THE MICHIGAN DAILY rr c. 1= .. 11 -- - t -m WON=" HATS TS \. } t HATS HATS HATS HATS WHAT ABOUT A Gratlex Camera for this Spring? I A-5780 A-57865 "Underneath the Stars," Fox Trot. "Hello Hawaii, How Are You?" Fox Trot. Heie Comes Tootsie," One Step. "Are You From Dixie?" One Step. New April Records Now on Sa All Double-Disc 12-inch Dance Records $1.00 HATS HATS Talk with us about it CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. Hawaiian Melodies A-1935 j "On the Beach at Wai Ki Ke," "'HajaIl-a"le HulaGirl.' Have a Good Laugh A-4940j jCasey as a Judge, 'Mrs. Dugan's Discovery. We are showing the latest styles in Suits, Top Coats Sport Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Wadhamsu &Cos sCorner Main & Washington Sts. I wom- I --mmlowm I b an DOncaster C LLOAR COLLAR Shows over the coat in back ; low sharp, smart curveaway front; good knotandslidespace 2for 25c CLUETT, PEABODY & CO.. Inc., Makers. TROY. N.Y. Be tractivY4 y Dresse and gain the admirati by having your ne> i el ion of al xt suit ed UkRDT or Phone 1422-J Indlvideally Custom Tailor by ARTHUR F, MARQ Campus Tail 516 East William St.I ,; The .OHUSE HEADS TO CONFER W 1ILL MEET ITIH RLEfBEtS. 01 SENATE COMMITTEE To IS- CUSS v-I)ITIONS Tea Room announces the beginning of a new special service feature- Afternoon Tea your favorite kind with an appropriate little lun- cheon to match at 25c CITY NEWS I The Thrift Exhibit, conducted under, the auspices of the local Y. M. C. A.? opened at the Rae theatre yesterday and will continue today. The exhibit, is open to the public, free of charge, between 5:00 and 6:00 o'clock. Movies. are being shown in connection with.t the exhibit. After today the exhibit. will be sent on to other Michigan cities. A jury was picked yesterday in the' civil damage suit of Walter I. Mc- Kenzie, a former law student at the university, against the Detroit, Jack- son and Chicago railway company. McKenzie asks damages for alleged: injuries, received when he was thrown from one of the company's -cars in Oc-I tober, 1914, while he was on his way to Ann Arbor. Representatives Hear Dean aughan Dean Victor C. Vaughan of the Medi- cal College will speak before the rep- resentatives of the University health service at 7:30 this evening in the west amphitheatre of the Medical building. The subject of the address will be "Clean Living." Representatives of all League Houses will meet on Wednesday af- ternoon, March 22, at 4:15 o'clock, with the Committee on Fraternities and House clubs, of which Professor William A. Frayer is chairman. This is a branch committee of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs and each year holds a series of meetings with delegates from all groups of students. Delegates to the meeting on Wed- nesday are expected to come prepared to offer definite suggestions upon the subjects to be discussed, to report the position of their houses on such mat- ters, and to present their house rules. Among the subjects to be discussed are scholarship, social activities, health and fire protection. The meeting will be held at New- berry Residence, and each house is urged to send its representative. All girls are urged to sign up for the spring tennis tournament. En- tries must be .made at Barbour gym- nasium by April 7. Athletic honors are given for participants as well as winners. 'For further particulars consult bulletin board at the gymnasi- um, or call Louise Irish at 390. The Editor of the Women's iumber of the Gargoyle, Jemima Wenley, '16, will be at the Gargoyle office in the Press building, on Mondays from 2:00 to 4:00, and from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock every other day of the week, except Saturday. Dean Jordan and Mrs. Effinger will be at home to college girls this after- noon from 3:00 to 6 :00 o'clock. Next' Tnesday, March 22, will be the last of these at-homes. Rehearsals for the Junior Girls' play will take place today at 1:00, 2:00,1 4:00 and 7:00 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All members of the cast are requested to be present. TWO ;MILERS TIE INOOR RECORD T BUFFALO MEET Time of 7 Minutes 563-5 Seconds Iquals That of I.