sSIX THE ICHGFIGAN DAILY - - - -- -- -- - - . II Mum= ii a TAILORGRAM N 2 *1 In "&The BestDressed Man in Town m y not be the thing th it you are mot, (1,1::,i (us of having said about you, )ut surely you appreciate tl'-e value of good appearance. This is assured in a Malcolin Made Sait, to~gether with the satisfaction of knowing in your clothes purchase you are show- ing shrewd judgment, for in Malcolm Tailored Clothes you get the most for your money. 'a Its Her TheNe 3 Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $7.00 DRES 5 SUITS FOR HIRE SHI-1RTS TO ORDER I J. K. iWALCOLM 604 East Liberty Malcolm Bldg. Il ' 'I1 or coored-ou ca get nywh r -SWAINT Makes the~ best Lantern Slides-plain P. S. Did you know that first and 713 East Univ. last he has mrade over 25,00 Slids? Y LN DO-N'S U. S. F ItCIES F1NTIR MEXICO;4 ('ABIANZA TROOPS TO ('0. O P E H AT E W'ITH A'31ERI-. CANS IN B A Ni1) I UNT four mountain batteries of the fourth Infantry, and a Field Hospital Corps. The aviation corps has motor trans-- ports and can move rapidly. When its machines are set up and ready for work it can soon overtake the advance gujard. A special train )eft here this afternoon carrying the -automobile trucks which reached here today and additional food for the inen taking the field and those in camp at Columbus. "The mA rch of American troops from Columbus began about 11:30 and at 1:00 o'clock when we arrived at Co- lumbus," said one of the passengers on an eastbound train, "All we could see was the last section or the. transport wagons. One trooper informed me that the troop movement had .been . a quick one and that the border had probably been reached and crossed before the last wagons were seen in a trail of dust." Only 200 or 300 of the infantry men ha ve kbeen retained to guard C'olunmbus, but 'other troops are expected to ar- rive shortly. jr E X ICAN S S11()'FRIENiSi I P The more or less tense feeling that has reigned. recently on the. border was further relieved tonight by; an- nouncemont in messages from Quera - tare, headquarters' of General Car- ranza, to the effect that the news "of the settlement by diplomatic means of any possible. differences 'between the 1.nited States and Mexico over the C'olumbus incident" had been received w ith the tolling of the cathedral bell, miiUsic by military bands, and by the congregation of .a large part of the population of the city. On all sides there exists a spirit of friendship and 719 NO, UNIVER61TY AVE. t heeYou Buy Kodaks and Film, Popular Mat. P fllC ( W~ek of Wednesday ,March 13{ OETROIT M. E. H. SOTHAER In "THE TWO VIRTUES" Sllct's at 3:00, 6:30. 8:00, 9:30 Thurs., -larch 16-Valli Valli in "The Tm milj ,"'Booth Tarn ingtn's dor-y. F;ri. Mar 17-Juliuts Steger inl "Blindnless of Love.' Sat. Mar. i8-Marc VacDermiott and Mabel Truiuelle in "The Destroying Angel." Part XIX of "'hTh rip 9 Around the World" Series. i You and QE f~i ~~ NN- 1 'K' hJ Orphieum Theatre The Rome of Paramount and Triangle Photoplays Mati11reS, 2z00,3:15 1E:eni11g, 6:1;5, 8:00 9:15 Sati.rdavs - Hhldays Continuous 1 hritrs- ri. . March 16-17 -- leo Riglev atnd Wallace Reid in "T f olden Chance." icEeling* 15c. Sat. Mfar. 18-W. S. Hart in Between lien (andl Triangle Comedly, niatiniee only.) Sunt. Mon. SMar.10.20-lael lDawn, -M L.ady Itcog. , ,-r ; .rt -; v .;' ;r' " k - 2 .. , :, 5 9f }} yy1 l ; f 11 You tricot wecu e ~told you ho-xir good and delicious I' 1 Bt our fri[nC's 11}e pn Lj S c irnl tbe.:a -sou toil itbzem t lcss d n fc, - ',s L. thas 7 COCA -CO A Co., j Demand the nenuine by f 1l n'n t-1-'- j nicknames encf'uragcesb i g ood 'r i11-cought out hby the note frorm th ;'W;hi o overnmviit and the .. 7u ..f(..'CS -: ge Ci4a th:at the cr-isP. is past. rI~e rtur o th eoz c4 all teia A'zana .(. [iiorler exico, a:, ed to the.Imi tat the cri l w ak oaVer betwen . UiedS a~ad the Carrail-,a :~ unicr ujr -cz hur- ried to Juai', l'u% j ollowing the newvs front as iwtn tat Amer-, izean troops r-C oinad exico to Attempt tocatr iia El1 Paso, it was announedltonight, rill be thne site of one of the. training campls for r e,roil ing; authorized by the measure passedl )n (ongress today. It is understood that pians will be made immriedial ~ely to train a large number of recruits and civilians here. Although C rranz a officials assert. that there is no danger to Americans in Mexico, citizens of this country con- jinuie to come to the border on every axrilable train. The Americans are hnavig iii accordance with advises to UuidStates Consul Williams, who I; w-aso 's hat r:1lalck~d ini- In; I i i s brim w t ww 1 an, mill i F' a,N' t7u _ a d sav . ou1 _ or i"3 LhAl )1 E: eu-hcki lans, iI C', ai' anun1,; , ouoe tR hps. ''e FACTORY HAT QStORE N-ir _'llenel Hotel 118lE. 1Huron 1St. rn ~THIS FAMVOUS r Cox Sons and Vining ~ 'CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College Dg rees - may be ordered now from ELECTS SN ;V S EWMEMBRS Aristolochites, honorary pharmaceu- tical society, has elected the following mien to membership: J. I. Milner, '17P, I-I. F. Millman, '17P, W. R. Reveno~ '17P, H. W. Wickett, '17P, L. Atkinson, '1'P, and D. Cross, '17P~. The initia- tion wvill be held on March 28. (Grp d 1,ite Student Btit rued by Ammhlonia WVhile trying to remove thec stopper from a bottle containing amm -onia1 F. E. Ford, grad., was seriously burn- -ed about the face when "the cont.ents of the bottle exploded. Ford wvas taken from the chemistry laboratories where he wvas at work, to the Health Service and after an examination by D~r. C. TP. Drury, was refer red toth Unierity hspital for fthijer treati- mi 2,t. II 11 11 11 11 Trot," by Grover- and a selected chiorus. veer assembly yesterday. Pa tronize -D~ally Advertizers. t Call Lyndon for -a good flashlight. After the Opera Friday evening. patroilhe . , I - I I r, i,. L'T"'s. ** ** dance at Granger's until 2:00 o'clock,. ,: y ,1 s :>' f