'I THE MICHIGAN It's Here DAILY _ --.- TAILORGRAM NO. 2 "The Best Dressed Man nTown" may not be the thing that you are most desirous of having. said about you, but surely you appreciate the value of good, appearance., This is assured in a Malcolm Made Suit, together with the satisfaction of knowing in your clothes purchase you are !how- ing shrewd judgment, for in Malcolm Tailored Clothes you get the most for your money. The New 3A Special with the NEW RANGE FINDER Greatest Thing Out. Prices from $49.00 to $77.00 LYNDON'S' 719 NO, UNIVERSITY AVE. Where You Buy Kodaks and Films MAJESTC 3-7:30 and 9 p m. The Great Boyle Woolltk Musical Stock Co., with GUY VOYER Last time tonight "WHOSE ,LITTLE GIRL ARE YOU" A Farce with music Sunday "The Fourth Estate" I Whitney Thi I";' I DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE SHIRTS TO ORDER J. K. MALCOLM p I 604 East Liberty Malcolm Bldg. . I Ill r®t :1 SWAIN . fl3 1. Univ. Ave. Photographical Expert If its a difficult technical job, see him about it. P: S. He began to use a camera, an 8x10 outfit, in April 1890. ' - - .Kuppenkimer Spring Style PRESIDENT ORDERSA3ERICAN TROOPS INTO MEXICO TO CAP- TURE VILLA; 1'AY BE BEGIN- NI G OF GENERAL INTERVEN- TION,'SPITE WILSON'S EFFORTS (Continued from Page One) can cavalry to capture Villa. Disposition of the troops of the first chief in the state of Chihuahua and Sonora In the last twenty-four hours show that a concerted effort is being made to corner the bandit chieftain in northwestern Chihuahua. General Calles at Agua Prieta said he had disposed his forces along the railroad from Nacozari to guard the mountain passes through which Villa and his forces might be expected to pass westward into Sonora. About 200 mounted men have been moved east- ward from Agua Prieta, aiming to se- cure that side of the trap which is be- ing laid to capture the outlaw chief- tain in the east. "ACTION NECESSARY"-LANSING Washington, Mar. 10.-It was learned tonight in an authoritative quarter that Secretary Lansing in his con- Terence this afternoon with Ambassa- dor Designate Arredondo asked that word be sent to Carranza that the ac- tion that had been taken was necessary in the circumstances and that if the President had failed to send an ex- pedition into Mexico, conditions would have forced igtervention. CARRANZA REFUSES TO TALK Mexico City, Mar. 10.-General Car- ranza refuses to make a statement re- garding the situation caused by the raid on Columbus, New Mexico. A strict censorship has been established and the newspapers here are printing nothing of the raid. Sat., Mar. i-Frances Nelson in "Love's Crucible." Part XVIII. of"The Trip Around the World" series. Mon., Mar. 13-Sarah Bernhardt in "Jeanne Dore." Tues. Mar. 14-Margarita Fischer in "The Dragon." Orpheum Theatre The Horn.o f Paramount and Triangle Photoplays Matinees, 2:oo, 3:15 Evening, 6:45, 8:oo 9:15 Saturdays- Holidays Continuous Sat. March ii-Willard Mack and Geo. Fawcett in The Corner (& Triangle Comedy Matinee only.) Sun.-Mon.. Mar. 12-13-Marguerite Clark in "Mice and Men." Evening, x5c. Tues -Mar.x4-Helen Ware in Cross Currents and Weber & Fields in Worst of Friends. Evening xsc on arr rnrpitai a. nri14Trnn+ Shows at 3:00. ,6:30, 8:00, 9:3 Popuar Mats. ADDICK Week of Wetieady I~fl i IiI~ March 6th DETROIT Eva Tanguay, In "The Girl Who Smiles" ARCADE Spring Hats Ready Flat Brims the Latest We have a large stock in all the new shapes and colors. Get your Spring hat of us. We make hats. shape them to your head and give you unequalled service. We Do All Kinds of Hat Work Men: Your last season's hat relocked into the new flat brim with a new band, will please you and save you $2 or $3 Ladies: We reblock Milans, Hemps, Panamas, etc., into the new Shapes. They will please you. Factory Hat Store Near Allenel Hotel 118 E. Huron St. THE FAMOUS Cox Sons and Vining =A CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College Degrees maybe ordered now from Matinee: Night': PRICE9 35C, S5c,.e75c, S S0C, 75C, $1, $1.50 AD DITIONAL SPORT ANNOUNCE DATES FOR ANNUAL INDOOR MEETS- A Saturday, March 11 Matinee and Night All-Star Revival The Prince of Plsen Pixley-uder' Internation- al Musical Comedy Triumph -With- John W. Ransone The Original Hans " agner And a Notable Cast company o f62 Pilsen Special Orchestra This will be your last op- portunity to see this famous Musical Show. Schieduled fDub Track Clashes for 18th and 25th I,, a jl i Y e f t t ' is shown here in a young man's. suit. Note the I narrow