n Interview With
Retired Ann Ar-
o Merchant-
Save tfioney, sirs, by real econ-
y. Don't be stingy. Don't 'be
gardly. But run your personal
ing as you would that of a
n. Never fail to take advan-
,e of the opportunity of a real
-gain when you are sure of
li ty."
Chis was the nut of the advice
en by a retired merchant to
Ann Arbor man, last Wednes-.
in the matter of clothing, for
Lance, I would advise you to
fit by buying at a reliable storey
which you have confidence."
Many .men fail to buy their
thing economically through*
elessness. 'they see an ad-
tisemen't Nhich they know to
trustworthy, quoting prices that
aze them.
Yet they say, 'Oh, I'm too busy
look at suits today. I'll wait
tii some other time. When the
er time comes the best piiking
You pfactice what you preach?"
ed someone present.
Indeed, I do," said the retired
rechant, and throwing back his
t 'he displayed a -label "Chuck's
and $15 Clothes Shop." "I
ight this at Chuck's place."
f you buy a $25 or $22 suit
$r,, take advantage of it.
ere's a clear saving of $7 to
It takes many a salaried man
and three days of hard. work
earn $7 to $zo. Yet he won't
nd t5 mimites--nuw-picking
a suit to save that amount.
puck's $10 &$15.
Liberty St
"flack ax the Pit
Prom Pale to Polt"
* * * * * * * * * * *
Maestic-Vaudeville, featur-
ing "The Heart of Chicago."
Arcade -Molly McIntyre in
"Her Great Hour."
Orpheum-Jany Grey i' "Let
Katy Do It."
* * e * * * * * * *
Handball semi-finals were officially
opened yesterday afternoon when
Pfeiffer, after putting up about the
stiffest fight that has been staged on
the courts this season, defeated Del
Valle by taking two out of the three
games required to turn the trick.
Score: 15-4, 7-15, 15-12.
In the reduction game, staged for is beginning to drag, and if he can
the purpose of reducing the number of get the semi-finals off this week he
qualified entrants in the semi-finals will be satisfied.
from nine to eight, Homer won easily- ----
-from Sherrard in two slow games. ,Former Student Visits University
Score: 15-0, 15-5. Percy H. Richardson, ex-'88, ex-'91E,
ofPrln.M.{asavstro h
Manager Wickett stated last night
that he wished the men who have'
qualified for the second round would
appear as soon as possible and play
off their matches, as the tournament
of Portland, Me., was a visitor on the
Michigan campus yesterday.
Try Hixson's new stag lunah.
Williams St.
to the Leap Year Edition
a -in an editorial????
hing if the writer knows.
ag of it's only pose.
arm-yard may be famous .
a the roosters strut and Orow
E they may feel elated
they make a little show.
teu-es nay reapeCt them
11 tell you what is true.
1 only just be roosters
a Cockle-doodle-doo i
a u 0
At the Whitney Saturday
In effect, "The Yellow Jacket,"
which will be presented by Mr. and
Mrs. Coburn on Saturday afternoon
and evening, March 25, at the Whit-
ney theatre, is a very superipr farce,
touched with poetry and lifted now
and again into the reaches of real
drama by the talent of Its players and
the sincerity of its authors. There
is a real charmi woven in its love
story, and the true spirit of adventure
follows its hero when he sets out to
prove his right to the throne of his
Forbes-Robertson's Record
What a noteworthy record Forbes-
Robertson, the greatest English-speak-
ing actor, who makes his farewell
visit to this city at the Whitney thea-
ter, Wednesday, March 22, matinee and
night, has made for himself! To glance
through the list of his achievements
is to wonder how any single man has
'ound the time to do so much and-
more-to do everything so well. Some-
-ne has written that "Forbes-Robert-
son has done nothing common and
nothing mean." For 40 years he has
been before the' public and according
to his own testimony he has known
but three idle weeks In his entire ca-
-eer-that is, three weeks of enforced
'idleness. He has had his rests and
ts vacations, but these have been vol-
mntary holidays.
Since he reached a position where-
in he might dictate the length of his
seasons, he has consistently adhered
to a 30-weeks' engagement. He feels
that within that time an actor can
work and give the best of himself.
articularly when he is creating new
-oles and making new productions.
At the Maestie
The audiences at the Majestic last
:ight had as a change in vaudeville
-ll a real thriller in "The Heart o
hicago," which in the paling day
f "mellerdrama" was one of the head-
ers. It is exciting from start to fin-
sh. It is in four scenes and seven
aeople take part.
The laugh hit of the bill is Nevin
nd Erwood, a couple who appear in
'lack face. They have a line of tal
and songs that just suit the audiences
Pheir act is called "The Coalman an(
he Maid." Their material is new an
hey were the hit of the bill.
For novelties and eccentricities, i
.akes the foreigners to bring 'them to
our notice. The Royal Gascorgnes are
a couple of jugglers who introduce a
aovel act that is quite new and orig-
Chevalier DeLoris and Co. live up
to their billing, "The Master Marks-
man." The work of DeLoris is as-
tonishing and his sure shots are re-
markable. He shoots objects from a
woman's tread, hands, and does other
seemingly dangerous feats.
Mae Curtis sings and tells stories,
and does some very clever impersona-
Dollar Prise to the
aw an Appropriate
impressionistic School of Art Rules
in Group of Pictures Now on Walls
of North Room.
