THE MICHIGAN DAILY ._._..,. .. . y--. , W U - w .: _____ I HATS HATS HATS HATS ' ,,, "+*.ww.. t a w HATS HATS a WHAT ABOUT A Graflex Carnera for this Spring? STOP on your way down town and get your HATS HATS Talk with us about it UGE. CALKINS" PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. Opera Music We are showing the latest styles in Suits, Top Coats Sp-rt Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Wadhams & Co.'s Corner Main & Washington Sts. If mm Nomo I I This week we are holding a unique and interesting saleof Notions and Sewing Supplies anDosicaster CRR COLLAR Shows over the coat in back; low sharp, smart curveaway front; good knot and slide space 2for 25c CLUETT. PEABODY & CO., Inc.. Makers. TROY. N.Y. Be Attractively Dressed. I and gain the admiration of all by having your next suit- I Individually Custom Tailored by ARTHUR F MARQUARDT Campus Tailor 516 East William St. Phone 1422- I Strictly American Made MOl Here's the upper class-" man's favorite pipe-, bowl of genuine French. briar, mounted with sterling silver ring d solid vulcanite oufh- piece. All dealers, 50c. ,h . 6 .. 3 _ :" I in which it is possible for custo- mers to purchase, a great many of4 the ordinary household and sewing basket articles at greatly reduced prices. Conveniently displayed in the Center Aisle, Main Floor.Av DENTS HONOR PROFL P.HALL Seni ors ive Rim Page in Annual Publication 4t recent meetings of the senior medical. dental, and homeopathic classes, the members of the faculty to whom these classes will dedicate their parts of this year's Michiganensian were chosen. Prof. Louis P. Hall was selected by theftgraduating dents, Prof R. D. Canfield by the last year medics, and Prof. D. W. Myers by the senior Work on the compilation of this year's Michiganensian has been some- what delayed by the illness of Louis M. Bruch, '16, managing editor of the book,but it seems that the record set by the: staff of the 1915 volume will be equalled nevertheless. This means that within the next two weeks all material for the Michiganensian will be in the hands of the printers, n,1'l that the proofs will be ready by spring; facatio . FRESH 1" PWS FACE CHANGES IN APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES Changes in the committees of the fresh law class will be made because the old apponitments were not in ac-; cord with the requirements of the of- ficial constitution of universityl classes which was adopted at a class meeting yesterday afternoon. hTe newt appointments will be announced at a; meeting of the class next week.- Though the St. Patrick's day dance1 which had been planned for this Fri-l day night will not be held, there will1 he a smoker on the Thursday beforel Spring vacation and a dance the sec- ond week after vacation. G. M. Coulter, '18L, was appointed to the advisory committee. WEBSTER 1101D8 TRY-OUTS FOR (1P DEBATE WITII ALPA NUl Webster Debating society will holdl try-outs for the annual cup debate on Saturday evening, March 18. At that1 time a team will be chosen to meet1 Alpha Nu in the semi-finals April 5.7 The winners of this contest will de- bate in the finals on April 28. In the try outs Saturday, each con- testant will speak eight minutes on either side of the following question: Resolved, that the government, state and national, should have exclusive control of the manufacture and sale of arms and munitions of war. OBJECTS' To EDITORIA 1). A. V1RAlX TES EXCEPION TO STAND ON BILLIARD HALL A HVERTISEIWE N Editor, The Michigan Daily: It is evident from your editorial of March 9, that we take issue on the question: Should The Michigan Daily advertise billiard halls? Two statements of the editorial cloud the issue. The first is to the ef- fect that billiard hall money is nec- essary for the maintenance of the paper, and the second that the ex- clusion of billiard hall advertisements would make The Daily guardian of the minor in compelling respect of the law. As to the first I ask two ques- tions. Is The Daily compelled to take advertisements irrespective of the source? If the Board in Control were to forbid such a use of the col- mnis would the paper's prosperity end? As to the second its absurdity is apparent. No one expects ,The Daily to be the minor's guardian- but all expect The Daily to direct prin- ciple by approving, disapproving or remaining silent on matters affect- ing student life. By ceasing to ad- vertise billiard halls The Daily vir- tually becomes a passive guardian against the inroad of such places into student publications, and the minor thus noting the paper's attitude is impressed by its example and thus helped in helping the law keep him from billiard halls. Now for the issue itself. There ca be no distinction as to classes of halls as the editorial would have us believe; and their advertisements should not be inserted in a student paper. The law has seen fit to partially express public sentiment against billiard halls by excluding minors therefrom, It has made no separate statute for vile halls or for good halls. The general public expects to see its protective measures obeyed, and when.The Daily inserts a billiard hall advertisement the public asks, "Why does a state institution to which we send our sons -mostly minors when entered-so- licit the recognition of a place from which the law