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March 13, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-13

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Souvenir Opera Extra







The personnel of this year's opera The chorus memlbers are as follows:
perhaps contains more experienced Ponies---A. V. Livingston, '18, H. P.
men than that of any other Union pro- Nicholson, '18, F. J. Wurster, '17, L.
duction. Three of the cast parts are F. Berry, '18E, ,.. S. Burrows, '17E,
taken by men who took prominent B. R. Penniman, '18.
roles in last year's show, "All That Men-H. Bohling, '18, H. S. I-latch,
Glitters," while a good number of the '18, Ray Gleichauf, '16, I. Kinsey, '16,
chorus parts are also taken by men B. T. Park. '16, F. Willard, '18, E. P.
who played similar parts last year. ( Smith, '18, Harold Easley, '16-'18L, F.
The cast make-up now stands as fol- H. TJinsman, '16, R. W. Harbert, '17,
lows: D. M. McInnes, '18.

Plot Centers Around Sentimental Ar-
tistThree Red-Haired Girls,
and Poem
"I am entirely satisfied with the
music, the director, and all the
handling of Tres Rouge," declared W.
A. P. John, .'16, when questioned by a
Daily reporter. John is the writer of
the lyrics and, with Harold Schradzki,
'15L, author of the book for the 1916
opera. He sketched the writing and
plot of the production in the follow-

Auburnia Grey, a live young Amer-I
ican girl with Titian hair, whoI
finally wins the love of Andrea...
.F. W. Grover, '181
Andrea Brezanio, the Temperament-
al Would-be Poet. Chase B. Sikes, '16
Jimmie Dale, Cousin of Andrea....
.Morrison Wood, '16
Billie Swift, another Cousin......
.......... E. E. Hawkes, '16
Mrs. Gregg, Domineering Wife of
Hezekiah Gregg. ....Grant Cook, '17L
Hezekiah Gregg, the Henpecker Hus-
band ..............Walter Atlas, '17
Kitty Sweet, Billie's Sweetheart....
. . . .......... .... ...Joe Palma, '18
Fan Mason, Jimmie's Sweetheart...
.E. E. Pardee, '17
Oswald Spiffins, a "Real" Poet....
..............Leon Cunningham, '17
Harry Carlson, '17..In Several Songs

Girls-H. B. McCallum, '18, L. C.
Staudt, '16, Nat Robbins, '18A, B. R.
Clark, '18, R. H. Bennett, '18, Harold
Loud, '18, F. C. Van Brunt, '18, H. L.
Goodspeed, '18, P. B. Maher, '18, A. L.
Kirkpatrick, '18, M. R. Palin, '18, F. H.
Heiman, '18, R. T. Perry, '18, A. D.
Mott, '17E.
The men who took leading parts in
last year's cast are Grover, Wood, and
Cook, all three of whom are among the
best campus actors. This year's opera
gives them still more opportunity to
take advantage of their abilities, in
view of the dialogue and more exten-
sive plot of "Tres Rouge." Carlson,
also one of last year's cast, will fea-
ture what is expected to be one of the
song hits of the show. Carlson's strong
bass voice makes him a valuable addi-
tion to the show.

