professor Kenyon, of the department
o! Romance Languages, an effort is"
being made to reproduce as nearly as
possible the manner in which the play
vas first acted in 215 B. C.
A libretto containing the Latin textl
vith an English translation will be
f irnished with each ticket. Although!
the price of the librettos alone is 604
cents, special arrangement has been1
rmade with the publishers, the Macmil-
Ian company, which makes this pos-
sible. Tickets will go on sale tomor-
row morning and may be obtained
from members of the Classical club.1
The number of seats will be limited
in order that all who obtain tickets
may be ableto see and hear.
Patronize Iic ign iDaily Adver-t
fzers. **

Friday afternoon of this week at
4:15 o'clock a public students' recital
will be given at the University School
of Music by students of the vocal, vio-
lin and piano departments.
Word has : ;. been received from
Chicago of t'_e deth c' Timothy F.
McNicol, librarian of the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra. Mr. McNicol had
been librarian of the orchestra for
25 years, and was with Theodor Thow.-
as, founder of the Chicago Symphon\
Orchestra, eight years before M':
Thomas located in Chicago, thus mak-
ing a continuous service of 33 years.
Patrons of the May Festival for the
past dozen years will recall the genial'
librarian who could be seen before
and after the ccer";s and during the
intermissions wanderieg in and out
about the stage in charge of the music
used by the orchestra.
The library of such an organization
as a large orchestra contains innu-
merable scores and parts for the dii-
forent instruments, and the mastery
of such a work requires a particular
kind of genius. Mr. McNicol was an
exceptionally efficient man for so im-
portant a position. The music used
on some of the tours covering many
weeks was voluminous, and its classi-
ficatien and disposition in such a way
ai tobe available at a moment's no-
tice was always done so carefully and
exactly that errors practically never

Dressing Table

3 so OX OA L i W tLda . 0ir~ A - 4 v ".A F3
1 '..#-. __r
I _ .: wtaX b2";1;.t a ..a ~aA4m m.Shn u nP

If you want to see a beautiful line of toilet
articles for the dressing table you should pass
by our window.
Here is displayed an exceptionally attractive
line of dainty toilet requisites, consisting of
manicure sets, toilet sets, military sets, pow-
der boxes, brushes, combs,'and many small
toilet articles.
We believe you will see something in the window that you need,
and we know that if you come in ide and look over the com-
plete line, you will certainly find something to add to your
dressing table.

For the

C1 akette
/Ditne vet Individual

Hailer Jewelry Company
State Street Jewelers

* * * * *' * * * * * *
Whitney-Forbes-Robertson int
"Hamlet" (matinee), and "Pass-
ing of the Third Floor Back"
Majestic-Vaudeville, featur-
ing "The Heart of Chicago."
Arcade - Nollie King in "A,
Woman's Power,"
Orpheum--1r. Charles Rich-
man in "Battle Cry of Peace."

* ^

lyrics and laughter.
"Junior Follies" Was penned by John
Mulgrew, and has its first scene set
in the playground of a country school,
the second in front of the' Broadway
theater, the third on the stage of the
theater, the fourth in the foyer, and
the fifth in a modern cabaret running
at full blast with the juvenile actors
at the helm of the entertainment.
Eight pretty little girls are the
real ponies of the "Junior Follies'"
chorus, and the costumes can be called
Ziegfreidian in their daintiness and
wealth of color. Laughter runs riot
through the play, for most of the ju-
veniles are clever commediennes and
comedians who have been supplied
with bright and original quips.

Michigan riflemen will shoot against
Notre Dame tonight in the first match
ever held between those two teams,
and although Michigan has still a 20-
point lead over the Catholic aggrega-
tion, Notre Dame has been sending
some mighty fine targets to Washing-
ton lately, and a close match is ex-
The Varsity gunners have been prac-
ticing hard of late, and should be in
old-time form in today's clash. Notre
Dame has been taking the high score
in Class "B" quite consistently lately,
and if Michigan succeeds in trimming
them, her title to the class champion-
ship will be assured.