Party Tha
Picture foi
t drown him in deep vinegar,
season him at all;
t cover up his shining form
ith pepper like a pall;
gently lift him from his shell,'
id firmly hold your breath;
i with your eager tongue and
Some of the foremost representatives
of contemporary American artists are
represented in the exhibit which is
now being shown in the north exhibi-
tion room of Alumni Memorial hall.
The exhibition will be displayed until
March 24.
The visitor who first enters the
room is struck at first by the wide
range of subjects shown. Some of the
pictures fairly blaze frth with light
and color, and others are more sub-
dued and more on the fashion of the
rich work of the old masters.
Grand Prize Winner Shown
Of this first type of pictures is the
"Striped Gown" by F. C. Frieseke,
of Owosso, which picture won the
Grand Prize at the Panama exhibition
last year. The picture is all color; a
girl in a striped gown stands at ease
in a summer garden full of purple,
blue and green flowers that fairly
throw their color at one. The artist
is strictly of the modern impression-
istic type and he seems to care nothing
at all for the girl's features, but only
or the beautiful color.
In sharp contrast to this. picture is
he portrait of "The Lovers," by C. W.
Hawthorne. Treatment here is after
the manner of the old Italian masters
.and the canvas composition is de-
'ightfully balanced in a new and orig-
inal manner. On one side of the can-
-as is blue sky and the other balances
that by the serious-faced lovers, a
brown-eyed girl and a blue-eyed,
bearded countryman. The whole can-
vas is smooth and finished in dark
Pictures Typically American
Gardner Symond's "Down the Val-
ley" is a good example of the type of
landscape painting Americans are mak-
ing famous the world over. The pic-
'ure is rugged and virile and the treat-
nent of the bold scene of nature dis-
played is masterly. He paints his
picture with rough daubs of color,
the result being unusually attractive
to the eye.
In the middle of the long wall sits
i peculiar picture, one that would be
better if it were placed in an old
church where the light is dim and mys-
terious. This picture is an example of
the luminist type and divided touch.
It's name is "The Madonna of the
Everlasting Hills," by A. V. Tack.
The paint is put on almost in a
mosaic of color and is extremely im-
pressionistic. Distance turns this rough
daubing of solid color into a beautiful
Madonnaand Child seated on the
purplish mountains that look, when
near at hand, as though someone had
spilled the palette over the canvas.
Tack goes on the principle that one's
eyes should do the blending.
Holland Scenes Prominent
E. Daingerfield's "Life" is a poetic
picture of a nude climbing up a dark
and rocky mountain on which a winged
figure beckons her on. The general
tone of this picture is dark, and the
figures are wholly in shadow.
Hitchcock's Holland pictures are
well worthy of mention, displaying as
they do the tulip fields and the old
windmills for which that country is
Prof. H4. B. Merrick, of the civil en-
gineering department, and H. H. Phil-
lips, president of the senior engineers,
will speak at a meeting of the junior
civil engineering class today at 4:00
o'clock in room 348 of the engineering
building. The speeches will deal with
the life and organization at Camp
Davis, the summer surveying camp,
and will be illustrated with lantern
slides. A camp "manager" and the
staff of the "Black Fly," the can
paper, will be elected. All those in-
tending to go to Camp Davis are urg-ec
to attend.
Yale Baseball Captain Resigns
New . Haven, Conn., Mar. 20.-Ar-
thur Milburn has resigned the cap-
taincy of the Yale baseball nine and
Roland V: Vaughn, of Haverhill,
Mass., was elected to succeed him.
Vaughn is an outfielder and a former
Andover star.
Judge for Yourself-
Compare Murads*
with ANY 2 5 Cent,
#JF Cigarette.
t tickle him to death.
r Gee: Are you game?
r V.: Why do you ask?
A$d SundayI
are going to use an inpt
n speaking of the ladies.
e think the parties that finally push-
i across the Pit of Sunday were good
>orts. We think that expresses it
otter than most anything. And it
as all done in Cook Dorm'!
0 a
Akem, Agou
o say that you will swear by Gee
Isn't really cussing.
oou ought to hear what people say
When Gee goes fussing.
"ar B3yCGee:'
May we be so bold as to offer a con-
A Mlstakea I4e*ttty
Fame, as she walked at evening in
city, saw the painted face of No-
riety flaunting beneath a gas-lamp
nd many kneeled unto her in the dirt
f the road.
"Who are you?" Fame said to her.
"I am Fame," said Notoriety.
Then Fame stole away so that no
ne knew that she had gone and No-
,riety presently went forth and all
er worshippers rose and followed af-
r, and she led them, as was most
eet, to her native PIT.
-Lord Edward Dunsany.
* * -*
The Pit has two days to live. Does
ot the news sadden you? Don't an-
w'er the oustomaly answer.1
* J* A
And thereby finishes the digging for
his day.
-By Gee.
In future all ears step at good-
ear's drug store. tfj
With Registration Climbing Steadily
Authorities Plan Eight
Summer Courses
According to Prof. Edward H. Kraus
it is entirely with a view to meeting
the increasing demand for Spanish
that eight courses in this language will
be given during the summer session.
ks in universities all over the
United States the number of students
taking Spanish here has grown tre-
mendously. The registration at pres-
,nt is nearly double that of last year.
The courses will be under the di-
rection of Prof. Charles P. Wagner,
Mr. Philip Bursley and Mr. R. H. Bo-
nilla. They will include teachers'
courses, old grammar and reading,
Den Quixote, and the drama of the
seventeenth century.
In addition to these courses Mr.
William L. Schurz of the history de-
partment will give a course in- the
history of Latin-America and one in
present day Latin-America. These
courses which are to be given for
the first time are under the auspices
of the American Association for In-d