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Phones:-Editorial -1,
Business 960
OL. XXVI. No. 119.
_. _ _ __
Ileaiy Artillery Fire Continues
West Bank of Me use; Battle
Hand to Hand.
London, March 21.-On three differ-
ent vital points of the long battle line
in the east the Russians have during
the last 48 hours launched three vio-
lent offensives against the Germans
and Austrians, according in official ad-
missions from Berlin and Vienna.
The new, effort of the Czar's troops
whose chief aim is to divert Teutonic
re-enforcements from the western
front and cause a discontinuance of
the attack on Verdun already has
been crowned by two successes.
The region in which the Russians
have struck the initial blows of their
new offensive area the Riga-Dvinsk
sector, the Narcz Lake front due east
of' Vilna, and the Austrian positions
guarding Czernowitz, the Bukowina
On the last two named fronts, Rus-
sian successes are recorded. Berlin
admits the Germans were forced to
abandon a far-protrud ng salient due
south of Narcz Lake, withdrawing
their lihe a few hundred meters. The
gain on the Bukowina border was won
by the Russians after a violent battle.
Germans Gain Near Malanourt
Paris March 21-The attack begun
by the Germans yesterday against the
Malancourt-Avacourt front on the
west bank of the Meuse was continued
last night with the same force of
heavy artillery and the throwing of
liquid fire.
« By these attacks the Germans, who
already in the afternoon had made
progress in the wooded country to
the south of Malancourt, gained pos-
session of the Avancourt woods, which
are the southwest part of the Malan-
court woods. They were prevented
by the French fire from advancing
A number of separate assaults were
made by the Germans on this section
of the line all under cover of the
heavy shell dfire and the throwing of
liquid fire. The artillery bombard-
met continued throughout the night
without lessening in intensity. Hand
to: hand fighting preceded the final
possession by the Germans and the
attackers lost heavily according to the
French official statement.
British and German Destroyers Fight
London, March 21.-Admiralty re-
ports this afternoon announced the
engagement of four British destroyers
with three German vessels of the
same type in a fight off the Belgian
coast yesterday. The report states
that two of the enemy ships were hit
by the fire of the British gunners. The
British casualties were four sailors
In a statement this afternoon, the
German admiralty announced that the
Teuton gunners had scored several
hits on the'English craft and that the
fight resulted in the flight and escape
of the British squadron.
Contradicting this statement by the
German authorities, the British dis-
patches claim that the Germans es-
caped into the Teuton naval base at
Zeebrugge, Belgium, after a running
George J. Ward, Oldest Alumnus in St.
Clair County, Was in Medical School
St. Clair, Mich., Mar. 21.-Dr. George
J. Ward, said to be the oldest drug-
gist in this locality, died at his desk]
in his drug store yesterday.
He was" born November 25, 1843,
in Burford, Ont., and attended the
University of Michigan medical school,
graduating in 1865, He was the old-
est alumnus in St. Clair county and
ranked among the oldest U. of M.
medical school graduates in the coun-
SaysM exico Is
Stilt Our Friend
-I--.Ies SowvNo hostility to b. S
r~O1)s Now Over Border; 'No !
Sots Fired
Washington, Mar. 21-After exam-
ining all dispatches received at the
war department after 10:30 tonight
Secretary Baker announced that the
latest news from Pershing indicated
that the attitude of the Mexican na-
tives toward the expedition was still
"As far as our dispatches show,'
said Secretary Baker, "not a shot has
been fired since the American force
entered Mexico."
China Decorates
Protessor Adams
lRecei es Honor in Recognition of Work
Ion in Organizadion of .0.
Professor Henry C. Adams of the
economics department has just made
public an honor bestowed upon him by
the Chinese government as an appre-
ciation for the work which he did
in organizing the railway accounting
system in that country. He has re-
ceived what is called the Second Order
by the Chinese people.
This honor was conferred upon Pro-
fessor Adams last summer by cable
after he had reached the United States,
but was not made public by him until
last week.
He received this insignia through
the recommendation of the Minister
of Communications, with whom he
According to Professor Adams there
are altogether six orders which the
Chinese government gives out in re-
cognition of notable services rendered
by a mn w to have wctrked in' China.
The First Order is conferred only upon
tkose men who are in the diplomatic
Efforts Will Be Made to Send Budget
Above Million Dollar Mark
by Cornmencenent
With another alumni membership
campaign to begin some time in April,
the Michigan Union building budgeti
is expected to aggregate at least
$900,000. Following the general can-
vass, an additional campaign will be:
waged among individual alumni, which
is estimated to bring the amount above
the million dollar mark by commence-
ment time. Subscriptions to date
amount to $724,654.75.
