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February 24, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-02-24

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Teams Will Clash May 20 Dur-
i Westerners Sojourn in Ann
Arlbor; (Oj Way East
and Stanford, stalwart champ-
p contenders of the western'
will engage the Wolverines in
.1 track meet in Ann Arbor on
0. This announcement has just
made by P. G. Bartelme, Director'
tdoor Athletics.
ouraged by the success which
'esterners gained in their wond-
showing on the Poughkeepsie
ear, Stanford has determined to
the GIntercollegiate Meet against
ack cinder-path material of the
The stop at Ann Arbor will
two purposes, in that it will af-
a period of rest from the long
y and also enable the men of
est to limber up on Ferry Field.
uite possible that their visit here
xtend over at least a week or

'Army Feels Loss
of/Harry Tuthill
West Point Suffers Severe Setback
When trainer Decides to
Come to Michigan
New York, Feb. 23.-West Point suf-
ters a distinct loss in the retirement of
Harry Tuthill, the trainer, who has
beep signed to train the University of-
Miebigan eleven. He was a great
trainer, as has been evidenced by the
condition of the Army teams in the
jour years.of his administration. When
Tuthill first came to the military acad-'
emy there were certain non-athletic!
officers who did. not believe that cadet
teams needed to be specially trained
for football.
"They are always in condition," ex-
postulaicd one of these to Tuthill.
"I am not good at arguing, major,"
Tuthill replied, "but I merely ask you
to order that bunch of cadets there
to run around the parade ground as
fast as they can.
The officer complied, and when the
cadets arrived at the starting point,
Tuthill said to them: "Now you fel-
lows whistle." All tried, but not one
of them could make a sound.. The
major, hardly necessary to say, was
Here is what Capt. Daniel Sulton,
the academy football representative,
says of the trainer in his annual re-
port: "Mr. Harry Tuthill was in
.charge of the training of the team. His
work was entirely satisfactory, as was
evidenced by the splendid physical
condition of the members of the team
in their championship game."
The opening for Tuthill came be-
cause Steve Farrell, Michigan's ath-
letic director, asked to be relieved of
the duty of training the football men
in the future.


angements will be made to<
i the visitors during their,
in this city, and they will
full privileges to the use
;an's athletic plant.


inford will prove a black horse
his year's intercollegiates, inas-
i as little is known of the calibre
.e western trackmen. Drew's en-
:e from California into the na-
field has served to show that the
ern climate is conducive to speedy
in the sprints, and a whole team
s ability would be more than pre-
I to wrest honors from the best
ie east. The preliminary meet
nn Arbor will doubtless be of in-
t to the entire country, as it will
: a real test of the ability of the
from Leland Stanford.

Book Weet With Notre Dame Saturday
at South Bend; About Twenty
Will Make .Tril
Michigan's 1916 track team stacks
up against its first competition for
the season on Saturday evening, when
the Maize and Blue representatives
are scheduled to tac e the Notre Dame
outfit at South Be .
Not only will this be the curtain
raiser for the Varsity, but it will also
give those at the head of the cinder
sport a line on just what may be ex-
pected from a team which has been
seriously crippled by the loss of sev-
eral of its stars due to ineligibility.
About twenty men will probably
make the trip tot he Indiana city, with
those selected leaving Saturday morn-
ing over the Michigan Central. The
list of the fortunate ones has not as
yet been fully decided upon, but will
be given out this afternoon.
Illinois defeated the Catholic outfit
rather handily last week, with several
of the events below the par which the
Varsity have been doing of late. For
this reason, and the fact that Michi-
gan badly trounced the Catholic in-
stitution's best last year, the dope fqr
this year seems to run in favor of
a continuance of the same stunt.
Waterbury is at present the only
candidate who will be unable to make
the trip. The high jumper's injured
foot is still in a condition which will
allow him to do no jumping.
New York, Feb. 23.-Smoky Joe
Wood, whose fine pitching gave the
Boston Red Sox the American league
pennant in 1912 and who figured prom-
inently in the world's series with the
Giants that year, will be let out in the
near future, according to reports here.
President Lannin of the Red Sox
has asked for waivers on Wood with
the idea of selling him to one of the
majors or sending him back to the
In 1912, Wood won 35 games out of
a total of 39 in which he worked.
Later he suffered an attack of appen-
dicitis and pitched only 22 games in
1913. Last year Wood showed some
improvement, and won 14 games. But
at that, according to Lannin, he is
not in the same class with Shore, Ruth,
Leonard, and Foster, the Red Sox
pitching quartet.
The senate council at its meeting
yesterday afternoon referred the ques-
tion of making a change in the time
of university classes the university
senate, without recommendation.
The council' granted permission for
the presentation of this year's Junior
Girls' play before the College club of;
Detroit on either April 21 or 22. .

