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March 18, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-18

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fade Chairman of Industrial Prepar-
edness Committee of Naval 1
r- - -
Howard E. Coffin, '96, B. S., '02, hasP
been appointed chairman of the iii-
lustrial preparedness committee of
he naval consulting board. This
places him in the position of the fore-
rnost engineer in the United States.i
le will direct the work of the com-t
mittee, which is national in scope andl
calls for the employment in the serv-
ice of the nation of about 30,000 engi-
neers in the various states.
It is the intention of Mr. Coffin to
assign an engineer to every plant in
this country the equipment of which
is such that it can be used in the
manufacture of munitions or other sup-
plies that would be needed by the
fighting services in the event of war.
Fprty state boards, which are to be
ope'rated under the direction of Mr.
Coffin, will be appointed within a few
days. The chief work of these state
boards will be to take an industrial
census of their various state to ascer-
tain what the plants can do in the
way of turning out war supplies in
case of a national crisis.'
Mr. Coffin recently stated that one-
half o the producing machinery of the
world is in the "United States, and
shoild the United States succeed in
organizing industries, there would be
no two nations able to compete with
her In the production of war materials.
'Cllection Brought Here Through the
Courtesy of State Art
An exhibition of pictures brought
here through the courtesy of the Michi-
ga. State Federation of Art is now
on exhibition in the north room of
the Alumni Memorial hall.
The pictures number 26 and are
the works of contemporary American
artists. They range in value from
$100 to $5,000. Several pictures in
the exhibition are especially deserv-
Ing of comment. "Striped Gown" by
F. C. F'rieseke of Owosso is especially
interesting. This piece of work won
the grand prize at San Francisco.
Following is a list of the pictures,
together with the artists' names:
1, The Morning, Max Bohm; 2, No-
vember Haze, Carroll Brown; 3, Venice,
Emil Carlsen; 4, Across the Fields,
John Carlson; 5, Wooded Slope, Ben
Foster; 6, Striped Gown, F. C. Frie-
seke; 7, West Side Docks, Geo. Luks;
8, The Lovers, C. W. Hawthorne; 9, At
the Window, Richard Miller; 10, Rem-
iniscences, I. G. Olinsky; 11, Sheep,
Chauncey F. Ryder; 12, The Marsh
Pool, Wm. Sartain; 13, Down the
Valley, Gardner Symons; 14, Near the
Coast, F. J. Waugh; 15, Madonna of
the Everlasting Hills, Augustus V.
Tack; 16, Widow at Prayer, F. H.
Rihardson; 17, Dawn, Cecil Chiches-
ter; 18, March Morning, Lawrence
Massanovitch; 19, Blue and White,
Karl Anderson;. 20, The Morning
Wash, Roy C. Gamble; 21, Life, Elliott
Daingerfield; 22, The Patchwork
Quilt, George Hitchcock; 23, Alms-
House, Leiden. George Hitchcock; 24,
In Windmill Land, George Hitchcock;

25, Old Swimming Hole, Emory Al-
bright; 26, Evening, Raymond Wyer.
The exhibition will be open every aft-
ernoon except Sunday, and on Wed-
nesday and Friday evenings.
The homeopathic medical school an-
nounces three new courses for this
semester. "Medical Jurisprudence."
is the name of the course given by
Dean Hinsdale on Mondays and Wed-
nesdays at 10 o'clock. There is also
a new course open for freshmen:
"Principles of Homepathy," based on
Hahneman's "Organon of the Art
of Healing," to be given by Dr. Stouf-
fer. "An Hour for Clinical Medicine"
is the name of a course to be started
next Tuesday. This course, which is
to be given every Thursday from 1:00
to 2:00 o'clock, may also be under
Dr. Stouffer.
Pope Asdmits Serbian Premier
Rome, via Paris, March 17.-Pope
Benedict today gave prwate audience
to U. P. Pachitch, the Serbian pre-
mier. The pope expressed the hope
that better days soon would cone
for Serbia.

