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March 12, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-12

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Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960

VOL. XX VI. No. 111.




Polnians eet ULL DRESS OPERA
This Afternoon REVIWONDAY
Mr. Woznlok and Mr. Jogodzinski to
Discuss Literature of_
Poland 'Director Mforgal Whips Entire Per-
forinance Into Shape in
The first of a series of meetings to Four Weeks
discuss the history of Polish literature
will be held this afternoon in McMillan OPERA DINNER ATNION TONIGHT
hall at 2:30 o'clock under the auspices R
of the Polonia literarv circle A dis-

"We MIust Adhere to Policy That
Governed This Country for a
Hundred Years" Is Plea


"There never was a time when we
had less reason to be afraid than to-
day," said William Jennings Bryan in
a great pacifist address before four
thousand people in Hill auditorium last
evening. "We must still adhere to the
policythat has governed this country
for a hundred years. If we change
our policy now we admit to the world
that they have been right and we have
been wrong. We confirm them in their
futile folly by imitating them.
"If we had been as well prepared as
some would want us to be, I sincerely
believe we would be in this war today.
Preparedness does not prevent war, it
provokes war. What the world needs
is that the nations be brought together
in the spirit of friendship. The three
great commandments, thou shalt not
covet, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt
not kill, must be applied to national
affairs. We cannot afford to trans-
plant to American soil this European
tree of hatred unless we are willing
to accept its bitter fruits."
In dealing with the causes of the
war, Mr. Bryan emphatically declared,
"The cause of this war is to be found
in a false philosophy, the philosophy
that might makes right, and until we
invoke for nations the moral code that
regulates individual affairs, there is
nothing by which the affairs of nations
can be regulated."
In concluding, he said, "There are
three reasons why this country cannot
afford to enter this war: first, no one
can estimate the cost in money; sec-
ond, no one can tell how much it
would cost us in men; third, we can-
not go into this war and remain a
neutral. Some nation must lift the
world out of war. I crave that privi-
lege for our nation."
Mr. Bryan came here under his own
expenses in the interests of the Y. M.
C. A. work on the battlefields of Eu-
rope. At the close of the lecture the
committee announced that the receipts
would enable them to forward $200.00
to John R. Mott, director of the move-
ment, as Michigan's contribution to the
cause. This sum will represent the
largest contribution of any college or
university in the country.
William G. Frost to Speak on "Our
Contemporary Ancestors" at
Presbyterian Church
William G. Frost, president of Berea
College, Kentucky, will deliver the
Tappan lecture at the Presbyterian
church at 7:30 o'clock this evening.
The subject of his address will be "Our
Contemporary Ancestors."
Dr. Frost is familiarly known as the
"Abraham Lincoln of the South," for
through his broad sympathy with the
mountaineers ofKentucky, and his
educational work at Berea, he has
emancipated a backward people.
At a recent gathering in New York
city, Justice Hughes of the Supreme
Court, in introducing President Frost,
said, "Here is a man who, in develop-
ing young manhood, has placed a na-
(Continued on Page Six)

cussion will be led by Mr. Wozniok,
chairman of the program committee.{
Mr. Jogodzinski will 'give a short
review of the life and works of Jan
These meetings will be held every
two weeks and it is hoped to cover
the history of the language to the pres-
ent date. The meetings will be given
in Polish and are open to the public.
Bryan S eaks at
Newberry Halli
At Y. 1I. C. A. Dinner ex-Secretary Ex-
presses Favor of Co-
Mr. Bryan was tendered a dinner!
last evening by the cabinets of the
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. In an in-
formal talk after the dinner he ex-
pressed himself as being in favor of
co-education. He said, "Students should
leave school not only with minds train-
ed, but also with hearts developed."
The ex-secretary gave a speech at
Newberry hall in the afternoon on
"The First Commandment."
Gargoyle Will Be
Out This Week
Leap Year Number of Campus humor-
Ist to Excel all Former
Issues of theGargoyle's Leap Year
number will total 1500, which is 200
more copies than have ever been is-
sued before.
This is not because the Gargoyle
thinkstthat the campus is especially
interested in Leap Years, but because
the "reading" is superb and writhingly
Features of this number will be the
cover design and Harry Leach's dou-
ble page drawing, which contains ones
hundred pictures in each section and
depicts the campus in the throes of
Leap Year. The cover design is by
Al Honey, '17D and depicts a girl's
head popping out of the March cal-
The magazine comes out this week
Friday and copies will be sold on the
On account of the action of the Board
of Regents in not permitting political
speakers to use Hill auditorium, a
resolution was introduced by Paul G.
Eger, '16L, at the regular meeting of
the Webster Debating society on Fri-
day evening, which provides for a for-
mal protest to be sent to that body.
The resolution was adopted by the
Webster society by an overwhelming
majority. It will be presented to the
other campus societies for their appro-
val, and if ratified by them will be
submitted to the Board of Regents as
the combined sentiment of all the so-
cieties in respect to this matter.