YearlingsI Mix With Local Boys
Basketball at -the High
School Gym


. So you think a college education "Al" Robinson of Michigan would be
is a good thing for a boy?" Ineligible for inter-collegiate compe-
"Yes, I think it's a pretty good thing. tition, is a fellow down at th Uni-
Fits him for something in Ffe. If versity of Pennsylvania named Mere-
he can't catch on with a baseball team, dith.
he can often land a job as a professor." --,
-Louisville Courier-Journal. Icoach Lundgren, attention!
Thus far in the WillardMoran bout, Manager George Stallings of theI
the champion has a slight lead overBoston Braves, has sent word to all
his opponent. In fact lie heads Moran of his, ball players to the effect that
his pponnt.In fct le hads ora absolutely no women will b~e allowed
by fully seventeen adverbial phrases, i souten trainig q ers.
fiurteen adjectives, three pronouns and in the southern training quarters.
a split infinitive. Someone might suggest a "non-fuss-
ing" rule here at Michigan for the
The Willard-Moran bout will prob- Wolverines. The only trouble might
ably have to be postponed again, Wil- be a loss of -----well, what per cent
lard has been so vigorously explaining of the squad should you say, would
his various ailments and sicknesses be missing?
that he will sown be suffering from
writer's cramps. Benny Kauff, the Federal league star,
is rated as a "second Ty Cob." Up to
Among those who have not been ex- Gate, there have only been approxi-
actly grief-stricken by the news that mately 67,856 "second Ty Cobbs."

East Lansing, Mich., Feb. 23.-Aggie Regular Routine of Early Season
vers Larse , h. lb 3.Agi ork Marks Two-Hour
oters are getting themselves all + Di* in TyHu
ckered up to say goodbye to Jerry Drill In gym
Prato, who, football fans recall, Coach Lundgren supervised the sec-
ured quite actively on the Farmer
uad last fall. Jerry will finish his ond practice.that the full Michigan
liege career at the end of the pres- baseball squad has enjoyed this sea-
t term, some five weeks hence, and son, over in the gym yesterday after-
th his going the college will lose noon.
e of its greatest exponents of the The two-hour drill was devoted to
idiron sport. much of the regular routine work
Since his retirement from football which occupies the attention of a
st fall, Jerry has been shunning the baseball squad early in th4 year.
nelight, principally for the reason Coach Lundgren announced yester-
at he didn't care to encourage the day that he wished every candidate
itics who in November raised a howl who was trying for a place on the
hen he played with the Detroit team to sign up on the chart for this

n e b v~'~ te oth010 wOll
Tj F i.,v ' sm 'i e k Played, Tv
Each Day, When Conditions Are
Ao soon as the weather become
settlcd enough and cold enough
pi1: it the forming of ice, the rema:
icr of the hockey schedule will
pl lyed off. Owing to the icklen
of the weather the schedule has be
interruptei several times already, a
has made the setting of dates h
games a farce, so in the future
deuite dates will be set for gam
lItstead they will be played off
the weather permits and in the ord
in wIAeh they were determined up
in a meeting of all the managers ye



