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October 16, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-16

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/.Oficial new'spaper a ~t the ULnve ity of
will be the verdict after you have had l*\ MchiganIPublisedz every mrnin excpt
Monday dringte uncri5t\ y3r
Ous for your tailor. The. Suit, the
Overcoat will haye a class and swing ltc l the testofce at Anxm \ K a
to it that only custom tailoring can 01c5AnAbrPes1nlig u-TTMGR NO
,have. Step in and see the fabrics scrijA ons: by' carrier or mail$,o. Vamn
a. stations: (uary's, Sudent' Spplly
and MOdels. Store, The iDelta, or. P ckad and Sale. 'ard"! Su in ELni~.oei li jier~It
Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2t1 4. l~iith t indiof1200to
Looking coss nothing.
. IDCMAYFr nis . ecKinney.tanaing i'Editor H I[d ii t (Alei
~. . IL CMPNYJohn S. Lenard,...,... I'usin~s Mini er1
Ledn ecatTios SaeS.l. Rodgers Sylvester.Xsgi1neit f slitr itF1'A 0IROBENEFIT WILL E
- ~James M. Barrett ......7i_.,',1,.ap,l tce j ViItSEN BY ' UNDIERtGRA DUATES
E.WI P. Wright....... .........Sports ,itr
NEW AND SECOND-HAND dward Mack..........Advertising M\anager FtNDOWMENT PLAN T 0 RESEMBLE
.t ~~~~~~Kirkc White........Pubiaion Manager RHDS-{ftLwS1P N+v
'Y. R 12Alhseler Circulation \I tn er hl)SCILAIii;N\
] 0 o KC. V. Sellers ... .. .. ......eeunrttat MAN EACI YEAR
C,. T. ishleigh ..Assistant Business Manager
Alo DeC.rtRent Niht Editors hc, One year in any European univer-
Drawing instruments Supplies of all kindsToC.eiC. huc Verne Burnett Edwin A. Hyman sity With a stipend of $,200 with
Joseph J. Protherton
which to inset expenses, will be the
,. I oe Books M Scrap Books C. 3.Pak eport ers 11 ;i lii liberal t~rs of the new Michigan
Ix r-wi Johson.Nieter3:4 an I rIlion Ischolarship, ..the endowment
Log Log Slide Rules, Michigan. Stationery \aldoc P. 1hi li fun of which the fMich igan Union is
x''M"' Book Racks, Supplies of all kinds at Business Staff nowiO\ asing in connection with its
Albert t;. oe ge(att hildng camnpaign.
Presotidett H.. 13. utchins forally
annunc(1 he ewscholarship in a
SH EEA N ' _ __ _nw sor~printed throughout the
e United State,: on Sepember 1. In
_________________________________________________________ SATURDAY, OCTOER 16, 1915. th words of the September issue of
b _________________________________Campus New; Notes, "The terms of
''% ________________------_____________________W ight Editors the sc ol rhip indicate an effort to
DETOIT UITED INESJoseph J. Brotherton J. C. 1. Parkr develop a type of olege an who
DETRIT NITD LNES_________________ _________will represent rte ideals of th prac-
Betwveen Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson. Bei ial Blan as well as the scholarf
tasr-n local tieotilurfaserH. S T O N B R O S THE COUNCIL'S RSPONSIBILITIES Thog teorniaon ote
xh latcal-no atr ie n orfse Arudbyte actonrfusudh the nogthezstudentsof the
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8 : O'oAosdb a cinofsuet1I1ia 'no h tdnso h
n n oryto T:IO p. i., 9:I0 p. m. Q* ~ u rioters Friday night the Student Cu-
Kalamazoo Limited Cars-8;48 a. m. and cil has started an investgatio look- U~\t r oeetoeo hi
every two hours to 6:48 P. n.; to Lansing, fDtwadthellowv iude'ts -Mnualy to represent
x;48 n. .AN ing twr h apprehension and pu- te sm uoenuiest
Local Cars, 'Eastbound-s :3 5 a. mn., 6:40 a.im., te i oe uoea nvest
f. a a. naid every twvo hours to :05 p. m:,B AD U * ih ntoterngadsadn for a year of graduate study, the
"$:o5 p. in., 9:05 p. i., IU:45 p. Isa To Ypsi-tJ E II their work they have the hearty ;sup- coc fshosrmiigwt h
lanti Ony= 8:48 a. ni. (daily except Sunday), coc f col ''rtiigwt h
in., I2:o5 p. m., 6:os.pi., 1:5 p. port of The Daily, and, so far as can student. Th plan will make the stu-
.;.in5 ., 1:3o a. m. be ascertained, of the student body. det rsosilfr.h tyef
3Local Cars,' Wetbound-6:12 a. nm., 7:50 a Candies Cigars Pipes dPleading, responsible t.J invc'c itypeoof
M oiI and every two hours to 7:50 p. i., 10 :20 -Pedn, c _.. netv
E . Ia, o a. in. alike have faild in It past. The mlan honord by th' scholarship and
will give the campus an opportunity
Couniltoohasbee hamere byto register its idea of the kind of man
ItAl adverse criticism and an unwieidy' most wothy of scholarsiip honors.
