THE DAILY NEWS OF THE WORl.?1 ANI) THE CAMPUS R X r Phones:-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TIj1' EGRAPH SERVICE BY THE NEW YORK SUN ,! I, C PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVI. No. 109. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCHi 10, 1916. THREE SOCIETIES AGHEE TO FAGULTY 9DANCE REGULATION WILL ENDI B. V. 1). FUNCTION TONIGHT AT 2:00 O'CLOCK. AS REQUESTEI) COMBINED CLUBS To GIVE SPRING CONCERT unuisu~al Assortment ci' Selections Arrang'ed for. Spring_1 fialr in Will Auditorium Harmony, tuneful ielodies, and features in profusion will characterize the spring concert of the combinedf FRENCH BEAT1BACK GERMIANOFFENSIVE IN VEROUN REGION 'IETU'ONI NM(lET Il EVIl )lE Y 'l THE WOR'T OF AY'S EN- . COVNTIEl ryan 's Lecture LANSING ADVISES CARRAI THAT Tree to Students Spellks onl "V lie First Commjandment" AMERICAN TROOPS PURSUE VILLA and "GThe War and Its Leksson to US" IN MEXICO CONFERENCE HELD YESTERDAY' Expect Concerted Protests iron Cam- pus Organizations Against Decree Rumors to the effect that a recent faculty ruling terminating the B. V. D. dance tonight at 2:00 o'clock would be disregarded by the members of the three societies were put to rest yest- terday afternoon. A story appearing in a Detroit paper yesterday afternoon stating that a faculty-student contro- versy in the matter was likely to re- suIit in slme disciplinary measures being taken by the various faculties, was also proven inaccurate by this action. A committee composed of Renville Wheat, '16L, Herbert Barthof, '16E, and E. P. Wright, '16, representing respectively Barristers, Vulcans and Druids, decided to co-operate with the university authorities in ending the dance at the stated time, after a con- sultation yesterday with President Harry B. Hutchins, the deans of the several colleges, and Chairman L. A. Strauss, of the committee on student) affairs. Despite this settlement of the dis- pgte: there was much dissatisfaction last night among the members of the three societies regarding the action taken by their representatives, and it seems likely that a protest against such rulings will be made by these organizations, with the moral support of several other campus societies, which will probably be similarly af-' fected. A member of one of the three soc- eties involved in the B. V. D. affair (Continued on Page Six) STUDT COUNCIL WILL HOLD DANCS Arrange for Overflow from Union at Packard; Tickets Go on Sale Today CONSIDER HURON RIVER SAFETY Beginning Saturday night "univer- sity dances" will be given under the auspices of the Student Council in Packard academy every week to care for all stuients who cannot obtain tickets to the weekly Union affairs. Tickets for the first dance will go on sale in the main corridor of Univer- sity hall this morning from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock and from 12:45 until 2:15 o'clock at the price of 50 cents. The movement has the hearty endorse- ment of Dean Myra B. Jordan and Professor L. A. Strauss. The Council decided to hold this sc- ries of dances after a committee had reported that there was a desire for. a series of such events upon the cam- pus. The committee in charge of Sat- day night's affair is: A. S. Hart, '17, H. A. Taylor, '17E, and W. L. Rindge, 16A. Chaperones will be announced later. Attendance is strictly restricted to students. Another committee which reported at the special meeting of the Student Council held last evening was that appointed to consider means for safe-' guarding the Huron river. In accord- ance with the principle upon which the council proceeds, the charge of this matter was referred to the recently organized Michigan Boat club as the organization best fitted to carry it out. The committee which is to continue the work is: Commodore R. W. Collins, '17E, H. G. Muzzy, '17, W. T. Adams, '17, and G. A. Scheibel, '17E. - The council will soon call a meet- ing of the various class presidents and the memebrs of the various memorial committees, to consider the matter of systematizing the method of present- ing class memorials to the university. Glee and Mandolin clubs, to be given J -- on Thursday evening, Mrh2,i Hill auditorium. ar' h , STRUGGLE TO EAST OF MEUSE The clubs have been practicing reg--. ularly since their last performance nii Beigus in (zernowitz from during the J-Hop festivities and the !'ear of Possble rtussian program, which will be presented as Attack th pf i l ffnrt he fn hl xraa Tables will be placed on the campus today to give out free tickets for lee-I tures given by William Jennings Bry- on during his stay in Ann Arbor tomor- row. The pasteboards will be free to students. This announceent was given out 'last night by those in charge of the meetings. At 4:00 o'clock he will lec- ture to the students at Newberry hall and at i :00 o'clock he will speak at a dinner for the cabinets of the Y. M. oe aiL t -ern --C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., for the board trip, will include many of the snappy Paris, Mar. 9.