THE MICHIGAN DAIY ClIohes (Q1' rJng ., 'her alI the antnouncement ineesary, beocAseothe;tein- m ay i> so well known. aO.stichowve, about these ne sit tat we mIust add. A i praise of them. The patt:myrns eso fre& and Ohrintgs are so soft and pleasing ;-the nwS1yle-s are nartness with the characteristi Stein.-I3loclh rezfline ve Wnow you'll like them hotter hBarn ever. Ltho tailoring is as nearly perfect as.hmanskill an.d an mrake it--the same perfection oi' detail that has aitain Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes in their position of. d suplremnacy for sixty years. to gee thy Spring showAi; edis10obligation on1 buy..and fwer'will take as n- laaein showing;w1tr~eirtt ein hn i Announcing- New Spring Suits R-B. Fashisn Clothes $15 to $25 Thev came in on a rush-New Oxford "Banjo" stripes, and blues. All wool, ofc Advance spring models. You want to loon over auyway. New Spring Hats R. C. F. Specials, $2.50 to $5 New Alpine shraped hats in the " cob " comfort" and r-e ula~r weights. All the solo. are to be popular this spring--Gaelic green pr2 nating. New Spring Shirts Manhattan. $1.50 to $5 You'll like the Manhattan spring shirts. a look at the neaw "lattice" pattern. Sill mnadni~s. Frenich and stiff cuffs. T-HE 1BIG C ;i aainst youir for our mutual benefi. 9 YO Norsvry' trlyI,, TIN'DENSCHMATITT. AEFEL CO.(" is having a FEBRUARY CLEAN-UP SALE oan FLORS'iElm SHO DON'T MISS IT for the R~iyjI Tailored. Clothes for Men See the New Spring Line Awaiting Youj stage IMake UP'S for Face Paints~, Powders, Cold Creams, Rouges, Lip Sticks., Etc. :::: A Full Line at ONCO CJ-~Z4 LIst y 1 } II t i a l t y is making ye I:_-atlincztos- scientifically ani your eyes .,I I- to yOil I C. J.jl IRAL 13U LDII' DcrR0T, MICHIGAN MR !,A A'wti tRRAVWS N 1 wc"± '.i.a s.o-w1 _lM i St FRSHLAWN RPS DAILY TIIIN i, PR1EENT EIITORI AL HA N(~ERi Ntc'V PA PER'S FUTURIE Editor, Th e Michigan Daily.: On Wednesday last F. A. Klainn wrote a letter to Tfhe Daily, taking cognizancee of the nation-wide prope- g anda for preparedness, and asking for a defiition of patriotism on which this propoganda seems to depend. The Daily replied editorially on Thr- (ayjthat it feared that some publicity- monger would consider this idea per- fidious, and that he would use it as the lbasis for saying that higher edu- cation inculcated such perfidious ideas; whereas, ireality-thqt is, in the editor's opinion-there are not many men of .Klann's ilk in the uni- versity. The editor then complains that he finds Kann's statements ob- noxious,, and concludes with the gem that he who has received benefits from the government ought not to criticise the administration of tht govern- inentt.<+ Thebre was a time when I felt that I might send conmunnications to our college daily in perfect confidence that no matter'howv I mighrt be answered by other fllow-students, at least I should not be insulted in the ediorial columns. Y believed that every one sending in a comunication would receive fair treatment at the hands of those into whose control our college paper had fallen., I no longer feel that security. The shameful editorial, ':Klauisml," conclusively hows that students write letters to The Daily at their pe-ril, and for all 1 know, this letter may be answered by an incipient Randolph Hearst with seie calumni- ous attack on my private life.. Emveni for those who are not patriotic such ai state of affairs in our news- papercdoni invites serious attention., H-ow much more then, must 1, who am patriotic, regret this incident! I should like to see. and there is no reason why I should not see, The Michigan Daily stand pre-eminent among,college papers, as good as the best, not as bad as the worst. The+ paper could influence the student+ toward higher ifleals, stimulate a more aggressive search for truth, and sup- port all of us in our