TeAnn Arbor Sainas Bank 'U IS & HA 1 organization, A..to) gEn,?1ero{us Sprt n fr .wilb 1d( t
TheI~ lIL has often lighte ed the punishment ofAnewoMic ill bn ac. e ad toea
ofnewdeishignn mana eacheyearcthe
Organized 180dofener, ndas cnsqunc . beneit of the scholarship an in this
'Capitual.......$ 300,000.00 F O IT have the unthinking element still particular it will differ from the plan
SuPlu...... 5,0.0wt s followed in the Rhols scholarship.
Resources over . ... $3,000,000.00 Headquarters for all ;kinds' It is easy to be swept off our feet in other esentials, oy e, the plan
Banking in all branches of cut flowers and with the rush of events, and viit swift will reembe closelythat created by
Main Office, N., W. Corner Manpat erbuinuo oe o'o the empire builder of South Arica.
'and Huron Sts. sere it, but the oncl, keeping this "h hno lcinpooe
Branch Office, 707 North Univ- Phone .115 fcinmdhsa p ortunlity to thorogh tet st of the deneray of a
crt Avenue. strengthen Michigan spirit; that itbiunvrtiamchsitdole
Insit nt lt sip.Quik ad ros-upon the students themselves the re-
HEughRER action, ending with the suspen-spsiiiyomangtecie,
For TYPEWRITERS of all make siorepuso f h ulty ones, saidgPresidentediutchisu.e"Al aostnall,
an' SUPPLaIES, TYPEWRITING andi htwone oisueu g il tr scholarshipsa are illed by fac-
=MIMEOGRAPHING at similar happenings at the te of te ltis, who professionly ar in touch
0. D MORRILL'5 M. A. C. and Cornell games. with the classroom qualities of the st-
Corn er Liberty and Mvain (over Baltimore Lunch) 22 S. State S dcnts."
It is a treat indeed to Ilstin to te ~DMFi~lts'(} Toi fJ) 7I{YO)II'S
I most popular member of tie faculty
A NEW CUSTOM TAILOR ~compare vividly the virtues of forme iySdh~W g
^+ ~~~generations with those 'of today. At o elSo
' Clthe of nus al c ara tertimes we felt ashamed, and all of us
Clte fUnusual jiCharactercndmin te c
joi wih hm i codemingtheac-Tryouts for the Cen~ral debating
it a ® andtion1, whether, typical o'riot, of the son teams which ae to oppose the rep r-
of the locomotive engineer. But is it ntaieofCinroa(]Nthvs-
a sign that we are lacking in the er i unversities in the anutal triangu-
~~~~~~~homely virtues because we fail to lr4bt ilb edb oetefu
D o . G RE N N A Nread the Bible on Sunday, and instad literary societies duringt1° the wek end-
Eiev an years with 66LB R YE S spend our te in gol or tennis?_
ou IE T A Ting November ..
