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March 18, 1916 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-18

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1. .f



It's Here
The New 3A Special with the
Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00

"The Best Dressed Man inToWn"
may not be the thing tha-t you are most desirous of having
said about you, but surely you appreciate the value of good
This is assured ina Malcolm Made Suit, together with the
satisfaction of knowing in your clothes purchase you are show-
ing shrewd judgment, for in Malcolm Tailored Clothes you
get the most for your money.







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Sholv the Latest
Styles in Spring


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Seb-Committee Will Not Pickt
p)orary Chairman, Is Lat*
est Report


Although it was announced a few
days ago from Chicago that the
sub-committee of the Republican na-
tional committee, scheduled to meet
in Chicago March 20, would select a
temporary chairman for the Republi-
can national convention, word now
comes from New York to the effect that
the sub-committee will not decide on
temporary officers at that time.
A dozen names have been presen ed
for the temporary chairmanship, and
although the sub-committee was em-
powered by the national committee
to make final decisions, the major-
ity of the smaller body is anxious to
consult more fully with all the mem-
bers of the national committee before
making the important decision.
Among the men who are being urged
for the temporary chairmanship are
Senators Knox, of Pennsylvania; Bor-
ah, of Utah; Harding, of Ohio, Root,
of New York; and Lodge, of Massa-
chusetts; Governor McCall, of Massa-
chusetts, Representative Mann, Repub-
lican leader in the lower house; Con-
gressman Southerland, Senator Wil-
liam Alden Smith and Osborn, of the
Soo. Senators Root and Smith are
practically eliminated as both may be
the choices of their respective slates
for the presidency, while Governor Mc-
Call is in the same position.
This still : saves a large field, how-
ever, and while the sub-committe,,
v ill discuss candidates, it will not take
decisive action, according to the re-1

Those who Have Lived in Germany
for Five Years Are to Be
Considered Subjects
London, March 17.-An Amsterdam
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company says the municipal author-
ities in Germany have been instruct-
ed to take a census of all neutral for-
eigners who have lived in each city
for more than five years.
Male foreigners, who have lived un-
interruptedly for five years in Germany
will be considered as having lost their
previous citizenship and will be re-
gard as Germans and therefore liable
to military service.
These men will be enrolled in the
army, but will not be sent to the
front. They will be put to work
in offices so as to release men of the
landsturm, who will thus be able to
take their places in the fighting line.
It is said that there are about 30,000
foreigners of fighting age in Ger-

Secretary of Navy Orders Marines to
Pensacola for Probable
- Use in Mexico
Washington, March 17.-With the
War Department claiming to have n
information concerning the day's
movements of the Pershing expedition
in Mexico the Senate today passed a
concurrent resolution approving the
purposes of the expedition and assur-
ing the Carranza government that i
will be carried out with scrupulous
respect for the s\'reignty of the
American people.
The resolution was introduced by
Senator LaFollette after it had re-
ceived the approval of President Wil-
son. Unanimous consent for its im-
mediate consideration was asked for
and obtained, Chairman Stoneof the
Foreign Relations committee express-
ing the hope that it would pass.
Later when some of the absentees
appearing after the vote was taken
learned what had happened there were
suggestions for a reconsideration.
Senator Fall of New Mexico, who has
been one of the severest critics of
the president's Mexican policy ex-
pressed the opinion that the action had
been too hasty. As the resolution is
concurrent the House is expected to
act on it tomorrow.
Daniels Sends :00 Marines South.
Although the State Department to-
day issued a statement containing re-
ports from various parts of Mexico
to show that there was little apparent
hostility on the part of the Mexican
people toward the American hunting
of Villa, the situation at Tampico or
the east coast was sufficientlyincert-
ain to cause Secretary of the Navy
Daniels to order a detachment of 500
marines from the Philadelphia Navy
Yard to Pensacola for possible use in
He also let it be known that the At-
lantic fleet is at Guantanamo within
striking distance of the Mexico coast,
that the battleship Kentucky is on
her way from New Orleans to Vera
Cruz, that the 1,000 marines at Haiti
are available if needed, and that Ad-
miral Winslow, commander-in-chief of
the Pacific fleet is keeping watch of
conditions along the west coast.
Anericas in amnpico in Danger
At present there are about 1,000
Americans and 150 British in the Tam-
pico oil district. The American con-
sul has reported that while there have
been no overt acts there is consider-
able anti-American feeling among the
soldiers of the Carranza garrison
wvhich dates back to the flag incident
in April, 1914, when Rear-Admiral
Mayo threatened to blow up the town
if the American flag which had been
insulted was not saluted.
Although the salute never has beer
given, the resentment on the part of
the Mexicans still exists. The Car-
ranza commander at Tampico is Gen-
eral Nafarette. who commanded
year ago at Matamoras on the border
of the Brownsville and exhibited
:trong anti-American feeling. South
>f Tampico a force of Villistas is
menacing the oil well district in the
vicinity of Tuxtam. The British gov-
ernment is said to have manifested
concern over the safety of British
interests at both Tampico and Tux-
iAnti-American Feeling at Torreon

