VTHE ~MICHIGA&N LDAILY -j i[I Clothing Sale 111 Announcing- :ffer our entire stock of Clothing at 25 reduction for the month of February. des every Suit and Overcoat in the Stein Bloch s and blacks included, nothing reserved or 11 ed. ome Small Lot and Broken Sizes at 1-3 to 1-2 off 11 Trousers at Twenty per Cent Reduction ackinaws at Twenty-Five per Cent Reduction Fur Lined Overcoats at One-Quarter Off LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL & CO. LEADING CLOTHIERS I Campus Bootery Is having a FEBRUARY CLEAN-UP SALE on BOSTONIAN H ES FLORSHEIM HOES DON'T MISS IT t for the Royal Tailored Clothes S'eethe New Spring Line Awaiting You for Men Stage Make Ups for udent Theatrical Productions Face Paints, Powders, Cold Creams, Rouges, Lip Sticks, Etc. :: :: :: : A Fall sine at r EBERBACH &sON CO. 200-204 M. Lib rty at. in Our aination. My specialty is making' Drugless Eye Examinations- determining scientifically and accurately the glasses your eyes require. Shop facilities enable me to make your glasses, giving you quick service. We grind lenses. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optometrist-Opticiaa ith Arnold & Co., Jewelets,'220 s. maiu Si; DI IL KIANN EXPLAINS STAND SASS HIS ARTICLE WAS MISCON. STRUED; WILL DO HIS PART FOR AMERICA. Editor, The Michigan Daily: I was more than depressed by your editorial of the twenty-fourth and by Mr. Darnall's communication of the same date-a communication which The Daily by its headline termed a sarcastic reply and a knock. I am not in a sarcastic mood this morning. I only regret that you and Mr: Darnall should interpret my let- ter of Tuesday to mean that I am an anarchist, that I love the Kaiser, that 1 am attempting to establish a new creed, "Klannism," a creed opposed to Americanism. Nor shall I attempt to answer Mr. Darnall's attack. It, like your editorial, must be the re- sult of misunderstanding and I repeat I am sorry my words were so misin- terpreted. , I am not an anarchist; I am not, nor do1 I want to be, a citizen of Ger- many; I am not a monarchist; I am not advocating "Klannism." And, what is more, I believe in the welfare of the group, of the great masses of the American people. If patriotism be love for the masses of our people I am patriotic. If the lives of the American people are in danger I shall be willing to do my part, to sacrifice my own life if necessary. When I spoke of our government I meant' those who are in power and direct national affairs. When I asked what good I had received, I meant good from this same set of rulers. If I owe my education, or that part of it I am receiving>at the University of Michigan, to philanthropy, then I must be thankful for this charity. If you and I can be educated only in America, and if this education de- pends on the humor of those in au" thority, then we are receiving some good from America' and from Ameri ca's rulers. If war is a necessity, if it can be proven that some foreign power is going to attack the lives of the Ameri- can people-not America's wealth or those Americans who willfully throw themselves into danger, then I am in favor of preparedness. So far, however, patriotism has sav- ored too much of willingness to sacri- fice our lives for the protection of American "interests," the wealth in the hands of the capitalists. And in our preparedness argument we have taken for granted, that some foreign power will seek our lives at the end of the present struggle. F. A. KLANX. Urge Parole for Dynamite Prisoners Washington, Feb. 24. - Senator Kern, of Indiana, heard a delegation of senators who called on President Wilson yesterday to urge him to con- sider the claim to parole the Indiana dynamiters who are serving sentences at Fort Leavenworth. The President has promised to ask Attorney General Gregory for a statement on the sub- ject. Floods Threaten City of Amsterdam London, Feb. 24.-The suburbs of Amsterdam have been devastated by flood. The city itself is threatened with inundation. All ofothe neighbor- ing towns which were abandoned have been inundated by the storms, which have been raging for more than a month. Already the damage is con- siderably more than $100,000,000. t.~ Ask u s for a copy of "Men's Togs" in case you don't get your copy f r o m Ed. V. Price & Co. See our Special Dis- play of "Men's Togs". Be measured Today! YET?." "6GOT YOURS' New Spring Suits R-B. Fashisn Clothes $15 to $25 They came in on a rush-New Oxford Oreys, "B njo" stripes, and blues. All wool, of course. Advance spring models. You want to look them over anyway. New Spring Hats R. C. F. Specials. $2.50 to $5 New Alpine shaped hats in the "cob web," "comfort" and regular weights. All the colors that are to be popular this spring-Gaelic green predomi- nating. New Spring Shirts Manhattan, $1.50 to $S You'll like the Manhattan spring shirts. Take a look at the new "lattice" pattern. Silks and madras. French and stiff cuffs. I/ 4-7- THEeBIG m Y)rCs ISkele'-ton in Your Close It doe n't mean the doctor's kind it's oe of those FIT FOR II:its, Ualter lined. Tfhiey are stylish. They tk as dell as a fji lined"'coat. The vest is made skeletomi, It eonforms 'with the coat. The t ,ousr 's