"Black as tihe Pit
'From Pole to Pole"

I'd write for you a little verse-
For better, Gee, perhaps for worse-
But this I do on one condish-
You give me, Gee, the top posish,
For in your colyumette of mirth,
No matter what these lines are worth,
I wish to be up with the boys
Who've rocked the world with high-
brow noise,
With Kipling, Henley, Service, Poe-h
I wish to head your column,-so
Peruse with care, and closely note
My work-they'll ask you who's the
If when this spasm through you've
You'll place it at your colyum's head.
-Pitter Patter.
*~ * *
Sure enough, Pit Pat. You deserve
to go even higher!
We are offering odds that Joe Mil-
ler's chest expanded six inches with
the advent of this year's opera. Now
don't tell us you don't know who Joe
Miller is!
' *
And Again
Along that line-we think the
Sphinx a very appropriate society to
attend-en masse.
* * *


Wearers of Green and Orange Stage
Fierce Saint Patrick s ay Combat
A flash of green in the sunlight-a versity of opinion regarding the most
glow of orange in the shade of the effective -shade of neckwear, with the
Medical building-the wearer of the choice lying between the green of the
green entering the shade-the wearer sod and the yellow of the setting sun.
of the orange advancing toward the Together, it is decreed, they shall rev-
sunlight-back of it all a tradition- erence the memory of the "snake dis-
then there was a duel. penser" with the noise of ripping



A half dozen flashes of green-an
equal number of orange glows-the
one in the sunlight coming toward the
Medical building-the other in the
shade coming toward the sunlight-
mutual recognition-brotherly love for
the duelists-and the duel became a
It was only the annual opportunity
that the Medics have given unto them-
selves of tearing each other into lab-
oratory specimens and practice pa-
tients. It was the 1916 celebration of
a Medic tradition, which declares that
:n the day given over to the praising
'f Saint Patrick, there shall be a di-

wearing apparel.
No doubt Saint "Pat" felt honored
as he heard the noise of conflict-felt
honored until he looked down from his
superior position and noticed that the
majority of the wearers of the green
ought to be shouting "Hoch der Kai-
ser," while the Orangemen needed only
the cartoon clay pipe to entitle them
to free transportation throughout old
A few stray wisps of green-a few
stray wisps of orange-a dozen or two
tieless Medics-numerous holes in the
university sod-'twas a great day and
well was Saint Patrick remembered.

Along That Line
And again-an editorial places "the
same old jokes" as among the time-
honored traditions of the campus. Why
burden the campus? If nine-tenths of
the critics would use their power in
other directions, there might be a good
new joke in the Opera. Out of the
depths we again suggest that the
powers that be at the Union allow the
men to write their own book--and to
have authority over it in the face of
conflicting ideas on the part of others
as to how it should be.
* * *
Dear Gee:
C. C.
's a he.
I bought it
for the culture.
He talked of music, costumes, action,
Scenes, lobrettos in translation,
Then he sold that invitation
To be present in U. Hall.
I don't know, I may be done, Gee,
But I'm not the only one, Gee,
And I'll bet I have some fun, Gee,
When I'm present in U. Hall.
-The Engineer.
Well-what do you bet-Gee.
* * *
"Waterman Gym plans filed for in-
spection." Getting the rough edges
* * *
Dear Gee: We are wondering wheth-
er it ¢was because of March 17, or
whether the news leaked out that she
was going to be written up in your
column-anyway she wore a greenish
checked-tailored suit yesterday that
would have been the despair of Ber-

To Include 30-Foot Parkway, to Be
Planted with Shrubbery and
Improvements to be made on the
campus this spring by the department
of buildings and grounds of the uni-
versity include the construction of a
"mall" in the vacant space between
the chemistry building and the natural
science building, and the probable
building of a driveway between East
University avenue and the medical
building and the cementing of a por-
tion of the diagonal walk between the
law building, and the flag pole.
The "mall," the construction of
which was planned recently after a
walk had been built along the east
side of the science building, will in-
clude two driveways 18 feet wide with
a 30-foot parkway between. The
parkway will be planted with shrub-
bery and plants later in the spring.
The driveway on the east side ofj
the medical building will be curbed.
and graveled, and the diagonal walk,
which is now paved with asphalt for
a portion of its length, will be cement-
ed to correspond with the rest of the
walk soultheast of the center of the

E<i enI of I3:idapest Writes Brother
(ienouucing thir Sale of Arms;
Russian Pirisoners Problem
The patriotic enthusiasm of the
Yluugarian people now engaged in
the European wr is vividly pictured
in a letter received by F. V. Pogart,
323 Packard street, from his sister, a
resident of Budapest. The letter, al-
though sent February 17, did not reach
this city until yesterday. it had been
opened and censcred. The writer
says in part:
"The conditions are much the same
hero since the xwar started. AV, have
plenty to eat, except for meat, which
s allowed us only four times a wek.

