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March 17, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-17

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A Young
7 y M1916
MAP S~p imer
A large number of young men who are
up-on-,their-toes have found this Spring
style the reflection of their very own person-
ality. The right suit for a young man does
wonders for him. It stimulates his feeling
of well being--it bucks him up--it gives him
confidence and helps him on to success..
We are glad to see young men are grad-
ing up on their clothes, and demand a dur-
able fabric as well as top-notch style. Kup-
penheimer Clothes possess these two vital
factors and are guaranteed by the makers.
As clothing men, allow us to suggest a
price that insures stay-there-style and long
N. F. Allen Co.4
Main Street

1illilllliiiliilliltllittllll11111ilfill IIllillilifilltl1tt11t!![llllttllttlllitlllliiilll11t11111d11ltllll11lttlllltlllillilltilt
ALL SET FORlBIC The Shoes That Will Set Distinction
S I The Popularity Pace Individuality
tirThis Spring Are
Entry Lists Are Filling Rapidly; Ni HereEx usiveness
E'vents to Comprise Com- -H er e
Our windows will give you a better
WINNERS TO GET TRACK SUITS index of what men's shoe styles will be E tailor to men of taste because we
reparations bg event of worn this spring than any Fashion Maga- are able to give their clothes these
Prprtosfr h i vn o iccudgive yo, fstrivingidow
the interclass track season, the annual ndqualities without obtrusive striving for
indoor meet, are now complete, and you will find the most advanced styles effect.
the intramural department is expect- - from the leading boot makers of the
ing one of the most successful meets _ country. An early order will allow us to give
in its history when the class stars 2 special attention to every detail.
make their first bow to the campus'' Prices $ and Range $
tomorrow afternoon. The entry lists - Start at Upwards to 1U
in Dr. May's office are filling rapidly,
thus assuring track fans of some good =Ftablished i56;
competition. Although all Varsity and TAILOR MADE SUITS A T $30
reserve squad men and All-Fresh can-
didates are barred from entering, there
are enough good cinder-path artists on
the campus who are not out for either
of these teams to make the meet in-EC
teresting. Tailors to Men
Numerals and track suits will be 713-715 North University Avenue 713-715 North University Avenue
awarded the winners in each event
a departure from the usual custom, as
suits have never before been given hOLD WRESTLING TOURNAMENT t
out. Second and third place winners ITOBOUTS TOMORROW AFTERNOON LUND IIIP HI.H'
will also be given numerals, these.
however, to be at the expense of the
man's class. Points toward the win- F Ul r r T ONIbHT Eight Matches Booked, Two from Each
ning of the meet will be awarded to _ Division; Contests Start _
department classes instead of all- 0a'rroll, ITer, oinnelly and Murphy at 3:00 o'Clock Race for Shortshop Position Lim
campus classes, as is the case in the . .ill :lreet rnell in two-
outdoor meet. I Popla3r to Three CandidatesRoutine
U1110 I1-ace Promptly at 3:00 O'clock tomorrow Practice Yesterday
The following events will be run
off: 35-yard dash, 40-yard high hur- Coach Farrell. accompanied by Car--eesling trnamentw einh
dies, 40-yard low hurdles, high jump, Not all of the entrants will be called Routine practice occupied the
roll, 1ffer, Donnelly and Mlurphy. xil
440 -yard dash, half-mile run, mile upon at that time to show their skill tention of the Michigan baseball sq
run, pole vault, and shot put. leave Ann Arbor for Buffalo this eve- on the mat, but nevertheless visitors and Coach Lundgren yesterday af
-- - ning at 9:45 o'clock. The team and on the scene will have a chance to noon.
SIx FOOTBALL STARS TO TAKE coach expect to arrive in the Bison spend a good afternoon's time if they The cage was lowered during
EXAMINATIONS FOR ANNAPOLIS City early Saturday morning by means remain the full period, for eight first portion of the workout and'
of the Michigan Central, and will matches have been booked for the day, closing period was devoted to a fi
_. _._ _ _..-.. _ t Ethe Michigan f Central. and will. make_ .




Annapolis, Md., Mar. 16.--Six ath-
letes who performed on eastern grid-

their headquarters at the Hotel Stat-1

two from each willvson o
Those who will meet tomorrow are:

Soph Lits and Fresh Dents Tied for
First Place With 1000
No basketball games were played
last night. Only one game was sched-
uled to begin, the contest between
the architects and the J-laws, and that
game has been postponed until a fu-
ture open date.#
At the present date two teams are
tied for first place in the semi-final
round. The soph lits and the fresh
dents are the high aggregations with
no games lost and both of their past
battles victories.
Following is the league standing to
Teams Won Lost Pct.


