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March 18, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-18

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VOL. XXVI. No. 116.


I P DIP4T,4T1ci; Date Set for Next i rr n v R AA u ldienlce leatsed !{'th Shag mii of M.,




ad VOLdJI li

Special Stunts T hrouhout Opera G
Remarkably Well and Draw
(enerous Applause
Showing the finish and assyrance de
veloped by thorough trainiig and th
experience of two preyious perform
ances, the students who cavorted las
night in Michigan's ninth opera pu
their production well'up into the clas
of the best professional theatricals.
An appreciative audience that fille
the, theater was ready with rounds o
sincere applause that increased th
confidence of the players. The or
chestra, under Gornetzky's direction
supported the company throughou
with precision, and none who wit
nessed the performancewill deny tha
it will be difficult to give "Tres Rouge'
a more satisfactory handling than i
received on its third appearance.
Every member of the cast made the
most of his part. Here and there a
new stunt was introduced and always
with quick response from the audience
Many opportunities for improvement in
characterization that did mot appear
before were noticed and used to ad-
Cook Takes Role in Excellent Style
Grant Cook deserves commendation
for the manner in which he handled
the difficult role of Mrs. Gregg, as
does Atlas for consistent repetition
of his previous success as the humble
husband. They received the steady
support of the other principals and the
chorus men during every minute of
the performance.
For happy unity of orchestra and
company the canoe song, 'the finale
of the first act and the Spanish and
football numbers in the second are
models. The execution of the danc-
ing in the rollicking "Michigan Trot"
and the "Men of the Maize and Blue"
songs call for more laudatory, super-
(Continued on Page Six)
Representative Gardner (ives House
Letter of Secretary Baker
Denying Reports
Washington, Mar. 17.-An army
scandal that may result in a shake up
in the War Department or the Arny
War Collegq was precipitated here to-
day as a result of the action of Repr-
sentative Gardner of Massachusetts in
presenting to the House a'letter bear-
ing the signature of Newton D. Baker,
Secretary of War.
In this letter Secretary Baker takes
issue with Chairman Hay of the mili-
tary committee on a number of ques-
tions of facts stated in Mr. Hay's r-
port on the army bill now pendiig
in the House. He characterized as
fallacious certain deductions made
by Chairman Hay as to the military
resources of the United States.
The Baker letter created a sensa-
tion in Congress and administration
circles. It is generally accepted as
foreshadowing an immediate break
between Secretary Baker and Chair-
man Hay, and fear was expressed that
in the melee the administration pro-
gram of preparedness might, be held
It developed tonight that Mr. Baker

did not write the letter that bears hisI
name. It was prepared for his signa-
ture by a high officer of the ariy and
was signed as a matter of routine by
Mr. Baker on the second or third day
after he had been inducted into office
as Secretary of War.
Friends of Mr. Baker insist that he
did not know that the letter which was
addressed to Mr. Gardner in response
to an inquiry was. written in
such a way as to invite controversy.
They declare that an inve-stigation will
be made at once.

