six THE MICHIGAN DAILY SIX TE MIHIGANDAIL ii i I The Latest Great Improvement W TAILORGRAM NO. 2 WHITNEY H tA RE "The Best Dressed Manc inTown" may not be the thing that you. are most desirous of having said about you, hut surely you appreciate the value of good "appearance. This is assured in a Malcolm Made Suit, together with the satisfaction of knowing ini your clothes purchase you are ing shrewd judgment, for in Malcolm Tailored Clothesyo'u get the most for your money.. i the Kodak World is the RANGE FINDER, which 'auto- matically determines the Focus The first one in Ant, Arbor will be here in a few days. See it at Lt 1 ND O N KC DASUPPLIES~iCT You'll always find the LATEST in KODAKS and CAMERAS at LY N " nN' S Thursday, March9 Charles Frohman presents 11 !' DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE SHIRTS TO ORDER J.,K, -MALCOLM i 604 East Liberty Malcolm Bldg. I n xpet DveloingandPrint- w a ing for Students and Others ______________P. S.- He use, the grade and kind (Velox, Cyko, EtM.) of paper he thinks 713 E. University best suited to any given negative. 'SUBMIT MILI1TARYI PLAN TO REGENTSi To Giv e :tils qj Organization for Cnl'.any 0 Cominittee Thims week BELIEVE SChEME WILLA WORK Tentativ4e plans for the organization and trill ing of a company of students to take charge of the officering of those interested in military training next year will bc sui.,bmitted this week to the committee of regents in charge of the question. The plans will be submitted to the committee by Mr. C. F. Wilson of the engineering faculty. Mr. Wilson is on the brigade staff of the Michigan Na- tional Guard and acts as inspector general o[ state troops. He wil offer his se~vics to the regents and if ac- cepted NYill drill the company of stu- dents. Show, az.;3 ',,6 :30~. X3:00,~:2 Wednesday I R and Friday ~I arch rI DETRClT Eva Tonr jyI I"The GirlWho Srnilesl" oTis SKUN'd I In his latest Comedy Success by Henry Arthur Jones Direct fromt the Gear. . Bohin Theatre N. Y. I Yozz and Your riends -an You tried it because w'e told Tujes. AMarch 7---Charles j Ross. i 'I'heI Senator" W!,March S--Clara Kmite b all Yotii g in -II Itc low lPassport.'', Thur, Mar. o-lMary Miles MInter in "Biarb~ara Frietch°,e." Orpheuni Theatre The Home of Paramount and Triangle Photoptl'ys 9:1,5 Saturcla}'S- tHoli Vys '.ontinuoot Tfues. 7-Mfaix'TiolaI d IXVi> l -Xik inTeFlg farine 'i~atrc): t} te. l'vt~enitir.; c Well '.larc ii s-(11I w.c. a aitThe Ie- _ Iovca tVnai aon I. Thur.-Fri., :Mar. 9-io-Cor, tu-t *n~'lier in "Tie Tongues of l ti.w ANI) AIOPTS PTL(tTY PLAN I 6 Prices. SO-$2.00 Spring Hats Ready Flat Brims the Latest We have a large stock in all the new Shape's and~ colors. Get your Spring hatI of us. We make hats, shape them to _ our 1l,,d and give you unequalled' s -rvice. j We Do All Kinds of Hat Work "z VZoutr last season's hat reblocked ittt t~iew fiat brimu with a new bandl, shi l lplease you and save you $2 or,43. Ladie.: We reblock Milans, Henmps, aP;anas, etc., into the new Shape.. Thex- will please you. f Factory Hat Store 4Near Allenel Hotel 118 E. Huron 3t. I Sopit Engineer Relay Men to Try Out. H. L. Goodspeed, 'track manager of the soph engineers, wishes all candi- dates for the 1918E relay team to run against time at the gym -at 4:00; o'clock this afternoon.' The present soph engineers finished third in the relays last 3 ear, and with a represen- tative turnout of- candidates they; should staned a good chance of winning numerals. Mail orders now a,)'~ Ru ow 0od andi aelicious M j In the opinion of those who have it was. had experience, the plan of putting a iBut pour friend's began i group of men through the drills neces- hoinking it beas utsdisthemnd- I sary to make then a "crack" com- dringood it beaseuTold isthemd , less 'chain of enthusiasm that has y, any s the best possible one for pre- made Coica-C'ola the beverage of paring 'chemr to take charge of the in- the nation. fj - experienced students who, it is ex- THE COCA-CoyA CO.,.-1 p octed, wrill ask for militaryi training - ATLANTA, GA. Jr i in the university next year. ________ ______l"_O_______ ______ 'y' i'ei (iit ,4 Port; IWashington, !larch f6.