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October 15, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-15

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"Pat" Smith, Nursing Marietta Bumps,
- Out for Present; .Reimann
Coach Yost watched his second
eleven scrimmage the All-Fresh while
his first string men ran through sig-
nals yesterday afternoon. "Bill"
Wickham directed the regulars in
their signals. "Bill"' is another cah-
didate for the pilot position, and was
discovered when he ran through the
Varsity in the last scrimmage staged
between the regulars and the Re-
Count one new face for the first,
eleven. Wickham was not the only
man to draw forth the query from-thel
onlookers, "Wwho is that fellow?"
"Harry" Schultz, who' has kept away
from Ferry field to date, appeared,
and those who had not seen the 1918
tar in action last year had cause to
Schultz made such a name for him-
self on the freshman eleven last year
that he is granted an even chance for
a place on the 1915 Varsity with the
veterans. "Harry" spent his time yes-
terday following the first squad ,and
catching onto the signals. He. should
be in the scrimmages after a few days
of seasoning. '. ..
Schultz's return is particularly for-
tunate at this time, as the injury1
which "Pat" Smith sustained in the
laretta game will probably keep him
out of the running for some time.
Smith's bad knee was the injured
member, and there is a possibility that
he may not be in shape for the M. A.
C. game, which is still more than a
week off. Schultz proved a capable
running mate for Smith on last year's
All-Fresh, and may be able to help
defeat the efforts of "Jinx Injury" to
put a crimp in the Michigan line-up.
' Lewis Reimann caused rejoicing in
the hearts of the rooters when he ap-
peared at Ferry field in a suit and
took his place at tackle in the line-
up for the first team. Reiman still
has a nasty limp, but will probably be
in shape for the Case game tomorrow.
Close Gan Is Expected, as the Teams
Are More Evenly Matched Than
In Former Years
tch Prentiss Douglass, of the All-
i"\shlwill line his charges up against
the\ .',bigan State Normalites for
their'G game of the season tomor-
row a ff4noor on south Ferry field.
The game will be called promptly at
1:30 o'clk,' i order tiat it may be
finished befor > the Michigan-Case
struggle, which ikgina one hour later.
The All-Fresh fage a strong team
right at the outset, probably one of
the strongest that they will be called
upon to meet this season, a ud th con-
test should be a hummer from start
to finish.
Douglass was more than satistied
with the showing that his proteges
put up against the reserves yesterday,
. and the men are also confident of
making even a better showing than
was made by last year's squad.
Either Hanish or Cornelius will do
the kicking tomorrow, if such a dras-
tic step is considered necessary. Both
have been showing up well in prac-.
tice, and there is little to pick between
them. Douglass last night gave out
the line-up of the men who will start
the contest, but substitutions will -'
cur frequently in order to give as
many men as possible a chance to
show. The line-up follows: Peach,
r, e. Wiliaa , i%. . ; evin, r. g.;
k e C.; ''iwlsl 1 i. g.; Huser 1. G ;

t _ a t1. ' . l'gge i r c{r ayF, 'q..
I" r I i .. _,_ii s._ _ . _ .

Yosts Proteges Have Two Chances
at Scoring, But Fail to Push
Ball Across
Michigan's second team and the All-
Fresh eleven scrimmaged for one hour
yesterday afternoon without reaching
a decision. But Coach Douglass may
smile and consider that his team did
pretty well when it twice held the
Yostmen for downs when they were
within strilling distance of the Fresh
Mr. Yost's proteges had their first
chance at a score on the freshmen
when Hildner received a forward pass
which netted 33 yards and put the
ball on the freshmen's 12-yard line.
The yearling line held in great shape,
and the backs were unable to put the
ball across for a score.
The Varsity lost its last chance to
score when it failed to push a man
across from the same distance. This
time "Howdy" Warner, who has a dis-
tinct streak of offensive in his foot-
ball make-up, blocked and recovered
Hanish's punt, and ran down to the
fresh 10-yard line with the ball. The
yearlings got him there and held the
team for downs.
Weliman, playing at left, end, was
not the least of the factors in the
successful showing of the freshmen,
being found at the root of most of the
yearling's strong defensive plays.
McCray ran through the Yostmen for
some long gains, and his cohort Han-
ish did the rest of the offensive work
for the green men.
The line-ups of the teams follow:
Michigan Position Freshmen
Ingham......... L. E..... . ....Weiman
Whalen, Pobanz L. T. .....Morrison
Boyd.........L. G. .... ..Towsley
Norton .......... C. ..........Dunn
Rehor........R. G. ......... Bevins
Warner.......R. T. ....... Williams
Hildner .......R. E. ...........Peach

