THE MICHIGAN DAILY h j - I! It's Here- The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 L N'S 19 NO. UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films t J J ILs Fun Cohen ou n cc ThirstY There athe fun of quenching the thirst and the deliciousness of the thirst Squencher to give you double pleasure. But you don't even have to be thirsty to enjoy Coca-Cola-it's a treat,what- ever your reason for drinking it. Demand the genuine by full name- nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. . ' _" - - , _ ,. . Vii SE .[-O FICIAL ( )N FIRMA TION GF DEFEAT NI) ROUT OF VILL, IY 1EN OF C\RRAN- ZA R E A C I E S WAlSgINTOT (Continued frot Pare One) sire on the part of the Carranzista to see the anti-Villa campaign suc ceed. Carranza Rushes Forces Today the information came to Juar ez that General Maldonado had lef Saltillo with a large force. It wa announced in Juarez that General Du tierrez, in command of the Carranz forces in northern Mexico, was wel pleased with the campaign agains Villa following his recent visit to th border, and that he expected shortl: to have a crescent of troops surround ing the bandit and his band that woul result in his capture. The forces fron Saltillo are for this work, it was said. In American sources where the ides continued to prevail, however, tha the Carranzistas are not as deeply i earnest in their desire for the captur of Villa-particularly while the Amer ican troops are pursuing him-as thei statements would indicate; the othei purposes to which a large Carranz army in northern Mexico might b put in an eventuality were also being discussed at military and other quar ters. Re-enforcements Leave Columbus, Mar. 20.-A large bod3 or American cavalry left here today for the south to re-enforce the colum of General Pershing. A number 01 ripply wagons, civilian scouts, and in- terpreters wnt in with the cavalry ANN ARORT VOTERS CONSIDER CHANGE IN CITY'S CHARTER (Continued fron Page One) worked mighty well here. "There is one point that must be considered," said Dean Cooley.s"It takes money to get a manager. They do not grow on bushes, all ready for the taking. It might cost a good deal more than the people could pay to get a man who would make the plan work well." (ity Managers Save People Money Dayton's city manager is getting a salary of $12,000 a year, but it is es- timated that he is saving the city on the average of $100,000 a year over the amount that they wasted under the former arrangement. This man, H. M. Waite, has been everywhere heralded as being responsible for Dayton's won- derful recovery from the flood of a few years ago. Eight cities in Michigan now have the commission form of government, chief among them being Jackson and Adrian. It has been found that the majority of these city managers are engineers, since there are no other public officials who are trained men. GREECE HAS ANNEXED PART OF NORTJHE RN EPIRUS, SAYS ROME Rome, via Paris, Mar. 20.-Advices received here from Athens that a royal decree has Leen issued proclaiming the annexation of northern Epirus, part of Albania, to Oreec, are causng some c-ncern. The annexation is regarded in oficial irc~e- n. a violathit of the decision of the London conference, 4oncerning .lhama. Fxplosion May Hae Wrecked Town Windlay, Ohio. Mar. 20.-Tjins n lis vicinit: tonight were shaken by a" explosioir biievc to have occurred 'n powde- plant st Spen:-rville, a N -Ilage near Lima One repor: said the village had Been wiped out. Tele- un e lines t r aox n and only meagre information , ,vailable her,:. New Comet Discovered Is Far Away The observatory announces that a comet has been discovered by a Rus- sian astronomer working in the Cri- mean peninsula. After a computation of the orbit of the newcomer it was found that it would not approach very rear to the earth. Feature Opera Music It Fox Trot Ball Fischer's orchestra, which will play at the Fox Trot Ball at Granger's to- night, will feature the hits of the Union Opera. In addition there will be several other specialties which will make this a most novel affair. 0} Give Gerrian Udgei Th'ied Readin London, Mar. 20 -- Tile German Reichstag has voted a third reading of the budget, according to a dis- pa Vh fromtits^ :erutaiI. i IN, law building. At that time eight con- testants will compete for the honor of representing the university at the state prohibition meet to be held next month. The names of the contestants in the order of spearing is as follows. J. B. Barker, '16; S. F. Cohn, '18L; H. B. Teegarden, '17; G. D. Casto, Grad.; J. R. Simpson, '18; James Schermerhorn, Jr., '18; W. M. Hopkins, '17; C. P. Anderson, '17. "Chemical Rambles" Subject of Lecture Dr. Chas. H. Herty of the Univer- sity of North Carolina will give a lecture in the Chemistry building shortly after the spring recess on "Chemical Rambles." Dr. Herty is president of the American Chemical society and is prominent in his line in this country. The lecture will be given under the auspices of Phi Lamb- da Upsilon, honorary chemical so- ciety. CLUBS GIVE LAST CONCERT OF YEAR (Continued from Page One) club supporting. Another excellent number, "The Cossack," is of a~ highly descriptive nature, depicting the death of a young Russian Cossack. This piece was ar- ranged by MacDowell, whose 'Cru- saders" was sung with such success at! the novelty concert given by the clubs. In addition to these classics are a number of syncopated harmonies, one VA MAJESTIC "" NIGHTS 7:30-9 o'clock Another Sensation Comes "THE HEART OF CHICAGO" 7-People-7 4-Seenes-4 tO-Sensations-10 See the Realistic Locomotive Scene ROYAL G ASCOIGNES Dexterous Eccentric Jugglers NEVINS AND ERWOOD "-Ihe Coal Man and the Maid" MAE CURTIS The Personaltly Girl CHEVALIER DeLORI+ & CO. The Master Marksman THURS. "THE JUNIOR FOLLIES OF 1915" .. of which is a popular medley arranged by Earl V. Moore. The program fol- lows: 1. Wake Miss Lindy.......... Warner Combined Clubs 2. Troubadour Trio Forsythe, Wheeler, Davis 3. Selections by Mandolin Club. 4. Selections, Midnight Sons' Quartet Hartsveldt, Kerr, Westerman, Carlson 5. War Song from "Cross of Fire".. Max Bruch Glee Club. Solo by Sikes 6. Mandolin Club Sextet. 7. Varsity Quartet Davis, Grover, Wilson, Hiett S. Popular Medley Arranged by Earl V. Moore 9. (a) the Cossack (Moniouszko) Arranged by MacDowell (b) The Musical Trust Henry Hadley Spring Fisher Party AT Michigan Union March 24 Dancing 9-2 Fisher's orchestra of Kalamazoo For tickets call 236 or 2370 wee Club An effort is being made to secure W. A. Williams, '14, and also Roy Parsons, '15, for the concert. Both of these men are former campus enter- tainers, and will add greatly toward the success of the evening's program. Saginaw Club to Smoke at Meeting A combined smoker and business meeting has been. planned by the Saginaw club to be given at the Un- ion Wednesday, March 29. Change Date of Peninsula CIub Dane , The date of the Upper Peninsula Club dance, which was to have bee i given on April 21, has been changed t Friday night, April 7, on -account c3 the former date being good Frida=-. The party is to be given at Granger' academy. Patronize Daily Advertizers. **l