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March 07, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-07

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Albertina Rascli and her accompanist, and Dorothy Conger and her chorus of six dancing girls
are here. They have gone through a full rehearsal and. express their delight at the wonderful-
ness of the production. The se nery is all fixed, the false stage is completed, the electrical, ef-
fects have been arranged, in fact, everything is ready for tonight's production of the

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Every act has been perfected, the host of foreign students taking part are coihplete masters of
their, acts. They will wrestle, fence. juggle, dance, sing, have sham battles, and do the nurner-
Gus things that are natural in their native land. This will all happen in Hill Auditorium
In two short 1lours you will take a complete trip around the world, you will see fifteen different nations in their native
state. You will tremnble at the curdling war cry of the Aniesicavi Indian, laugh at the stubbornness of Mr.. John Bull, be
awed by the mysticism of silent China, acid be impressed by the predominate features of every nation.;
The All-Nation Revue will start promptly at eight o'clock tonight, and on account of the limited capacity of Hill
Auditorium will be repeated tomorrow night.



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1l(S . lit ',I ,i 'ves 3 thletes onI
the MWolveinie

°'Y 6 S A i l) STAD I ) IUM 4}1I: " f ' { 1 f e .s Fri1; c~ t I :'?eail ia to (coil?1""( t?
6 i4 (r A LE A~t IjE -I"E li f~~ ~~ ii EIU ' ; j s A e iovihr club Tmee t, whichk
s ~a :~r aTrialis for the team
byAfCFfP w S- O-< tri li~e- vho will go .toll-the
I QukerCity Vill be held tomorrow aft--
k&.na at ?in 1. (C. A. A. A. A. hetean ichwl ec
i :'tting Saturday I -.?.~ ~ . Amime will tprobably repre-
I ]'t Ii iga li this event durinzg the
Nvew York, L. Y., M\ar. G.--Witliout ret of thein adoor season, at least.
at dissenting vrote Harvard was chosen Squdhs xo-n relay team will be the
as the place for the next eastern Inter- OlYOtitof track men which will
collegiate meet at the annual meeting Coach Farrell rel.gorts that all his lp A cr4 ichiganl at this meet.



lIi tglits by a 9 to > score, the 'IS dents1
beat the hoai=eops by a :17 to 10 scre
a~id 'the -la os bested the senior laws
! y a 2.6 to 12 tally. TPhe 717 dents
C orfelzted to the Foresters, and the all-1
miedic team did likewise to the freshi
laws. Russell figured as star for the#
J-its, malking 16 tallies for his side,i
and Rosenthal starred for the senior
:itls, mnaking all except two points fort
his- team.#
The scrappiest game of the evening t
took place between the soph lits, lastt
year's campus champs, and the fresh
lies. Miller of the sophs copped seven
points, and "Big 1}1ll" Edwards got1
the other two. Lokker got away with
17 points for the J.-laws, and 1Melan-
iphy, ?Morrow and Brownell proved the
point getters for the senior barristers.
The fresh laws quintet, which has
a'n eye on numerals, has registered a1

leer ive dclares that its gamue with
the hr,- iters shioulh be declared valdid.
Lee'asof( its failure to show utp
is its scbedjuled games, the pharmic
tearn has b:en dropped from the tour'-
ney. Other team.s having lost by for-
feit to (late :,rc the senior Zits and
the '17 denits.
The schedIule shows but one game
to be played tonight, that between the
fresh lits and the pharicis, and .since
the pharnmics have been dropped frm
the contest, the athletic officers have
decided to give the gamie to the fresh-
man provided they appear ready to
play. Postponed games will be played
off tonight, and several practice games
will also be staged.
S3 a;nnw Clubto tGive Dance
Members of the Saginaw, club are
planning an elaborate dance to be

Coach Lundgren started the week
with a rush, staging a batting practice
for the Michigan baseball squad the
first day.
The big cut Saturday almost halved
the number of candidates, although
there are nearly five dozen athletes
remaining, the exact figures coinciding
precisely with the variety of pickles
which a well known American insti-
tution is wont to advertise on every
McNaniara was out again yesterday
for the first timie in over a week. Thle
southpaw has been taking things eas-
ily thus far, but expects to report
witlh greater regularity from no-w on.
McNam ara is the nearest approach to
a real veteran that Coach Lundgren
has on his pitching staff. Me anara_
was deprived of his letter last year,
but he should prove the most depend-
able Clinger of the lot this season.
Lundgren is facing a big problem he-re
as elsewhere,.lie has retained 17
pitchlers and will probably keep a big
list on hand until the team goes out-
"Wally" Nieman was h ack on the

