FOUR OURTHE MICHIGAN DAILY can be Vot ra~ q AK tt esstaucL that 'o uv- _ s 1 [t The Theaters I O A T T H E T H E A T E R S * n m b r of volca (Tudei-;., Iti',r ingmake.Hollanoutomancei" Arcde--C afshi.n J.herl. vs Inn "Th Snatr. * attend the liac . r O ra hestl -V a y B adandi l ru dc i e E d ei ofr * g ookle x thg Ayss,"and "Rumane P. notesnations\KllK; ' Play-goers who daye soeniOtis Skin- tel: t r adoe-ofhgatlestJtriums- chancre. iin U- 1m "Th h eonour of.Callonhte (adK "Theum-arvestr,"and "Fances-owl £rI~F ' n( daWimard aveexper"Ted 'a geal jb"kadyora'W~ . te bsssande"SuarinTe Lop tesa e' h n. rtenity(ofreels .. Skeinner in i teaine? ouY mingaaphancenas anytoe toe iinhv seater, ThutrshaaebMarchra9, in >' Pa the 'llage,"twretten especiauly for nlay-goenr rshrhavesn tisl Ski- thCottanalha>aa rt inlsfhisrattriuh.Mr.hSl~-chne rIwhetisaThecHonr of the Earn- tiit "ThelHarveer,"sa n Fane- ary Bcerhs l mia ab sin.plawurbease tse akitoe it .?Phn Miaou acivmts takeoankit the--- bTetmoftae creti." Te p PtriiX!Di 1 trtntyofseein Mr. Skinner in aa-'!AO te comedansared hsfcrh-,. esoat. hurday, March lin"Coc dupwhot his atr pof mzig e THEPITI "Mfack as~ the Pitt From Pole to Pole" at n etri t h Highlands, farewell to ti' orth, iaeof valour, the country x. orth; nnI wander, whierever I rose, Farewel I th : ! t 1 an Plou-pour- lieers' ulture. I sold one a ticket to ing oe~:. te (lasscnlclub play, to be given in It. Brns. Latin. C. C. fe"'nnanvansus;e~~ed fr to en ion: ie 'ai r' ofVvncn y. ho ~g 'a do :n saoon.Vely, As it w;as: ---Someone is going to have his toes trod upon." A ,tvas copied: -"dncne is going to have his shoes, etc." \Vhet~n you see Eva Tanguay you V (1 ;U- ( (25 0 nan -; L 0' '1 1;' yoa K' not -hI. 1*:} oz the Highlands forever I ,_C -'a .x :oi ":t ,- 1.1 0 t 1',l. U sa',n costumes no one elsei wears." v nr 'sin the ighlands, my rheart ,alnt here; livheat'sin the Highlands, a-chasing \-;<' 'Ug h wild deer, and follow- igthe roe, Ai- ~a~Usin thme Highlands, where- ever I go. a a wi to the mountains, high cov- e-'d with snow; "r'v to the straths and green vali- leys1)01w; 0amwel Inthe forests and wild hang- i tg ,woods, - ---d of Garrick' Theater. ' -No, Wil ie, there is nothing in the ~ ~ ~'~Iiiisnreport tha t, on account of the Euro- 'l il ea' te eid usc of pan war ,the All-Nation Revue chose t-lina Louis Heimann as "Humanity" be- A ;INain eue. cau se he has a lame knee. UPLat'ln rTreMlS Personal An ;dc. hasK 4enuflee ned 1 olhav- Am] EP ~ ,.i ...i.z -.-.4*-.-h,-' f an1t~ UL AL i nnIfnn ofVit inga s :n'ns' ld lohia exhage, all, so to speak, we see no reason why I .:::.n tat'.o:sa chmnuck the "Women's Number of the Gargoyle ax . ,;IL ;e was not made the Leap-Year Issue. OtisS Siduer, W11o Appears at thle WhVlit~icy T,1water ill "Cock o' the Wallk" Prof. (Weason to Address Prescott Chib "Tropical Fruits" is the subject of a lecture to be given by Prof. H-. A. Gleason, of the botany departmernt, be-. fore a meeting of the Prescott club IWednesday evening at 71:30 o'clock, in room 303 of the c hemistry building. The lecture will be illustrated with lslides. Veie eMeli March comes in like a fish. By Gee. "Vas you efer in Zinzinnati," is U-c battle-cry of laughter in the enorr-ony all-star revival of "The Prinee of III- e,"which is announced to appe rl 'at the Whitney Theater Saturda "March 11, matinee and night. For this 'season's presentation tere EIs said to have been a notable com- pany engaged headed by the premier i~erian dialect comedian, John W. rRansone, the creator of the leading ; omedy role. The scenic excellene, splendor of costume and all other d-- tails of footlight importance-, have been1 sought to improve all previous pro-, 4luction. Thus the critical and pop-j ular verdict: "The best production P alt the history of these undying mu-I mecal comedies." A large corus, k~osung, enthusiastic and bubbling ov r " ith ife and vivacity incluCing tii-J ty-8even -glorious radiant girls areh the company. The special rch .Alra will again be one of the features.wanC is under the direction of Victor Ca ', "Classy Vaudeville" is what the bi'r which opened at the Majestic lae .night, can be called. It is inerest- 1ng from start to finish and the head- liner, Wm. Pruette and Co., have ax- offering that is worthy of praise. ,Mr. Pruette is assisted by Charley pOrr and Co., in a delightful o eratn sletch called "A Holland Romac z It~ is filled with good comedy that is clean and wholesome and the sing- ing numbers are most pleasing. The singing of "I Want What I Want When I Want It" from Mlle. Modiste, by Mr. I Pruette is well rendered. Miss Ettaj ' agar, for two years understudy for! Geraldine Farrar, has a remarkable so- i prano voice. Helen Hamilton and Jack Barnes Appear in a talking number "Just; Fun." These two have put togetlwx r an act that claims no merit except that it entertains. There is some good pautter that is really funny, a bit of mAusic that calls for "more." It is just' the kind of act that pleases everyone.; Harry Von Fossen is a black face' Comedian. He is a "nut" comedian.I He's just as funny as funny as can be. There is genuine hilarity in ev- erything he does, he is a droll, comical farceur. Ward, Bell and Ward, are acrobat with a good line of comedy and mary difficult athletic feats that seen toj please:. As an opening act oleen Sisters have a most entertaining act. They do difficult stunts on the tiht wire and do some clever sharpshooting as well. RAE THIEATRE OFFERS AUTO TO WINNER OF~ VOTING CONTEST The Rae theatre automobile voting contest has aroused the interest of the; ;people of Ann Arbor to a great ex- tent and the list of contestants is; growing each day. In this issue of the Michigan Daily you will find a com- plete list of those who have been en-! tered up to date with the votes that they; have received up to Mnday I jeon. The question is, "Who is youry are given with each ad-