excludes minors and around which there is an odium we do not approve?" The public never asks "Is it clean?" Furthermore it fails to differentiate between the pa- per and the institution. Advertising is based largely on psy- chology. What right has anyone to assume that it will appeal to those over age and not to minors? Be the hall clean or vile it entices the minors by its advertisements and this is a big reason why classification of bil- liard halls is a poor policy. Every time The Daily billiard hall advertisement sows the desire in the mind of a minor to go, or actually causes him to go to such a place it throws a slur on the law. Such an action is bad enough when done by a soulless, machine paper, but inex- cusable when committed by a student publication which purports to repre- sent a great state educational insti- tution that stands for and endeavors to instill in its students respect for the citizen and the citizen's law. D. A. GRAHAM, '16. Syracuse to Abolish Class Societies Syracuse, Mar. 15.-That all under- class societies should be abolished here was the decision of the Interfraternity Conference at the meeting yesterday. The societies affected by this ruling are Theta Nu Epsilon, Skull and Ser- pent, the Siwash club, Beta Delta Beta, and Pi Phi Mu. This action was taken in the interest of the fraternities. at Also Headquarters for all the latest Popular Songs LUNCHES, CANDIES, HOT SUNDAE AT THE SU GARBOWL 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET WE MAKE OUR OWN CANDIES OUT OF THE PUREST AND BEST MATERIALS -- "An Army Fghts onItsStomch -and the same holds true of an athletic team. When strength and alertness are fighting it out it is good condition that turns the battle. As a l egular daily diet there is no better body builder than A sound, healthy stomach is the basis of speed and endurance- this is a reason for the use of Shredded Wheat, lIt contains those food elements that nourish the blood and strengthen the body. To last through the ganre nd come out strong make this whole wheat food a reguar part of your training. It is healthful and at all tires fresh and good. Served with fruit and berries or alone with milk or cream. "The re is health and strength in every shred" Allmendinger s 122 E. Liberty Street I Prombieit ien to Speak oni March 30 Dr. James P. Haney, director of. drawing in the high schools of New York city, and Prof. Royal B. Farnum, supervisor of drawing and industrial training of the state of New York, are scheduled to speak here on Thurs- day, March 30, during the schoolmas- ters' conference. These men are both celebrated lec- turers and authorities in their line. Prof. Hollister to Resume Classes Prof. R. D. Hollister, of the oratory department, who has been quarantined in his home for more than three weeks on account of scarlet fever in the fam- ily, is expected to resume charge of his classes on Monday. Dr. Laird Leaves for Father's Bedside Dr. J. S. Laird, of the chgmistry de- partment, has been called out of town by the illness of his father. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. v tionof Euerg3 What Electricity Means to You in Your Home U U mor- I Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta CADVERTISI I NG Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store Electric Flat Irons They save many steps in the kitchen I a m t .w FOR SALT FOR SALE-Two tickets for the Opera, Friday night-17th Row. F. Rosenthal, over Delta Cafe, 816 S. State.. FOR SALE-Two Opera tickets for Friday night, main floor. Phone FOR SALE-Three $2.00 seats for the Opera Friday night. Call 1556-R. WANTED WANTED--Roommate, desirable ,lo- cation, one block from Campus, 543 Church at. 1153-M. FOUND FOUND-A watch and chain. Owner may have same by calling at Daily office and paving for this ad. LOST ' LOST---Back from small blue enamel locket watch, Tuesday evening be- tween Medical building and South Fifth. Reward. Dr. E. S. Pratt, 2126-W. FOR EXCIAMNW FOR EXCHANGE-3 one-dollar Union Opera tickets, Friday night, for 3 on either Saturday afternoon or night. Call 746-M. Hoag. mISCELLAREOUi ATTENTION 1916 Laws. .Must sacri- fice established law business, in- eluding library and office furniture, in live City of 5,000 in Michigan. Address Box P., Michigan Daily of- fice. PATRONIZE Michigan Daily Adver- tizers. Patronize Daily -Advertizers. ** Electric Toasters Make the finest toast for breakfast without any fuss or trouble, and they are always ready. Electric Heaters Take the chill off the room, and do it quickly. Why use a cold room when it can be easily avoided? Electric Chalng Dishes Are the very best things for the long winter evenings. Think of the Welsh rarebits and other delicacies. The etroit Edison Compan) Eastern MiJeiigan Division St. Patrick's ;,ay dance at Cranger's In future all cars stop at 9:00 to 2:00 o'clock Friday evening. year's drug store, Forest Lawn Tea Zdom, 604 Forest ITry Hixson's new stag luncY A-e., Phone 1893-R. Sunday evening Try Hixson's new staWili msSt .lunches a specialty. Popular prices. Wihhiams St. - --- You Don't Have To Purchase Any Extra Attachments to Get the BEST RESULTS FROM THE VICTOR VICTROLA The World's Famous ARTISTS Make Reoords for The Victor Victrola Only Try Our Twenty-four Hour Approval Plan I11 Grinnell Bros. 116 South Main St. Phone 1707 I' .