-A. A. C. Dde In 196 Michigan's quartet of half-milers more than demonstrated Saturday night that they have the "stuff." Not only did they nose out the fastest' two-mile team that ever represented Cornell, but they tied the world's rec- ord on an 'indoor track at the same, time. The time of 7 minutes, 56 3-5 seconds, equals the record of the Irish- American Athletic club of New York, which was made in 1906 upon the same track.' The race was a hummer from the opening gun until Carroll crossed the tape a stride in the fore of Windnagle. Murphy, who broke the ice for the Wolverines gave the baton to Donnel- ly four yards ahead of the Cornell ex- change. "Red" increased this to the eight-yard mark, but Ufer, running against Beckwith, was unable to lose the Red enemy, and was pushed to his utmost by the big Cornellian. After the last exchange Carroll and Windna- gle had it out. The Empire State star tried several times to pass thE Wolverine representatives but each time "Les" only traveled the faster, and while Windnagle managed upon two occasions to reach the side of the Michigan anchor man, he was never able to advance the two strides ahead which was necessary to crowd the Varsity star from the pole. FRESH ENGINEERS HOLD DANCE Opera ilusi to Feature Party at Packard Academy Who said that a man couldn't be an engineer and a social gangster, too? The fresh engineers will "trip the light fantastic" to the strains of "Tres Rouge," at the Packard acad- emy Wednesday, March 22, in their fourth social event. Fischer's spe- cial orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. Mr. Louis J. Rouse, of the engineer- ing department, and Mrs. Rouse and Mr. Alfred L. Nelson, also of the en- gineering department, and Mrs. Nelson, will act as chaperons. Tickets for the campus at large, selling at 75 cents, may be obtained at the Engin- eering Society rooms, or from the so- cial committee of which R. D. Smith is chairman. New Plan Makes Hobo Chop Wood "Make the hobo support the city's poor" has been the motto which has been adopted by City rodr uommis- sioner Shadford during the past win- ter. In the past when one of those happy persons who think the world owes them a living have called at the coun- ty jail they have been received with open arms and have been given lodg- ing and food at the expense of the industrious taxpayers of the county. This year a new system has been put in operation. When one of these tired persons has applied for meager com- forts of the jail, eithertthrough provi- dence or the aid of the sheriff, he has been taken to the city yards and made to saw up the trees which the city forester has reason to order chopped down. The wood has then been distributed among the city's needy poor. The number of men supported by the city's generosity has been very noticeable during this winter owing to its smallness. YEALING BASEBALLMEN HOLD INITIAL MEETING First Year Candidates Gather in Gym Trophy Room at 7:30 o'Clock Tonight Michigan's All-Fresh baseball team will begin to take definite form at the meeting of all aspirants for that nine which is scheduled to take place in the trophy room of Waterman gym at 7:30 o'clock tonight. The meeting is the first one of the year for candidates for the yearling diamond outfit, and every freshman who can play the game is expected to be on hand. Coach Carl Lundgren of the Var- sity nine will be at the meeting to give the men a talk, and to start them on their season, taking the place of coach of the freshman team until that man is selected. The meeting will be pre- sided over by Intramural Director Rowe. MICHIGAN'S RFE E WIN FROMMAINE CLUB Notre Dame Shooters Expected to Give Wolverines Hard Race in Class "B" Detailed reports from the headquar- ters of the Intercollegiate Rifle asso- ciation at Washington show a victory for Michigan over the University of Maine by a three-point margin, the Wolverines totalling 988 against the Maine squad's 985. The high score for the week was again won by Notre' Dame, which finished with 990 points to their credit. The fight for high place in class "B" promises to be