.. A. P. John

thing we have had. The choruses have
a swing in them that is irresissible.
Even during rehearsal the men couldn't
keep still, but continually hunched
their shoulders and swayed with the
In particular he picked out three
or four numbers which he feels sure
will make "hits." The first of these is
a song featuring Sikes and Grover,
entitled "Love Is a Rainbow." The
music for this song he characterized
as beyond question the "best of Gor-
netzky's work."
x "Out in My Old-Time Canoe," with
Grover as "Auburnia," taking the lead-
ing part, is another one picked for
a certain success. A wonderful bit
of musical composition, combined with
Grover's singing ability produces what
is acknowledged as one of the finest
numbers in the entire play. So con-
fident is the management of the lasting
qualities of this piece that a large
advance order for scores will be placed
with the music publishing house at
The distinct song hit of the show
has been found in "Team of the Maize
and Blue," featuring H. Carlson and
chorus. " great football song," said.
Mr. Moore. "One that is sure to live
with the students."
Another very effective number pos-
sessing permanent value is, "Under-
neath Your Balcony," a love lyric sung
by Sikes, Grover, and chorus, accom-
panied by a Troubadour Trio, and the
Michigan Concert Quartette.
The song program in full is as fol-
Overture ... .......Lawton-Gornetzky
1. Opening Chorus.......Gornetzky,
2. Relatives'and Friends...Gornetzky
3. I'm a Poet.. ......... ....Lawton
4. Out for a Big Time.... Gornetzky+
5. The Female of the Species....
....... ......... ... Gornetzky
6. Out in My Old Time Canoe....
..... .... .. . Gornetzky
7. Love Is a Rainbow.....Gornetzky
8. Finale .............Gornetzky
9. Opening Chorus ........ Gornetzky
10. That Rollicking Michigan Trot
. ............ Gornetzky
11. Underneath Your Balcony
... .. .............Gornetzky
Troubadour Trio, and Michigan
Concert Quartette
12. Team of the Maize and Blue..
.................... Gornetzky
13. My Picture Maid. 4..Gornetzky
14. The Invitation in Your Eyes..
...................... Gornetzky
15. You've been Fooling Me......
.................. ... Gornetzky
16. Finale .............. . .Gornetzky'
(Continued on P'age 2)

Prduces All Musical Numbers
Show But One, Written by


The organization of the opera, the
invisible framework of the structure
that supports and makes possible the
beautiful surface effects; is too little
eulogized. Long practice has rendered
it nearly perfect in its workings, with
the result that it is forgotten.
The opera is a thorough-going stu-
dent organization. Not a man receives
a penny for his services, and amid
blue-books, quizzes, theses, and the
other multifarious trappings of stu-
dent life, he finds time to devote no
small amount of thought and the best
of his energies toward the end that
Michigan's opera may not be a failure.
At the head of the list stands the
general chairman, Theron D. Weaver,
'16E, whose business it is to so per-
fect the system that not only will

Expect Packed House at Each Per-
formance; Re-use Ticket Sale
System of Last Year
The seat sale for "Tres Rouge" up,

To Write Scenarios, Select Plot and
Then Proceed to Write
The first meeting of the opera
writers for next year's production was
held at the Union last week, and was
devoted mainly to an explanation of
the new plan for writing opera books.
The new program provides for the
writing of the scenarios within the
next three weeks, at which time the
judging committee will select the best
of the number and distribute it among
those who wish to write the dialogue
and lyrics for the book. Under this
system both the plot originator and the
dialogue artist will have ample op-
portunity to do their best, whereas in
the past it often happened that a good
plot was poorly written up or vice
The new plan was suggested by Di-
(Continued on Page 2)