Alihoughi Satisfied with Present Form
Believes Commission Idea '
"I am in favor of it," said Prof. John
R. Allen, head of the mechanical e.-
gineering department, when asked as'
to his views regarding the proposed
commission form of government for
the city of Ann Arbor. "Our present
form of government is excellent, and
espially so under the present adminis-W
tration. Yet I believe commission gov-
ernment with the right men at the
head of it is the most efficient."
A general revision of the city char-
ter is the proposition upon which the;
citizens of Ann Arbor will vote April
3. A petition calling for such a revi-
sion has been filed with City Clerk
Ross Granger. This is a preliminary
step o the part of those who favor
a co ;,nission form of government
with a city manager for Ann Arbor.
"In business," continued Professor
Allen, "you must centralize the re-
sponsihility. It ought to be the same
in administering the affairs of a city.'
Commission government enables you
to maintain a fixed policy in regard
to the development of the city.'
"One of our fallacies is our present
form of government in which alder-
ren are elected by wards and repre-
sent the wards. There should be no
conflict between the policies of the
vrord and the.policies of the city. The
governors should represent the city
as a whole, not as units.
"Commission form of government is
undemocratic. It savors of despotism
because it puts the responsibilities on
one person. Yet the most ideally effi-
cient government is a despotism but
you must have the right kind of despot
"You must have a settled policy es-
pecially in the matter of public works.

Annual Meeting of Michigan Academy
of Science Brings Many
Prominent Speakers
Many scientists of renown have been
secured for the twenty-first annual
meeting of the Michigan Academy of
Science, which will be held in Ann
Arbor March 28, 29, 30 and 31. Dr.
Charles D. Davenport, Director of the
Station for Experimental Evolution,
Carnegie Institute, Washington, will
give a talk on "The Relation of Juve-
nile Promise to Adult Performance,"
on March 28.
Professor Ernest A. Bessey, Profes-
sor of Botany at M. A. C., and president
of the society, will give an address on
"The Sexual Cycle in Plants," March
29. On March 31, Miss Ellen Churchill
Semple will talk on "Geographic In-
fluences in Japan." Miss Semple has
written a number of interesting books
on this subject, one of which was re-
cently read before the National Geo'-
graphical society in London.
On Tuesaay, thl first day, a general
meeting of all the members will be
held to transact the business of the
society. They will then divide into
Wve sections and each of these fivE
will meet in different places on the
succeeding three days. Those mem-
bers who are specially interested in
conomics will meet on the second
floor of the economics building and
those in sanitary science in the upper
lecture room of the medical building.
The third, fourth and fifth sections
will be composed of those interested
in zoology, botany and geography, re-
spectively, and will hold their meet-
iings in different rooms of the new
science building.
All of the lectures will be given in
the auditorium of the new science
building and everyone is invited to
attend them as well as to the sec-
tional meetings.'

Eg rs and milk are given only to the ;
sick soldiers and babies. One manl must be at the head of t
sb at is the way it is done in big busi-
"They say we hawn't enough men," ness. The city manager should be a

the letter continues. "We have many
regiments which have seen no fight-
h1g whate et. anl see of the re-
serves have not even been called to
the colors."

permanent officer during good be-
haviour. Otherwise the plan would
be a failure."

* * * * * * * * * 4 *


Majestic-Nancy Boyer Com-
pany, in "Tess of the Storm
Arcade - Marc MacDermott
and Mabel Trunelle, in "The
Destroying Angel."
Orpheum-W. S. hart, mi "Be-
tween Men."
* * * * * * * * * * *

, 1
*, .

The letter denounncs the Ameri- NATIONAL TITLE; RACE CLOSE
cans in bitter terms for believing all
the news, which, according to the Washington Aggies Furnish Strong
writer. "is sent from London, the
greatest lie factory the world has ever ! Tea
k-own." "We pray Cod to ulish liug Team
.he Americans for sending arms to ~
cur enemies to kill us with," writes. East Lansing, Mich., Mar. 17.-The
the loyal Hungarian woman. past week brought Aggie riflemen a
step nearer the national title in gun-
Tho writer of the letter declares nery, but Sergt. Paddy Cross, rifle
Sthat the country is so full of Russia, coach, is growing fidgety under the
prisoners that the government is strain, notwithstanding his 37 odd
puzzled as to what to do with them. years in the service. The cause of
She also declares that the streets are the sergeant's concern is the fact that
illed with girls and women in emourn- only one-eleventh of a point separates
iug and that women are filling posi- the East Lansing team from the Wash-
Lions as street car conductors, iooter- ington Aggies. One slid, with the west-
men, mail carriers, and even as str ex erners registering a perfect score,
cleaners. would drop M. A. C. out of the lead.
But whether it be first or second.
SFIRTHIN(G IS Q ET' XT VEBDUN place the East Lansing Aggies grab
-____off, their record will stand out as an
lnt(ermittenlt goi; air 1i1nl '1113 Sign unusaal one. In the past nine matches
ai .tlion in .logion Sergeant Cross's men have run up
nine perfect scores, or 9,000 points out
of a possible 9,000. This represents:
Paris, March 17.----Only intermittent the shooting of 900 consecutive bull's-'
bombardment has taken place today eyes tby the team. The series will end'
in the region about Verdun according three weeks hence.
to the French official communication -
issued tonight. No infantry attacks Kw ang-Si IDeclares Its Independence
have occurred according to the state- Shanghai, China, March 17.-The
mont. province of Kwang-Si declared its in-
- ---- --dependence on March 15, joining the
Send the Daily home. $1.00 for the provinces of Yu-Nan and Kwei-chow
rest of the year. ** in the rebellion.

