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March 15, 1916 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-15

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Lundgren Divides Practice Between
Batting and Fielding Drill;
Battle for initial Sack
Baseball practice over in the gym
yesterday afternoon was split up in
the fashion which is fast growing pop-
ular with Coach Lundgren. The first
hour 'and a half was devoted to bat-
ting practice, with the last thirty min-
utes being consumed in a fielding drill,
Nearly all of the twirlers who were
on hand were thrust into service to
pitch to the batters. Stuart, Ohil-
macher, and Soddy were perhaps the
three who disported themselves in the
most acceptable fashion yesterday.
Tom Soddy .was out there using an
effective curve ball, despite the fact
that be has had considerably less
work. than th'e majority of the fling-
Soddy is the type of twirler that
rounds into shape comparatively
quickly. The southpaw is not one of
these spectacular fellows who displays
the. speed of a Walter Johnson or the
spitter of a Walsh. His chief assets
are his almost perfect control, and
what is equally as valuable, a knowl-
edge of where to throw. Soddy's ex-
perience and heagwork should figure
largely in his success.
The first base battle promises to be
a lively one this year. Caswell, the
versatile gentleman from Greenvill,
must be reckoned with, for he can
cover any position upon the infield
acceptably. It would not be at all
surprising to see him stationed at
first when the season opens, despite
the fact that five players have made
this their only goal. Birmingham and
Field are both fast on their feet and
good fielders, although neither of them
can hit as well as the coach would
like, Wehnieyer, Newell and Hape-
man are very much in the fray and
it will be interesting to see which of
these players opens the season at.
Maltby's former stamping ground.
Blue and White Stars Will Compete
in Indor Championships
of America
New Haven, Conn., Mar. 13.-A. I.I
Bunker, manager of the Yale Univer-
sity track team has advised Frederick
W. Rubien, secretary-treasurer of the
Amateur Athletic Union that Yale
would be represented in the Indoor
Championships of America at the 22nd
Regiment Armory on March 18, by a
team of five athletes.
In all probability the team will be
made up of the following: Captain Wes-
ley M, Oler, intercollegiate high jump
enampion, for the running high jump;
John W. Overton, intercollegiate cross
country champion and winner of the
special 11-2 mile race at the Millrose
Games recently, for the two-mile run;
Iieaton , Treadway, 1914 junior na-
tional 220-yard champion, for the 60
and 300-yard dashes; Edward B. Lei-
seuring, who finished second to Jack
Eller in the special hurdle race at the
Boston A. A. games, for the 70-yard
high hurdle; and either Landon W.
Ricketts, a sprinter or John V. Far-
well, another hurdler,
It is also'possible that a half and
quarter miler may be entered instead
of Leiseuring, Ricketts or Farwell

so that they can take a flyer at the
medley relay championship. An ef-
fort is being made to have Harvard
enter a 220-yard man and a miler, who
with Willcox and Bingham, who have
already entered for the 300 and 600-
yard championship respectively, would
make a strong team for the medley re-
lay championship which is to be the
last event on the program, and judg-
ing from the advance interest shown,
will probably prove a big feature of
the National Championship gaimes.
Advertizers in The Michigan Dally
are the reliable business men of the
city. It isT to your interest to trade
with thea. **
from the House of Kuppeuhelmer on
sale by N. F. Allen & Co., Main
street. wed-oed