cann' be keleton but they are good ones. The clever ldesigning, the good niating, the buttons, the butforholes, the lining--everything about FITFORM suits is uniiform. There is quality there. The jpices are rceomablie. Yon p'n't buy a whole' suit for $1. If you didt, it wouldn't be worth anything, but FITFORM at ;15 and up- ward means delunitely that you re wearing the right kind of clothes. By1 a skeleton i"ITF()RM11. You !1 ill enjoy it. 4 F.ow* UI AV 1"I 1lEWE ' ---77 OFFER FELLOWSHIPS TO WOMEN .JETWOOD Educational Union of Boston Gives A SMART COLLAR. Help to Three Each Year WITH A COtMPORT-. ABLELOWFRONT Three paid fellowships in social- NEW , economic research are offered each RED-MAN year by the Women's Educational and 2 o. 259 Industrial Union of Boston, to college TROYS BEST women who wish thorough preparation for such work. The fellowships carry a stipend of 500 dollars. Clerical as- sistance, equipment and traveling ex- iTINUTE BRIDGE TOURNAMENT penses necessary for the investigations IT MICUJOAN UNION FRIDAY are furnished by the Department of Research. .The 'research departmient usually 'he fourth meeting of the Union Th reachdprmn usly undertakes one cooperative investiga- .ge tournament will ho held at the tion each year in connection with such higan Union, Friday evening, Feb-;agencies as government or state boards ry 25, at 7 o'clock. At the end I of health, labor commissions, and bu- he first three weeks of play M. B. reaus of research. By special arrange- odruff and J. M. Irwin are lead-ment, such work may count toward a with a total score of 6,501; while master's degree from various eastern U. Pickard and C. W. Myers are a and western universities. Catherine e second with a score of 6,296. Riegard, '15, is engaged in such work two evenings of play remain after now. , ch the winners for the entire Further information may be ob- 'nament will be announced. taed from Mrs. Jordan. 309 S. Main St. Branch: 814 S."State St. MEN FROM UPPER PENINSULA TO MEET TO ORGANIZE CLUB With the view of making the Uni- versity of Michigan a school more at- tractive to upper peninsula men, an organization to be known as the Clo- verland club, composed solely of stu- dents from the upper peninsula of this state, will soon be perfected. The second meeting of those interested in the project will be held within about two weeks at the Michigan Union. Posters announcing the exact date for the meeting will soon be distributed. Fresh Engineers to Banquet March 3 A fresh engineer banquet will be held at the Delta Cafe Friday even- ing, March 3. Tickets for the event will go on sale immediately at the Engineering Society room and may also be obtained from members of the social committee, as follows: Da- vid Wood, R. D. Smith, C. W. Horr, M. F. Sheldon, L. W. Page, H. N. Brand. LIFE INSURIANCE FOR STUDENTS Where it is necessary for a student' to make a loan to enable him to finish his education, he will, find it easier to do so, if he can give a policy of life insurance as his security that the loan will be paid in the event of his death before he has been able to pay it off out of his earnings. The Provi- dent Life and Trust Co., have a spe- cial proposition for students. Harry Bacher, 516 E. Madison St., Phone 735-M. TOM COBETT 116 E. Liberty St. Young Men's "Fitform is U eod iForm" I that! ounce Saxophone Party Chaperons was announced yesterday that Mr. Mrs. Walter Staebler will, act as perons for the Wright Saxophone o party, which is to be held at the on this evening from 9:00 to 2:00 ock. The few tickets which remaip the dance may be had by calling er 236 or 2370. Whether you want to take a train or make a call, we will get you there ,n time. Our service is just as prompt in bad weather as on pleasant fays. Stark 'Taxicab Co.. phone 2255. EXUL.USIVE young men's haberdashery on sale by N. F. Allen A Co., Main street., Live Ever so that you can look your fellowman straight the eye and tell him you're smoking your sha of Tuxeo right along-which accounts for ti bully feeling of snap, spunk and sparkle that the envy of all beholders. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Your sh'are of "Tux"'is a whole lot. No matt how oftenyou yearn for the pipe you can load wlth Tuxedo and smoke it without foreboding 4 regret. For the original "Tuxedo Process"tak out every bit of bite and every particle of parc No, you can't get that same de- licious flavor and solid, deep-down satisfaction out of any other tobac- ca. Try one tin and you'll see whyAE there are a million new "Tux" " smokers every year. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glasine wrapped, moisture-proof pouch . . . c Famous green tin with gold . lettering, curved to fit pocket IOcAY In Tin Humidors, 40c and SOc In Glass Ilumidors, SOc and 90c TIHE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY I _._. . ... .. ."! ,i 11 Owners of Victor Victrolas Can have a selection of ten to a dozen Latest Up-to-Date Records sent to their home on our Twenty-four Hour Approval Plan Call.us'up-PHONE I707-ormail list of numbers raternity pin; name on back. 14; reward. feb2526 Grinnell Bros. I 16 South Main St. 11 11 S Sf e.l =* 4. " ' 0 0;