C. S. Lawton ing manner:
"In the spring of 1914, Schradzki
W. A. P. JOHN WRITES LYRICS and I began working on the opera.
. _. _ Schradzki had an idea about three
Too much credit and praise cannot red-headed girls and a sentimental ar-
be given Abraham J. Gornetzky for tist. We took that as a central idea
the music for "Tres Rouge." Every -and after working five days, handed in
number from overture to finale, with our book to the opera committee. It
but two exceptions, is the product of was refused.
his pen. The song, "I'm a Poet," was "We handed it in again last spring
composed by C. S. Lawton, '18E, who and it was accepted on the condition
also arranged the overture, that it be rewritten to meet the de-
The versatility displayed in the mu- mands of the opera committee. The
sic is very unusual. Much of this book was partially rewritten in the
work, too, has been lone since late sunimer, but. when it came back to the
fall under the constant prodding of committee on November 21, it was re-
a committee which found itself belated, jected again. At this tine I was in-
.but in spite of this handicap Gornet- formed that a better opera would have
zky' succeeded in producing the best to be offered or they would not pro-
work he has yet turned out. The tech- duce one.
nique is excellent, and throughout the "The piece was entirely rewritten by
whole of it runs a peculiar quality of December 21 and was then accepted
tunefulness. to be placed in the hands of the di-
The lyrics are solely the production rector when he came. The book was
of W. A. P. John, '16, who also collab- given to Mr. Morgan and he smoothed
orated with Harold Schradzki, '15L, in t out, changing the entrances and exits
the writing of the book. A tremendous of the lines.
amount of work was necessary to whip "There were no lyrics yet, so Gor-
the book into shape so it would please netzky wrote the music and I wrote
the superintending committee. After lyrics to his music. Alterations in the
all the necessary changes were made, lines were also made and the last
came the real work of writing the actual piece of writirg was done on
lyrics. To this task John has proved the finale of the first act at 2:00
himself peculiarly adapted, and those o'clock in the morning on March 6."
in charge are enthusiastic in their Commenting upon the work of A. J.
praise of this feature of the work. Gornetzky, Mr. John said, "Gornetzky's
Upon "Wap" and "Gorny" fell the work is marvelous. He wrote seven-
burden of composing the 1916 opera. teen songs in three weeks and all of
To them is full credit given. (Continued on Page 4)


matters of routine be automatically to date predicts a packed house at
taken care of, but that the inevitable every performance. Although a few
emergency when it arises will not seats still remain for several of the
throw the whole organization into a performances, there is little doubt but
state of chaos. He has carried the that by the time of the first show
principal burden of responsibility. Wednesday night, every seat for the
Second on the list comes the stage five shows will be sold. The sale will
manager, a man of infinite but indefi- continue at .the Whitney theatre box
nite duties, who looks after everything office every day this week, beginning
anyone else has forgotten. M. S. Reed, at 10 :00 o'clock each morning.
'16E, holds this position, due to the The plan of the seat sale this year
fact that his place on last year's opera was modelled considerably after the
gave him the necessary experience in one used last year, with the exception
this sort of work. of a few minor changes. It has been
A slightly more delicate task falls the aim of the Union authorities in the
to the lot of Francis T. Mack, '16E, last few years to eliminate the stand-
master of costumes. Mack and his ing-in-line .complication, which took
assistants have been untiring in their place annually at the sale of opera
efforts to secure for "Tres Rouge" the tickets.
very best to be had. With the assist- Specific hours were provided for life-
ance of Director Morgan they have members, annual members, women of
succeeded in working out a scheme the university and the general public.
of costumes for chorus and principals Each person was given a slip entitling
which is superior to that of many high the bearer to six tickets which could

grade shows on the road. be used for a single performance or
A thankless task has been wished on spread out over several nights. Under
Sydney Steen, '16E, master of prop- the system last year, one man could
erties. He is the miracle man of the secure 30 tickets, which was reduced to
troupe. Nothing so small, nothing so 12 under the present system.
large, but he must be able to lay his Although the system caused consid-
hands on it instantly. Omniscence erable misunderstanding last year, lit-
and omnipresence are but feeble vir- tle disruption occurred in the present
tues compared with the qualities de- sale, and the management is convinced
manded of this functionary in the or- that the present plan will solve the
dinary course of his duties. ticket sale problem for future produc-
To Dick B. Gardner, '17E, chief elec- tions.
trician, the audience will be indebted . ----
for the beautiful lighting effects at- Advertizers At The Michigan Daily
tained. From the southeast corner of are the -reliable business men of the
the campus "Dick" brings a knowledge city. It is to your adv antage to trade
(Continued on Page 2) with them.

Cast of "Tres Rouge"




- (m

A Two Act Musical Comedy With


Dazzling Music, Clever Lines and Screamingly

Fn SPresented by the Mimes of the
Funny Situations University of Michigan Uon


Libretto by W. A. P. John and H. R. Schradzki
Music by A. J. Gornetzky and C. S. Lawton
Lyrics by W. A. P. John


Tickets on sale at Whitney Theatre Box
Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c. Box Seats:


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