Al- ; rITC VQ NDAILI1, - ~* - - ~ ~ - - - ------ LET Yx' ; i tx f Y ._ . : j P ' ., " , -. c tip : r s ' r r .F ftr = 1 s y1 tt a d7 iH' A. I 1Tl - .a . S .G t. ?:" you 0 EY h heTo ~ ~tnwro: come in and look over our new fall ~ ~ ~ ~ . faris. e by helaes a d1est Lgoods, and guarantee to make a suit th'Iat wll v t ou pe f' yiVe youte best uo of satisfaction. Po iv4 o ~ 'Rie r highest possible qws . d f4 4ta-cl ass workman ship. I1LORS r & RO P HNR "Ask theanHR M aWWars tOne" 515, E. WiI i GUST PRACHi LIAM STREET 11 WOLVERINE'S BN TO GROWGREATERl Captain Wilfred Wilson, Who Directed Culver lilltary Band, Arrives to~ Take Charge of Work REGENTS APPROPRIATE SUM11 TO COVER ENTIRE EXPENSE Large Increase in Size Expected This Year, Since 31en Will Receive Payment "That Michigan band"~ will be estab- lished this fall upon a firmer bas than ever before, as the result of plans for, reorganization drawn up during the summer. Captain Wilfred, who directed the military band at Culver Military Academy, has been appointed' director of the band. He also wiill' have charge of the band instrument instruction in the Ujniversity School of Music, thus closely identifying the work of the Varsity band with the music school curriculum. Captain Wilson is well qualified for his posi- tion, having directed the Culver mnili-' tary band for 12 years. During this time the Culver band has gained much. promnence, taking part in many im- portant government military functions .or the band- will begin at te, according to Mr. S. J. e faculty manager, who erday that there., will be tleast 20 to 30 new men Any 'one desirous of join- uinzation may report to the in the engineering shops During the summer the board of re- gents appropriated a sum of monley to be used for the band, and this is ex- pected to place it on a much firmer financial basis than before. Previous- ly, the band has depended, to a large extent, upon voluntary subscriptions from the student body. Mr. Hoexter, who has acted as bus- iness manager for several years, has arranged a new system for financing the band. A certain sum will be given to each member of the band every year, and this will provide for uniform and music. It is hoped by those in charge to increase the size of the band this year to 70 pieces. In addition to its music at football games, mass meetings and other col- lege events, the band this year, will give a number of concerts of a high: order. It is planned to render stand- ard band music of the very best. FORMIER DAILY MEN RECEIVE POSITIONS ON CITY PAPERS Several men prominent on The Mich- igan Daily during the past two years have left the university and started upon promising journalistic careers. Fred B. Foulk, '13-ex-'16L, news ed- itor of The Daily last year, has been appointed associate editor of The Peace Advocate, published at Wash- ington, D. C. Felix M. Church, '14, has become one of the chief sport writers for The Detroit Free Press, having served on The Daily sport staff for the past three years. Leo N. Bur- nett, '14, after a year with The Peoria Journal, has secured the job of pub- licity manager for the Cadillac Motor com~pany at Detroit. Howard R. Marsh, '15, is now working for The Detroiter, and Maurice Toulme, '14L, managing editor of The Daily year before last, lA-MP I)(CLIS BG' Slflf Prf. (. T. *fOIh ii I reetS; 25 Engineering and forestry otude] flum~b(riflg 86 gathered t the on, neariung camip at Lake Douglas t. sammner for the regular session. P C. T. Johriston, director of the Bogi dus camp, was in direct chlar,eof t summer work, and he report,; tha number of