--Congested conditions in freight terminals in New fork and other Atlantic coast sea- - ports and the best way for the car- Alha Delta Phi Sends 3 to (,onveaition riers and shippers to relieve the situ- ation, were topics for discussion at University of Michigan chapter of ani informal conference today between Alpha Delta Phi fraternity sent one the interstate commerce commission. graduate and two undergraduate dele- the railroads and all others cn gates to that fraternity's regional con- cerned.a vention held in Champaign, Ill., on iecmihso swihu oe March 2, and 4. Donald Wurzburg ofItolse a ond hietly Grand Rapids was the gautedl-' ,ibar :au, but could co;.:e justice gate; Thomas R. McNaimara, '16L, and of reg lit-Ions to quicken conignecus Hepburn Inghanm, '18, were the under- ;o freight in unloadiing car:. graduate delegates. Car" shortage in the west wvill t, f taken up during the conference. Westerni States I iderestez 2'n Act ion- I. teOnonc' ite, Mayor of New ? ork . MAX EIL L ATO0 BILE F FE AT THE New York, Mar. 0.----A c 3npaign of publicity intended to bring homne to the largest- number of citizens possible the necessity for an adequate national defense is the first step to be taken as a result of the convention in St. Louis last week, at which 250 of the larger cities in the toititry wet e rej,- r esentedi. Mayor Mitchel, retiiruing today from the coiivon.'n1e. sahi the mneetinig hadI b~eets most i re-~l and he was op- timistic' o7Cj' ii pe p, e ~ctt;ofimpress- {iI .-~ upon aCengi ross ,the depth and ex- tent of the convict ion that extraor- dinary mea-;ure s rist 1w taken to p~ovide i a-, more ample ('oast (eI e71 cues, a larger ." chile armiy, anid to f..obilize the p i' al and in-I Juirfal resources of .e nation for (f"ea1 ar1a have here," said Miayor lMitchel, "that the people of the middle west are not awake is wrong. The people there are think- ing of the qluestion3 of national de- tenase." WORK~ OF SUBM,, A IN L, BELIEF London, Marcla 6. --The British steamer Masunda has been sunk, p~re-. sumably by a submarine in the Medit- errancan. All on board wvere saved. The ship carried a number of passen- gers. The announcement of the sinking gave no details, but it was reported this afternoon that there were two Americans on the Masunda, which sailed froin Bangkok, January 28. Its route law through the Suez canal and the Med iterranean. The Masunda, built in 1909, was 402 feet long and 52 ,feet wide. Patronize 3M ichigan Paily Ad vertlz- er's. * f -- THE FAMOUS Cox Sons and Vining G APS, GOWNS AND HOODS for all College' Degrees ,f ' may be ordered now from Si. S. L.APLANI) BATT1ERE!) IN' STORMY CROSSING (C'onfinued fro-a Page One source that twelve men of the crew had been kept on the bows on look- out duty and that a convoy had ac- J ompanied the Lapland until she was wvell beyond the submarine zone. This report was emphatically denied by the Iofficers. Dr. Fisk, of the American Red Cross, who was a passenger on the Lapland, lbrought the report that the victims of "trench foot" the i_"^ v disease, were now being confined in the guard house ,without pay instead of a hospital ward. The new arrangement he said was 1,ut into effect following the perfec- ion of a preventative for the disease ~nd is maeant to make the men take precautions to guard themselves against such illness. "Trrenich foot" is, a.s its name implies, a disease of the feet caused by long periods of duty ir; water soakedl trenches. 41,000) Employes Demand 8-Hour Day 'Cleveland, Mar'. 6.-A concerted de- i nand upon railroads of the United States for an eight-hour. day by 400,- 090 employes in train service is as- sured by the favorable vote being polled in the referendum conducted by the four railroad employes' associa- tions. RE THAR NOW 'PLAYING Wmn. Prue Ze & Co. Asssed bjy Wmn. Orr & Go. "A Fo,;Iand lRomance" H ainik~n &Barnes ""Just Fun" Ward, Bell & warm "Under the White Tops" Harry Von Fossen Black IFace Comedian loleen Sisto. rs Wire Walkers and ShatpShooters aGoodn t ss Gracious v~ats Are, Goingj Fast Get Yours Now ! So you won't he ]Disappointed Aand be Sure CO See Boyle, oolfolks yMusical Stouck compony "Plovers arnd Luna ts. l'IDAY: "M1r+y Cindere lla. Girl."' SATURDAY: w~hose Little Girl Are You?" SEATS READY Now W ho is your favorites? 't'he following contestants have been entered in the contest and are receiving votes. The Maxwell Auto- mobile and two beautiful Diamond Rcings, valued at $100 and one at $50, will be given to the ones receiv- ing the largest number of votes by March~ 25. Names and votes up to Monday noon: 'F'erris Indor'ses Open Air Schools Lansing, ?Mich., March 7.