t .
-l 7

An I ILilrl sIvli I lIl bieet liudiesl, Tenior-
An all-publication dance, which will w 11.H [H CHOSEN iAN 1l-
include ye scribes of The Michigan OF )INTHIA Last night's concert in Hill audit-
Daily, the witty folks of the Gargoyle, PERIOD0cAL.,ioriuni given by the New York Phil- *
the mechanically iiclined persons who harmonic Orchestra, with Albert Lind-4
quest, tenor soloist, brought to a fit- *
work on the T.echnic. the editor of the I B RDFN CEUDRTK G
Pit, and members of the sals oe a BOARD FINANCESUNDERTAKING t os e of the best Choral.
Union series ever presented in this*
other campus publications, will be I ----- city.
held next Thursday evening at Gran- ze(l ifor Wolverine and directo- . *
g The splendid work of this arches-
ger's academy. Music for the occasion ry Appointed at Same tra demonstrated very dlearly that it
will be furnished by Fisher's Ban-- eetiing has a perfect right to be classed among*
jorine-Saxophone orchestra, under the the foremost symphony orchestras of *
leadership of LeRoy J. Scanlon, '161L At a meeting of the Board in Control I the world. The interpretations brought
campus musical comedian. of Student Publications yesterday, i+ out by the conductor, Joseph Stransky,
The dance will be given for the pur- was voted that a monthly literary ma- were ,very pleasing, and the ensemble !=
pose of allowing the men on the staffs gazine be established, to be called work of the orchestra left nothing *
of the various campus publications to "The Inlander.' It will be numbered whatever to be desired.
show a little zest and zeal for other consecutively from a campus publica- From such a splendid program it is *
than literary work, and to promote a Lion of the same name which was dis- difficult to say which number was the '
closer spirit of friendship among them continued some years ago. best received, but probably "Les Pre- *
by causing them to commingle at a ludes," which is Liszt's greatest or-
by causing W~~~~~ttaldo, 1{. fUutt, '16, was chosen man-chsrlwkaseoydtemt*
terpsichorean festivity. aging editor, and a committee of the stral work, was enjoyed the most
A feature program is being arranged ' ard eit oea a itn the by the audience. Alfred Heuss, a *}
for the occasion by Leonard W. Nieter, next few days to fill the position of German commentator, divides the work
'17, dance committee chairman. Mom- business manager. Contributions to ol Five parts which he entitles as
bers of all student publications are the nagazine will le accepted from follows: First part-the prelue-man, *
bee obtined lwil bcallinged frm5 orMoatl The
cordially invited to attend. Tickets the campus at large, the primary nes ring ; second part-Happ~*
will go on Sala in a few days and may purpose bnng to relrescit the best ss in Love; third part-The Storms *
be obtined by calling 1855 or at The j ao aetinteuivriyf Life; fourth part-The Flight "Back x.
Daily offices. literary talent in the university. to Nature"; fifth part-To the Com- *.
Three numbers of the magazine for bat as Volunteer.
the months of April, May, amd June, The Tchaikowsky Symphony, which
Gamous German are to be issued this semester, the today is second only to the "Pathe-
first ,appearing shortly after the spring tique" in popularity, was quite pleas-v
Player. . mi g recess. The board has volunteered ing. This symphony has one principal
to finance the undertaking for this theme which runs throughout and
Oratorical Associatio Secures Ma length of time binds the four movements into one {'
ar, ea , Verne . Burnett, '., was elected unified whole. The common theme is
lfayer, of Oberaminergaii Caist, as managing editor of the Wolverine, given out first in the minor and after
to Lecture with C. Vernon Sellers. '17, as busi- appearing in the second and third
ness manager. parts finally flashes out in the major,
Miss Marie Mayer, who is famous The board also appointed A. Philip the contrast making the finale very ha
for her role of "Mary Magdalene" in W\Varriner, '17, and Franklin P. Ran- effective. co
the Passion Play at Oberammergau; dall, '17 as ianagiug editor mid rusi- r Albert LindqueSt, tenor soloist, I wt
has been secured by the Oratorical as- neos iaam i of the 1)6-17 studeiits' sang wo well known arias in a very by
sociation to lecture here April 21 oni directory. pleasing manner. His voice, although hi
the subject "The Message of Ober-..somewhat weak in the lower registers, ity
ammergau." is of a beautiful, pure lyric quality and'
Miss Mayer, who is a native of Ger- STATE TEACHERS MEET HERE completely captivated the audience. t,
many, has twice toured this country He was obliged to repeat his last aria th
as a lecturer. On each occasion her in order to silence the applause of his th
charming personality, combined with . . lhisters'l.ib Ifolds I many admirers. i

' ALA1ON HAS T1111R1) OP-
The following is an extract *
from a letter received by Harry
B. Hutchins yesterday from Pro- *
fessor 'Rene Talamon, of the *
French department, who was-*
wounded in the hand while serv- *
ing with the French army, and *
who is now convalescing: *
"Not content with two opera-
tions, the surgeons have just *
treated me to a third, which 1
think is going to have a more *,
definite result than the others. *
"At present it is rather for- *
midable as my hand is in an *
elaborate apparatus, but except *
for the awkwardne s, I have *:
nothing to complain of. *
"I hope that the next time I
come to the coast, it will be to *
take the boat at Havre. and that
it may be before long." *
'i. * *':* * * * * * *
L .Meuser, Grad., Represents tichli-
gan at Albion
At a late hour last night no report
ad been received from the state peace
ontest held 'at Albion College., at
hich this university was represeited
Clarence L. Menser, grad., with
s oration "In the Name of Human-
All the, colleges in the state par-
cipated in the meet last night, and
e winner will represent Michigan in
e district contest between Indiana,
hio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota
d Michigan, the latter part of
Aril. The successful competitior in
e district mee't will contest for the
tional honors later in the spring.
. F. lunke, 'l, 4{ets Appointment
William F. Kunke, who received his
S. (pharmacy), last June, has just
en appointed to the position of ju-
or pharmaceutical chemist in the
reau of Chemistry of the Depart-
ent of Agriculture at Washington,