lapel running up to a point instead of notched in. The coat is a trifle longer but snu g-fitting. This is the single breasted Lenox, one of the most popular Spring SKuppenheimer Styles This and other equally attractive models have just ar- rived in Ann Arbor to hurry Spring along. We advise you to come in now and get first pick from the large assortment. of patterns these clothes come in. Priced at $20 to $30. NA F. Allen Co. Main Street PRES. FROST LECTURES HERE TOMORROW NIGHT (Continued from Page One) toms of the pre-revolutionary colonies. He will describe the life of these peo- ple and show the avidity with which they accept education. Many of these mountaineers are extremely brilliant men despite the ilack they have felt for education, and it is to supply this that Berea college was founded. Tl work which this school is doing is principally of a technical nature, while the American language of today is being taught, since the in- habitants of this hitherto unknown part of the country speak the dialect of 1775. WJI. L BRYA N TO GIVE LEC- TURE IN HILL XUDITORIIh (Continued from Page One distributed at the "Y" today. At 6:00 o'clock a banquet will be held in Newberry hall for the ofti- cial boards of the "Y" and the Y: W. C. A. at which Mr. Bryan will speak. He arrives in Ann Arbor at 2:42 from South Bend, Ind., and will be met at the train by a committee com- posed of Postmaster Horatio Abbott, Professor Trueblood, Principal W. M. Aiken of the Ann Arbor high. school,: Judge Victor H. Lane and John R. Kneebone, representing the "Y". No tickets will be reserved after the 'beginning the lecture. Seats on the main floor are to be sold for 25 cents each to students and city residents. The first and second balconies are re- served for the use of undergraduates. and free tickets can be secured today at the Y. M. C, A. head quarters. Among the activities directed by the "Y" in the concentration prison camps of Europe, perhaps those which afford an opportunity for the inmates to work at crafts are the most important. Next WORK GOING ON IN PREPAIRA- Hol::4e of Representatives Chloee Men TtON FOR MID-WEST DEBATE to Meet Alpha Nu in April Work is going forv:a: rapidly i a Try-outs for the freshman debate preparation for the mnid-west Uoh: held in the Adelphi House of Repre- which will be held here Friday night, sentatives last night resulted 'in the March 31, and according to present in- following men being selected: Morris dications, Michigan will be represented Cohen, '19, Raymond Adrianse, '19, and by a strong team on that occasion. Paul E. Cholette, '19. David R. Hertz, This is the second season of the '19, was selected as alternate. new Mid-West Debating league series, This team will meet the freshman which was organized two years ago team from Alpha Nig in a contest for between the universities of Michigan,, the Delta Sigma Rho cup to be held some time in the latter part of April. Wisconsin, and Illinois Ina trian- se - -- gular meet of this kind, it is the cus- EXPECT 15,000 To ATTEND tom for each university to prepare a DETROIT MEDICAL CON4 iNTION negative and an affirmative team which meets its respective opponent accord- Detroit, Mar. 10.-Fifteen , hcusand ing to an arranged schedule. visitors are expected during the ses- I-asL year considerable interest was sions of the American Medical associa- aroused uccause of the fact that the tion convention, which will be held jro'essors of oratory at both Wiscon- June 12-15. Eight-thousand registra- s and Illinois were old Michiga.n: tions are expected and more than 400E men and had received degrees urnder, doctors have asked for garage accom- Professor Trueblood, of the oratory de- modation already. artment. Affiliated organizations that will meet here at same time are: Ameri- can Academy of Medicine. American VAUGHAN WRITES ARTICLE Protologic society, American Thera- FOR LADIES' :HOME JOURNAL peutic society, American Castrologic'--- society and the American Association "How to Handle the College Boy" of Medical Editors, representi'tg more i; the subject of an article in the March than 200 periodicals. United States issue of the Ladies' Home Journal, pensions examiners will me ;t here written by Dean Victor- C. Vaughan, of also and 400 exhibitors of medical the Medical school. books and supplies have apl ied for Iean Vaughan relates space. In this article Resplectively The two annual indoor track meets of the intramural department, the in- terclass meet and the "Dub" meet, have been