* 1® -a me a e i n nmw an onu m -" wr mt e nN rar-1 wa ur i rm s T
I --~~~~ -_ _ ___.---------1- '
Smmm m n - - - - M - - &a a ma m u m m m -sa
Prof. Iden to Entertain Bible Class Prof. Friday Gives Extension Lecture
Prof. T. M. Iden will entertain the I "Modern Business and Modern Edu-
University Men's Bible Class and the cation" will be the subject of an ex-
Upper Room Bible Class at a ban- tension lecture to be given by Pro-
quet to be held at the Church of fessor David Friday on Thursday eve-
Christ, Friday evening at 5:45 o'clock. ning at Three .Rivers.
This is the seventh annual banquet of Professor Friday has given this lec-
the men's class and the second an- ture many times before, and it has
nual banquet of the Upper Room class, proved to be one of his most success-
All members are urged to attend and (ful ones. Superintendent of Schools
bring their friends. Those unable to F. W. Crawford will preside as chair-
be present are requested to notify man at this lecture.
Mr. .Iden assoon as possible,
-- - The 3licdigaui I)aily for the rest of
Patronize Daily advertisers. * the year, $1.00. **


* * * * * * * * *
At the Whitney
the story of "The Yellow
ich will be presented by

Mr. and

/rs. Coburn at the Whitney theater on
laturday afternoon and evening, Mar.
5, is just a fragrant tale of an or-
>han sons of the great Wu Sin Yin.
Jis mother died writing his history in
ier own blood upon his swaddling
lothes, and a farmer and his wife
ecame his foster parents. He grew
o man's estate and first of all went
he flowery path of wanton pleasures,
'ut afterwards met a little Chinese
uliet worshipping at the tablets of
er ancestors. The spirit of his own
,raiudfather watched over him, and lie
chieved at the last the. sun-rayed
acket and the peacock's feather.
Bishop Urges Congregation to See'
Forbes-Roberston's Plays
When Sir Johnston Forbes-Robert-
on, the greatest living actor who
nakes his first and farewell appear-
nce in this city at the Whitney the-
ter on Wednesday matinee in "Ham-
et" and Wednesday night in "Passing
f the Third Floor Back," was playing
n Minneapolis and St. Paul, the Rev.
1. B. Woodruff,. one of the leading
jpiscopalian ministers of the diocese,
old his congregation that he recom-
nended them to see Forbes-Roberston,
specially in view of the fact that it
vas Forbes-Roberston's last appear-
.nce in those cities.
Bishop Edsall approved the minis-
er's action. According to the former,
here are no hard and fast regulations
egarding the keeping of Lent. "Some
eople do not know where to draw the
ne, however, and have to be told,"
e said. "If the dominant note is
nstruction rather than amusement,,
ne may attend the theater during
sent." Referring to Forbes-Robert-
on's performances of "Hamlet" and
Passing of the' Third Floor Back,"
ishop Edsall declared that both are
s good as sermons and make better
ien and women of those who see the
reat English actor in" these plays.

Mrs. Stoles Receives Permission of
Regents to Use Lect ire Room
The Michigan branch of the Inter-
collegiate Socialist society announces
that the Board of Regents has given
permission for the use of the Natural
Science lecture room for the lecture
to be given by Rose Pastor Stores
next Tuesday evening, March 28.
Mrs. Stokes, who is noted as a poet
and socialist worker, is at present en-
gaged on a lecture tour of the col-
leges and universities of the middle
west. Her lecture here will be on the
subject "Socialism and Social Re-
form." Mrs. Stokes will remain in
.Ant Arbor two days and will be en-
teta.ined while here by various cam-
pus organizations. The lecture will be
fre to the general public.







The best concert of the year is always

the last one.

The music for this enter-

tainment is new, snappy and' different



i. Wake Miss Lindy -Combined Clubs... ...... ..Warner
2. Troubadour Trio .......... Forsythe, Wheeler, Davis
3. Selections.. .....p...................Mandolin Club
4. Scietioas-Midnight Sons' Quartet......
. . Harts veldt, Kerr, Westermnan, Carlson
5. War Song from "Cross of Fire"-Glee Club
Solo by Sikes..... ..................Max Bruc/t

6. Mandolin Club Sextet
7. Varsity Quartet........Davis, Grover, Wilson, Hiett
8. Popular Medley .........Arranged by Earl V. Moore
9. (a) The Cossack (Moniouszko) ........
...... . .... . Arranged by MacDowell
(b) The [usical Trust ...............Henry Hadley


Chbase .Sikes


sing "CROSS



Billy Williams and Roy Par-

sons, former stars, will probably be there


At the Majestic
A lively musical show over running
th kiddies of every description is The. Daffodlg Character in "The Yel.
3oyle Woolfolk's Junior Follies," low Jacket," Whitney Theater, Sat-
iich will be presented at the Majes- Urday, March 2.
Thursday night. Every one of the
children in the cast is highly tal- Patronize Michigan I)aily Adver-
ted, and they present a short en- tizers. **
tainment which abounds with life,
Look over the advertizements. They
Patronize Daily advertisers. *iwill interest you. **


Price, Twenty-Five Cents.

Eight o'Clock

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