--The region east of of the S. C. A. and other specially in- offerings prepared for the coast an- the Meuse again is the center of the vited guests. At 8:00 o'clock he will diences. struggle for the fortress of Verdun. give his final lecture in Hill audi- Chase B. Sikes, '16, will appear as The Crown Prince's army began yes- torium. soloist in the "War Song," taken from .terdaiy a determined effort to break Although the lectures are free to Bruch's cantata, "Cross of Fire." through the French line to the south- students, only the second and third This will be the final appearance of east of the Douaumont plateau where balconies will be available, the main this popular camius entertainer be- = for the time being the advance ap- floor being open to both students and fore his graduation in June. pears to have been definitely checked, the general public at the price of 25c. "A Musical Trust," by the entire The new offensive was directed Mr. Bryan's lecture in Newberry hall club, which deals with the trials and against the village and forts of Vaux, will be on the "First Commandment," tribulations of four tramp musicians the latter being situated on a height and his second one in Hill auditorium who pool their talents in an effort to the southeast of the village. The will be on "The War and Its Lessons to gain a livelihood, is the scream- German infantry detachments were for Us." The money received from ingly funny composition of Hadley, able in the course of the attack to this lecture will be given to the Y. M. ex-leader of the San Francisco Sym- enter the village, but were immedi- C. A. for its trench work among the phony orchestra. ately driven out again by a bayonet soldiers in Europe. "Cossak," a Russian melody ar- attack. This is the only point at - ranged by Edward MacDowell, whose which the French line was bent back. "Crusaders" was the talk of the Nov- E'verywhere else from the outskirts elty concert, is one of the best num- of Douaumont where the attack was bers on the program, while Warner's begun on the German right. the as- C "Miss Lindy," presented as an original sault was repulsed. darky serenade, furnishes a lot of hu- 1 ernlatns Suffer leavy l se ---_ mor mixed with plenty of syncopation, FOLLOWING ATTACK A ' FO'ES KIL L SEVEN U. S. SOLDIERS IN COL. FIIBUS, N. M. Today the ermans renewed their Englislmjaii Makes Plea for Construct- Frosh Shows Real Ptichigan Spirit' Va ses O1tToasted Rolls and hItm- b~ rgers to Secuare 171114)11 MIenibership Did you ever try to sell a Michigan undergraduate a life membership to the Michigan Union, and after com- pleting your well-rehearsed little speech find that you had failed to rouse the least of the spirit that we (theoretically) believe is in everyone on the campus? And after an even-] ing full of such experiences did you ever wend your way home from the other side of Ann Arbor with all hope of ever geting in on that trip to Chi- cago that some lucky duuk has all stowed away now, and a repeated curse on your lips about the general rottenness of Michigan spirit? If you happen to be one of those who have felt thus (and there are many of the kind) take heart! Theret is an undergrad with more of the real live enthusiasm than you everl dreamed the whole university has ever had. le really wanted a life member-1 ship, and he wanted it badly. lie (Continued on Page Six) Is Enthusiastic over Union Opera Weaver, General Cliairman, Believes, Interest Greater Than Ever a Shown Before If enthusiasm makes for anything, this year's Union opera, "Tres Rouge," should occupy a position above all previous productions. Theron D. Weaver, '16E, general chairman, in an interview last night stated, "I amt wildly enthusiastic over the show this year, and never have I seen such a keen interes+ shown in a production of this k :r. Director Morgan does wonU rs with the .Alows and works with them t'eomn start to :nish." The s:_iery for the slio°: w-s given a final inspecti-n yesterday and v:11 arrive in Ann Arbor some time todaw. From reports, the weight of this year's scenery is at least twice that used lastj year. The scenic effects are the work of two young artists from Europe, who have been in this country but aE short time. "They have put their soul into the work," stated Weaver, "and are endeavoring to make their mark with it." -fensive with the same violence, re- ive Statesmanship After CHRHS NIE TDNT "tin_ their attack several times on ('lo, F of Conflict CHUR CHES INVITE STUDENTS' " h""s"s-s'""""- o n t the outskirits of IDouaumont on the village of Vaux, and on the slope of "The only important thing about Tickets Asking Presence at Services a hill upon the crest of which Douau- this war is what may be done and can to Be Given Out This Noon mont fort is situated. The heaviest be done afterward," said G. Lowes --- assault was made on the latter posi7 Dickinson last evening in his lecture Tickets inviting all of the stndents, tion. Here the Germans were thrown on "International Reconstruction Af- on the campus to go to one of the in masses against the French posi- ter the War." Ann Arbor churches next Sundaytion aftthe foot of the slope. The as- "Nations live in a state of armed will be given at the several corners of 'Msaulting line crumpled up under the anarchy under the vicious maxim that the campus