convictions, how- ever unpopular, provided only that+ they he hontest. Wh71at is there in Kan's position that drives our prophet into editorial fre /.? What is there wrong withl his question? Of course, I know what patriotism is; and perhaps even the+ editor may know. The college pro-+ fessor said that if you, couldn't feell it von couldn't know it; but he would1 hardly define fire in that way,-or< measles. What is the nature oft patriotism, and what does it demand of us? Many proposals are now be- ing made, on the strength of appeals to our patriotism. Should we relyt upon blind feeling and cast itelligent inquiry to the winds in deciding these questions? Is patriotism synonymous with medieval nationalism, or does itt approach cosmopolitanism as itsi ideal? What if it be but a cloak to cover a multitude of orders for am-l munition? It has been called "the last refuge of a scoundrel.' Just why is it so "perfidious" to ask what patriotism is. before we prepare to shoot our fellow-men in its sacred name? The astute editor is obviously worried lest some farmer conclde fromr Klann's letter that college is teaching young men to ask enbar- rassing questions. So he hastens to] In~v. PRICSQtA~ The very newest woolens ,i the season's most authen- tic fashions from 3 d. V., Pric e & Co. are now, read v at our store for your inspection. Select the pattern that pleases you and the style that nest fits you ; have us send your mneasuire in for Spring clothes made as you want them. We. guarantee com- plete satisfaction or a return of yotir money.~ I '1'1-n e4tAisi madl e :s1el!toll. It Conforms mw-th tCie ec-at. The trousers can't bec skeleton but they are food ones. The f clever desig gn;-g. the good making, the buttons, the buttonholes, thle linling-everythinig .)-' out FITFOIM suits is uniform. There is qurality the~re. Tlhe prices a.e reasonable. You -ann't buy a whole suit for $1, If you did, it wouldn't be worth anything, but Fl""FOAIat $15 and up- wrard means definitely that you are wearing the right kind of clothes. 'Buy a skeleton FI'VFORIT. lou zill enjoy it. 11 !1 I ,. 1 F.W. G . s TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. Young Men's ClF "Fitfoi'm is Good Form" Skeleton in. Your 11 4low-1't utean the doctor's kInl; its one0oo thoe ITFORM suits, quartei' ined. They are st ylish1. They AI as 1,efll os a till lilted coat. FRONT RED -MAN 2 FOR. 25 ' TROY'S BEST PRCT to" xectare ito Medics so of the Harper hos-- igve ,an illustrated ical students on the ~ase," in the Medical t7:30 tomnorrow' eve- Wtilrd L_. 1Muss, '1 , of Three Rivers. A~ih, as ee apoined to theC ( nited S:*;tts JMilitary Acaldemy at We st Point. frmCo'grIma ~i ward I-I . i1-1il Doon, of the fourth congressionlal dis- t.rict. Hoe will go to WeVtst Point MAarch 8to take h physical exainlation, an&r:if successful, w',ill enlter the acad- e'my '.Tn O~r. Crozici' to ',',he Inian mLecture Dr:. t. M. (Crozier of IndiaIna wvill dleiv er alecture 1in the Miller avenue ehapel tonligh'trelatnhllis experiences 7n Indlia. The lecture will be fol- Iowd y tlexibition of ik collec- ;ol ionf Iian1cuirios. Dr. (Crozier just recentlyi retrned from Assam. iF;or er acty Ma li illn iiospi( iii Dr. H. P.H. imeil of Tecumseh, formnely assis3tarnt in gynecology and obsl;:tetrics inl the schocol of mnedicine, as broug;ht from h lis home here Tihur s'ay to uindrlgo treatment for a - ase cf ty phoid-pneumonia. 