--"If the open-air scho~ol is good for the child who is physically run down, why should it not be good 'for 'the, child Nvho is well and strong," said Gov. Ferr~is, indorseing the efforts of the state board of' health in its statewide campaign against tuberculosis. "We should not allow children to get to the state where they are run down, and I believe the open-air school for all children is one of the best means of preventing pupils fromi getting ill. If at the end of 'the next decade or two we shall have stamped outf tu- berculosis in thle,1 United States you i will find that all the chxildren of this I country are in openi-air schools. Not only will this conserve the health of the children them ,elves, but it will "evolutionize health condlitions in the avers go honme."w Name Votes. Roy Backus................................. 510 Robt. C. Shankland......................... 375 3. J. Desmond ............................... 485 Anna Levy......................395 Floyd P. Baker ......................360 S. Sears................................... 505 Ida Hetchler .............................. 490 Marie Federholzer .......................... 385 Mrs. Will Van Atta............................ 525 D. H. Benham................465 Billie Burke................................. 555 Gladis Eno .................................. 485 Mrs. C. Heselschwerdt............475 Wmn. Devine ................................. 385 Mrs. M. E. Morrow.................. ......... 545 Eugene Sinke............................... 425 Elizabeth Janouske.......................... 415 Wmn. Behringer .................360 Ernest W. Voorhis .......................... 435 James Ratti................................ 495 Lottie Sumner .. ....................... ...535 Mfinnie Mantle ............................. 465 Mrs. Laurel Nowak.......................... 515 Nathan Seitz................................ 575 Nathalie Hagen.............................. 495 Chas. Petrie ................................. 430 Hazel Little ............................... 415 Mrs. Tessie Stoddard... ..................... 535 Leslie W. Lisle.............................. 615 Marvin Tomlin ............................ 460 Lewis Hooper............................. 490 Bernice- Beaubien .......................... 520 Win. Esslinger............................. 325 Mrs. H. J. Gohenbach....................... 425 Elizabeth Walsh ........................... 415 Lucy Armbru~ster ...................385 Name Votes. Johnnie Maulbetsch......................... 510 Mrs. Joe C roos.............................. 440 Cy Darling .................................. 495 Mrs. F. J. Hlarvey ............................. 415 Martha Spies ................................ 425 Mrs. Jchn KlIds............................. 515 R. WV. Koch .................................. 525 Agnes Barth ................................. 485 fRoy Brokensherer........................... 475 Lucy Pool ................................... 465 Vernie K%-err ................................. 575 Nathan Morning............................. 515 Grover Rich................................ 465 Agues Goetz............................... .495 Anna Hiller ................................ 505 WV. L. Fifring ................................ 465 Iary Heseischwerdt .........................495 Frank Sullivan.............................. 510 H. PreYnin ................................. 415 F{arecil Leowis................................ 515 Mrs. Anna Smith ............................. 415 Lydia Hartman.............................. 490 D. G. Kummner ............................... 525 Sidney Radeke.............................. 510 R. J. Mills ........................515 H. Pehlam.................................. 485 Bob Meehan ................................. 495 H. S. Brown ..................485 Mrs. C. H. P rodock .......................... 500 do0b Fitzpatrick .............................. 515 Anna A'ay.......... ........................ 485 Co1lel Cillispie.............................. 525 Leo W'Harat................................. 535 iLeo Markey a................................ 475 Jchn Lirett .................................. 385 John Walsh ... ...................415 Gustave Ritz................................ 485 FPitronlze Michigan Daily Advertiz- . - ers. * Investigate Hary Bacher's Life In- --- __-I surance offer to students who wish to thie ichigran Dhaily for the rest of borrow money to finish their univer- the year, $1.01). " * Isity work. NOT TOO LATE T ENTER If your name is not in the above list and you want to compete in. the contest be sure and enter your name at once. Full particulars and all information with FREE VOTE BOOKS wilt be given to those wishing to enter the contest by calling on the RAE 'THEATARE CONTEST MANAGER l own 312 First National Bank Bldg-