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it at
represent Michi-
nual indoor meet-
.legiate Amateur
a, to be held Sat-
York city. The
letic authorities yesterday afternoon
just after the trials for the different
events had been completed. In all,
14 track men will make the trip to
New York, accompanied by the coach
and Track Manager Finkenstaedt.
The trials which were run off for
these events--the 2-lap, 6-lap races
and the shot put -took place yester-
day afternoon in the gymnasium. The
five successful hoisters who will show
at Madison Square Garden are Cross,
Smith, Walls, Edwards and Leach. The
average which they hung up in the
tryout was better than the mark of
40 feet 2 1-2 inches made by the win-
ning team in this event last year. For
this reason, if the lead ball crew sep-
arates itself from the ball as well as
it did yesterday, the possibility of
Michigan finishing at the top in this
event is bright.
Carroll, Ufer, Donnelly, and Fox
will compose the team for the 6-lap
run around the Garden track, with
Murphy going along as substitute in
both this event and the shorter race.
Of the quartet to represent the Var-
sity in th~e 1056 yard race, the first
three mentioned made the fastest time.
For the 2-lap trip around the New
York track, the team will consist of
Captain Smith, Griest, Hardell, and
Fontanna, with Murphy as the un-
derstudy for the event. Griest sur-
prished those in charge of the trials
by making faster time than did his
The athletes, with the coach and
manager, will leave on Friday after-
noon at 2:42 o'clock over the Michi-
gan Central. They are scheduled to
arrive in Gotham the following morn-
ing, and will return to Ann Arbor on
The coach is making no prediction
of just how his men will come out
in the meet. With the best colleges
in the east among these, and a large
field entered in every event the win-
ning team must hang up a high mark.
The meet to be held on Saturday is
different from the general track meets.
Teanr events make up every event on
the program, of which there, are 12
scheduled to be run off during the
progress of the evening. This meth-
od takes away some of the ability of
one man to amass points for his
team, making the team, and not the
individual responsible for the outcome
of the meet.'
On their form of last year, and the
number of men which they have enter-
ed, Cornell should take the meet. In
the entry list they have nearly twice as
many men entered as their nearest
The managers of the various schools
belonging to the I. C. A. A. A. A. are
scheduled to hold their annual meeting
at the Waldorf-Astoria at 2:00no'clock
on Saturday. Among the matters to
be brought up at the meeting is the
decision as to where the outdoor in-
tercollegiates for this year will be
17-Year Student Wins Fordham "F"
New York, N. Y., Mar. 1.-The honor
of being the first Fordham University
student to be awarded the Varsity "F"
without playing on one of the major
sport teams fell to Elliot Binzen, a
17-year-old sophomore. Binzen won
the national junior tennis title recently
in the tournament in the SeventhRegi-
ment armory. In order to give the
"F" it was necessary to amend the
athletic constitution by a majority of
the student members. The amendment
was adopted unanimously. Since Bin-
zen's victory, Fordham has received
tennis challenges from over 30 colleges
and a schedule of 16 matches is now
being arranged. Fordham may meet
Leland Stanford on the Bronx courts.;
john Edmunds is
Some High Kicker
Bartelme's Assistant Hoists Foot High
Enough to Break or Make
a Record
John Edmunds, commonly known as
"Jack," who is taking Geo. Moe's place
as assistant to Mr. Bartelme in the
athletic office, claims that he is some
high kicker. This doesn't mean that
Edmunds is going into the chorus
girl business or that he is a tryout
for the Michigan Union opera, but he
makes his assertion from a purely
athletic standpoint.
Edmunds only stretches the tape to
six feet seven inches in his stockings,
so his diminutive size may easily be
imagined. On a bet the other day,
John hoisted .one of his feet into the
atmosphere to the height of seven feet
four inches, which he claims beats the
world's record for a standing kick,
and as far as any figures we have been
able to find, this is quite true. Pro-
motors, managers, vaudeville booking
agencies, et cetera -here's your
Senior La.ws Fall Before YearlingBar-
risters and Fresh Lits
Wallop J-Lits
Two class basketball games were
played last night, the senior laws go-
ing down to defeat before the yearling
barristers,, 22-11, and the fresh lits
lowning the J-lits in a prolonged and
rather mixed up affair, the final score
balancing in favor of the freshmen,
21-4. The third game on the schedule,
to ahave been played between the
pharmica and the soph lits, went to
the latter by forfeit.
In the game between the laws, the
freshmen apparently had no trouble
with their opponents whatever, and led
all the way. Baxter, center for the
fresh team, easily carried off the in-
dividual honors of the game, scoring
eight field goals and tossing in two
baskets on fouls, totalling 18 points.
Melaniphy and Rowan did the heavy
work for the seniors, the two making
up the forward division of the team.
A regular family quarrel took place
when the J-lits met their yearling
brothers in what was the first game of
the season for both teams, each hav-
ing taken one by the forfeit method.
When the dust finally cleared away, the
juniors found themselves trounced, 21
to 4.
