THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY TAILORGRAM NO. 1 .Amateur Finishing receives. our careful attention-No scratched or stained films when we do your work. Whitney Theatre Mail Orders Now !!" For the Performance on To. Look Your Best Should be the aimi of every man. The element of pride is gratified also economy is afforded in a hand Tailored Suit. n Pride is satisfied because the suit is cut and made to the individuals need--economy is attained because such a suit wil give longer wear and more satisfactory service. I r LYNDON r....;, ..r tea... Spring Wollens Now on Display 11 J. K. MALCOLM I604 East Liberty SWAIN VI3E. Univ. Ave. Malcolm Bldg. Photographical Expert If its a difficult technical job. see him about it. P. S. He began to use a camera, an 8x10 outfit, in April 1890. inug texts o3;tie subJects throughiout the country and in the words of one of the muembers of the civil engineer- iug (olleile "they will be the classics on t hese stabjects 1for the neOxt hildredl A banquit was held last youai Chicago in honor of the .40th anni- versary of Professor Baker's teachingj at the University of Illinois. The banquet was attended by hundreds of Illinois professors of civil engineering fromn every university and college in the country. The featurec was the at- tendance of the president of every onef of the national engineering organiza- tions. The affair is the only test - 1,monial of its kind which has ever been} Epaid to any teacher in the country. IProfessor Baker has for many years been the mhost prominent western. member of the American Society of -Civil =engineers. H-e is also a memi- ber of all of the other national engi- neering societies. He holds the de- gree of, Civil Engineer and that of !Doctor of Engineering. The subject of today's talk, al- though it. has not been explicitly stated, will in all probability be o1. the subject "Boys. Don't Be Just loth-, gineers." LEAI)ERS OPPOSE WILSON'S ARCADE Shows at 3 go0.6:3o. 8:00 9-3o TI-mrs .t.-Dav i opperfield'itep. North. Liven by Ladies Aid Society ist Cong. Church. Fri. ,5-Francis X. Blushmiau and lBeverly Bayne in"Mfan acid fl is Soul.'' Metro. Sait 26-Getra Kimball Young in " lue E Heart of the Blue Ridge.'' Worl. also l P'art ili "T rip Around the Word.'' Dr'. Elizabeth T helberg 'VASSAR COLLEGE MaARRneeC Week of Tuesday and e. 1S Wed nesday G R I K Fb 1s DETROIT GUY BATES POST O MAR the TENTMAKER i MONDAY EVE., MARCH- 6 TH -ce t of t he Distinguished English Actor mr. Cyril Maude, TER NATION-ulpy, AL TRUIM PHG 'Um 0r* Prices' 50c-$2., Mail Orders sNow Will lecture Friday afternoon at three o'clock IN Sarah Ca swell Angell Hall "An Infirmuary for Women of Michigan" C- STRA f D ° Strictly American Alla d e ; ' i ;, '; a G . °° ' -. a ' . 1 - ° . , 2 F S ...3r: I' ' ti-c a s.. A , i FREE TO EVERY BODY Orpheum Theatre FAMOUS STARS IN FAMOUS PLAYS :Matinees, 00o, 3:15 Evenling, 6':5, 5:oo ():t, saturdav - Holidays Continnousr Thulirs. Fri .-24-2,--1enan Thomsoin in T'he old Homestead. Sat >,-'Willard Mack in Aloha o. F, Triangle Comedy, for _Matinee only. Sunl. 1"101t. 27-S--p.allin( iFrederick in Lydia (Ciliore. LENSES GROUND TO ORDER EYE GLASS REPAIRING See Our. Stic TFite Mountings Discussion will be in charge of the Home Service Corn. For a true London shape pipe, fitted with sterling silver ring and solid vulcanite mouth- piece, get the Stratford. 50c,, at all dealers. {{ , tf Hailer Jewelry Co. STATE ST. JEWELERS l I E 1'1'4ORT TIO DEC'lIDE ISSUE (Colithicitd froln Page (Ose) a course that will bring a rupture with Germaniy. Viennla FxpInlis Attack on Petrolitc Washington, Feb. 23.-Austria's re- ply to the American request for an explanation of the submarine attack on the American steamer Petrolite reached Washington today. Although its text was not made pi b- I ic ,it is known that the government at X i . nna has requested further inforn?.i - tidon fromn the United States concernri I ti c American version of the attack and has intimated that the evidencez a~brnitted by this country is somewb ,', )-ar ance with the statement made bvy -mmonommomm wm l rl .W HITlN EY THEATRE SAT., FEB. 26 NOT a MOVING PICTURE!I I. Ow 11- SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIV.., Factory Hat Store 1 18 -E. Huron St. "Communnicates the great thrill of~ the Thieatre."--Chiceago Post. "An inmmea~urably fascinating irn per- sonati on ."-Chicago News. "A performiance not often eqlualledl." -Chicago Journal. The Greatest. Success of Faversham's Career DIRECT FROM CHICAGO For Spring Hats : W.D. C. "Hand Made" Spipes are with- out peer for $1.00 PACKARD Dancing ACADEMY Every Saturday 9-12 LLIAM DEMUTH4 & CO. New York 1EAtRY PI+DICTS, 1 I OIWMERCIAI1 WAR (oiied from P.agC, 01e) ^6inzncial ,strugg e, which will re- ft in, a victory for. the most. eff'i- denit contestant," he said, benclin' For ',d in his chair to emp hasize hi; retiiark. "We have had an amazinj i xample of the reults of specializa- fon' in efficiency during the last 13 months, and, if, the Americans are to nte~r. the economic struggle .which i ure to come, they must be organized is perfectly as the 'European nations.