Detroit leads the list of subscrip-
tons with a total of $12,966 contribut-
ed toward the new building, making
an average of almost $80 for each
alumnus in that center. Their inter-1
terest in the building project has serv-1
ed as an incentive to many other alum-
ni centers. No campaign committee
har been as active in the work as that
of the Detroit alumni, according to
those in charge of the national can-
Chicago follows with the second,
largest amount, having added $61,218,
to the fund. New York City appro-
priated $37,903, Minneapolis, $22,615,
Toledo, $10,218, Grand Rapids, $20,080,
and Ann Arbor, $28,046. Many of the
smaller centers have contributed con-
siderable to the cause, and although
the canvass has not reached all alum-
id as yet, it is thought that by com-
mencement time the majority of Michi-
gan graduates will have been ap-
proached on the matter.
The interest of men on the campus
shows that the class of 1917 has con-
tributed the most thus far. The result
of the membership canvass on the
campus is as follows: Class of 1916,
$18,151; class of 1917, $28,750; class
of 1918, $27,350; class of 1310, $17,-
150, and the class of 1920, $450. '
.Prof. Cross Lectures on ainings,
, Prof. Herbert R. t-ross ectured last
night in Memorial hall on the collec-
tions of paintings now exhibited there.
LISav P1rat ice 'Comes 'onightinder
the IDire~ct inof Tbeo. Harrison:
Tliekes Sell Well
Everything is ready for the spring
concert of the combined Glee and
Mandolin clubs which will be given
tomorrow night in Hill auditorium.
The glee club held a practice last
night with Theodore Harrison in
charge, and will rehearse again this
evening in conjunction with the man-~
dolin club in the Auditorium.
Last night's rehearsal was devoted
almost entirely to ensemble work on
the club's big numbers, with Chase
P. Sikes as soloist. Continued prac-
tice for the last two weeks has streng-
thened all of the weak parts, and to-
morrow night's program cannot fail
to get across with the same success
which has characterized all of this
year's offerings.
Tickets for the entertainment are
going fast and many of the committee
men have asked for an extra amount
in addition to the 50 of the first allot-
ment. They are also on sale at Hus-
ton's and the book stores.
Troupe of 92 Leave Friday Morning
for Toledo; (ive Comedy in
Chicago on Saturday
The first rehearsal of the cast and
chorus of "Tres Rouge," in preparation
for the trip to Toledo and Chicago this
week end, will be held at the Union
at 8:.00 o'clock tonight. All those tak-
ing cast or chorus parts are reques1ed
to be present, as the rehearsal will
perhaps be the last one before the trip.
Approximately 92 students will
make up the opera troupe to go to the
two cities. Both the Toledo and De-
troit alumni have made extensive prep-
arations for the annual Mimes produc-
tion, and reports from the two cities
indicate that a large audience will
witness the musical comedy
The entire cast, chorus, orchestra
and stage assistants will leave for
Toledo some time Friday morning,
according to present plans. On Sat-
urday evening the show will be given
in Chicago, with the annual alumni
opera banquet taking place after the
It is expected that this year's pro-
duction will be better adapted for out-
side staging, in view of the more fin-
ished professional character of the
show. Both the managers of the 1916
opera and the alumni in the cities,
where the show is to be given, are
assured that the annual comedy will
at least equal, if not exceed the suc-
cess of former productions.
Vie Facto Government Says Any Citizen
May Shoot Timem on Sight; Attempt
to Reorganize Finances
San Antonio, Tex., March 21. -
Members of the Villista riding party
which attacked Columbus, N. M., have
been declared by the defacto govern-
ment of Mexico to be outlaws, to be
shot on sight by any citizen, accord-
ing to cable advices from Mexico,
made public by the local Mexican
In an effort to reorganize Mexico's
fiscal affairs, the first chief is con-
ferring with his finance minister,
Luis Cabrera, at Quaretaro. An
agrarian commission has been formed
to induce extended cultivation of gov-
ernment-owned lands. Repairs have
been made to the railroad running to
Tres Marias and operation resumed.
The governor of Chihuahua state has
promised to provide employment for
every self-exiled Mexican who will re-
turn to his native land.
Gen. Jesus Castro, military governor
of Oaxaca, has named 14 Mexican re-
actionary leaders as outlaws, subject
to summary execution when found.
Among them are Guillermo -Meaquiero,
Higinio Aguilar ana Jose Remirez, who
announced himself as "independent
governor of Oaxaca."