Wagner & Co. Frequently we have heard stories of Sxmuwl ecoe yec o
the stern Presbyterian fathers, two ciety, Adelphi and Alpha Nh in the
S C H O O L S U P P L Il ES dayea daysofedead to te r hildri Wli r nthe Lw shol, an dte
by ounfes retritios ad dnia5.debating coaches will choose the two
Loose Leaf Note Books, paper to fit, 5oc per lbNwta hi hlrnhv rw Varsity teams fron the men thus se-
Fountain Pens sold and repaired. uip we are feeling the reaction from lected.
+ those times, and it lies with the gen- The question for2 this years debate
"I. F.w~ ECUL'Et 340 8. State St'. ration yet unborn to wrk the piob- ~, .o.etatCnrsssol
1cm ut i a nrmalfashonadopt the literary test for all Ruro-
At last Saturday's clash on Ferry _ _ _ _ _ _
Fedwe missed the little ceremony

concerned with the singing of The Wo e'Ogaiton
The FIRST and, BEST Tailoring Yellow and Blue. This bit of senti-
ment is too firmly entrenched in Mich-
Establishment in Ann Arbor igan's customs not to be missed, andiFre 1"", h4l Th:cir anznial EBanquet
now that'.the band 'is getting on an i Mere thans 3"0 women sat down to
ANNOUNCE organized footing for the year, we hope, the sixteenth annual banquet given in
they won't overlook it. honor of the freshmen at Newberry
We have an -exceptionally fine and varied hal last evening. Wyvern society fur-
line of Woolens to show you this Fall. Y.M.C.A1. WILL OR0GA'UZE I.'WO nAished :(the table decoration, which
NEW REIPARTMENTAL.1i BOARDllS cony hated of bright autumn leaves.
-___Dan iMyra B. Jordan presided as
Pliarin. School and llonioeopat He l-toastmistress, and Marion Stowe, '16,
S AMl BTRCIFIELD & Co. lege to hePrvie welcomed the guests. Emily Leman,
For I'19, brought the greeting from the en-
tering class. ,H erlle Iunmphreys, '16,
Two new commissions, one in the u1rge d all to come gan. Miss Eva
-. ______________________________________ the College of Pharmnacy and the other !4en',A, the nw7. %V. C. A . secretary,
in the Honmoeopathmic Medical colleg~e, g ave a nte!resting address, afterc
Engineering students, attention. Get Typewriter for Rent or Sale wr rvddfra h etn fwihMrabadadSno oit
your shop ou~tfit at Swtzer 's Hard- Students, investigate this unsual the Y. M. C. A. central cabinet Thurs- lamased thearemigewiha veryI
ware. Highest quality tools at lowest proposition. Try a fully guaranteedda evng.PsietLwsR-orialntrimn,
rie.Royal rebuilt, famous Model 1 visible mann, '16, expects to have the cha ir-- -
for a week. Then if you like its beau- man appointed and the committee or- 1l'a:for kinderazrte i Maerital
"In a hurry?" Call Stark, 2255. tiful work and easy action, rent it as anedwtithwek Teeco- Mr.,9nz 4, ome icia
long as you wish at $3.00 a month. missions will serve the same ftinction woman, sends ini a request for ma-
Dancinig classes aild private les- After 12 months' rental you own the as the departmental Y. M. C. A. cab- terials which she can use in her kin-
sosat the Packard Academy. typewriter. Save money by promptly inets that now exist in all of the other dergarten in B~alnein, Arabia. Scis-
calling A. H. Cohen, resident sales- colleges. scr-, color.,d paper, pictures,, card-f
Griniell Bros., 116 South Main St., man, 711 W. Washington street. Phone Arrangements were also completed b5oar.d for mo._uting, ar ein collect- 1
hive Bomne very' fine pianos for rent. 1099. octl6eod for making a quiet canvass of the re - (ed for this purpose. Those 'who wishe
See themn before deciding. Phone maining territory that was not touched to contribute are asked to notify An-t