The first full dress rehearsal of the
cast and chorus of the 1916 Union
opera, "Tres Rouge" will be held at
the Whitney theater tomorrow night.
Owing to an unexpected delay in the
shipment of costumes from New York,
the dress parade was postponed yes-
"The show is in good shape and
ready any moment for the first per-
formance," said Director Morgan yes-
terday when asked as to his opinion
of the opera. Although Mr. Morgan
has been in Ann Arbor for but four
weeks, he has succeeded in whipping
the entire show into shape almost a
week ahead of time.
The annual dinner for cast, chorus,
committeemen, and old members of
the Mimes will be held at the Union at
7:30 o'clock tonight. Talks will be
given by Director Morgan, Harry
Gault, Theron Weaver and other mem-
bers of the opera committees.
Since the adoption of the new plan
for the writing of next year's opera!
book, the committee has sent to the
Mask and Wig club of the University
of Pennsylvania for further informa-
tion as to the form of scenarios re-
qtuired by them. As soon as the in-
formation arrives the details will be
sent to those who attended the meet-
ing held last week. All those inter-
ested, who did not attend the meeting,
can procure information by communi-
cating with Theron D. Weaver.
Yesterday's ,rehearsal was devotedj
chiefly to the practicing of the vari-
ous songs with the orchestra. A com-
plete list of the opera orchestra has
been posted in the Union. ,
Transport Gllpabriek ;ails
Galveston, Tex., Mar. 1..-The Unit-j
ed States transport Gilpatrick sailed
this afternoon for Christobal with 1,500
muen, artillery, animals. and equipment
on board.

Today First Go
to Church Sunday
I - --t Spon.oed by S. C. A. Coin.
niittee and Student
Michigan's first Go-to-Church Sun-
day will be instituted today when it
is expected that several thousand stu-
dents will attend either the morning
or evening services in one of the local
churches. The movoment, which has
been sponsored by a committee of the
S. C. A. and the student pastors, has
received considerable recognition in
several of the other college centers
of the United States, and it is likely
that an annual student Go-to-Church
Sunday will be appointed for all the
universities and colleges of the United
More than 3,000 letters and several
thousand cards have been sent out
in furtherance of today's movement, in
addition to a campaign of advertising
which has been carried on in the lo-
cal papers.
Special preachers have been secured
for most of the pulpits, and special
ermons will be preached both morning
and evening in all the local churches.
Extra musical services have also been
Editor of The Independent to Speak
on Preparedness
Hamilton Holt, editor of the Inde-
pendent, will speak this evening in
the Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock,
on "National vs International Pre-
Mr. Holt is one of the greatest liv-
ing authorities on the question of in-
ternational peace, having advocated
this doctrine in his lectures through-
out the country and by means of his
many writings on the subject. Ile is
a member of the executive committees
of several international peace soci-
eties and in 1909 was decorated by the
Emperor of Japan with the Order of
the Sacred Treasure, for developing
friendly relations between Japan and
the United States. 4

Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 11.-
Michigan's two-mile relay team
finished second to Yale in the
Meadowbrook club carnival
here last night. Cornell ended
in third position,.with Maine'
fourth. The Blue quartet clipped
4 4-5 seconds from the previous
Middle Atlantic record of 8:03 4-5
Maine, with four of the five
men who hold the cross-country
record, running in this entry,.
disappointed its followers by
failing to finish higher in the
Meredith, of Pennsylvania,
broke all records for the 660-
yard run when he finished in the
lead of one of the fastest fields
in the country.
* * * * * * * * * *


Track Team B1eat
Cornell At Penny.
Michigan Relay Team Finishes Second
to Yale in Big


L. D. Dickenson, lieutenant-governor
of Michigan, will speak at 10:30 o'clock
this morning on "The. Work of the
Anti-Saloon League" in the Unitarian
Mr. Dickenson is a probable candi-
date for governor at the next elec-
tion. He is heartily in favor of state
prohibition and desires to make it a
plank of the Republican party.

