THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - _ _,o :,._ .,.. I l i ;, N } \.. + ." " +''Rf5 tllw~t ( lR-74 /y . _ _ _-/ U r VT T I- I -" U l I --- .tiw a a-r e ._.. 11 11 6. ,.. HOLD ANNUALATHLETIC ELECTION ON WEDNESDAY HEART FAILURE CAUSES DEATH OF "St" PERKINS THURSDAY Was Janitor of Gymnasum for Many Years;_ Friend of Keene ADI)RESSES LATIN-AMERICANS COACH LOOKS FOR CLOSE ON MOORISH RULE IN SPAIN Bonillat Tells of Reforms instituted by SCORE AT NOTRE DAME Mohammed and ils .__ Compalotg TO HOLD TRYOUTS SOON FOR PLAY "MIUETTE ET SAMERE" i s T+ itnrwiol win Langs and iRobbins Nominated for flee of Varsity Football Manager Of. COUPON NUMBER 33 REQUIRED Nominations for athletic offices to be filled at the mid-year election of the athletic association to be held from 11:00 o'clock to 3:00 o'clock next Wednesday, were yesterday announced by the board of directors. John W. Langs, '17, and John C. Robbins, '17E, will be placed on the ballot as candidates for Varsity foot- ball manager. Eight men are nomin- ated as assistants to the football man- ager, as follows: Robert H. Bennett, '18, Charles F. Boos, '18, James L. Driscoll, '18E, John D. Hibbard, '18E, Ezra W. Lockwood, '18, Howard P. Nicholson, '18, Charles Y. Osburn, '18E, and Leland N. Scofield, '18. Four of these men will be elected. The new office of intercollege mana- ger will be contested for by Albert E. Stoll, '17, and James W. Thomas, '16. The nominees for assistants to the intercollege manager are Willis Brod- head,''17E, Ralph W. Harbert, '17, and Harold A. Taylor, '17E. Three men iwill be elected as assistants. Owing to the recent creation of the office of intercollege managr and the fact that the nature of the duties of the oP ice are not fully understood on the campus,, there has been little competi- tion in this branch. The man elected as intercollege manager at Wednes- day's election will be chairman of an intercollege board made up of inter-. class managers; he will have a seat on the board of directors of the ath- letic association, and be entitled to the same privileges and awards as go with the Varsity football or baseball managerships. The intercollege mana- ger and assistants elected next week will hold office only until June, as the regular election for that office will in the future be held at thetime of elec- tions in the spring. It is quite pos- sible that some arrangement may soon be made whereby all elections for of- fices of the athletic association will be held on' the Campus Election day. Next Wednesday's election will be held in University hall. Coupon No. 33, signed, must be presented by the per- son desiring the privilege of voting. TIGER DOWNS QUAKER QUINTET TIGHTEIMNG UP RACE IN EAST Princeton, N. J., Feb. 25.-Playing at great speed throughout the contest, Princeton and Pennsylvania met here last night in what might have been a decisive intercollegiate basketball game so far as the Tigers' chances for the championship were concerned. But the Princeton five defeated Pennsyl-- vania by a score of'28 to 20, moved up to within half a game of the lead, and made the race from now on a three-cornered one between Pennsyl- vania, Princeton and Cornell. With the final honors in the balance both teams put forth all their efforts to win, but it is probable that no one on either side worked * harder than the officials. Penn scored all but six of her points by means of the skillful tossing of Captain Eddie McNichols from the foul line. He succeeded in 14 out of 16 attempts. Haas, the Princeton man, could only cage eight out of 11 tries. Heart failure Thursday afternoon caused the death of J. Al. Perkins, tlt- ter known to hundreds of Michigan athletes as "Si" Perkins. "Si" has been closely connected with the athletic activities of the uni- versity for years, having served in the capacity of janitor at the gymnas- ium from its completion in 1894 up to within the last five years. In the days before the club-house was a re- ality at Ferry Field, the athletes on all teams dressed in the locker rooms of the gymnasium, and "Si" was on good terms with all of them. Old athletes who return to the university and visit at the athletic association offices have rarely failed to ask about "Si." Professional rubbers were not so common in the old days, and on many an occasion "Si" lent a hand in soothing the sinews of the men on the rubbing tables. "Si" was a particular friend of Keene Fitzpatrick, former Michigan' trainer, who is now' at Princeton. BATTING DRILL TO OPEN WITH