Some anti-American feeling is evi-
dent at Torreon. American Consular
Agent Williams who turned over his
post there to the British consui re-
ported to the State Department today.
When -he arrived at Laredo, Texas,
bringing with him forty American re-
fugees. No more Americans. he said,
were at Torreon. Another area re-
garded as doubtful in its attitude com-
prises the Yaqui Indian reservation on
the west coast of Mexico near Guaymas.
With the Carranza forces now there
the State Department feels, however
that any anti-foreign demonstration
among the Indians and former Vil-
listas can be handled. A telegram
from El Paso states that conditions
there are quietmnd that no indignities
to Americans have been reported.
Reports fromMormons in the Casas
Grandes district indicate that they are
safe, and that transportation together


Life Insurance for Students
Where it is necessary for a student
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over. The Provident Life and Trust
Co., Harry Bacher, 516 E. Madison St.
Come early to Weinberg's rink and
enjoy the good ice.
Look over the advertizements. They
will interest you. **


(Continued from Page One)
latives than many people can de-
liver themselves.
Stage Managing Contributes to Show
Credit for the success of the opera
is due in no small part to the efficient'
stage managerment and to the ex-
cellent spirit shown by the men whose
lack of familiarity with stage disci-
pline produces some of the numerous
problems for the managers to solve.
Hoarse-voiced chorus girls who for-
get occasionally and become too en-
thusiastic about the "hand" they got
on their last song, hush up at a
glance from the vigilant assistants
and go down stairs where the make-up
lady is reading "Snappy Stories" and
the scene shifters are stretched out
on trunks taking cat-naps till the end
of the first act.
Everybody is interested in his par-
ticular job. Spanish maidens silently
glide about - rehearsing the intricate
steps that look so natural to the audi-
ence. The property man is wheeling
the poet's desk de luxe into place and
an assistant is bringing the rhyming
dictionary. If the carafe of molasses
and water is empty you may be sure
that someone has noticed it and that
there will be plenty of the delicious
beverage for Jimmy Dale and Billy
Swift this afternoon.

tred B. Sniilh to 44e Eeienes
of Ilis great Campaign
Fred 13. Smith of New York will
speak at the Union services in Hill
auditorium tomorrow night at 7:30
o'clock under the auspices of the stu-
dent Y. M. C. A. The subject of his
address will be "Impressions t a
World Tour."
Mr. Smith, who is now a leading
New York business man, and assist-
ant to the president of the 11. W.
John T on nh e company. wa former-
ly connected with the international
Y. M. C. A. ,He organied and promoted
a great Y. AT. C. A. campaign for the
purpose of impressing associations all
over the world with the need of giv-
ing greater emphasis to their religious
work. During this campaign, Mr.
Smith visited all the principal cities
of the world, speaking to big audiences
in almost every city. In his talk to-
morrow night he will tell of his ex-
periences during this and other trips.
Mr. Smith is one of the men who
have made the Y. M. C. A. the great-
est boys' organization in the world.
He is not only a great organizer but
is regarded by many as the greatest
living speaker to young men.'
A dvertizers in The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of theI
city. It is to your advantage to trade
with them. **

Spring Fisher Party
Michigan Union
March 24 Dancing 9-2
Fieber's orchestra of Kalamazoo
For tickets call 236 or 2370
P nn.v a aE State College Ab US11-
es AX1,1 Annual Rushes by
Unanimous Ballot
State College, Pa., March 17, -
Class "scraps" at the Pennsylvania
State college today were abolished by
a unanimous vote of the student body.
There was not a dissenting ballot
in the, 2,000 cast at the morning chapel
exercises. Agitation against continu-
ance of the custom has been spreading
since the recent fatality in the bowl
fight at the University of Pennsylvania.
For more than a decade Penn State
sophomores and freshmen have staged
three class scraps annually, the cider
scrap and push ball fight in the fall
and the flag scrap in the spring.

"Tess i, ItheI
Storm Country'"I
t d4famousbyMary Wackt. rd
,T'ry Hixson's new stag >unwh. 512
VJ1 ia s St.
Call Lyndon for good flashlight
In future all cars atop at Good-
year's drug store. tf
Advertizers in The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of the
city. It is to your interest to trade
with them. **

-1 11,

Last Timel,
2.30 and S . .

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