Five Hundred American Mormon Refu-
gees in Danger of
Bondit forces of Villa enter New
Mexico and kill T6 Americans at Co-
~ie hundred American Mormon refu-
gees in danger of imassacre by Villa.
-who flees from C arransa troops; Mor-
mnous rumored safe.
A nierican soldiers under General 1Fun-
ston crossing border into Mexican tern-
tory to pursue and capture bandit.
Raiders captured at Columbus to be
tried for murder.
Carranas attitude uncertain, but he
wtll not interfere ith American plans.
'illa repor'd to be inCass Grades,
where American troops will attempt to
capture hun.
Washington, Mar. 11.-Between 5,000
and 6,000 American troops, under the
personal command of Brigadier-Gen-
eral John J. Pershing, have crossed the
Mexican boundary line in pursuit of
General Villa. Advance information
as to the troops' movements is with-
held under the strictest possible cen-
At a late hour tonight the foreign de-
partment was said to have no official
information that troops had started.
Members of Congress who called at the
war and state departmnts, hwever,
were pointedly ,told that the under-
standing is that the vanguard of the
forces got under way early today.
Funston's Report Thought Ase
A statement in dispatches from San
Antonio, acreediting to Major-General
Frederick H. Funston the report that
the expedition would not lie organized
for two or three days, is believed in
official circles' here to represent an
effort on the officer's part to throw
Villa off his guard.
From private but well-informed quar-
ters information comes tonight that the
American column is being headed by
several battalions of cavalry, which
were moved early this morning from
Hachita to Culbertson's ranch, which
touches the border at the southwest
corner of New Mexico. From this
point a wagon trail leads directly east-
ward to Ascension, Mexico, where Vil-
la's troops were last reported.
Casas Grandes Objective
The objective of the preliminary
force is understood to be in the vicin-
ity of Casas Grandes, where 500 Amer-
ican ranchmen are marooned. Funs-
ton is in supreme command. Having
authorized him last night to put his
troops in motion, the war department
appears satisfied that the first offi-
cial report of the invasion will not be
sent until all danger of the details of
the plans of campaign becoming known
to Villa is past.
According to authoritative informa-
tion obtained tonight, Funston's sole
instructions apparently are to get Vil-
la. How the task is to be accomplished
has been left to the officer himself,
whose position in the army is due to
his success in capturing Aginaldo,
leader of the Phillipine insurrection-
Distrustful of Carraza
Officials of the state department ap-
pear satisfied that, for the present,
there is no danger of active interfe-
rence on the part of Carranza. Dis-
trustful of the purposes of Carranza
officials, the war department is pre-

(Continued on Page Six)


Bryan Upholds President 's Attitude
in Regard to Situation in Nexieo
"The President's attitude, as stated tervention in Mexican affairs."
in the papers yesterday, is the correct In regard to the opinion of foreigna


Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity-Snow or rain, with moderate
south winds.


position for the government to take,"
said William Jennings Bryan, in regard
to the Mexican situation, in an inter-
view yesterday afternoon. "He is in
favor of following, capturing and pun-
ishing the outlaws guilty of the attackĀ£

nations concerning the League to En-
force Peace, the famous pacifist stated
that he did not know what view other
countries take in this matter. He said,
however, "If we join with EurQpean
nations in a league to enforce peace

on Columbus, N. M., but he does not by war, it means that we will turn
believe in invasion of Mexico or inter- our army and navy over to a council or
vention there." court which we cannot control, and
"I am glad," Mr. Bryan said, "that thus let them declare war for us. This
the President is still determined not ! would not only be a violation of our
to intervene. Intervention has been Constitution, which vests in Congress
urged for two years past by persons the right to declare war, but it would
having pecuniary interests in Mexico, also entangle us in the quarrels of
but it would be very unfortunate for Europe, and would compel a surrender'
this country to be drawn into a war of the Monroe doctrine."
with Mexico. The Carranza govern- Speaking of a peace court, he said,f
ment canot be held responsible for "We might have all nations participate
outrages perpetrated by those in in- in a court, but leave the enforcement
urrection against this government, but of the court's findings to different
as he is unable to protect American groups of of tions. This would give
citizens from raids across the border, us the wisdom of all in the considera-
it will be necessary for our govern- tion of disputes, but would leave each
ment to furnish the necessary protec- group to enforce its decisions among'
tion, but this can be done without in- its memb rs

Go to Church Sunday.
10:30 o'cloek-Lieut. Gov. L. D. Dick-
enson speaks, Unitarian church.
2:30 o'clock-Polonia Literary circle
meets, McMillan hall.
6:30 o'clock-Professor Iden speaks
on "The Tobacco Habit," Arcade thea-
7:30 o'clock-Hamilton Holt speaks,
Methodist church.
7:30 o'clock-William Godell Frost
speaks, Presbyterian church.
Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Detroit will
speak before the Jewish Student Con-
gregation at 6:45 o'clock this evening
on the subject "Prejudice: Its Causes
and Its Cure." An important business
meeting will follow the services.
Professor Kenyon will meet all
those desiring to take part in the
Shakespearean pageant in his office in
the old Engineering building, from 2:00
to 4:00 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday. People are wanted for
singing, dancing and speaking parts.

Editor of The Independent
National vs. International Preparedness

"Go-To-Church Sunday"
To day
Special services and preaching
in all Churches


Methodist Church






President Wm. C. Frost, of Berea College, Kentucky.


Presbyterian Church

Sunday, March 12

7:30 P. M.

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