MONDAY PRACTICE (:.4nedition of Wolverine Cinder Makes Their Trainer Hopeful Men To Be Given by Cerele Francais April; Calls for Cast of 21 Owing to the proximity of tonight's ilaih with Notre Dame at South Bend, l ut few of the Varsity men put in anj :pparance yesterday Ufer, oe of he number who made his presence known in the gymnasium, dosired to unloosen a few of the kinks which he bad contracted in his legs, in order that he may unload his best against Mc unough, one of the stars of the Notre Dame outfit. "Joe", however. cnly took a few trips arounr the ova: and then called it quits for the day. C( ach Farrell is looaing for a close score as the result of tonight's eo- ccuner. Several gord mark- should be' uncovered as the result of the Maize aiut Blue trip to the Hoosier tcwn, un- iess the use of spiked shoes, whic the n:h( irust wear on tfe Cathclics' track inierferes seriously with the showing wA h the team makes. P Tactically without exception, the ii en ;,re in good condition for this time of the year. "Les" Waterbury is the only man who will be unfit to make the trip. "Steve" is looking for a good showing from all his men against the Catholics as a consequence. ORANG E CREW CANDIDATES NOW l)EVELOPIN% AT RAPID DATE Coach Ten Eyck Working Men on In- door Tank Machine Until Lake Opens Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 25.--The pro- gress of candidates for the Syracuse university crews has been so satisfac- tory during the past week that follow- ers of the Orange navy have assumed an air of optimism. There are a num- ber of men available who form -an excellent nucleus for a big eight. Thus far, the work has been confined to the tank machine. It is not probable that candidates will be taken to the Onon- daga lake outlet for their outdoor work until early next month. Coach Mr. Rodrigo H. Bonilla, of the Span- ish department, gave the third of his series of lectures before the Latin- American club yesterday afternoon. The lecture covered the reforms ef- fected by Mohammed among his com- patriots, their conquest of Syria, Per- sia, Egypt, and the manner in which they spread over northern Africa and how they finally reached Spain in 711 A. D. Mr. Bonilla also spoke of the main caliphs of Cordova and of the high de- gree of intellectual and material prosperity 'attained by the kingdom of Andalusia during the ninth and tenth centuries, which was followed by its decline and final downfall. He said in concluding his talk: "Here we see this country which, having reached the highest point of civilization and material wefare under the Moors, is condemned to a quick fal to its former state of semi-bar- barianism; a prey to hypocrisy and superstition; a chosen field for the friar and the inquisition, whose influ- ence was still felt at the beginning of the nineteenth century." In Mr. Harry V. Wann, announced yes- terday that tryouts would be held soon for the play which will be given by the Cercle Francais in April. "M- quette et Samere" is the play which has been selected. It is a three-act comedy, which calls for 21 characters. It is expected that the majority of the parts will be taken by members of the Cercle Francais, but on account of the sire of the cast there will be an op- portunity for non-members to try out. An announcement of the tryouts will be made in a few days and the parts will be assigned. DR. HARRISON AND F. B. SMITH TO TALK IN BUSRAH CAMPAIGN Hope to Secure $3000 From March 19 to 24 to Support Arabian Mission Plans for the big annual Busrah campaign are rapidly maturing. The date of the campaign has been set for the five days beginning Sunday, March 19 and ending Friday, March 24. Several prominent speakers have been secured. Dr. Harrison, who has spent much time at the mission in Arabia, and Fred B. Smith of New York City, will deliver addresses at the opening meeting. The object of the Busrah campaign is to raise a fund for the support of a missionary project in Arabia. The affair is a local undertaking. The project consists in the maintaining of a hospital at Busrah, Arabia, a city of 70,000 people near the mouth of the Tigris river, for giving medical aid and medical instruction to the in- habitants. No definite plans for the operating of the campaign have been decided upon but it is expected that the sys- tem will be about the same as last year. This, the seventh Busrah cam- paign, will endeavor to raise about $3,000, a sum similar to that secured during previous years. A similar campaign is carried on WANT