Perhaps the failure of the pharmics
to show up made the soph lits too sure
of tliemselves, for in a practice game
with the architect five,'they were best-
ed by an 8 to 21 score. Hewlett; for-
Ward for the architects, played rings
around the literary men, making most
of the points for his side Miller of
the sophs played the whole game for
his side.
Today's games are as follows:
1. Senior dents vs. homeops.
' 2. Fresh engs. vs. junior engineers;
junior laws vs. architects.
Soph engs. vs. senior engineers;
soph dents vs. junior dents.
Few Candidates'Dropped by Lundgren
in Initial Weeding Out
of Athletes
Coach Lundgren announced the first
cut of the season in the baseball squad
following yesterday's practice.
The following men are still with the.
team and are to report this after-
Catchers - Roehm, Moore, Arentz,
Dunne, Shutes, Payne, Bowles, Bow-
man, Maggio.
Pitchers - Dubee, Stuart, Wright,
Toles, Niemann, Gariepy, Gibbs, Mc-
Allister, Barrett, Miller, Robins, Deyo,
Cartwright, Davis, Golden, 'Martin,
Getts, Cutting, Rowan, Honey, Breit-
feld., Ohlmacher, McNamara, Berns,
Hubbard, Gore, Halstead, Roberts, Sod-
dy, Buchman, Taylor, Andrus.
First Base-Hopeman, Field, Nie-
mann, Newell, Gardner, Wehmeyer,
Birmingham, Dixon, Hibbard.
Second Base--Ballard, Trost, Cas-
well, Brown,, Cleary, ,Smith, Balosky,
Piggott, Marshall, Anderson, Ma-
Third Base-Aopeman, Sherwood,
Eaton, Baribeau, Martin, Warner,
Reem, Harrington, Johnson, Wurster,
Whitmarsh, Baker.
Shortstop - Pollock, Schermerhorn,
Eaton, Thomas, Bush, Walterhouse,
Larson, Codd-
Outfield - Labadie, Wright, Trost,
Shutes, Opal, Levinson, Ippel, - Gies-
sing, Niemann, Reilly, Johns, Bran-
dell, Brietfield, Cowlin, Hibbard, Tay-
lor, Dignan.
Scarcely a handful of candidate were
dropped on the initial reduction and
the squad still retains formidable pro-
portions from a numerical poin of
view. None of the catchers were drop-
ped and only three twirlers fell by
the wayside.
The list of candidates for shortstop
has increased considerably, although
this department still is the goal of the
fewest number of men that are trying
out. This is probably due to a con-
siderable extent to the fact that Bran-
dell, last year's regular shortstop, is
back again this season, although there
is some doubt now as to whether
he will play there or in the outfield.
Fielding practice will probably be
staged again today, although the coach
will drop the batting cage again before:
long and give the men some more hit-
ting practice.
Prof. Parker to Address Soph Engs.
Prof. John C. Parker, of the elec-
trical engineering department, will
speak to the sophomore engineers at
their assembly today at 8:00 o'clock
in room 48 engineering building. His
subject has not been announced yet.
The honor system cards will be
passed out, and other important class
business acted upon.
Strong Defensive Work by Senior-Ju-
nior Lits, Aided by Easton's
Goal, Wins Championship
Strong defensive work coupled with
a goal by Easton, won the campus"
hockey championship for the combined
senior-junior lit seven in the final
game of the season at Weinberg's
indoor rink yesterday afternoon. By
winning the championship game over
the soph engineers by a 1 to 0 score
the lits established the record of go-
ing through the necessity without
once being scored upon.
The lits had a strong combination
in Barnum, Cohen and Easton. Bar-
:ium gave so much confidence to the
team by his goal tending ability that
the lits played a game which carried
the war into the engineering terri-
tory all the time. Cohen's play cov-
ered the whole rink, and was a model
exhibition of how to handle the posi-
tion of rover, his feeding to Easton
making the lit's single score possible.
The score came in the first half
when, after three shots at the engi-
neers' goal, the lits chalked up their
counter. All through the game, in
spite of the playing of the sophomore
stars, Kitto and Weston, the play hov-
eher around the goal tended by Rye.
Only three shots were made at the lit
goal, and each of these was blocked
by Barnum, the resurrected goal ten-
The line-ups and summaries follow:
Sr.-Jr. Lits.(1) Soph Engineers (0)
Barnum........ G ... ...Rye
Opal ........... P .........Cherry
Peterman.... C..P .. . .....Kitto
Cohen...... R . ........Sharpe
Hopkins.......R W ........ Barton
Schatzkin.....L W .........Hughes
Time of halves---15 minutes.
A. K. MacNaughton...........
J. L. Bateman...............
M. B. Cutting..................
I. B. Clark..... . . ..
A. C. Simons....... .........
H. I. Nicholson...............198
Team Total................995
St. Louis Park Commissioner Offers
Challenge Cup for Tennis
New York, N. Y., Mar. 1.-Dwight
W. Davis, park commissioner of St.
Louis, has notified George T. Adee,
president of the United States Lawn
Tennis association, that he will offer
a challenge cup to be competed for
annually by the champion teams of the
Public Parks Lawn Tennis associations
of the various cities of this country.