of the I. C. A. A. A. A. The meet will
will be held on May 26 and 27. Other
-, ents of importance were the adop-
ion of a new constitution and by-laws
aid down on the lines adopted by the
eonf'erence on amateurism, the admis-
sion of Stanford university to member-
3hip in the association and the denial
a the 2amec privilege to the Ujniver-
sity of Pittsburg.
The 1.5 colleges were represented as
'o11\vs :
Brown, F. A'd. Starrett; College of the
'ty of New York, Loring F. Jones;
o'lunibia, C. M'. H-eydecker and W. P.
Pfeiffer; Cornell, P. F. Sanborne;
Dartmouth, Roger F.'Evans; Fordham,
F'. J. Feurbach; Harvard, F. P. Clemn-
ent, Jr.; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, N. E. Tourtellotte; Michi-
gaJ. WV. Finkenstaedt; New York
unvesiyGeorge G. Brown; W. F.
,roatc, Jr.; Pennsylvania State; H.
.lM. Smith; university of Pennsylvania,
C'. W. B. Townsend; Princeton, Donel-
son M. Lake; Syracuse, George H.
timb er, and Yate, A. H. Bunker.
Y. 31. t' A. 0A, SATLTnl)AY, ARlIS

athletes who took the trip to New
York over the week-end cam e through
the test in line shape. A number of
them were out yesterday afternoon'
in preparation for the work which
is to come. "Steve" was well satisfied}
with the sihowing wvhich his small bandI
of mnen put up in G othautSaut.da
night, considlering thati. a 14-xiAn u team
left town with third place in its pos-
session, while teams of larger numbers
vvare forced to be content withi lower
positions in the iial standings.

Ii h ILit., IS Pm~tts, and J3-
:awsg Yltors in tain
Nlglt's Contests
fin the four games played in the

The coach expects to give his squad ba mci ali touarney last night, the J-
o' half-miilers a hsard week c it, as V- ei~m the s nior Zis to the tune
he is going to take a t wo-mile, relyr c .; ft'., the soph its beat the year-

protest against the architects playing given in Saginaw Friday, April 14.
Mleibeyer, who' wvas declared ineligible - -
because of his last semester's scholas- wgami ?$,2ad 1.> liats selling
tic record. It seems that Meibeyer 'for $7;a13theC1 h a ( siCr ist, M9arch
had secured permission to play in this 1i,119 -A1 1. . i ail hPAtmodlels dir-
one, and for this reason, the archi- ; "'Fro iu',w East.

job) after his day's respite on Satur- M'ia' All-Fresh track and field
(lay, although he figured in another .,5in will meet their first oppositioni
catastrophe resulting in a new ail- of 1the season when they stack up
men',. "Wally"~xvas pitching and some- :.;ir the D. !trait Y. M. C. A. i-n Le-
one drove one straight back at him, ti ol on Marca 9
registering a perfect bull's-eye. Nie- e opening of the seas;on should
man~ n was struck in the leg, but the see the freshm~en in good condition
injury wa s not serious, as !hey hiav, een out working in
Lundgren statc~i that t~a' work te gyminasiumc for the past two
would probably consist of b;oth field- months.. 'there have b~een two meets
ig andl batting practice. for those first year men who cared
- - - -- - *-to try out for the team, and in addi-
Shirtsniadeo ,order c,- . 11. Wm tion they have already encountered
company. :-tt-Jo t, ior;scole real eppo~ation, meeting the sophs
Whether you wantJ to take a train j.,.e lre ; nuan class has brought out
or mqake a call, we. « ihl get you there somen~ goo,,! material so far this year,
pan time. Our service is Just as and, they should be able to give a good
promgpt in bad weather as on pleasanaont of them.selves against the old-E
days. Stark. Taxicab Co.. phione 2255.' er mnen in Detroit.

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The ste di1y increasing number who are regularly using and boosting for " RENELL EN
SERVICE " is all the indication we need to assure us that no error was made in sizing up the
la te n t d e ia n d fo r a p la c e lik e th is.E L J - .
was not started as an active' competitor of existing houses, but was built on the idea that in
a cosrn _.nity of this size th ere would be enough people who would want the best, to. make
the ventu re a success.

We furnish the tiIest meals in Ann Arbor and our piices
are not ligh----Join the IRencIien Service Club.

O~Le~J 44ia~

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