rare gifts as a speaker, attracted much
attention, and she was hailed every-
where as a delightful speaker.
Those in charge of the Oratorical
association regard this number as one
of the finest of the year.
Flames Consume
.en 's Dormitory
Kalaniazoo Fire Drives 74) Students
from Their Quarters; Save
Bowen Hall
Seventy Kalamazoo college men were
forced to flee from their dormitory
when that building was destroyed by
fire early yesterday morning. The
students and firemen united in stren-
uous efforts to save Bowen hall, the
largest building on the campus, and
were successful. Bitter cold ham-'
pered the fire-fighting to a great ex-
Defective electric wiring on the
fourth floor is said to have been re-
sponsible. The dormitory was built
60 years ago and is one of the oldest
buildings. The loss is estimated at
With the disastrous fire at M. A. C.,
the destruction of the East Lansing
high school and the fire in the Univer-
sity School of Music, the schools in
Michigan have suffered considerable
loss from fire within the last month.
Cosmnopolite< to Hold Meeting Sunday
Members of the Cosmopolitan club
will bold a business meeting at 2:30
o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Uni-
tarian church.

Fifty-First Meeting

Mlichigan's Schoolmasters' Club will
hold its fifty-first meeting in this city
on the 29th, 30th and 31st of this
Many special addresses will be
given by members of the faculty of
the University and from outside men.
Special among these are the addresses
by Professor Paul VanDen Yen, of
the University of Louvain, and Dr. E.
A. Loew of the University of Oxford.
On Thursday evening will be given the
Classical 'Club's play, "The Menaech-
mi oy Plautus" which has attracted
mnu(ch attention on the campus.

$C9975 000 000 LOAN
Sir Thoii mas White Moves Resolution to
Get Financial Aid for
o10111) Wi 'NU P 0 0wE I S NEEDEID
Ottawa. Ont., March 17.--Sir Thorn.
as White, minister of finance. this aft-


Carranza General Denounces Antericain
Pres Saying That Inaccitrate
11eports Make Trouble
El Paso, March 17 =General John
J Pershing and the United States army
invading Mexico to effect the capture
of Pancho Villa and his bandits were
reported tonight as being between
Janos and Ascension, north of Casas
Grandes, a little more than halfway
to Casas Grandes from the A merican
border line at Columbus, New Mexico.
They were marching parallel to the
Janos River.
TI he report came to the office of Gen-
eral Gabriel Gaviera, commander of
the Juarez military garrisoni. Gen-
eral Gaviera also reported that Villi
and his men were believed to be be-
tween Galena and Sanbuena Ventura.
The latter place is 48 miles southeast
of Casas Grandes
Americans IS hlours' March from Vlla
Gaviera's report of the whereabouts
of Pershing's column is generally
credited because an American who
left Columbus with the Pershing com-
mand and returned later to the border
being in El Paso today, said that when
he left the American invaders yester-
day morning th ey expected to make
the Boca Grandt# river for encampment
last night. By. leaving there this
morning, they could have reached
Janos or Ascension tonight, the total
distance being about 70 miles from Co-
The distance between the location
of the American column tonight and
the location of Villa as given by Gen-
eral Gaviera is said to be about a 48-
hour march for the American troops
If they continue at the same rate they
have marched since leaving Columbus.
Passengers going through Columbus
today said that additional re-enforce-
ments of American troops had arrived
at Colunmbts and had been sent south
today to join General Pershing. Noth-
ing had been heard from the cavalry
and artillery column taken into Mexico
south of Hachita by Colonel D. A.
Dodd. The 11th Cavalry was among
the regiments that left Columbus to-
day for the front. Passengers said as
many troops are now in Columbus
as before the departure of the Pershing
expedition and that these are expected
to follow him south rapidly. 'avalry,
artillery and aviation corps menĀ° are
at work at Columbus drilling and pre-
paring for activity today.
Americans today discovered a num-
her of dead Villistas killed by the raid
of tie American cavalry a week ago
on the march south from Columbus
during the first few umiles covered in
Mexico, according to returning cour-
Gaviera ienounces American Press
General Gayiera announced in
Juarez tonight when he gave the in-
formation regarding the whereabouts
of Villa and the American troops that
this was the last information for the
American press. lie asserted that he .
had been made ridiculous in the eyes
of his people and called a traitor by
many as a result of statements put
into his mouth by certain American
newspapers and that to avoid such a
state of affairs lie would refuse to re-
ceive American correspondents.
A report prevalent tonight says that
the Carranza garrison at Cananea. home