'aidilaii Club to Neetl Mardi1 2 A.n iriportant business eeting of the C'anadian: club will be held at the UopThuirsday, Mlarch 2. assure the farmer that there are only five like Klann at college. Now, wvhat-, ever Klann may thinky, and however erroneously, is he to be silenced by the editor lest some imaginary per- son take offense? Is the approval of the man who could draw such a fool concluision from Klann's letter, or from anything for that matter, is his; approval to be taken as the criterion of freedom of thought, is he to set limits of 'serious inquiry? And must we refrain from criticising that gov- erment, because one of. the functions ofgovernment is the education of the people? Who is the man, anyway, that we need most fear will be taken as typically a college man, Klann, or the writer of the editorial? The Michigan Daily has a glorious prospect, and a past not to be ashamed of. We who love ?Michigan, and all that thereunto pertains, need fear on- ly that the paper will fall into in- competent and. clumsy hands. When the students' communications are treated as was Klann's, then indeed is it time for every patriotic Michigan man to fear for the future of his col- lege daily. DAVID H. FINK, 18SL. EXCLUSIVE young men's haberdashery on sale by N. F. Allen & Co., Mlain street.. Pop. Mats. Wed. & Fri. Best Seats $1. 309 S. Main St, 814 S. State St. 1 i''I 6dl i TRIIfIUMP 1''i' MON11T THEAl )Ill'W YOR AWorid of Pieasure ('{'MPA NY OF 1T) WVith a Superlative C ast of Star Entelriln,,s Clifton Crawford, Conroy and LeMaire % olhi s S& Hart, Franklin B atie, McOzahoi, l amondW& Chapalow', 1I garet Ea-rds, A reline -V loyd, Venaitaa Fitzhughi, Helen Goff, En fHles, "Ind the famous RMIE QUNN. PRIZE WIN NING 4 CH)RUS OF -THE WORLD Week March 6-Seats' Thurs, MAIL ORE I DETROIT K N ig -i.1i it is necessary for a studt a loanm to enable him to finish ration, hie wil find it easier , if he can 'give a policy of, ranee as hlissecurity that the I be paid in the event of his fore he has beet. able to pay tof his earnings. The Provi- e and Trust Co., have a spe- position for students. Hairry 516 l:. Madison St., Phone CYCLONIC EVA TANGU Tlhe World's (x~reatest Eccentric Comedienne in the Pal llery-:{tan Briquiet Musical Comedy 'the Oirl Who Smiles DIRECT FRtOfl 2C0 MHTS IN NEW Y" ORK' F SIN Leave Copy at Stud nts' SouljiyStore Dela ADVI Ten cents rents a good Eastmanl dak, any size you want. Lyndon's' N. University. k4- 719 E 'lect {Ricers of I1fi~ldale (Club it a banquet of the Hillsdale Col- lege club held in Newberry hall Fri- day evening, the following offcers were elected for the coming year: President, Stanley B. Roberston, '17M;* vice-president, .Cassius -A. Coldren, 'IRAN; secretary and 'treasurer, Tom H1. Roberston, '188. Professor Leroy Watermnan oi thei Ulniversity, formerly a iroFessoi- of lliilsdahe College, acted as 0chairn of th e meetin g. FOU RF.ENT POR, tIFNT---Suite of ro m -; private, latVatory; private en;tran;,r f!or one or two. 53« E. Universityopl tt engineering building. Call '67i -1. FOP, RENT--Sing-le room. 531 Thonip- ,con St. One block fromi cam-pus. 1-ot water h-eating system. f'27 FOR RXNT-Suite of rooms three blocks from campus. Call at 905 WANTYED. WANTD----ltoinnite j sh -e-site, catiion, northwest corner \Wi~ill and Divifisteets. $. f~j Pitrrazzo _iapital Reported E Romle, Feb. 26.-Durrazzo evac uated aiccording - to an statement announced today, is the capital of Albania and held by Italian troops. Th( situated on a peninsula in the The Italians will now be b rmake Avlona, further south Adriatic, th-ir stronghold, attempt to hold northern probably will be entirely abo L1. . all, Jir., to Give l11astr. Louis P1. 1Hall, Jr., will gi, Ins trated talk on "Americas lance Work" in,, the lecture Alumni Memorial hall, Wedne ning -at 8:00 o'clock. Thh Onrs of Victor Victrolas Can have a selection of ten to a dozen Latest Up-to-Date Records Sent th their home on. ourt Twenty-four Hour Approval Plan. Call us up-PHONE 1 TO-or mail list of numbers feb27,213-near '1'3 Architects to Elect Councilman Senior' architects will elect a stu- dent councilman at their meeting to be held at .5:-00 o'clock Monday in ~room 3' 12 New lEngineering building. dan(~ll(ce. Pon' 10i . -f2 rinnl Bros.s 116 South Main St.