at noon today by a con -terrific fire of the French artillery if you would preserve peace you must mittee plpointed by the university and machine guns and the Germani prepare for war. Competition in ar- Y. M. C. A. The tickets will be used according to the official statement is- maments is the real root of war and in accordance with a general pIlan I sued by the French office tonight, suicient to produce war if there were of campus and city wide plublicity suffered enormous losses. no other cause between nations." which is being given the movement. t(iois Falil to {l iii In a wonderful plea for construe- In the Presbyterian church, a spe- Thorough artillery preparations tive statesmanship, Mr. Dickinson cial Tappan lecturer will speak, while were made by the Germans yesterday told of the part the United States1 in the Episcopal. Baptist, Congrega- tional and Methodist churches, the ministers in charge have prepared special sermons and special musical services. Letters will be sent to all the fra- ternities and sororities in town today calling the matter to their attention and asking their co-operation in mak- ing the matter a success. LIKENS CHINESE TO WHITES Denby Says Orientals Are Like Amer- icans in Certain Respects "The Chinese people do not hold us to be strange as we do them," was thb statement of the Hon. Charles Denby in his stereopticon lecture on "China and the Chinese Lpnguage" in the auditorium of the new Science building last night. Mr. Denby, who spent 14 years in the consular service in China and is an authority on that country, made a plea that we recognize that the Chinese people are like us in fundamental characteristics, having the same sen- timents, virtues and vices. In his lecture he first told of the present emperor Yuan Shi Kai, with whom he was formerly intimately ac- quainted. Yuan, who was in 1880 un- known and unlettered, has become the most powerful man in all China. The latter part of Mr. Denby's lec- ture was devoted to a discussion of the Chinese language and ethics. DR, ANGELL GAINING STRENGTHf Attending Physician Prediets Ui Im- provement Soon afternoon and last evening for the could play at the close of this war in attack. In spite of these preparations carrying out the proposed program it appears that the Germans made no of the League to Enforce Peace, as appreciable gain. :outlined by ex-President Taft. "Either To the west of the Meuse the Ger- Democracy will kill war, or war will mans began last night, simultaneous- kill Democracy," he said. "The west- ly with the offensive on the Douau- ern nations of Europe will be demor- mont-Vaux line, a counter-attack in- alized economically, and will gladly tended to recover the positions retaken listen and fall into line if this coun- by the French yesterday in the region try will but take the lead." of the Bois des Corbeau. The French Mr. Dickinson was introduced by, artillery fire prevented the Germans Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the economics debouching from their section of the department. At the close of the lee- wood, and all attempts to attack ture the speaker proceeded to answer EXECUTIVE OPINION WITHHELD Federal Forces Follow Raiders Across Border; Report Villa Wounded ini Conflict Bulletin Washington, Mar. 9.-At 10:34) o'clock tonight the war department made public this telegram from General Finston: "Fort Sam llouston.-Latest reports from Colonel Slocum say 46 Mexicans soldiers were killed, seven serious- ly wounded now in camp. We had seven killed, two officers and five men wounded. They will recover." AMERICANS P U R S U E VILLA Washington, Mar. 9.--Secretary of State Lansing served notice tonight on General Carranza that- American forces have been sent into Mexico for the pur- pose of crushing General Francisco Villa. This action was taken follow- ing the receipt of full reports of the at- tack by Villista troops on the town of Columbus, New Mexico, with'the re- sultant killing of seven American sol- diers and the wounding of two officers and five men. Five troops of American cavalry are now on Mexican soil engaged in battle with between 500 and 1,000 Mexicans headed by Villa himself. Reports reach- ing the war department describe the encounter as desperate. Re-enforce- ments are being rushed to the scene from other points along the American border. There is strong apprehension in ad- ministration circles that it is the be- grinning of real intervention in Mexico. President Withholds Opinion It is impossible to get any expres- sion of the President's views regard- ing the Mexican situation save that im- plied in the official disclosures from the state _n"tment as to the steps. whW tue go-n:mant had decided t pon. 1, nnderuA that the Presi- dcnt ,vi confer with Secretary of War Baher r.d ''-creta'y of State Lansing before the cabinJ m ieting tomorrow. The regnlar sel- .vec .ly cabinet meet- ing is scheduled for 11 o'clock tomor- row morning. White House officials said tonight that the cabinet would consider the Mexican problem from every angle at tomorrow's meeting. COLUMBUS REPORT Columbus, Ne.w Mexico, Mar. 3.