ALL NATION REVUE an Bel Women Fore laps is Conceded Palm in Drinking Contest, Says Critic, Tea- Vhat American woman would not insulted if told that she did not w how to drink tea? And yet after audience has seen the quaint little anese maidens daintily sippint ir tea, they are certain to realize t the occidental methods are decid- y inferior to those of the far east. Jiss Kikuchi and her Japanese com- tions have all of the native atmos- re to make their tea drinking sug- tive of the land of the rising sun. en tea is served, the quaint kimona- I figure approaches the cup on ded knees. First, one tiny hand surrounds the top of the cup, which is placed on the other hand. Then the two hands are rounded into a circle which clasps the cup. At this stage in the ceremony, all wait until every- one else has her cup in the same posi- tion, the entire company raising their cups in unison. It is indeed a quaint ceremony that has been handed down for centuries in the land of the Mikado, and the bright colors with which the scene has been decorated go a long way toward add- ing the bewitching atmosphere of the orient which gives this act its appeal. After the quiet hour of tea drinking -which really takes place in a scant three minutes-the deadly duel with the swords is all the more effective. One instinctively feels that only in the far eastern island kingdom could such a wide contrast be found. And, inci- dentally, it is not in the duelling scene that the male portion of the audience is most interested. Miss Mutsu Kikuchi, in the Japenese Act "Come out? COME OUT?" roared Stauffer. "One was absent from Tur- key today, and one wasn't at the Hawaiian rehearsal yesterday. Must come, I tell you, or we can't have a show." "Going to be a fizzle then, eh?" "Who said so? Nope-she won't fizzle. Couldn't. Too big a thing to fizzle. The show will get across all right." "Fine," said the youth, rumpling his hair and scribbling nervously with his other hand. "What is your biggest scene?" "Ask the author." "Can't find him." "Neither can I. Been waiting for that epilogue of his for a week. But it's a good show. Big scenes? Well- Turkey's good, the Zulu scene is O. K., Hawaii and Greece and Germany and France are all in good shape. But the prologue will be the most effect- ive." He touched a match to his non- reflective cigarette and leaned back to get a better view of the light. "CALL FOR MR. STAUFFER." The Producer of Plays rose hastily. "Sorry, old man, but I've got to go. Glad to have met you. See you again." "When?" asked the inquisitor. "Well-let's see-rehearsals at two, three, four, five-and all this evening till ten-thirty. Busy all day tomor- row. I'll see you at ten forty-five to- night." "But I'm going to a dance." The youth stroked his chin thought- fully. "I guess," he said to himself, -"I guess I won't go into the produc- ing game after all." Hope Gladdens Sad Indian Naidl Shadows black as midnight, shad- ows soft as the velvet eyes of the Interviews Like These Take Time Director Aubrey Stauffer Finds Life of Producer Not. an Easy One "Hello," said a round-faced, chubby, kinky-haired youth to the individual who happened to be sunning himself in the dim rays which sputtered from the lone fighter of darkness in the hotel lobby. "Morning," said the individual, hast- ily stuffing a thick roll of manuscript into his pocket. "How are you?" He grinned genially, and the youth felt home-like at once. "Fine," said he. "I'm looking for Aubrey Stauffer, the producer." "Very good, Eddie," said he of the sun bath. "I am the victim. What do you want to know about the big show?" "Everything," the youth replied blithely. "Not enough," said Hon. Belasco's second. "Our show goes farther. Haven't you read the papers? This play goes to all parts of the human heart and wakes them all. People who want to laugh can watch the whole thing-and it will be the hugest joke they ever saw if you don't get those performers out to rehearsal." "Why-don't they come out?" Chinese Principles W earing Native Costumes the spirit land their voices calling her to come. "To the Kingdom of Ponemah, To the Land of the Hereafter." And as she looks, in the moonlight appears the forms of many maidens dancing the spirit dance, the dance of the departed. Back and forth, in and out, they weave, and ever as they dance arises the tremulous, plaintive chant of the spirit land. With a wail of despair the maiden bows to the inevitable. But a new form appears. Hope,. sent out by Humanity, comes forward to greet and gladden the maiden's soul. And so, hope comes again into the heart of the Indian. The leading part is taken. by Flora Westerman Lowry, with .C. A. Ritchie taking the part of the worrior. The following compose the cast for the mystic dance: Elizabeth McRae, Nor- ma Edwards, Honor Gaines, Dorothy Pierce, Geneva Hayes, Carmen Graves, and Jessie Spence. Indian maid-shadows ominous,I shadows suggestive-half haunting, half fearful. Now two silver moonbeams pierce the gloom and fall, one on the face of a stalwart Indian warrior, the oth- er on the fairest of Indian princesses. The maiden's head is bent as if in thought. She heeds not the burning eyes of the warrior, nor his impas-l sioned song. Forlornly she stands apart, mourning for the waning glory of her race. The red man's sun has set, never to rise again. She sees in vision the departed splendor of her people, and hears from SPRING SHIRTINGS Have you seen our showing of Spring Shirts in Silks, MadrasCloths, etc.? We have them in both the negli- gee and soft collar-attached styles and would be pleased to show you the line at your convenience. TINKER & COMPANY, 42 South State Street Fritz Burt, Captain of the Toy Soldiers, in the German Scene The University of Michigan a nnounces a~n Seat Sale Daily 9-12 and 2-5 Hill Auditorium L6 I1 ation AmImAWVLTeAll PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 $6,000 PRODVCTION Produced by Aubrey Stauffer. Special Scenery designed by the Chicago Artist, Arthur V. Fraser. by the New York Costume Co. Lighting by the Chicago Stage Lighting Co. Costumes Orchestra of Fifty Pieces under Captain Wilson Albertina Rasch Premiere Danseuse, Metropolitan Grand Opera Com- pany; Royal Opera, Vienna; Panama-Pacific Exposi- tion. Special Costumes designed for this Act. Dorothy Conger AND CHORUS OF SIX, interpreters.of Classic Greek Dancing Direct from Detroit A Few of the Scenes in the "All Nation Revue" Africa "Where Jungle Trails Divide" American Indian ""Land of the Sky-Btue Water" Russia "The Pearl of Petrograd" China "The Open Door" Egypt "The Daughter of Japan "Song of the Samudi" Hawaii "Wrath of Pele" the Nile" Great Britain "Mr. Bull, of London Twn" Turkey "Twilight in Barakeesh" France "Spell of the Marsellaise" Germany "The Toys of Nurnbourg" Spain "Echoes of Seville" Greece "Arts of Athens" This is Not sk, Vaudeville Show u BVt Unified Artistic and Dramratic Prodtxction Se is now on S le t Grinnriell Bros., Detroit; The Rowenxa Co., Ypsilartl; Hill Aizditoriurn, Ann. Arbor T WO DAYS ILL AUDIT ORIU-M MARCH 7 and