Fresh lit basketball men have found
a new outlet for their surplus ener-
gies and a convenient aggregation to
oppose as well as an additional place'
for practice, to wit, the Ann Arbor
High School team with its court.
The fresh lits defeated the high
school boys by a 20-15 score in the
high school gym:
The game was not so one-sided as
the score implies, and the younger
men pushed the freshmen all through
the contest, the yearlings being un-
used to playing together and just be-
ginning to get into shape. Despite
the fact that the first year men were
heavier and numbered three All-Fresh,
football men in their lineup, their
lack of teamwork and the cohesion
of their opponents forced them to fight
all the way.
Wyman, of last fall's All-Fresh foot-
ball squad, played the center position
for the freshmen and with his weight
and height easily had the advantage
over his opponent. He placed the
ball almost at will and scored two
field goals in addition. Cook and
Yoakum were the forwards for the
yearlings, the former scoring three
field goals and the latter two such and
two fouls. Hanish, one of Coach
Douglass' backfield stars of last fall,
is playing guard for the first year lits
and not only proved himself a terror
on the floor but annexed a field goal
during the progress of the game.
Boston, Mass., Feb. 23.-A New Eng-
land indoor record for the 1000-yard
run of 2 minutes 16 3-5 seconds was
set by Dave Caldwell of the Boston
A. A., in winning the Mayor Curley

New York, Feb. 23.-The intercolle-
giate regatta, which has been held for
many years on the I fudson river at
Poughkeepsie, probably will be rowed
this year on Cayuga lake at Ithaca,
N. Y., it was announced here after a
meeting of the stewards of the In-
tercollegiate Rowing association. The
tentative date fixed was June 24 and
it was proposed that the race be over
a course three and one-quarter miles
instead of four miles, as at Pough-
The ghief reason for the proposed
change was said to be the refusal of
the :Ntew York Central railroad com-I
pany to run an observation train for
spectators either on June 30 or July L

too early to make any predictio
"lmW-oev'er concerning the outcome
he ace for ic honors, as there ha
not guen a suflicient nuriicr of gain
T 7 _ .. Owing to frequentInterruptmi
ail theiczdlei(_' team 1has been al
c sdeure 1 t:: necessary practice
elop its full strength.
Below are the games to be play
as soon as the ;eather permits, i
downi in regular order i which th
,i. t b e p ~y , r e g a r d kl o s o r s e t d a t e
S oLa ss. hEombined senior and
aior lts.
2.i oph engineers vs. fresh lits.
I Fresh e ineers vs. science.
4. dnph e)mrs vs. lawv.
5. Fresh ills vs. combined seni
and junior lits.
6. .Science vs. laws.
7. Fresh engineers vs. combined e
rior andl junior lits.
S. Soph engineers vs. science.
9. Laws vs. fresh lits.
10. Fresh engineers vs. laws.
11. Sep'he uginemr vs. conmbined a
nior and junior hits.
12. Fresh lits vs. science.,

the N
ner of
of th
'he fo
was r
ago, v
won ii

y race at the annual games of T Vw ga11I will be played,. tV
inth Regiment. cach iay on which the conditions a
dwell defeated Joseph T. Hig- 1avorable, and possibly three or fo
of Holy Cross, last year's win- on Saturdays. Three games have bec
the event, and Michael Devaney, played thus far. The fresh enginee
e Millrose A. A. of New York. wre delealed by the soph epginee
rmer record was 2 minutes 18 4- to the tune o -1 after a hard foug
is, made by Higgins last year. game; the cobined senior and juni
annual race between the Massa- Hi! ene ed the science team 7
tts Agricultural College andc a one-sideI contest; the fresh li
ster Polytechnic Institute, which w l iped the fre h engineers by ti
marred by an accident at tile rrow margin of one point, the tin
of the Boston A. A. two weeks mit reading 3-2. From this dope
as rerun today and the Aggies iould appear that the fresh enginee
n 3 minutes 41 4- sonds. hav not the strongest team in ti
league ms they have been beaten twic
OW ITERCOLLEGIATE Tme eo:1in d senior ami junior:
REGATTA AT iTHACA, N. . agrgation has so far rolled up tl
largest score although the soph e;
-- - -- ;111rs are close behind. It is sti