irons last fall may be members of the ler during their stay in the city. Heavyweights-Phil Raymond vs. F.
Navy team next year, and if they pass The tI e men mentioned above will N. Kerwin, L. A. Andrus vs. C. S.
the examinations and receive the ap- be the only men making any trips, Jones.
pointments, the middies must not only j with the two-mile relay team being Middleweights-W. A. McKinley vs.
be respected but feared. the only Vatsity outfit to encounter M. H. Ayers, B. Nash, vs. J. O'Connor.
Charles Barrett, All-American half- any outside cinder apposition until Welterweights-F. D. Reider vs. M.
back and member of the Cornell team the middle of next month. A. Blumer, M. E. Brown vs. J E. Whit-
for three years; Welsh, Stack, and Farrell has not as yet decided the low.
Grant, of Pennsylvania; and Lake and order in which he will run his men, Lightweights-R. R .Baker vs. P. E.
Scott, of Lafayette, are the men. but it is probable that Murphy willC holette, N. M. Laux vs. Francis Ross.
be the first man to run against the V. P. Moisides, the Greek wrestler
Play Off Handball Matches Red team. After "Cap," Donnelly who looked like such a strong contend-
Two out of the three remaining seems to be the logical choice, with er for heavyweight honors, and who
matches in the opening round of the Ufer and Carroll running third and was matched to meet Raymond in the
handball tournament were held yes- last, respectively. As the coach is opening tussle, has a badly sprained
terday afternoon, resulting as follows: taking four men, all of whom are shoulder as the result of a friendly
Pfeiffer d. Goldstein 12-15, 15-9, 15-6; capable of running the distance in bout yesterday and will not be able
Sherrard d. Warner 15-3, 15-4. 'practically the same time, the order to appear for some time yet, if at all
In order to keep the tournament of placing them will probably depend during the tournament.
from dragging out any longer than upon how the coach figures the enemy Manager Amtsbuechler requests all
necessary, Homer and Switzer, win- will organize for the relay. contestants scheduled to wrestle to-
ners of their matches in the first All the quartet were present at the morrow afternoon to meet in the
round, played off the opening set of gymnasium yesterday, and each of the wrestling room at 2:30 o'clock so that
the semi-finals. Homer won easily in men indulged in a good loosening up any who have not yet weighed in may
but two games, 15-6, 15-12. Because of in preparation for some hard work on do so before the bouts begin. Dr. May
the entrance of 18 men in the event, the fag end of the week. will have charge of the weighing-in
nine have qualified for the second Aside from the showing of the men I process. "Tony" also stated that any
round, and Homer will meet Sherrard jwho are making the trip to Buffalo, entrants who are unable to appear
before the finals begin in order to re- only a few of the track team were at Saturday should see him at once or
duce the number to an even eight. 3work yesterday. call him at 1576-J.

ing drill. McAllister was in the cage
for a short time pitching to the hitters.
He has been troubled with a sore arm
and has not been extending himself,
but his ailment seems to be im-
proving nicely now. McAllister has
been hampered to such an extent that
he has not been working hard and he
has seen but little duty in the cage.
"Wally" Niemann is another twirl-
er who has not been in the best of
shape. The football man complained
of a sore arm and like McAllister has
been content with easy work as far
as throwing is concerned.
Lundgren has cut all but three of
the men who are listed as shortstops,
and the fight seems to have narrowed
down to a three-cornered race be-
tween Thomas, Walterhouse and Lar-
son. If Brandell should be shifted
to the infield, the complexion of things
would be materially altered, but as
the matter stands now, these three
youths are the sole contestants for
short. Walterhouse played with the
All-Fresh last season and was one of -
the most dependable- hitters on the
yearling squad,
Look over the davertizements. Tbey
will interest you. **

Easily Defeats Ohio
Nearest Rival,
Eight Out

State University,
by Winning
of Nine

Cleveland, Mar. 16.-For the first
time in the history of the scientific
college, Case won the annual Ohio
Conference basketball championship
by a good margin over Ohio State, her
nearest rival. With a record of eight
victories out of nine conference games,
the science team is one to be proud
of. Coach Pat Pasini, coaching a
bunch of men who never played togeth-
er before, has become the idol of the
Cleveland school in his first year at
that institution.
Final standing of the Ohio Confer-
ence League:
W. L. Pct.



Soph lits ..............2
Fresh dents.............2
Fresh lits.............1
Soph engineers ........ 1
Architects ............1
J-laws............... 0
Senior engineers....... 0
Tonight's games will be

0 1000
0 1000
1 .500
1 .500
1 .500
1 000
2 000
2 0001
soph engi-

Case ................8
Ohio State.......... 5
Ohio University.......5
Wittenberg ...... .... 7
Ohio Wesleyan........7
Denison ........... .. 8
Wooster.............. 2
Mt. Union ............ 4
Oberlin .........5
Western Reserve ..... 3
Miami ............... 2
Kenyon.......... 2
Akron........... 0
Baldwin-Wallace ..... 0
Cincinnati ..... ...... 0


If you really have a taste for coffee as it should be, if you have wished you could
get away from the horrible stuff that boils for hours and is then served at the call "'draw
one,'" try





neers vs. the foresters at 7:00 o'clock'
and the soph lits vs. the senior engi-
neers at 8:00 o'clock.
Fresuhnen Work Out in Cold Breezes
Despite tl:.e cold of yesterday Dr.
May sent several of his more aspiring
first year men out of doors to try
some running on the new board track.
"Doc" stated later that a run around
this track even in the present weather
was very beneficial to the men and
that he would continue to send them
out as part of their regular class

The fact that we do not serve coffee that has simmered, stewed or been boiled, but that
every cup is properly percolated undoubtedly accounts for the fact that our dealers are
daily asked for "That Renellen Coffee."

Page Confers With Sir Edward Grey
London, Mar. 16.-Ambassador Page
today visited Sir Edward Grey at the
Foreign Office.
Advertizers in The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of the
city. It is to your advautage to trade
with them. **

I am something of a coffee crank myself and I know good
coffee is hard to find.

OU~J ax 7

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