Headman, ex-Varsity, Holds Fullback
Berth; Football Managers
Getting Busy
Class football looked up yesterday.
As against seven candidates who were
out at the last practice, nine men
showed up yesterday. The fact that
they were all senior engineers proves
nothing in particular concerning the
lack of pep on the part of the other
classes. It certainly looks as though
the chain men will carry off the cam-
pus honors. Headman, the drop-
kicker who was with the Varsity two
years ago, is out holding down the
fullback position.
Meetings of the various classes in
all departments will have been held
by the end of this weekand football
managers will be on the job. Man-
ageri must report at the Intramural
office as soon as possible In order to
arrange a regular practice schedule.
Meanwhile all men who expect to
go out for class teams should report
at Ferry field for work, whether any
definuite date has been set for practice
or not. Until a sufficient number of
candidates have manifested some in-
terest in the sport, Intramural Direc-
tor Rowe says that no interclass
schedule will be mapped out.
All first year men in all depart-
ments will report to J. E. Thornton
or to A. L. Armstrong on the athletic
field, and all upper classmen will see
"Pete" Dorrance or Director Rowe.
These men are on the field every day
for the purpose of coaching class
teams so that all candidates will be
taken care of.
Tryouts For Track Managership' Must
be Sophomores
Tryouts for the competition for the
1917-1918 track managership must re-
port to the present manager, John
Finkenstaedt, at the Intramural de-
partment offices between 1:30 and
3:00 o'clock today.
Candidates must be sophomores
who are neither on warning nor pro-
bation. The competition will last
until the nominations for assistant
track managers are made in the
spring. The Intramural offices are
on the second floor of the Press build-


Sullivan and Heitt Pull
Good Stuff, Making


Off Some

Defaults will be handed out in the
second round of the All-Comers' ten-
nis tournament unless the matches
are completed by tomorrow night.
Play yesterday brought the tourney
through the first round without any
serious upsets in the dope.
Sullivan put up a nice fight against
Heitt, forcing that gentleman to three
sets. Sullivan took the first one by a
6-4 score, but managed to pull out
only one game in the second set. The
third set saw Sullivan using a good
fore-hand stroke, but Heitt's placing
and steadiness pulled out the tilt with
an 8-6 count.
The other feature match of the day
was the clash between R. Goldsmith
and Hulbert. Goldsmith's persistent
getting proved too much for Hulbert.
In the second set the loser showed
some real tennis, and let Goldsmith
down with but a single game. The
first and third sets went to Goldsmith
by 8-6 scores.
The summaries follow: Heitt de-
feated Sullivai, 4-6, 6-1, 8-6; Freeman
defeated Sutton, 6-3, 6-4; R. Goldsmith
defeated Hulbert, 8-6, 1-6, 8-6; L.
Goldsmith defeated Hart, 6-1, 6-2;
Easley defeated Mitchell, 6-2, 6-1;
Reichert defeated Longenecker by de-
'fault; Hogge defeated Wright by de-
Best Gym Suits in town at Switzer's,
310 South State.

Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 14.-Although
the practice field resembled a swamp
more than a gridiron after the first
real fall storm of the year today,
Coach Sharpe kept the Cornell team
outside in preference to the baseball
cage. The drill proved rather disap-
pointing, fumbles marring the play at
frequent intervals. Two long runs
broke up the monotony, but the first
team had no organic.d attack chiefly
because of the poor going.
Because of tfla ali amount of
practice they have had Mueller, An-
derson and Killies were put in the
line-up. All other regulars were ex-
cused, because they are thought to be
in good shape.
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 14.-Captain
Mahan was responsible for the only
tally in the hard practice which the
Harvard first and second teams went
through today. He booted the ball
o'ter from placement on the 35-yard

line. In practice, the kicket s made_
nine successive field goalswioua
miss. McKinlock and Bor are o
the injured list and probably will nu
play in the Cornell game.
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. t-Salur-
day's line-up will reveal se al
shake-ups in the Penn Vars.y, It .
believed. Dorr, of last year's fresh-
man eleven, was used at Aight half
today, in Walsh's place. The srim-
mage was lighter than any day thi
week. Berry, Quigley and Walsh are
reported disabled and so tbe coaches
are saving them for Saturday.
New Haven,.Conn., Oct. 14.--ale
work today was more gratitying t an
at any other time this year. rk
Hinkey put the men through a ha d
drill, during which they were able
score on the scrubs four times. Th
interference and the lateral passing
were working well and tht tackling
was sharp and clean. Captain Wilson
rested today and Savage was gi.v a
chance at the pilot's position.