Heralds. In finishing this term, Jerry
is completing his course a term ahead
of his class.
Berkeley, Cal., Feb. 23.-D. E. Falck,
captain of the University of California
rowing crew, says that if the Univer-
sity of California should make such a
showing in any of the coast contests
that an invitation to participate in the
intercollegiate regatta was forthcom-
ing, it would be accepted.
The regular Pacific Coast regatta
will be held on Lake Washington, Se-
attle, April 8, between Stanford and the
University of Washington. There will
be another regatta April 22 on the
Oakland estuary in which California,
Stanford, and possible Washington,
will participate and Stanford and
Washington will again meet on Oak-
land estuary May 15 or 20.

purpose which is posted in front of
the door. The coach announced that
he would use this list for making his
cuts later on, and that if a man's
name was missing from the beginning,
obviously his chances of remaining
with the team would be rather slim.
Following the workout several im-
promptu dashes across the flpor were
arranged. Last year Brandell ran
away from everyone except Sisler, and,
with George gone, the shortstopper
didn't find anyone that troubled him
Wing T. Young, who hails from Can-
ton, China, is numbered among the as-
pirants for positions on the Michigan.
team. Young handles himself well
and "Steve" Farrell's track aggrega-
tion may not be the only Michigan
athletic team with a competitor from
the Orient.

Cornell met Harvard in a two-mile
race on Cayuga lake last year and the
Cambridge eight was victorious Since
that tinme Cornell rowing enthusiasts
have been urging that the chief inter-
collegiate event be held at Ithaca.
The suggestion that the distance
covered by the oarsmen be shortened:
has been favored by Coach Courtney'
of Cornell, and Coach Rice of Colum-
bia also has admitted that the change
might be advisable. A race of three
and a quarter miles would be in ther
nature of a compromise.

Patroize D~ally Adve izc s,

%i "

Wright Saxaphon Trio Party
-Michigan Union Friday, Feb. 2
Dancing .9 til 2 o'clock. For tic
call 2370 or 286;

For Five Whole Minutes

I've Been Probing For This Thought
If you have, seen Geo. M. Cohan's delightful farce "It Pays to Advertise" you will get
me from the crack of the pistol to the snap of the tape. Not that we hold - any brief for
Georgie M., but he visualized a thought throbbing with vital vibes and cashed in on it.


0 S Rf

BONILLA TO GIVE LECTURE Hartford, Conn., Feb. 23, 1916.-
BEFORE LATIN-AMERICAN CLUE Howard Drew outclassed an excellent
field of six other sprinters in the
Mr. R. H. Bonilla, of the Spanish de- special 75-yard dash at the indoor
partment, will deliver a lecture on races of the Naval. Militia National
"The Seven Centuries of Moorish Rule Guard here and, despite a slow track,
in Spain" before the Latin-American he won easily in 7 4-5 seconds.
club tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 The best race of the night was the
o'clock in room 101, University hall. mile relay between Harvard and
This is the third of a series of lectures Pennsylvania, the latter 'winning by
in Spanish on historical subjects. two yards. Bingham and Meredith
Invitations to attend this series will met as anchor men and the latter was
be extended to advanced. students of off to a two-yard lead, which he in-
Spanish who manifest their desire to creased to four, but as he was not
instructors in the department. pushed very hard, he eased up slightly
.-. and Bingham split the distance. It was
Patronize Michigan Daily Adver- i the. fastest race of the evening, the
tizers, . ** time being 3 minutes, 29 2-5 seownds.


And believes in advertising the fact. Now this ad. business is a fine little double-back-
action proposition and works two ways. In the first place it tells folks what you are doing.
In itself that is worth while but here is where the kick comes in, this is what gives it the
punch-When you have said a thing or made a promise you have to live up to it or you're a
liar. That's what makes it good-You have to make good or take the count.

When I tell you a thing my'associates back me up and ffiiit makes it so


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