Twenty-Three Now Entered in Con-
tost; First Preliminary Bouts Sat-
urday Afternoon
With tonight set as the date for the
closing of entries in the wrestling
tournament, interest in the event is
constantly rising as is shown by the
fact that 12 new names were added
to the roll yesterday afternoon, boost-
ing the total to 23.
The names that were added to the
list at that time are:
Heavyweight---C. A. Andrus, C. S.
Jones, F. N. Kerwin, Phil Raymond.
Middleweight-A. 0. Beach, T. E.
Amtsbuechler, O. E. McMullen.
Welterweight-J. E. Whitlow, M. A.
Lightweight--P. E. Cholette, E. F.
Traub, R. R. Baker.
Traub and Baker both finished in the
semi-finals last year and should help
to enliven interest in the lightweight
Manager "Tony" Amtsbuechler stat-
ed last night that the first preliminary
bouts would be started Saturday after-
noon, with probably one match from
each class being staged at that time.
O. S. Westerman has been secured to
referee the bouts, but the judges have
not yet been picked.
"Tony" was elated over the pros-
pects for a good season on the mat,
saying that interest in the sport at
Michigan has never been so keen as
it is this year-.
Appear to Be Strongest Team in the
Running at Present;
Miller Stars
Soph lits, 17; soph engineers, 16,--
thus read the final score at the end
of the second half of the snappiest,
hardest fought game of the basket-
ball series. Both teams played the
game of games with the result that
the lits succeeded in nosing out their
engineer brothers by one point after
an extremely doubtful battle.
By this ,victory the soph lits proved
that they are almost without a doubt
the strongest team in the running.
Their teamwork was extraordinarily.
fast and accurate and they had a tre-
mendous advantage in Miller, at
center, who was able to place the ball
at will. In spite of this seeming ad-
vantage, the score at the end of the
first half stood 12 to 9, in favor of the
engineers. The lits were called for
an almost unprecedented number of
fouls and Doty, the engineers' star
forward, rarely neglected the oppor-
tunity to add up the counters, tossing
seven fouls for baskets.
Doty was rather snowed under by
Edwards, the lit guard, who held the
fast engineer to only one goal from
play, although the forward created all
sorts of trouble for the lits by his
fast floor work:. Hough, the engineer
left forward, tossed the prettiest goal
of the game, a long, overhand shot.
He proved himself to be a good side
partner to Doty.
Brown, lit forward, played a fast
game and was one of the most valu-
able men on the team. His speed and
his goal shooting proved one of the
most material factors of the lits' tac-
tics, invariably getting away with the
ball immediately after the toss-up, He
scored three goals from the floor for

his team, the highest number of such
goals of any individual player. Miller
worked in top form, gettting seen
counters for the lits, while Edwards
and Boyd were a splendid combiija-
tion for defense.
The soph lits now appear the best
bet for the campus championship. They
scored seven field goals to their op-
ponents' four,, the last one by Brown
cinching the game. Unless they suf-
fer a relapse or lose their present
form they should take the honors in
this round at least. It is certain that
if they continue their present pace,
there is .not a team that can outplay
Send The Daily honte. $1.00 for the
-rest of the year,**
Look over the davertizements. They
will interest you. **

:.11liillililll 11111111111111111111!1111111 IIfIIi II tQ IIIIIIl f11 1[1 11111111lll If li tlilill~ ii# lI II IJIIIII i f III t ill II li Ili Ilil Ili I111 -
The Shoes That Will Set Distinction
The Popularity Pace Individuality
Forner College and A. A. U. Stars Will his Sprin Are
Stack Up Against Yearlings in Exclusiveness
Ifeet Here Saturday H e r e
According to the advance dope em-
anating from the City of the Straits, r. Our windows will dive you a better
it looks like a lean evening for the = index of what men's shoe styles will be E tailor to men of taste because we
Michigan freshmen when they stack 1 worn this spring than any Fashion Maga- are able to give their clothes these
up against the Detroit Y" track team l Ziecould give you, for in our windows qualities without obtrusive striving for
Saturday night in Waterman gymna-= you will find the most advanced styles
sium. If all reports are true, there fro the leading boot makers of the fe
is gathered together under the Asso- An early order will allow us to give.-
clation banner a bunch of former col- = country. attention to every detaL
special atnin oeey-eal
lege and A. A. U. tracksters that willP s-
make the going extremely rocky for tresat wards tang
the yearlings.
First and foremost among these sat- stablished 1865
ellites is our own Al Robinson, who TAILOR MADE SUITS A T 30
has cast his lot in with the "Y" since '. F
leaving Ann Arbor. "Robbie" will run
the quarter and possibly the dashes.
Next in line is C. V. O'Donnell, for- "=HENRY & COMPANY
merly of the Kansas City A. C., and 1
later captain of the Illinois A. C. Tailors to Men
cinder artists. O'Donnell runs the
quarter and the half, holding a record 713-715 North University Avenue 713-715 North University Avenue
of 1 minute 57 seconds in the latter -
eve|nt.11l111111111111111ii1 i 11111111111 1i liIllilllllilllllliilll lllil 111111 11111l11if

In the pole vault, Clare Jacobs,
former University of Chicago star,
clears the bar at 12 feet, but it is
Soubtful if he can do better thani1s
feet inches indoors.
McDonald, with a mark of 4 minutes
80 seconds, is Detroit's best bet in
the mile, although Secord, a cross-
country star, may spring a surprise.
One man who will bear considerable
watching is Lauri Karimo, a member
of the Finnish Olympic team of 1912.
This man makes himself generally
useful around the gym, running the
120-yard high hurdles in 15 1-5 sec-
onds, high jumping 5 feet 10 inches,
and putting the shot over 40 feet.
These statistics make the "Y" team
look like an extremely formidable ag-
gregation, but it must be remembered
that many of these men are out of
training and will therefore be unable
to come up to their best marks. The
yearlings seem to have a fair chance
in the dashes, the mile, and the hur-
dles, and possibly the high jump and
the shot put. Coach Farrell is work-
ing hard with the boys to prepare
them for their meet, and if they are