- Francisco Villa, outlawed Mexican bandit, raided United States territory today. With 500 men he attacked Co- lumbus, killed at least 17 Americans and fired many buildings before he was driven back across the interna- tional border. At least 250 troopers of the 13th United States cavalry fol- lowed the Villa band into Mexico. The report of Colonel H. J. Slocum late today stated that Villa had made a stand five miles south of the border where spirited fighting ensued. Francisco Villa is reported to have been badly wounded in a running fight with the United States troopers. One report was that 100 of the raiders were killed in the fight which occurred in, a deep ravine. The report of the wounding of Villa is circumstantially confirmed by one of the Mexican ban- dits who was taken prisoner. He said he was riding close to Villa when the bandit leader was shot, and that Villa nearly fell out of the saddle but was supported by his men and aided in making his escape. Major Tompkins and his men fol- lowed the- retreating Villistas west and across the border line. They had three running fights with the main body of the bandits. In one of these engagements, Corporal Wiswall was shot through the right eye and killed almost instantly. The bandits suf- fered heavily from the American fire. Finally, after Major Tompkins had followed the Villa band five miles into Mexico, harrassin'g them continuously, the bandit commander came to a'stand with his entire force resisting the ad- vance of the American cavalry. Tomp- kins returnled here. Bethincourt were repulsed. French .Regain Control of Wood I The French continued to consolid- (Contiinued on Page Six) PROMINENT 1EDUCATORS t AMONG SUMMER FACULTY: Men of Nation-Wide Reputation from Tiaany Universities Here During Summer flonths The summer session for this yea:s will number among its faculty some of the most prominent educators ir. the country. Among others who will be in attendance from other univer sities. are the following: Herbert Eugene Dolton, Prof. o{ American history of the University o2 California: William Herbert Page,, Professor of law at Ohio State Uni-; versity; Wesleyan Newcomb Hohfeld, Professor of law at Yale university; William Linn Westerman., professor of history at the University of Wis- consin; Charles Howard Stocking, professor of pharmacy at the Univer- sity of Oklahoma; Ruben Myers Strong, professor of anatomy at the various questions put to him by Pro- fessors Reeves, Van Tyne, Turner, and others. WOOD HEADS COMEDY CLUB Organization Names Officers for Year at Meeting Yesterday The Comedy club elected the follow- ing officers at its meeting yesterday afternoon: President, M. C. Wood, '17; vice-president, Inez Gose, '17; secre- tary and treasurer, C. E. Fordney, '15E; manager, E. A. Bartelme, '17E, director, E. A. Sachs, '17. Besides the election of officers, the club discussed plans for the remain- der of the year. Some correspondence has been carried on with a Chicago film company with a view to possibly staging a moving picture to be shown here sometime in the spring. It would undoubtedly be a college comedy and all the parts would be taken by mem- bers of the club. If this plan is car- ried out as anticipated, it will be the first attempt ever made by a campus organization to put on anything of the kind. L. [),,Dickenson Speaks Sunday As part of the work of the Anti- Saloon league, Lieutenant-Governor L. D. Dickenson will speak Sunday at the m imv' +cprviopth. Ui--in WHAT'S GOING ON 11 Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin- ity: Snow and warmer. TODAY 4:15 o'clock--Students' recital, Uni- versity School of Music. 4:15 and 5:00 o'clock-Prof..W. S. Tower speaks, Natural Science Build- ing auditorium. 7:30 o'clock-Adelphi society meets, Adelphi rooms. 7:30 o'clock-Jeffersonian society meets, Law building. 7:30 o'clock-Dr. Stouffer speaks on first aid, 348 Engineering building. 7:30 o'clock-Alpha Nu meets, room 401, U-hall. 7:30 o'clock-Webster Debating so- iety meets, Webster rooms, Law build- ing. TOMORROW 4:00 o'clock-W. J. Bryan speaks on "The First Commandment," Newber- ry hall. i :00 o'clock--Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. cabinets' dinner, Newberry hail. 8:00 o'clock-W. J. Bryan speaks on "The War and Its Lessons for Us," Hill auditorium. 9:00 o'clock-Union dance, Union. Dr. James B. Angell's condition is University of Mississippi; Edgar Eu- steadily improving, according to a . gene Robinson, assistant professor df statement made by Dr. J. F. Breakey, history at Leland Stanford, Jr. uni- his attending physician, yesterday. versity; Adolph Zuph, professor of "Dr. Angell seems to be gathering pharmacy at Oregon Agricultural col- strength," said Dr. Breakey, "and I loge; Harry C. Richards, dean and look for a decided improvement dur- professor at the University of Wis- ing the next few days." ,cousin law school. ~ mornng service. o i niarian church. After the regular service, U-NOTICE Mr. Dickenson will address the social Tickets on sale today for "Univer- -service class and answer any ques- sity Dance," 10:00 to 12:00-12:45 to tions as to the work done in Michi- 2:15 o'clock, main corridor, University! gan toward abolishing the drink evil. hall.. ,