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March 08, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-08

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__ _ _ _
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Arcade CLARA KIMALL OheQueen of To-day
rheatre The Yellow Passport." To-day


"Black as the Pit
,From Pole toPole"

. Memory
She smiled,
And in her upturned eyes I read an
Spurring me on-and I dared sweep
with ever willing lips
Her mouth-and then she gasped, a
gasp of pained surprise,
Her eyes, Just now so merry, faded
into a glance
That burned the very core of my heart.
Not that of anger
But of a deep and lasting sorrow. Like
that of one,
Who, gazing out upon the ruins of an
Trod under foot by ruthless minions
' of man,
Sees all therein that once was held
so dear,
Destroyed and taken for all times
From out the cherishing bottom of the
And I? I turned, cursing the fatethat
drove me on.
The petty desire that for the moment
Overcame the finer thought that gov-
erns-or should.
And now
The memory of the tear that fell
haunts me.
Would she had scorned-had uttered
words that burned,
Than leave me with but a ghost that
leers and frowns,
And utters words that language can't
We thought we had a scoop on the
story of the lights in Cook Dorm., but
somebody stole our thunder. Alas,
Touching Sore Spots
There was another big fire at M.
A.tC.tHaven't they gotten over the
fact that they beat Michigan yet?
In Passing
There seems to be a good deal of
satisfaction expressed because of the
fact that Michigan landed as high as
third place in the Eastern Intercolle-
giates, with a team of but fourteen
men. Pardon us, but why weren't we
fighting for first? The fault lies not
in the men that went-in fact, all hon-
or to them. Michigan, you know, is
really a fairly large school-and there
is just a little tang to the joy be-
cause of the fact that Steve Farrell
wasn't able to send more men to
represent the colors.
Now Don't You Vity Hin?
There once was a little fellow
Who was quite a bit of a wit,
So they put him on The Daily
Just to furnish us the "Pit."
So one day this little fellow
Got to feeling pretty fine
And he wrote about a. "brother"
In a rather haughty line.
But a "sister" fair, now mind you,
A young "coo-ed" coy, and sweet,
Tho't the message quite uncalled for;
Or at least was, incomplete.
But her "breakfast understanding"
Had been shocked beyond degree,
When she read the various items
That were written there "by Gee."
Now don't you really pity
The naughty little boy
Who wrote the saucy items
That marred this page of "joy"?
Then methings it's not improper
To encourage this poor man
To keep on with his funny work
Anddo the best he can?
E. F. C-, '17E.
(With apologies to D. T. H.)

With the encouragement of the
above, we feel that we can continue
now as never before.
* * *
Dear Gee:
Let us hope that those who might

be searching for Biblical allusions to iiEn
facilitate derogatory remarks about
your column, will note Job VIII:A and M N HLT
Awaiting your comment, e
P. D. --
* * * Secures Films After Perilous Voyage
In Haste on Atlantic Fishing Schooner
In order that your expectancy may the "Eleanor"
not prove fruitless, we respectfully
refer you to Psalm CVIII:17-18. Have ; One of the greatest delicacies along
you referred? Then look at Proverbs the Atlantic coast is the meat of the
XXIX:9. So be it! swordfish. Back in the summer of '12
* * * I resolved to put to sea to see how
But don't do all that research be- they were caught, and to film the
fore this class, whole process from the time the sails
By Gee, were hoisted until the catch was auc-
--- tioned off at the old South Boston
A The Theaters eThen and therefore, at 3:00 in the
afternoon J climbed aboard the schoon-
er "Eleanor," commanded by Captain
* Maurice Lubee, a short stocky bearded
* * man, with a bulbous nose, a rank brier
A S pie. and a vocabulary of one word.
* ATTHE THEATERS That one word was "un." He uttered
it, said it, hissed it, growled it, cried
* T1OI Al
* it, and moaned it, in 184 different
tones, and withal so effectively that
* gajesti - Vaudeville, featur- h e did not stand in need of any other
*dexpression. The "Eleanor" was a
Arcade-Clara mball Yotung *gasoline and sail-propelled boat, 100
a n Y feet in length and 20 in the beam.
* in "The Yellowv Passport.l 15c. Three hundred miles east of Nova
Scotia we sailed, hove the anchor, and
* Orphemngbd?*Ardenin"The three of the men mounted to little
* leloved agi'abond." ,seats affixed to the fore-top-mast.
* * * * * * * * * While getting my camera ready for ac-
tion, I asked the captain in the words
of Kipling, "What are the sailors
"The Prince of Pilsen" at the Whitney looking for?' He explained in de-
One of the chief reasons for the tail at some length in the following
long continued popularity of Pixley manner:
and Luders' musical comedy "The "Um."
Prince of Pilsen" which comes to the But I mana ed to find out. The
Whitney theatre for two performances swordithi' has ce fin back of its
on Saturday, March 11, is that it has head, and the other is a part of the
not been allowed to deteriorate in tail. It was for these projections on
any respect, but is kept keyed up to the surface that the men were look-
the standard of excellence, which is ing. I had just adjusted my shutter
the final word in theatrical production. when one of them aloft cried out. The
The numerous song hits in this pro- Captain shifted his pipe and ordere
duction have an enduring grasp on his men to "m." The vessel begean
public favor, "The Message of the Vio- to approach the fish, and I hurried t
let," "The Tale of the Sea Shel," get a "close up" of the man in the
"The Stein Song," with its ringing, bow-sprit who was about to cast the
swinging Heidelberg chorus,"The Song harpoon.
of the Cities" and "Pictures in Smoke" This ws a small brbed instr-
all have successfully contributed to ment of copper attached to which was
this splendid entertainment. fastened a four-fathom line. At the
The company that will present this other end of the line was a smnall
delightful musical comedy is headed by water-tight keg. An iron pole, two
John W. Ransone, long identified with feet in length served as the harpoon
the role of Hans Wagner, the "Zin- shaft, and this in turn was encased
zinnati" brewer. In the supporting in a hollow wooden pole. I was anxi-
cast are found the names of Edward os to see how the thing worked.
T. Mora, Billy Arnold, Earl McHaffie, When we were about 30 feet from the
Geo. Meyers, Estella Birney, Irene fish, the fisherman threw the iron
Duke, Florence Hensel, Helen Fitz- pole, the harpoon was embedded in
Patrick and Polly Lorimor. The or- the flesh of the fish, and the wooden
chestra, always a feature in this pro- sheath fastened to the vessel's side.
duction, will be under the direction of There was a flash of greenish black
Victor Clark. through the water, and the swordfish
was off, taking the harpoon and line
Otis Skinner in "Cock o' the Walk" with him.
The engagement of Otis Skinner at A dory was lowered, and the fisher-
the Whitney theatre Thursday, March men, rowing out to the floating barrel,
9 is a future event of peculiar interest. took it aboard. and started to do the
"Cock o' the Walk," in which Mr. Skin- same with the catch-but not yet. It
ner returns here, is a new comedy took just 80 minutes to land him, and
from the brilliant pen of Henry Ar- then he showed enough fight to drive
thur Jones, one of the foremost living his sword part way through the dory.
playwrights. "Cock o' the Walk" sat- They tell m many a man has lost a
irizes in a good-humored way the mod- foot in this manner.
ern stage in England, and Mr. Skinner The fisherman lanced the gills, and
will portray a character after his own allowed the fish to bleed to death,
heart-a jovial Bohemian actor of after which the dory drew up along
genius. side, and it was hoisted aboard. It
--measured 14 feet from-tip to tail,;and
Clara Kimball Youg at Arcade Today weighed 550 pounds. It was scraped.
Clara Kimball Young, who will ap- cleaned and packed in ice in the
pear at the Arcade today in "The Yel- hold.
low Passport," has become the idol The next day the sea got rough and
of thousands of moving picture fans. 1 got sick. I took to my bunk in the
In this, her greatest success, Miss fore-castle, and lay there for four
Young has proven herself one of Amer- days praying to the rats that the ship