INSTRUCTORS FOR SUMR5APIN MAIL Positions Open for Students or Facul Members With Camp Cobbossee Seeretary Shirley W. Smith has r cently received a letter from the d rector of Camp Cobbossee requesti students or instructors de-ircus being nembers of the camp faculty I the season of 1916 to send applicatic fo: such work to Camp Cobbossee, William Street. New York City. Camp Cobbossee i situates. at La Cobbosseecontee in Maine. The cai nrsson will begin ihe latter part June and end the first of Sepemb In addition to all railroad expens board, lodging, etc., a salary may paid commensurate with tl.c abil of the applicant. Mon who have h; exuericnee in college activitie, st as at[letics, dramatics, or literary a newspaper work are especially want Twelve members of the carr' fac ty will represent various colleges the east. Applications should state t1 ,app cant's experience in preparaory s c or cdllege activities;, athlet:c and no athlitie, the subjects he cout tea if required, and the salary expecred. Faurther information and form of a plicatiou can be secured at Lho Y. C. A. Employment iwreau. The ca direcor will be in Detroit in the no f. ture and if applicants commumic with nim at once a personal intervi nay be arranged. IUT 3 DIAMOND MEN REPORT Foil INI)IANA VARSITY SQU YALE WINS HOCKEY SERIES BY DIEFEATING PRINCETON, 6 to 31 Coach Lundgren Announces Fielding Session Today Regular Coach Lundgren announced yester- day afternoon that a regular two-hour drill would be staged today in the gym and that he expected all of the base- ball candidates to present themselves for duty., Contrary rumors were afloat yes- terday, and several of the men seemed to be laboring under a misapprehen- sion with regard to today's practice, but the coach has set all doubts at rest. The customary hours of ,1:00 o'clock until 3:00 o'clock will be ob- served. Coach Lundgren intimated yester- day that the batting cage would be brought into use Monday and that the men would be given an opportun- ity oft rying a little hitting. As yet nothing of this nature has been tried. McNamara and Soddy were missing from practice yesterday and neither of these gentlemen has been much in evi- dence over in the gym so far this season, but Coach Lundgren is ex- pecting both of them on hand Mon- day. Over 30 men have signed up as pitchers, but with a very few excep- tions they are all right handed. Mc- Namara and Soddy are both south- paws, which fact stands more in their favor this year than it did last, since one George Sisler is missing now. ELECT LIMBEltT AND DAKE TO MANAGE SOPH LIT TEAMS At the soph lit class meeting held yesterday afternoon Lee Limbert was elected basketball manager, and Henry Dake was elected baseball manager, to fill the vacancies caused by the withdrawal of the former officers from college. It was announced that arrange- ments are being made for the Soph Prom, which will taae place early in May, and it will be preceded by three or four informal afternoon dances, the dates of which will be given out later. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 25.-Yale won her annual hockey series with Princeton Tuesday night by taking the deciding game, 6 to. 3. Princeton took the first, 2 to 1, and Yale the ;econd, 3 to 1. Tuesday the Tigers scored first, but the Elis soon tied the count and led at the intermission, 4 to 3. Princeton was unable to score during the second half, while Yale added two to her total. . The game was exceedingly rough, six players being ordered from the ice temporarily. Captain Peacock, of Princeton, and Washburn, of Yale, were sent to the sidelines after they had been parted from their clinch by the referee in the second half. MAKE PLANS TO ORGANIZE Ten Eyck is watching for the first CLUB OF STITENTSFROM OHIO, big breaks in the ice that he may drill 1 i his men outdoors. In order to create a closer associa- annually at Yale. Yale raises a yearly The tank machine, however, is an tion among students from the state M budget three ties as large as that exceptionally good substitute. It is of Ohio, plans are now being made for 1 usually secured by the local associa- the only machine of its exact kind in a meeting to be held early next week tion for a missionary project which it existence, according to Coach Ten to organize an Ohio club. Plans for 'supports in Asia. Eyck and Hart Cunningham, who built the meeting and the organization are' Two years ago the campaign netted . t of now being drawn up by S. J. Slavens, over $4,000; last year's campaign fell water through which the oars pass. '17, and Leonard W. Nieter, '17. Fur- short of the attempted figure, $3,700,; The eight-oared shell remains sta- ther announcement for the meeting by nearly $1,000; the committee in tionary, holes in the oar blades mak- will be made within a few days. charge this year aims to 'make the ing up for the motion of the boat. contributions approach the 1914 total, Among the Varsity men working out (Referee Runs Five Miles During Game on this machine each day are Captain Chicago. Feb. 25.