TRY VIICHIG.AN PAiLY -r - ,. - wommommumm s JSTOM MADE CLC TI.ES have an air, of distinction, a richness. of finish a di an as-.urauce of correct style that the " ea er as a mian of goodi taste and dignity. Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning exceptr Wonday during the university year. Ethered at the post-office at Ann Arbor a- Selected Editorial A MAN IN P1ENNS,'YLVANIA AC- KNOWLEDGES HIS. PARTNER (Detroit Times) G. H, WILD COMPANY )ING MERCHANT TAILOR~S ST ATE ST. second 'semester EXT BOOKS NEW and SECOND HAND Drawin Instruments and Supplies IL P. Loose Leaf Note Books STUDE~NTS BOOKSTORE 4 I 4~f E-S:Ld TIif ?Cr,.- Advertising the sale of honey a plan Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Sub- at Edensburg, Pa., signs his advertise- ,eriptions: by carrier or mail, $2. 50, Want ad. stations: Quar-ry's, Students' siuppl} nient, "F. J. Strittmatter & Wife." tore, The 1eta, cor. P ackard andc State It's a new idea, and a thundering Mihones : Uusiness.- 960; 1Editorial, 2414. good one. Conmnunications not to exceed 50o word Mnya;ansiusnes arnei length, oir notices of events, wtill. he pttib:lc1! aya lhseuied atnri in The D~aily if left at the ofice in the Ann his wife but you'd never know it by Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice bos in the,~ ~ sg ravrieet west corridlor of the general library, where Ihssoesg ravrieet the notices are collected at ; :doo o'clock ('rihx You see "John Stmith e Bro."' and eveni ng. --- John Smith &L Son," never "John r'rancis F. MeKinney ..Managing EditorI Smith & WVifo" or "John Smtith a& lohn S. Leonard.......... Business Manager Daughter," and yet a firtn's goods 9. Rodgers Sylvester News rd itot may have a peculiar attraction from Tin c. Reid ..............eeraph Ed itot heveydac Verne Burnett ............elegraph Editor!thveyfc that a woman has to do K '. Wright.........Sports L ditor1 with the handling of them. Take Strittmatter's honey advertise- J. C. 13. Parker......Assignment Editor Conrad. N. Church....... ........ City Editor ment, for instance. Eewi A.OLym..... Ct lto o oln . ..........City P"Eiitor 'ao get an idea that that honey is t~orajon D. Cooke........ Statistical Iditor cieaniy handled and pure because of lidardE. ack.....dvetisng anaerMrs. Strittmatter's having an active 11. Kirk White..... .... Publicatiomn Manager part in the firm. *Y l:. \lthseler.... tiicllati n Mana-ei V * Sellers ...............\ccountan: Same thing as to all other foods. C. 1'. Fishleigh . .Assistant Business Manager Woman is given credit for greater activity in fighting flies and dirt than Nigln t e itors Leonard W. Nieter Earl P'ardee is man. The same thing applies, in a ineas- Reporters trt 'r od n ltig ff. A. F:itzgeraid i. L. Stadce etdrgosanclhi. W. R. Atlas t. TI. McDonialiIt surely takes a woman to match L,. A. B~aumgarth L. S. Thompsoncor Bruce Swaney E. L. Ziegler coos correctly, or to tell whether a K. I. Blum Golda Ginsberg suit of c':ltacs fts a cild, or (does not, ---Tomso and if a -t o:-e's reputation for selling Business Staff' good goods depe nds upon satisfaction \lbert E. Borne F&o e lRaft given custoniers, exact matching of E., C. Musgrave F. M. Sutte r K. S. McColl 1.. W. Kennedy colors and fitting of cloth-es means J.I. . (amjlbell much to the storekeeper. - -Again, when wife is a business partner, c'arrying part of the worry load, doing part of the work, isn't it ____________________________________only fair to acknole~ldge to the world SATUI)A, MACH 8. 116. that she is part of the firm? SATUDAYMARH 18 191. ,Why not procliaim a good thing? IWhy deny standing and credit to a. 'Night Editor ..... Leonard W. Nieter i good partner? .......w,..,. .1E NEHave You Seen It'd A Very Great ;'x 7 Time Saver. The Rust Lettering Scale Price $1,25 VNIVERSITY BOOK STOIRE I [)ETIIOIT UNITrED LIN!ES een Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. run on E;astern, one hour faster cal time, )it Limited and Express Cars-- : zo a. Hourly to 7:10, 9:10 p., M. inazoo Limited Cars--8:48 a. 'm. and ,w hours to 6.48 . n; to Lansing. rm. lCars, Eastbound--5 :35 a. in., 6:40 a._im.. m.,, and every z wo nours tO 7:05 p. Ill., n. 9:05 pl. in., io:5 o 1i . , TO Ypsi- ly, 8X:48 a. m.t daily execept Sunday), in., 12 :o, p.-im., 60 t ni14 ' o a. wn., i :2o a. in. I Cars, W estbouna-6 i2 a. in., 7:50 a. Ievery two Hours to 7:50 P. +in., 10:20 12 :20 1. rfni. on Ann Arbor Savings Banks I OrganlzedvP1869 pihal......$ 300,000.00 rplus........$P 150,000.00 sources over . ...$3,000,000.00 Banking in all branches tn Office, N. W. Corner HIai and IHuron Sts.' "ancli Office. 