A banquet will be tendered by the
officials of the Michigan Union at 6:00
o'clock this evening to the two high
teams, led, by Joseph F. Mead, '17E,
and Robert W. Collins, '17E, which
competed in the campus life member-
ship campaign held recently. The con-,
test was very close throughout, Col-
lins' team securing 85 new members
to 83 signed up by Mead's men.
The banquet will be given at the
Union and all the men who worked on
these teams are invited to be present.
Health Delegates
Hear Dr. Vaughan
Ieetures on "A Clean Life"; Says Soule
St ifdents Don't let ; nough
to Eat
Dean Victor C. Vaughan addressed
the health representatives at their
meeting held last night in the medical
amphitheatre, on the subject "A Clean
Life." Dr. Vaughan recommended
mixed diets of plenty of clean and
pure food, saying there were more
students underfed than overfed. He
advised students to sleep in cold rooms
and added that there is no weather so
cold here that we cannot sleep out of
doors or at least with wide-open win-
"I do not believe in all study and
n o play," he said. "Set aside certain
hours of study, study earnestly, with
all your might and main."'
"Get down and dig; have as good a
time as you will after you are through
and you'll enjoy it all the more for
having dug." In passing, Dr. Vaughan
stated that he didn't believe that stu-
dents were worked hard enough.
"At the close of Mr. Vaughan's ad-
dress the chairman announced the
date of the next meeting as April 4.
Dr. Udo J. Wile will be the speaker
Mar. 21. -- An
amendment giving the President
a free hand to call out the regu-
lar army reserves in case of war
or threatened hostilities was
made by the House today to the
Ilay army reorganization bill.
Its effect would be to increase
the army by 60,000 at the stroke
of the President's pen without
waiting for action by Congress.
Passage before adjournment to-
day of two preparedness bills,
the Hay army reorganization
imeasure and in the house and
the Tillman $11,000,000 govern-
ment armor plate project in the
senate was the hope of congres-
sional leaders.
Annual Election to Be Held April 13;
ld Open Meeting on
Nominations for officers and direct-
ors of the Women's league have been
announced by the nominating conimit-
tee, and will be voted upon April 3.
The following girls have been select-
ed to fill the vacancies for next year:
Presidnut, Anita Kelley, '17, Margar-
et Long, '17; vice president, Albertine
Loomis, '17, Margaret Reygolds, '17;
treasurer. Margaret Basset, '17, Hazel
Giddings, '17; recording secretary,
Clarissa Vim, '18, Margaret Hender-
son, '18; corresponding secretary, An-
na Lloyd, '18, Olive Hartsig, '17, Mar-
guerite Risedorph, '17; senior director,
Frances Way, Geda Tucker, Jeanette
Armstrong; junior director, Valora
Quinlan, Portia Walker, Constance
Winchell; sophomore director, Mfdred
Nighell, Marcia Pinkerton, Ruth Ely.
According to the new constitution,
the annual meeting of the league will
be held Saturday, March 25, at 10:00
o'clock, at Barbour gymnasium. This'
is an open meeting at which reports
are made of all standing committees.
Amendments to the constitution will'
also be presented, to change the date
of the meeting of class representatives,
and to deed to the Regents a tract of
property belonging to the league. This
is the one time that all league mem-
bers can be present to discuss ques-
tions of policy, and every member is
urged to -be present.
Additional nominations for officers
and directors may be made by peti-
tions signed by at least 20 active mem-
bers, and presented to the recording
secretary, Ruth Brown, '16, before
Monday, March 27.
Winner Of Contest
J. .. l. ., nd It. W. (olliim, RING ABOUT VILLA BANDITS SHORT
'17E, Lead lighi sFiELife:He erEamaig
-1 a . . .. r , 1 7. . . a . a s s arr[ w a n w irk !m
and it is hoped that a
will turn cut.
larger number
Ordered to Border but May Not Cross
ait Once; Oil Fields Near Tampico
May Be in Villa's Hands
Casas Grandes, Mex., Mar. 21.-Via
wireless to Columbus, New Mexico.-
With the tightening of the cordons
around Villa to the south, a report
from General Pershing today says that
the bandits attempted to pierce the
circle of steel at Namiquipa but were
driven back into the trap by the Car-
ranza forces under Luis Herriera.
Reports from native spies and
scouts are to the effect that Villa's
band is in sore need of horses and
that he has sent two of his generals
on raids to get more. General Per-
shing is in constant communication
with the units of the encompassing
movement of American troops all of
which are strong for the -honor of the
first contact with the bandit force.