-How many miles Few Representatives at Health Meet Walter Glass, Art Osman, who stroked a basketball referee travels during a On account of the small number of last year's Varsity, and a nu~nber of game was known today when Frank men present - at Thursday's meeting youngsters who rowed so well with the Birch, former Earlham College ath- of the health service representatives winning freshman crew last spring. lete, wore a pedometer during a re- I of the fraternities, the election of Charles Whiteside, who stroked that cent game between the Northwestern officers has been postponed until next Bloomington, Ind., Feb. 25.-,Thirt five ball players who hope to ea: places on the Indiana University tear have reported to Coach Beebe for, pr liminary gymnasium work. It is b ilieved that Beebe will have trout turning out a winner, since the squw is considered weak in hitting and the is a dearth of good battery men. Alpena liLg'h jSuad in Ann Arbo Eight members of the Alpena, Mic: high school, basketball team, whi, played Det-oit University school la evening, are in the city today. It possible that they will play a practi game with one of the department teams this afternoon. Alpena usual has a strong team ,and is 0 of the contenders for the state char pionship. The boys all expect enter the university next fall. 1i gway . Engineering Coarse C(os The Short Course in Highway Enu neering which has been conducted the engineering college during t past week was officially brought to close last night when the members the course attended a dinner at t Union. Polonia Club to hold Business Meeti The Polonia literary circle will ho a short business meeting at McMill hall at 2:00 o'clockSunday afternoc boat, is a leading candidate for stroke oar on the Varsity. Patronize Daily Advertizers. ** and University of Chicago fives. The instrument indicated that Birch ran five miles during the two 20-minute halves. week. Patronize Michigan Daily Advertiz- er. ** For Five Whole Minutes I've Been Probing For This Thought If you have seen Geo. M. Cohan's delightful farce "It Pays to Advertise" you will get me from the crack of the pistol to the snap of the tape. Not that we hold any brief for Georgie M., but he visualized a thought throbbing with vital vibes and cashed in on it. 4 THE DAILY SPORTOSCOPE THE RENELLEN HOSPICE If Notre Dame wins their dual track encounter with. Michigan this even- ing, the blame for the Wolverines' de- feat can be distributed about as fo- lows: Notre Dame, 3 parts. Eligibility, 2 parts. The above runs without "Steve" Farrell's knowledge. "Steve" never prepared or offered an alibi for any- thing in his life. However, after the meet has been finished this evening, there are some who are more or less firmly convinced that Notre Dame will conclude that "Steve" doesn't need 'em. The world in general heaves a great' period of nerve-racking suspense the final results are reached. Capablanca has won the big chess tournament, and ii pndisputed "champeen," so now things will again resume their normal course. Mark Catton, the Chicago billiard player who ran 2,364 at straight rail billiards, could win the undisputed championship of the University of Michigan without an effort. This is literally true. We'd just naturally concede him the title and he wouldn't even have to earn it. The only way to beat Mr. Catton would be' to win the "break," run five points and declare that the game was over and that you were going home. FURNISHES DISTINCTIVE SERVICE And believes in advertising the fact. Now this ad.*business is a fine little double-back- action proposition and works two ways. In the first place it tells olks what you are doing. In itself that is worth while but here is where the kick comes in, this is what gives it the ppnch-When youhave said a thing or made a promise you have to live up to it or you're a liar. That's what good-You have to make good or take the count. When I tell you a thing my associates back me up and that makes it so b t