Hard practice will
things for the Rifle

' 4

next few days, for on Wednesday the
Wolverine gunmen will line up against
Notre Dame. At present Michigan
heads class "B" with an approximate
lead of 25 points, the Catholic school
being next high.
Next Week's match will be the first
that has ever taken place between the
two schools, and since neither Michi-
gan nor Notre Dame has been de-
feated this season, range followers
are looking for some fine targets.
Should Michigan lose to Notre Dame
next week, her lead in the "B' class
will be materially lessened, whereas
if the Wolverines succeed in besting
their opponents, her championship
title of class "B" will be assured.
Saginaw Club Committee to Meet
Executive committee of the Saginaw
club will meet at the Union Sunday
afternoon at 2:15. Plans will be made
for a smoker to be held some time in
the next two weeks.' The membership
committee will report the names of the
Saginaw men, 68 in number, who have
applied for admission to the club.
Good ice at Weinberg's rink today,

be the order of
club during the

Fashion Editor of
* * *-
That fashion editor
a fight.

the Technic.
is looking for

Or a stand-in.
--By Gee.
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Mrs. Hutchins and Professor Hildner
and Mrs. Hildner were the guests of
honor at the banquet given at New-
berry hall last night at 6:30 o'clock
by the Nippon club, Japanese students'
society. The Japanese colors, red and
white, were effectively used in the
decorations and the banquet was
drawn to a close by brief talks by
President Hutchins and Professor
Hildner and by several members of
the club.
The next regular meeting of the.
club will be held next Friday, March
24, at which time Dr. Ide and Mr. Q.
L. Young will give talks. The latter
will speak on the subject, "Modern
Political and Economic Conditions in
Tickets for the second weekly Uni-
versity dance given under the aus-
pices of the Student Council, sold
rapidly yesterday. The remainder
will go on sale between 11:00 o'clock
and 12:00 o'clock in the main corri-
dor of University hall.
Fischer's orchestra will furnish the
music for the dance which is to be
held at the Packard academy, Satur-1

The Last Time of "Nancy"
Tonight is the last chance to see
Nancy Boyer and her popular company
in a clever comedy drama that has
been made popular by Mary Pickford
oa the screen. It will be remembered
that Miss Pickford made her greatest
success in this play and the stage
version is just as interesting and popu-
lar as the one in which Miss Pickford
The part is especially fitted for Miss
Boyer's acting and she plays the role
of the faithful sister to perfection. As
is well known the play deals with a
delicate subject, but it is so well
handled that it has become one of the
season's successes. The full Boyer
company will participate in the play.

Patronize "Daily Advertizers.;



At the Whitney
A dramatic novelty of great poetic
and artistic beauty is "The Yellow
Jacket." The story is merely that of
a youth who, in search of his birth-
right, encounters on the world's high-
way the joys and sorrows that are
the companions of every young trav-
eler; but it is the quaint and curious,
fashion in which everything on the
stage takes place that gives pleasure
to the onlooker-this and the poetry of
the characters' speech and the quietly
forceful humor of two men that are
on the stage from first to last-tho
chorus and the property man. This
mirthful comedy will be seen at
the Whitney theater on Satur.day.
March 25.
Adiertizers in The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of the
city. It is to your advantage to trade
with themri
flia& '** -



hy Discount Yourself?

There is more psychology in clothes than
your Professors would admit.
Self-assurance, self-respect and poise-
All come with the realization that you
are correctly dressed.
Don't discount yourself with ill-fitting




Michigan Daily Adver-


day night.

wiE . lR


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