The conditions of the men and horses
in the detached columns are reported
as good. Horses now seasoned and
acclimated are capable of pursuit as
soon as the Villa force is located.
Lieutenant Bowen, the injured avia-
tor, is improving. Aeroplanes con-
tinue scouting flights over the moun-
tains to the south, the result of the
reconnoitering being kept secret. Bor-
der scouts, bringing supplies for the
aero squadron, have arrived after a
two-days' trip.
Washington, Mar. 21.-At the re-
quest of General Funston, the war de-
partment tonight issued orders to the
Sixth Cavalry to proceed at once to
the border. At present the regiment
is distributed in squadrons at Fort
Sheridan, Fort Leavanworth, and Fort
These troops have been under wait-
ing orders since last week, and they
will get under way immediately. The
squadron at Fort Meyer left tonight
and is due to reach the border the lat-
ter part of this week. The other squad-
rons are expected to get away some
time tomorrow also.
May Not Enter Mexico
Whether the Sixth is to go into Mex-
ico at once or is to take the place of
other troops sent to re-enforce Gen-
eral Pershing was not announced. It
is understood, however, that Pershing
has asked for more infantry and that
the Sixth Cavalry is to take the place
of the 23rd Infantry or some other
regiment seasoned to the border cli-
The additional infantry, it is as-
sumed, will be used principally in
guarding the lines of communication.
Although the unofficial reports state
hat Villa is heading for the mountains.
this branch of the service, army offi-
cers say, is needed almost as much as
cavalry in pursuing him.
Mathias Report May Be Correct
Although no official confirmation was
received here of the report that Vill-
istas have seized the oil field near
f'ampico and Tuxpam on the east coast.
and that the United States gunboat
Mathias had taken American wonen
and children off shore at Tuxpam,
state department officials declared last
night that these fields have been in
control of Villa followers off and on
for some time, and that it would not be
surprising if these reports about the
Mathias were correct.
Carranza proposals that a protocol
between the United States and the de
facto government of Mexico for co-
operation in the pursuit of Villa and
his band of outlaws met the approval
of President Wilson and his advisers
at today's meeting of the cabinet.
Acting Secretary of State Polk so
advised Carranza ambassador Senor
Arredondo, at a conference at th
state department this afternoon.
As a result of this it is expected
the negotiations will now proceed
Irapidly and that within a few days the
two governments will reach an agree-
ment covering every possible contin-
Five Weeks' ContributionsI
$3.(0; L as Lead
Less Than $2.0I
The recent campaign conducted by
the Ann Arbor War Relief committee
for student contributions toward the
relief of war sufferers did nottprove
a decided success, according to an-
nouncement made yesterday.
When the boxes about the campus
were opened last week they revealed
what appears to be a decided lack of
interest among the students. The law
building led the list with the princely
sum of $1.82, with the library next in
line with $1.55. The engineering box
contained .34 cents and the Union re-
ceptacle gratified the hearts of the
committee with 17 cents. The box in
Quarry's drug store contained $1.96.
After being in use for nearly five
weeks the boxes show a grand total
of $30:06, or an average of about 5
mills per student.
With this money the War Relief
committee has done wonders, however.
Ten high grade children's coats were
purchased, 72 muslin slings and 1.200
gauze dressings were made. In addi-
tion to these contributions, Mortar
Board, senior women's honorary so-
ciety, has contributed 602 yards of
bandages, which were made at the
last meeting of the society. The com-
mittee is holding the funds designated
for the Armenian, Jewish, Polish and
Central Powers war sufferers because
of the extremely small amount of
the contributions. These will be sent
to the respective designees as soon
as a sufficient amount is subscribed
to make the' transmitting expedient.
Mrs. Louis P. Hall has just received
a letter -from the American Clearing
House in Paris thanking the local
committee for four cases of clothing
and other articles of use which were
sent from Ann Arbor several weeks
Weather for
ity: Warmer,
I (ast and east
Ann Arbor and vicin-
with moderate north-
4:00 oclock-Edwin McVaugh gives
illustrated lecture on concrete roads.
room 348 eu,;. building.
4:45 o'clock-Junior pharmics meet,
room 700, chemistry building.
9:00 o'clock-Fresh engineer dance,
Packard academy.
z:00 o'chwc k-Senior lit meeting,
Tappan hall.
5:45 o'clock--Colorado club dinner,
Michigan Union.
S:00 olock--Spring concert of Glee
and Mandolin clubs, Hill auditorium.
0:00 o'clock --7Canadian club dance,
IPackard academy.