~' ?Military training, the Rear Admiral eieves, ;would, render every able- iodied man in the United States bet- .er fitted to carry on this commercial truggle, and if we are to keep pace ,ith tho :oth~er nations, we must be- in at once.. He -does not want to ,tart with the, school children, for hey must reach maturity before they .an eniter the world of men. "The Swiss military system is prac- ical because it is so comparatively nexpensive, and. could be utilized by he people tlhemselves: without un- necessary trouble on the part of the government," he said. 'inltines o1f peace, the training which fits men to give and. obey orders would neces- sarily result yin efficiency in the busi- ness field.," "If we are- prepfared, we need not; fear a wvat'," the retired navy officer declared. "We will be in a position to make any nation think seriously before arousing us to action. Thus you see, the Swiss military system" has the double' advantage of being of merit in times of peace and also in war." SEA'IOu L'-NONEIs WILL HE AR WOOl) <''Austrian submarine commnander Tikt o 0aoaa per at Cuple Tiktso Sl a ar's Fdyriday 2 P.M. Secretary Lansing directed that Liiedti6.oul with the crew of the Petrolite, which whien last Board frmn was at Liver-' Here It Is pood, anid 1o get the additional inform-' New 1 7 vol. set of Arabian ation required. In Teutonic circles Nights. Original unexpurg-' hsere, the view is held that if AustriaI ated Burton Edition. WillII i.scoon;v iced that the circumstan es make terms. .Address Box A N ere such has described by the United' care Daily., States full satisfaction will be given,_______________________ including apologies, indemnity for any damfaae done, and punishment of! exits. dia eryavne h the submlarin o omandler.RerAmalPry dvndth 9AN-antages of an aerial coast patrolI DR~AMA SO0PEIB.LY ACTED .; 8 1 ,[ 7 hFeb. 23-24 Mat. Thur. Special Engagement of the emi- nent Actor JOHNREKELLERD and a capable Company of Play- ers in complete productions of Shakespeare's MAERCHANT Df"VENICE Thurs.-Mat. MABETH - Thursday Night This being Shakespeare's 300th Anniversary the engagement is timely, as Mr. Kelferd holds the record rtin of H-amlet ever ac- credited, an actor. Prices: Nts, , 0-75-$1.0015 Seat Sale Feb. 21St 1-fall orders now Provident Life and Trust Co., 516 E. Madison St. Phone 735-M. febl9-24 DR. FREDERICK A. COOK whot dis~eoi-redl the North Pole. will be at the AXTINEE ANI) MN'(411'1 A JUG YAUI)EVILLE lILL, TOO Wright Saxaphonel Trio Party at I PRICES-50c-$2.00 Seats Feb. 24. Mail Orders Now ONE YEAR IN NEW YORK I' P' i I r WO(hl' ANID PEARY ADVOCATE NATrrO.N.IVIDE PRElPAREl)NESS TO 40)00 $lPE1L84UND )AU1) ITO RS system,> and heartily endorsed the I.., --(('ontinued on1 Page Six) (Continued from Page One) :crome coact to coast. I regard such and entertaining talker. He grade- visions as the ideas of one oratorically ated from the: University of Illinois in; intoxicated." '74, returned there as instructor in; In describing preparedness, General civil, engineering in '76, and from 1892 Wood statedl it was not a preparation to date 'he has been professor of civil' for war, but a preparation against war. engineering at that institution,.lie showed the failure of arbitration He is best known through his books to settle the present cataclysm in Eu- which are -many. His best two are rope, and declared that a nation owed works oan "Masonry" and "Roads and it to itself to be prepared since the{ Pavements." These two are the lead- law of the "survival of the fittest" still views upon preparedness taken by General Wood. The patrxol ,system would form a net work of hydro-aeroplanes along the shores of both the Atlantic and Paci- fic oceans for protection against at- tacks. All the flying boats would be supplied with wireless apparatus cap- able o sending messages up to a distance of from 45 to 50 miles, to be uinder oidcrs from stations along the shore at intervals of 100 miles. Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wily, '!onmany. :state St. Tailors. iNTESTIGATE THIS jNo investment approaches Endow- inment Insurance in safety-none per-- mnits the w~ally profitable use of such small amounts of money-none so suc- cessfully inculcates the saving habit.'i It insures your life, it protects your' 1own old age, and it performs this double function at a cost which to a young man is not appreciably greater, than the' cost of an ordinary or 20 'payment life policy. Write or phone for an -illustration' at your age. It will pay you to in- vestigate this proposition." EHarry Bacher. District Agent, The Michigaln Union Friday Dancing 9 till 2. o'clock. call 2370 or 236. Feb. 25th. For tickets 25c B A11D SOU CE 25C WITH THE GREATEST FEATURE PROGRAM EVER GIVEN " iThe All Campus Revue"'!"Shot at Sunrise" AL Honey OF Aet-BUDFIHR A Satire on the Hits and Misses A Military Skit by Leon Cunningham, Featuring of the Campus Mo rrison Wood a n d Henryetta, L. B. merman ICHIGAN'S L,.Bran.EmbrmanHARRY LAUDER Waldo Fellows W. T. Netter The Girls Glee Club Former Opera and Cleo Club Star Harpist Without Comparison -"in Old Japan" "OI" LOICHIAN'S VARSITY BAND TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT. COME EARLY HILL. AUDITORIUM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ,24ths EIGHT O'CLOCK