announced for March 18 and 25 respectively. These events have : ..A successful in the past and a 'a"' entry 1';t is expected. The intercass meet, to be held next Saturday, will take the form of a reg- ular track meet, comprising the usual events. Numerals will be awarded the winners in each event. Members of the Varsity track squad .are barred from competition. The "Dub" meet, due to come off two wieks Jrom today, will give every Michigan mai a chance to blossom out as an athlete. it is a contest primarily for the dubs, for t'le men who can't jump higher than 2 feet 6 inches, and who run the hung 'ed in 22 fiat. Be- sides the regular track stunts, there will be special (vents, such as ch-in ning, dipping, standing high jump and ~nt.ni broad jump. The prizes will a~~of crean'. puffs, candy, peanuts, and other gastronomic joys, but their KsL h -tion -;111b e kept a deep, dark secret until after the meet. Thus a riman finishir;; last in his event may be a warded fix ,t prize, and the winner may land the booby prize. Utah to ( mpete in llaOketball Series Chicag', Ill., Mar. 10.-Illinois Ath- letic cl ) officials received word yes- terday 'iat Coach Nelson Norgren and his Ut h JUniversity basket-heavers would leave their western home soon for ti 's city to compete in the National A. 1%. U. basketball championship, which is to be staged at the I. A. C. anK the First Regiment armory, March 15. 16 and 17. Norgren is .a former Maroon athletic star. Go to your church Sunday,,Mar. 12. i To Give Dance at Union March 31 A dance, with music furnished by Shook's J-Hop orchestra, will be given at the Union Friday evening, March 31. Dancing will be from 9:00 to.2:00 o'clock. Go to your Church Sunday, Mar. 12. his experiences during many yearn in handling young men in college and he makes use of many stories and anec- dotes to demonstrate his ideas. Dean Vaughan says in concluding his article that the more the average student is trusted, the harder he will ,try to make himself worthy of the trust that is placed in him. NEW JOURNALISM PROFESSOR INQUIRE INTO COAL INDUSTRY If We May Quote The Daily- L. A. White to Take Place of Bryson During Sumniner Session Lee A. White, '10, assistant profes- sor of journalism in the University oj' Washington, has been secured to teach the courses in journalism during the summer session of the university. Professor White was managing editor of The Michigan Daily in 1910-11. 1 The attempt to secure Professor White was made after Mr. Lyman Bryson, of the rhetoric department, who had already agreed to teach the summer courses in newspaper writ- ing, handed in his resignation, asking that he be allowed to take a rest from work this coming summer. The res- ignation was accepted and Professor White was secured in Mr. Bryson's stead. The Michigan Daily for the rest of the year, $1.00. ** Trade Commission to Investigate Evils That Affect Miners Washington, Mar. 10.-A sweeping inquiry into the bituminous coal in- dustry of the United States is about to be undertaken by the federal trade commission. Officials state that the object of the inquiry is to eliminate evils that ad- versely affect miners; to pave the way for laws that may be helpful to oper- ators, and to affect changes that may result in benefits to consumers. comes the opportunity offered for edu- cational adva;nce, while the Bible cIass- es, choirs, orchestras, concerts and even newspapers, aid in keeping up the men's spirits within the confines of the concentration camps. Bulgars Release Red Cross i'hysician Boston, March 10.-Dr. Henry S. Forbes, of this city, who was captured by Bulgarians while engaged in Red Cross work in Serbia, is returning "Billiard halls in Ann Arbor are not. the dens of iniquity that they are giv- en credit for. The game itself. is es- sentially that of a gentleman. It is the -environment that has always come in for the adverse criticism. In Ann Arbor's billiard parlors we as- sociate with the same men that we meet in class and at smokers and dances." home. Edwin Denby Elheted lBoard Presidelt Edwin Denby, of Detroit, brother of Go to your church Sunday,, Mar. 12. Charles Denby, who delivered a lec- ----- --- ture here Friday evening, was elected Craftsman meeting tonight, at 7:30 president of the Detroit Board of Com- merce at a meeting of the board of TPn cents rents a good Eastman ko- directors of that organization on dak, any size you want. Lyndon's 719 Wednesday of this week. N. University. I The Majestic Billiard Hall I STATE STREET