Mr. Davis was the donor of the inter-
national challenge cup. The only stip-
ulation he makes is that the first of
the matches for the new cup shall be
played on the St. Louis courts in the
coining season.
Mr. Davis visited Boston yesterday
to make sure that that city will be
represented in the competitions, and
conferred with the park commission-
ers of New York here today.
Mr. Adee . said, "In bringing the
players within the national association,
an impetus has been imparted that will
be the making of champions in tennis'
history. The new championship cup
proposed will be to American use what
the international cup was to the world-
wide game."
Plans are being made to send a team
of New York players to compete for
the cup at St. Louis this year.
Princeton Half Game Behind Quakers
While Cornell Stands Next
in Close Contest
and Princeton come tog
final clash.
McNichol shot out t
ing lead for individua
week. The Quaker le
114 points. Hass of
pressing Kinney of Yal
runner-up position. T
lengths ahead of the fi
Standing of the
Princeton ............
Cornell ..............
Yale .................
Dartmouth ...........
Columbia ............
Number of Campus Aeth
Causes Change in
Y. M. C. A. Comr
At a meeting of the c
inet members of the Y.
the Y. W. C. A. yesterd
the. advisability of postpc
rah campaign it was dec
the date from March 19,
to April 23, 24, 25 and 2
The reason for this ch
fear that the large nmu
campus activities coming
er date would make it i
the committee memberE
required amount of time
campaign. The conflict
date with that of mid-se
inations also made the
seem advisable.
J. Kneebone, grad., get
of the campaign, is mal
plans for the advertising
project, which promise
successful thant hat of )
annual campaign has s1
progress from about $6
$4400 in 1914, but last ye
collected fell short ne
the sum which it was
raise. This year an ati
made to raise $3650.
New York, N. Y., March 1.-Pennsyl-t
SUvania, with only one more game to
111 1play, holds first place in the Intercol-
legiate. Basketball league by a hair.
ULASS U" U OUUHalf a game is all that the separates
--- the Quakers from Princeton, and
Curtiss and Wilcoxen Shoot Perfect Cornell is just a game and a half be-
Target$ in Match With 'hind with four .more games to play.
Idaho Gunmen I In the critical week of the schedule
Yale dropped out of the running and,
Michigan riflemen sprang - another Columbia got a strangle hold on last
eye-opener yesterday, when they rolled, place with Dartmouth one notc\
up the high score of the year in I ahead in the league standing.
class "B", totalling 995 points out Princeton's victory over the Quak-w
of a possible 1000 in their match with ers last Wednesday night changed
the University of Idaho. the whole complexion of the race, for
Two perfect scores figured in the it brought the Pennsylvahia five down
Wolverine totals, E. C. Curtiss and L. from its commanding position. By
C. Wilcoxen getting them, and another winning their remaining games the
nearly perfect tally fell. before the pair will be tied for the title, but in-
rifle of D. C. McIntyre, who shot a asmuch as each has to play Cornell
199 target. on the Ithacans' home floor, the
Individual targets were recorded as chances appear against such a result.
follows: Cornell, with all its games on the
E "C. Curtiss.................200 armory floor, must be conceded a
L. C. Wilcoxen................200 chance to regain the championship
D. C. McIntyre ... ....... . . 198 honors. This week Dartmouth and
W. J. Schoepfle .................198 Columbia meet the Ithacans, and Yale
Prof. C. T. Johnson, head
veying department, spoke
History and Development
ing," yesterday at the fres.
During the business me
ert Archer, '16E, gave a fer
the honor system, after whi
or system cards ,'were p
Definite plans were also
for the ,class dinner. It w
next Friday night, Mar. 3, a
cafe at 6:00 o'clock. Sei
inent speakers have been ei
tickets, selling at 65 cen
stricted to class members.
Men desiring cc
summer work, see I
527 E. Liberty St.
Experiments conducted by the Prov-
ideen, R. I., "Journal," show that the
use of simplified spelling increases the
efficiency . of the typesetter by 50 per
The experiments were made by
Frank B. Gilbreth, the inventor of
the micro-motion study and efficiency
engineer. He took one of the "Jour-
nal's typesetters and made motion pic-
tures of him as the typeman set up
the word Though and again while he
set up the simplified Tho. A special
apparatuswas placed in the field of
the camera which recorded the pas-
sage of time by an electric light which
flickered a certain number of times
each second.
Comparative study of the two films
showed that the word Though was set
in eight seconds while 24 motions
were made. The word Tho was set
up in- 3 1-2 seconds while only 10
motions were made.
At a time when you are out
len Service stands ever ready,
as you may wish to preside at.
of everything, don't let it worry you for a minute. Renel-
to help you out by getting up as simple or elaborate a meal
Just call No. 834 and
will float back to you in our heartiest telephone voice and by that sign you will know that
your troubles are over, for all you have to do is tell us how many ti.l when you wish it
served, then tell us what you want and leave it to us.
Just here is where I am going to make Reieilei Service shine.