WILEY, Lit. '17
334 S.. STATE



The "College Princess"--an Ideal
Dress for the School Miss

Sharpe; Zeiger... Q.........Eggert ing, oppositethe Majestic theatre.
Bastian, Bixler. R. H......Cornelius
Johnson......;..L. H. ......McCray Iowa '09 Man Has $1,000,000 Business
Rayiond,.....F. B. Hanish, Snider, Ames, Iowa, Oct. 14.-"Out of college
. six years and making a million year-

"Bones" Armstrong, Varsity hurd-
ler two years ago, has returned to
school and intends to come out for
the track team. Armstrong proved to
be a consistent hurdler during his
work here and will be a valuable ad-
dition to this year's team.

ly." This remarkable statement and
affidavits were received by the Univer-
sity of Iowa dean this morning from
Harvey Horneman, who completed his
dairy course here in 1909. Horneman
worked his way through college and
the first year out he earned $10,000.
This established him in business, and
with true business skill he has man-
aged to open three creameries which
yield him a million dollars profit every

1 i rrt t s r n{( r Vr r
We are well supplied with
Beautiful New Coats
direct from New York's Coat Kings. That's why
they are unsurpassed for Style and Quality-that's
why they are best values-and that's why we have
them. All wool Corduroys, Black flushes fur
trimmed. Velours lead in materials and the colors


The "College Princess" is a comparatively recen
style, but it has already won the approval of ever.
young woman who has seen it.
This dress is made in smart semi-fitting styl
with Puritan or Quaker collar. The back of the skii
is pleated. Every "College Princess" dress is a mode
of perfect workmanship and pretty style.
These dresses may be had in Ann Arbor only a
Goodyear's. Prices as follows:
Crepe de Chine with Chiffon sleeves and
Georgette Collar-
Priced at'........................
All wool French Serge trimmed with gold
or black braid-
Priced at ..
Other pretty models
from ......................... .598 IU$ *
"Gym" Suits
Extra good quality of Brilliantine in our Gymnasium
Suits and the style is especially good as the bloom-
ers are cut larger than most makes-
the values are exceptional-sizes iz
to ao years...................5
The New Tailored Hats
are stunning. 1ach is different, each is beautiful an
express the newest mid-season styled
developments. Moderately priced $5.0
We are also showing the new gold lace an ftr
trimmed hats.

Marietta scored a touchdown on about on the green with youthful
ichigan, 'tis true, but the gentlemen exuberance, or shouting for pure joy
who study the calendar point out with of living. Yost may have to push his
due sigmteance that it was the 13th charges onto the field in a relay of
ofhie mouth. What could you expect, wheeled chairs if this thing continues.
huh? If those freshmen perform in their
"H1owdy'" Warner didn't report to games against the smaller state col7
CI Gh Yost as a elfield candidate teges with as much vigor and life as
but after watching Warut'r, spirited they displayed yesterday afternoon in
dash of 70 yards wit . e, -an safe ly j t serimtnage with the scrubs, one
tucked under his arm yesterday, the can ardly censor some of those col-
coach must iaxe been pret> bu> le' r even refusing to trust their
thinking certa in th ghs, r-iion on the same lot with the
Maulbetsch doe.snt loch particit n.
ly dangerous off the D ' nc ut , i W nn ihe big football player
at the present writini. c "Mm : cific coast, certainly lived
does most of his walli .- with any to his advance notices yesterday.
has, one hand bandag 2 re p 3 "a&" was rated as the greatest ath-
guilty to several other min; e iii I "prep" school in the far,
Outside of this, John says (, h a" w .st and he certainly lived up
never felt better in 1) lfe o ih 'p yesterday. "Tad" is more
"!ule" limps, "IN Sm ud to playing rugby,'and
1ei1ann limps, Karl Staatz limpsJ afor he i rn some of the finer
'oo; Dun1ne-well, maybe he doesn' points of the American game, he may
limp but no ou 1tes hit. tearig j develop tuto a x .l rlwind.

Our Ladies' and Misses Coats
range in price
from ...............----.
Children's Coats
from ..................

$2.50 to $31.50
$3.00 to $t 0.00

~P~oA - -



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