ica's greatest actresses. would sink. At the end of that time
_--I staggered up on deck. I saw Cap-
'UP-IiE ARERS tain Lubee.
--"Cap," I said, "I been a mighty sick
God makes us children first man."
That we may fill "Um," he said. by way of condo-
Cups for the years of thirst lence.
On eery hiP Another sailor appeared. "We're
And p, uc: tfrom every tr , goin' to have some real sur 'nuf bad
Fair fruits of Memory weather soon," he said.
For the years that are to be. "No, we're not." I contradicted.
--Richard Kirk, in Boston Transcript. "YOU are. What's that boat in the
Mich;gan '0_ A. M. '04. (Continued on Page Five)

Library Chimes
flay ie Displacedl
ftdst 1Ith Board of Regents Whether
Peal Shall Ring from New
Comes the word that the old
chimes in the library tower will prob-
ably ring no more. One of the ques-
tions to come up before the board of
regents is whether or not the bells
which for 33 years have rung in the
beginning and ending of each day,
are to be removed to the new build-
Away back in 1882 President White,
of Cornell and two others authorized
Prof. C. K. Adams to confer with the
founders of this country and of Eu-
rope for the casting of five bells. A
year later they were formally pre-
sented to the university, and each
morning at 7:30 and evening at 5:^
they have sounded the famous eld
"Cambridge (luarters."
In weight they range from 210 toJ
8,071 pounds, and at the time were
cinsilered one of the finest peals in
the country. As each bell has no
less 'han six distinct tones, it is ex-
ceedingly difficult to cast a series, of
which each bell shall have perfect
tones and also ring in harmonic ac-
cord with the others. Prof. Cady, of
the school of music asserted at that
(Continumed on Page Fire)

Whether you want to take a train GLOVES
or wake a call, we willget you there for men, best known makes at reason.
on time. Our service is Just as
prompt in bad weather as on pleasant able prIces, on sale by N. F. Allen A
days. Stark Taxicab Co.. phone 2255. Co., Main street. wed-eod

All the Ladies of Ann Arbor
and vicinity are very cordially
invited to inspect our new
spring styles in
on display Wednesday March
Mrs. Buell
328 South Main






ill beyourilastchance to seethte

ti k
, .
v ' .







II was successfully produced last night before an
audience of four thousand people. They said it was
the most wonderful amatuer production they had
ever seen.
In her dancing specialties, and Dorothy onger with
her chorus, are among the foremost dancers in the
on't miss the opportunity of seeing this
wonderful production. It will not be pro-
duced again in Ann Arbor.





EatFIHad eeh

Fish is Cheaper and Better Than Meat.

Remember We Get Them FRESH Every Day

iF ridgy .
WVednesday (Ember D~ay . . .. . 1
Friday (Einber D ay) ,'
Sat irday (Ember Day) ......................., ...
Wvednesday .... .. .
F'riday................................... s 24
Wed nesday......................... .............29
Wednesday ..Ari
F ridfay..........................7
Wednesday................ .....................
Fridah..................... . ... ..... ..... .. ........"
Wednesday..............,... ..............9
Hfoly Satiurday 22


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