707 North Univ. ersity Avenue. FE ANfl BOMANIAMERICAN SAVINGS BANK Main & Washington 5ts. DUrces, $2,500,000.00 al Coke Lumflber Planing %4ilI Speciaties- Interior Finishing J:NO. J. SAUER 2484 310 W. Liberty We Have a FULL LINE OF Out Flowers and Plants. For All Occasions COSN& HALL' 1002 t~ UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1 15 "*.MAN'S house is his I A castle, an' his pie's a strong, defense t kep trouble an' gloom on te outside. THE BEAUTY OF MY, BU INESS is__- Visit nmy stare and see. Eiverytlhing in Flowers--Daffodils', Orcheds, Tulips, Narcissus, Violets, Sweet Peas, Roses, Carna- ions and billies of the Valley. Full Line o2 Plants TYPEWRITERS " TYPEWRITING AND SKORTHAft O MIMEOGRAPHING "Eberything for the Typewriter" 0. D. moRRILL (ov'r Baltim're LI i~) 322 S. State 1t f tIl II Ut 111 I t it tt tl l Quality Shoe Shop I hilla llllil For Wor 1111111i I111 -lll I11140. Unv. Ave. iil ,11,1=. - --=m -.-. "Ii FOR ALL OCCASIONS All cudent Musicianso* GIVE WE A TRIAL DOCK SCHLEEDE 344 ,50, STATE STREET 310-M APPLIED FEMINISMDEIE fAS TA S The Gargoyle has some pertinent B IE C S H suggestions to make regarding the 1~~u status of women on the campus, If 7 the stories of wide circulation and ba- F}nuM N'LNHO hief that have spread over the coun- tr regarding the attitude of% Michigan To Take Chat reci Ticet Sgale; i= acl students toward the introduction of co- Class to> ,iit Tog 'elller- education here are true, then the wo- at Dinner mten have, indeed, won a hard fight. In the beginning their right to be her, was questioned. 'Now that right is es- nodrt rus nlui i o tablshe. Al th ad~i~tage tht itete Women's Luncheon to be held tabishd. ll he dvatags tat heApril 1, a szystetni of class teams has university has to offer the women have 1 tdvsdb h o ttet hueen given, bnt they have not accept- sell tie in the nliilcles. t ed te rsposiblites.These tams ha? lyrics are the Work( of Alice Wieber. A large number of scores have a.1-'a eady been ordered, and it is the hopea6 of the committee that as many as pos- Aible mnay be ordered in this way. If !II there is demand tenoughi, the price will he reduced from $1,00 to 7$ cents, Last year the Collegiate Alumni as- socifation of Toledo asked that the play )e producetd in that city to give Toledo sigh school students an idea of Mich- G R I N - igan activities. The play was given ,.here with great success. This year 1 16 So. DI :,he College Club of Detr'oit has asked -o h ave the play produced there, and is soain as arrangements can be made .he date for the performance will be Get Your S announced.S MSO.!FLANDERS Phone 294 A Cormplete FLrne of Drug Su~ndries, Koda'ksa Can~dies, Pe-rf&imea ALBERT MANN, Druggist 213 So'~xth M~ir& St. Arttx Arbov. Mich D Io you drive an automnobile in the winter? You should. It's convenient. You can heat your garage safely and economically with a SAFETY GAS GARAGE. HEATED. Approved by insurance companies. Wash ten aiv Gas Co. Flower Shop USJ EAST LIBER VY STR EIT To Please a customer we must first produce an article tiltt pleases us and meets our every expectation. We are proud of our clothes' and each garnent must come up to a high standard before it is given to the owner. This policy makes for good clothes and pleased customers. Capp-'r & Capper Furnishings D. E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM TAILOR 606 E. LIBERTY STREET .AVAWMM . wrxxmm .. . .. SAfter seeing the Best O pera the Mimes ever produced LBS ROUGE" SAM N4BURCHFIELD& CU. cl~1 at Fine 1railoring ROSS MUSIC HOUSE Main Street Phone 1707 idl ain .core or Music Ready to, Mail TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT Typewriting Supplies Hamilton Bustpess College State and Williams Sts. Let a "Hoover" electric cleaner do our cleaning. For sale at Martin Hal- r. E. Liberty St. Come early to Weinberg's rink and enjoy the good ice. Harry Bacher, Phone 735-M, wishes to talk to students who are interested in Life Insurance as a life work. Po- sitions everywhere. HlOLI). VROHIBITION CONTEST MOINDAY; ORATIONS PITE TODAY~ The annual prohibition oratorical I contest of the university will be held in room 305 N. W. at 8:00 o'clock on Monday evening. The winner of this contest will act as Michigan's repre-, sentative at the state prohibition meet to be held at the Normal College in, Ypsilanti next month. Contestants must have their orations in the hands of Professor Trueblood by noon today. Open after every performance IM, Owners of Victor Victrolas who have tried our ap- proval system of selecting their. records, pronounce it. / M ORE SATI SFACTORY Gall us up for information. THAN EVER _________________Forest Lawn Tea Room, 604 Forest on's for kodaks, films, finish- Ave., Phone 1893-i?. Sunday evening pen Sundays, 9:30 to -4:30 only. lunches a specialty. Popular prices. 0