important. changes trm hfea .wade in the general pln oft tern s, and the mieridian of the grop has t tally been definitely estaiflih Secretary WA r y NW. Sith N4' one or' the Visitors, as well asa nu r er of the professors on the e gile inn faculty. c,. B. flyde, '16E, xw sndent manager of the camp and rested visitors' dkay, August 14, wh 2? guetsts weer? nt'rtainnd. Svi nlhxI ;fid rt ne ors n ea aw erji hp of' the nrnning'econet. Tn the a ernoon an indoor baseball anie Av played and then the Cmp glee el and Or~hstrd Mentertand the eso C. 1). Coole, '16tE, vrie editor of t " Idach tF'y," tlAw official orgari of t (;ef.p.1Proessor PJohnston repor an especially successful year, and h plans for ani eq ually valuable onea + n Nev Boalevar4,t Wl 1Exted fr Norili ('tuiverSity Ale vto lp t Libirary Buiildi (YUHER LIifJ 1 VUIIEN' S IN V W hat pidse. to be the eginn of :an expansive bouevard oyste c unection -witi other ca)"Ins proveidnts wil. be startedl this f: when a nmacadamnized P3411'wl bUe c ftt .ctd I on North ijni e ;fty iixc: to the library, ruumiaig irt'wec I cntemxistry and the jnewa (Aone bui ingse. i1 r te conipletio + i a r~eictebulding, the old ;sychou l u cr ator y is being dtemoIhed make ro'om kJ k, the new drv ew W1'. At orl th ~ilyrsity t he drkr will have a wite of SO fet. Int camfpm It x ill bevidnedto 66 f to ai'w for sa it4rge pa:u'kvay rumi thtro. 4hthat ecii cVThe u:a illii so ' cated that.; f, ew Lr pio for '1i ih. u ° es noni'Kng ?1draw~n, V bt i :ained >a u ti l~W :a.Stithov f" 1130 i thentisi aLS air: s.'> L ,;=n e S,: 'ulCKA :i2. louwt of iia .a ce L kir II'S o:' IU ilnwv~.- and grouns. y tr trdr , ,ti god e"1tIYe o ijd ;Yr-+iu t:^ oe sWe Kos t ldy. 'ith time titin plans aalig~ theric nlh P 11heC yo!!) v,0 ieq, as al eady Letguxi there. No W a cit reallyv be aconipised ho 1 W r. 4soCuthe 0barty co-oprat of Ithe stunenzts, ot if We o tov( ,,aPe so ii...,grass ronQ,,to0hav e t~cnkled i' ', 0wor uk wU be . tid"'] and the rrgcmta wll 4urant Durngfi: 1011ea v iiVidrin West side} of toe tOcincemscldng running up to uversity hall y. a sonepm tlt nortbIwIl klurai nr 'R~P ES4IR TLLLEY, OF E ~ S WI~hLBUILDNU wEPAR H~ENT,BACK A OPEN OR CL SSES f M rris P. Tilley, of fish depart ment, who wasi tgi- els y er, has returne li , ew +s UnIsIrsity _Strutur4'S hig' restime his ork in the unix of. Wile Its Doors to (0logy, Vv. z1 amr- chlogy, Mieralsgy axal t- Professor Tilley intended he tiny ,seioiis Europe last year; but beca ta var was pre ented from dol has been doi g work in Col 'f 'e t f I1{E ''S C q. Harvard this last university NI. ; NUMBERt OF FFATI.IlIfS I ads during the su mer has bee Vag Itei or alPieSser vacation. as Aujtr~iteruaad Tie loriigs DA W .ODN( 10 tnong NumiEzrouts Ihzfis DENXB.ORA R or- PROFESS IRSHP BY] di- the xmAi Y.:r-, h+ilce bo ld , ill be! In recognition of her s len really 'Or oa ajia +ytw t 1 ~'t xx :imtie dean of women, Mrs. Myra1 eduliiv4 r~it:' z+ 1L. ' .lie f1nips ~ ail1W12 years a o succeeded old s nwtiiutia fhe bildinh'i' mc perI loz-her in that capacity, artux; bet" e(0 iznt 'dz, anod zit non re; ts rc tecl a full rofessorsh ft- witl tec41t rators to sti ury uC unliv rerity by th ,regents a su littile L oIN and fads i xi ch must uax1n1ctIn0 e,) Om~pleted efore the uildigis finPally teturned x'er to the miiit)% LIt Is gmtld that for the fhrst t'xo Ld t =neeca 5101: ofli ',aler hsclasses yvillahe onxiarll t to znC(a't x tfl hr ldi~gs aon the anlm n', i41 ibis vi cause a ]1=.tle, °+on'tslcioc in I !! tie P ALVril pnarxn' i^t'l devlif ta large ',rnhca';es illge! :ogI ,( t~ny or- x ., the diretBDoor 13 h .tI1C 'N u zb' co, r(1, V'wibe loalet~ hi °:2rge l,." l ttsm>'1ornB i?:ii'h will tie lit ( ito icOIallodlt 5660 h ud-nLia l '1 het tabi . a)TI. Ili thii Fo l i 0 of a. unique 1atur, being bull x1. sectioij,, w hel cau be remOoved04toVar1jios purlu..wof the buildinmg tcmallow for the pro c ring of extpeinielt' conducted in ftl lectureY u n room . St~iicllioni have b{.can placed j r 1.'k in the floor .;nd hen aittn li.etothe 1Ile a ins- taalies will ';:plv I hie inwith p llx ! 