close between Michigan and Notre Dame, although Michigan's lead gives the Wolverines more than a fighting chance. The Michigan-Maine scores follow: Study Means5 Stupidity unless the body is developed in a way to supply the mental keenness and alertness that are necessary to success in every line of college endeavor. Top-heavy college men are the bane of business. Brain and brawn must go hand in hand to meet' the require- ments of the full-rounded college life. Shredded.Wet is the best balanced ration for reaching the highest efficiency in study or play. Contains all the rich, body-building material of the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. It is the favorite food of athletes because it supplies the greatest amount of muscle-building material with the least tax upon the digestive organs. It is on the train- ing table of nearly every college and university of the United States and Canada. Its delicious freshness and crispness will tempt the most jaded appetite. Eat it for breakfast with milk or, cream, or for any meal in combination with fruits. A. G. A. L. H. e VA (b " 11 k mm s K. C. C. C. N. MacNaughton...........199 Curtiss.......... . ... 199 Simons...............198 Wilcoxen ................197 Nicholson...............195 Ailmendinger JMusic shop Home of Columbia 120-122 L. Liberty Street Phone 1692-F1 LUNCHES, CANDIES, HOT SUNDAI AT THE SUGAR BOWL 109 SOUTH M A I N S T R E E T WE MAKE OUR OWN CANDIES OUT OF THE PUREST AND BEST MATERIALS Team total................988 J. N.. L. O. P.' L. T. Ti. F. A. Harnes ............... Knowlton ............... Merriman.... ... ... Tarr... ............. Collins .................. 199 198 197 196 195 I Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Tyk Team total................. 985 Michigan's totals as compared with those of teams shooting in class 'A" would entitle her to eighth place among the 14 teams shooting in that class. Scores made in class "B" at the last match are as follows: Notre Dame .................... 990 Michigan ........................ 988 Yale ................. .......... 988 Nebraska....................986 Princeton ............ ......,. 985 W isconsin ...................... 983 Mississippi Aggies.............976 Kansas Aggies . . .............975 Worcester ............. ........ 975 Idaho ................... ....974 Arizona .................... 968 Oklahoma Aggies ..............-949 Announce Marriage of Soph Engineer Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Ralph E. Page, '18E, of Ann Arbor, .and Miss Helen Ormsby of Oswego, N. Y. The marriage occurred in Buffalo, N. Y., in June, 1914. They will reside at 421 Church street. Bell ySAELEPyQ ,. A y se ,.. ,_, Think of Your Telephone',s Reach Through the telephone instru- ment on your office desk or the one in your home, you can talk to any part of the country'and get a reply insltanty: This is made possible by the scope and efficiency of the Bell System which connects 9.000,- 000 telephones in the United States and Canada. WANTRD IjMISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Four students t act as our "ATTENTION 1916 Laws. Must sacri- representatives. .Only those mean- fice established law business, in- ing business need corretipond. Ex- cluding library and office furniture, callent opportunity to make good in live City of 5.000 in Michigan. commission. Oxford Specialty Co., Address Box P., Michigan Daily of- Champaign, Ill. fice. ri . . . _r... You Don't Have To Purchase Any Extra Attachments to Get the BEST RESULTS FROM THE VICTOR VICTROLA Use the Bell Local and Long Distance lines. to talk anywhere, any time. WANTED -Hustling salsmenfor summer work. No hounse' to house canvassing. necessary. Na.tionally advertised goods. Lilperal profits. Cali Herman Schmidt. 450-J. m21 The World's Famous ARTISTS Make Reoords for The Victor Victrola Only Try Our Twenty-four Hour Approval Plan Michigan State Telephone Cc ADVERTISERS in The Michigan Daily are the reliable business men of the city. It is to your advantage to trade with them. "1A *in J. J. Kelly, Mgr, Telephone 500 Grinnell Bros. 116 South MainSt, Phone 1707 '1 r.