of the Cananea Copper company, a big
American concern, is ready to revolt
against Carr nza, burn the ton .and
smelters amid destroy the- mines the
minute they hear the Americans.havo
crossed the ine into Mexico. In
.juarez tonigh' Villa is repOrted to be
moving without rest into the Bachin-
ava district, from which lie operated
so successfully for a long period of
years as a bandit. The Villistas have
burned a railroad bridge 250 feet in
length near Corralitos in the path of
the American advance. This inform-
ation was received today from sources
believed to be reliable.


ernoon moved in the commons his I weather for Ann Arbor and viein-
p~C A1 NeD:VQTul !- _- P-

Melorah Society to I eair )lember of
lliScomsin TUni iersity Faculty
Members of the Menorah society
will have an unusual treat tonight in
the form of a lecture to be delivered
by Professor Horace M. Kallen, of
the philosophy department of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, in Newberry hall,
at 8:00 o'clock. The subject of Pro-
fessor Kallen's talk has not yet been
Professor Kallen is one of the found-
ers of the Menorah movement and has
done much to further the Menorah
idea. Several years ago Professor
Kallen addressed a Menorah gathering
and his talk at that time was well re-
While in Ann Arbor, Professor Kal-
len will be the guest of Professor I.
Leo Sharfman of the economics de-

resolution to authorize a loan of $75,-I ity: Warmer, with variable winds.
000,000 to pay other maturing loans
and carry on Canada's public works iODA)
Sir Thomas explained that the ob- 2:15 o'clock--"Tres Rouge" matinee,
ject was to replenish the statutory Whitney theatre.
borrowing powers of the dominion. 7:00 o'clock - Upper Room Bible
Last year authority was given to bor- Class meets, 444 South State street.
row $78,000,000. Owing to large bor- 8:04) o'clock-Prof. Horace W. Kal-
rowings actually made, including $25,- len speaks to Manorah Society, New-
000,000 in Britain and $45,000,000 in berry hall.
New York there remained now au 8:15 o'clock-"Tres Rouge," Whit-
thority- to borrow only $1,887,425. In- ney theatre.
ternational conditions were such that 9:00 o'clock--Michigan Union dance,
the finance minister said it was now Union.
inexpedient to borrow from Britain,
so loans would have to be made in TOMORR1W
Canada and the United States. 10:30 o'clock-Rev. E. F. Chauncey
Sir Thomas said Premier Borden speaks, Episcopal church.
would introduce a bill for the esti- 7:30 o'clock-Rev. E. F. Chauncey,
mated war expenditure. Last year it speaks, Episcopal church.
was $100,000,000. This year it would!
probably be $250,000,000. During the I-NOTICE
coming fiscal year loans would have Craftsmen meet Saturday evening, at
to be raised to the amount of about Masonic Temple. The third degree
$225,000,000. The present $75,000,000 will be conferred for Golden Rule
would be part of this sum. Lodge.


Presbyterian Church
Huron and Division Streets
Leonard A. Barrett
Speks, Sunday, 10:39 A. M.
Theme: "The Joy of Finding Lost Things"
University Bible Classes at Noon



Last Appearance of the
"Biggest and Best"
Glee. and Mandolin Club

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