Evanston, Ill., Mar. 14.-Wisconsin
by dogged, persistent, and consistent
basket ball in the face of despairing
odds, clinched its grip on the confer-
ence basketball chtampionship at Pat-
ten gymnasium Saturday night, de-
feating Northwestern after it appear-
ed that the Purple practically had a
walk away for the contest.{
Final Conference Standings:
Won Lost Pct.
Wisconsin............11 1 .917
Northwestern .......... 9 3 .750s
Illinois ................ 8 3 .727 l
Minnesota .............6 5 .545#
Chicago ................ 4 8 .333
Iowa .................. 2 4 .333 4
Purdue ................ 3 9 .250 7
Indiana..............2 6 .250{
Ohio State .............. 2 S .200 I

Were Michigan at present enrolled
in class "A," she would stand fifth
out of the 14 teams in competition.

Each of Wolverine Shooters Bests Op-
ponent by at Least One
Detailed reports from the Inter-
collegiate Rifle Association at Wash-
ington show an easy win for Michi-
gan over the University of Idaho. As
in the last match, each Wolverine
shooter bested an opponent by at
least one point The scores in detail
Michigan -

G. C. Curtiss ..............
L. E. Wilcoxen .............
D. C. McIntyre .............
W. J. Schoepfle .............
A. K. McNaughton.........

... 200
.... 198



Team Total.................

Philadelphia, Mar. 14.-Larson, of J. A. Almquist............


Copenhagen, Denmark, Mar. 13.-
American amateur pugilists were vic-
torious in two of the three classes of
the American-Danish boxing cham-
pionships that were decided here to-
The winners were
125-pound class, John Maloney, of
St. Rita's Catholic Club, Philidelphia.
Middleweight class, John Karpenski
of the Cleveland Athletic club.
Heavyweight class, Valdemar Jensen
of Denmark, who defeated William
Spengler of the Union Settlement,
New York City.
The third round of the interclass re-
lays will be run off this afternoon at
4:30 o'clock sharp. Five teams are
entered, and the four making the best.
time will be rematched for the semi-
Following is the schedule for to-
Senior engineers vs. fresh lits.
Pharmics vs. junior engineers.
Junior lits vs. time.
Princeton Ties Yale in Swimming Mee,
Princeton, N. J., Mar. 14.-Prince-
ton tied Yale for first place in the In-
tercollegiate Swimming league Fri-
day night, winning the second meet
between the two universities by a
score of 29 to 24. As Columbia also
defeated . C. N. Y. there now exists
a triple tie for first place between
Yale Columbia and Princeton.
The Tiger water polo team easily
won from Yale, the final score being

beaten it will 'sot be through lack of Brigham Young University, is enter-
effort on his part or their's. ed in the high jump in Pennsylvan-
The following men look to be the ia's relay races which are to be held
best in their several events, and will on the last Friday and Saturday in
probably figure largely in the entry April. Larson has been showing. re-
list to be made out today: markable form in this event for the
Dashes -- Henry, Parks, Zoellin, past two years. He gained national
Hewlett. recognition last summer when he tied
Hurdles-Zoellin, P uch, Hewlett. Horine, of California, at the Panama-
McMillan. Pacific exposition and was beaten
Mile-Fuess, Comloquoy. only on the jump- off.
Half mile-Fox, Tuttle, Snow, Walk- Larson's entry will make the high
er, Sedgewick. jump one of the greatest contests of
Quarter mile-Horr, Garlock, Snow. the enarival. Both James, of North-
Pole vault-Ouovato, Wong. western University, and Fisher, of Chi-
Shot-put-Peach, Shields. I cago University, the joint holders of
'High jump-Haag, Bell. the Western Conference champion-
ship, will be here, Oler of Yale, the
Advertizers in The Michigan Daily { intercollegiate record holder, will be
are the reliable business men of the on hand, and Richards, who has twice
city. It is to your advantage to trade defeated 01er within the last year, will
with them. ** also be entered.

A. Horning....................198
M. Vanghr...................197
B. McDevitt ..................... 197
P. Mesinger...................1971

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