;" m1-H9 MICHIGAN DAILY .1 m It's Here- The New 3.A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 L iNDG fS 719 NO, UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films I Popular Mat. Wednesday GARRICK Wcek oh DETROIT MR. E. H. SOTHERN In "THE TWO VIRTUES" .ARCA DEam Shows at 3.oo, 6:30. 8:oo, 9:30 Wed., March i5 - Frederick Warde iut "Silas Marner." i5c. Thurs., March i6-Valli Valli in "The Turmoil," fBooth Tarkington's >tory. Fri. Mar. 17-Julius Steger in "Blindness of Love." Orpheurn Theatre The Horns ofParamount and Triangle Photoplays E Matinees, 2:00, 3:15 Evening, 6:45, :oo 9:15 Saturdays -Holidays Continuous Wed., March 15 - Marguerite Clark in "Wildflower.", (Rebooked.) Thuirs.-Fri., March !6-I7 -Cleo Rigley and Wallace Reid in "The Golden Chance." FEveninga i~c. Sat. Mar.,xM-W. S. H~art in Between Men (and Triangle Comedy, inatineonly.) r THE FAMOUS t Cox Sons and Vining CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College Degrees ' mybe ordered now from I I I I The Sign of S atisfaction I SEVENTEEN Y I:A Iii EXPERIENCE PHONE 1459-J WE CALL' and DELIVER 110 EAST LIBERTY STREET RAPID SHOE REPAIR SHOP MAJESTIC IN)REI(J 9rSCIIOI1RS 10 GIVE Matinee Today Tonight 7.30.9 LIECTURE~SI (Contiued from Page One) the field of palaeography and al- though now connected with the Uni- versity of Oxford, he was born in this country and studied in the American School of Classical Studies in Rome. While Dr Loew's specialty is the rea'in, or) 1L.n aliusripts, he is a brotud ,scto a r xwhose investigation here hias carr'iedlhi-n into the field of history as wvell as ancient and me- dieval Latin literature. D~r. Loew will le(trre here on "Me- dieval ,Repositories cf Learning" on Wednesday. Mlarch 29, and on "The Oldest Latin Manuscripts," Thursday, March :30. G~LOVES for meni, best kiiawnm makes at re"*. able prlcavoon sale by N. F. Alle A Cer Xxa astreet. red-tea OUR SERVICIR Is always Gentlemanly, Cox.toxx and Prompt. Stark 22955. Atdrertizers }ini The Michigan Daily 9 are the reliable business men of the city. It is to your adivantage to trade1 with them. '* Another " Big Time" Vaud Bill Countess Van Dorun ..HVAUDVILL10 And Her Hlarpists In a Clever Offering Hianlon Bros. and Col IN A AL Treviltt's Dogs MILITARY TRAINING Brooks and Bowen DOSOF ARK Dunn and Dean "H IGNGGR N Starting lhursday Night-3 Days Only 2 Shows Daily 2.30-8.15 P. Mt. j j AND HER SPLENDID CO. Nancy i~yr N3DF&EE LY IN3fFERN LY ARCHJITEC(TURAL EXHIBIT IN MEMlORIAL HALL ATTRACTS "A Campus Theatre," one of the discussed plans of the University of* Michigan students, is treated in one of the many drawings now on exhibi- tion in Alumni Memorial hall. The subject is treated as if it were an open air moving picture theater -and the details are w l handled. The front is white marble and in the central court two lions stand guard over the throng of people. Anctbpr problem, the details of which are well worked out, Is the one of the astronomical observatory which is treated with great skill. The water color drawings of still life are exceptionally well done. A valaniche Stops Traffic lit Italy Rome, Mar. 14.-A great avalanche, has interrupted traffic on the railway between Cuneoh and Tanda, which, next to Mt. Cenis, furnished the best Alpine communication with France. Look over the advertizemuents. Thley will interest yoga *5 r J Roy P. Henry's Clothes are like 0. Henry's Books Interesting, Individual, Impressive, 'Fascinating The college man who seeks individuality and fashion in clothes will get what he wants OF Roy P. Henry, Arcade Tailor Nickels Arcade I I~ L 1~.