1th ail, a d £,o(tric . Uce~S itc. Directly aboo an- the lecturt roonm is te[l i:l'rmy, v=P hi jlh I xu6iscorvel ict1y' ocated ax'i r00 pjiruet-. ho ed so as to eli imary cumil-p i ,o. i id- Tile po zi:and veltiatiomm mnachinr-I tW w ry and tie c a-WI' For the ti'-C of te 09Y sveral l,(j; lato il thei ! urz E a :t t 'I!4 f41 asto huff ;; ay l "'S ater om~, :x iO014'is (R au, So t I tt th+ ill thle tutu +-,all ater. tion"02 rdi- Oct 'onas can atn:u . Sinh, O1 z pe1tnce'. t'*i1 un~t i . .vi tebhis an ~l ri l,, lslz if ]srf=O 1 .a° 1will o41I: of the Nyn.. CE'SI11 ~ i [l i emo ' 1 S'. l jil r tv1 .' I b i ld E a X3;sOv L "S1t 19' t ' e ki'; t 115, i 'l.t E} . ' 4!1 ' inc I i ' 40xz ' 4 01,04 r° t o 1 A''. 'i It <\ sc1 erk .1 t Y COO vi i oit'ietin:0 R eg al (.1' 1 1 C3: Fl#, ' 44 m . ° :'°~l1 3'il atG7-i i e° f flo rs i 2itH) ii~15 l 01+' i ;' s E .Ria 4 11 iiii g x .z4, be! 1-' :m fifo il N tl~c ? A4- feet for i1.:ei ti 'd~ 1k.for' ; t it4l . ast-li 't and 1f) for )4 v v'- .;. )It F'0t l q ; jitI .0 I J1- ' sOitor' e j x lj< x!iliti-d j5 x4 -el thin (coridor 'irur- nd 4' ourt 4'0x" ,~OI~ 1'- '.ay 'omrn oell"S ;' Elit iiAle the Four l~ao11,alx 'a 1, £ er 'ut 1 3 01 5, State and Lenats Sachahsj4 eentiy 4 &vied lt-1 rge tern from rahi s zwho ais fihtinlg i4 j wili Canadian 1 egmur It 'at the Blgiav ng. front. iething New:pi n higan Stude r S h o e s w i l l b e* c a l l e d f s r d n e un d t.ysm a yb h a 4 ea r n opn Material, service and rorkman ship guaranteed for rts GEORGE HOE QUITS POSITION TO ENTER SPORTS GOODS STORE George J. Moe, '08, wjho has held the position of assistant to the gradu- ate manager of the athletic associa-. tion for several years, has resigned his, position to enter into a sporting goods busiessin Ann Arbor. The 'office made vacant byp the res-: ignation of Mr. Moe, will be filled by John Edmonds, formerly of Youngs- town, Pa. SIGMA DELTA KAPPA NEWEST LAW FRATERNITY ORGANIZED Articles of association have been filed with the clerk of Washtenaw county by the Sigma Delta Kappa fra- ternity, the objects of the organization being to promote the university spirit and to maintain a chapter house for the Alpha chapter. The new -society was organized .by students: in the Law School and will make the fifth law fra- ternity now on the Michigan campus. u D)OCTOR ANGEIL BEWNEFITED BY. LONG TRIP T1111OUGH E President-Emeritus James B. A2 has returned recently from a len outing in the east during the sun months, and is reported to be in cellent health. Among the pl which Dr. Angell visited were Harbor, Me., Providence, R. I., Boston and vicinity. At onie occa in August, hie aided successfully it University Y. M. C. A. building paign, Michigan Booths 1Dor at State Maize and :Blue decked 14 "U. o t s a h M ci a tt grounds during the early part of tember. Lewis 'C.- Ieimann,, '16, yin Case, '15, and several other 'verines and their as sist ants we; charge of the stands, from which1 of lemonade and landslides of pea and popcorn were sold to the visi i iing done while. you wait ..The.. as Shoe Repairing Co. Auto Delivery Service wStr et Next door north of Wagner t& Co.