1707. Expert tuning a specialty. When we roast peanzuts, we use a in the membership campaign onTues- netta Wood, '17, or leave contributionst
octl6-17-19 special process to giv-e them the day evening. Thirty men will be se- at Ne(hcry hall.a
flavor that our peanuts are note cured, each of whom will agree to can- --*-
vass the students in one square block. Thr will b a mionthly board I
Call .Lyn-mqon for a good Flashlight.J Dean & Co., Ltd., 214 South Mlain The total membership now stands ait met<in ?f"te, oma'sleague thisp
octl4eod-thurs street. octl6-1 7-19-~20-~21-.22 935. amor iug at 9:00f o'clock.V

University Bookstore

is at your service with a never-failing supply
of Courtesy and a "Square Deal." Also
Cords of New and Second-hand
Drawing Instruments and Fugineers' Supplies~

Make OUR Store YOUR Store




Llcc . [nvgE S _ RC
Faman wants to "'stand out in aH
crowd " he don't have tco ac-t
pecullar. IAH can be o :,t of the
ordinary, the way VELVET does it-
Sby bein' lcy kind anr' e erfij.7
an'. honest. U


You will find that I will give you, the kind of Tailor-
oring that will appeal to you, wheth r it i,} a $20 suit
or a $40 suit.
I am making a specialty of a $25 st it that canl"t be duplicated
anywhere in the city from $5 to $7' more.
I will guarantee to' please you in cvery rc spc ct or I do not
want your money.
I have the best $20 made-to-order school suit in the country.
rLANDE S: Ube. Tedlor
213 V% LIbtarty Sat. Oppoalt.eVew-raty La uimdry
A Cotmplete Line of
Drug Sundries, Kodks
Candies, Perfumes
ALB3ERT MANN, Druggist
213 Souith Maea1rx St. Annx Arbon. Mich.


Always on the Job--Always Helpful
That's why Gas Service is welcome in every home and in every
store and factory.
He knows just what to do for your comfort and advantage and
he knows it's to his advantage to do it.
That's why he is glad to help you. That's why he is your
friend. That's why he is always welcome.;
If you don't know him, -send for him!
Washterrnaw Ga*:s Co.


vuis a



AVE 'GU CENTS by Davini cur blades sharpened instead of buying
neiqones. We &e a o I c ne t t es old blades as
sr :das e w.a bd ed s a o -tes dand sealed in
saatewxdra a ' o r g9',ur ! /dto /. /
jPrices: Sige Edge, Price.-'Double Edge,
25c per dozen. 3$~c per dozen. /
Car. State and N. Unaiversl4y



j/ _ / I.

Woolsack, honorary 'junior law so-.
ciety, met Thursday night and elected{
officers for the present school year.
The following men were elected: E.
B. Houseman, chancellor; W. H. San-
ford, vice chancellor; L. F. Dahling,
clerk. The next meeting will be
Tuesday evening.
'fenor ahi Society to Meet Tomorrow
Mlichigan's Menorah society will meet
for the first time this year in New-.
lerry hall at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow
evenimng. Prof. I. Leo 'Sharf man, of
the economics department, will speak
before the society. A. J. Gornetzky, '17,
and one of the composers of the music
in "All That Glitters," last year's
Michigan Union opera, will render a
piano solo, and Robert Burman, '19,
wiAll give a selection on the violin.

IIn order to meet the increased en-
rollment of the chemistry classes, the
lockers of about 60 tables of the lab-
oratory in room 450 of the chemistry
}wilding , were changed during the
summer to quadruple instead of triple
lockers. In room 380 'a like number
,were turned into triple instead of dou-
ble lockers. The changes have in-
creased the capacity of the labora-
Phone 57 and we will deliver a
pound of the finest roasted peanuts
for 10 cents. octl6-17-19-20-21-22

Buy your 'Mazda lamps at
Hardwvare. 310 State.
Lunches delivered.

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