THE EMICHIGAN DAILY - .. k : . 'C.\._.'1 ; "_ ..w.: n .. :"4-'n ir"J1:,_' l- .. ... _:, "f f :iY :-h!. r 'JyiA A SUMMER WEAR Our Suitings are the choicest selection of the propducit of so ills who maintain a repil- Ctlon for honesty of material. WE INVITE A VIST G. H. WILD CO MPANY ADIN G MERCHANT TAILORS STATE ST. Second Semester TEXTBOOKS NEW and SECOND HAND Drawing Instruments and Supplies I. P. Loose Leaf Note Books SHEH STUDENTS BOOKSTORE ;f1ici!l newspaper at the University o'f Michgan.Published ece: y morning except 11 on: a), during- the univcrsity year. ,Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as .,eco(nd-cl'ass miatter. Offices- Ann !Arbor Press Building. Sub- scitons: byv carrier or mnail, $2.50. Want ad saton: Quarry's, Suet'Supply StrThe Delta, cor. Packard and State P'hones : Bsiness, 96o ; Editorial, 2414.' Fr-ancis F . McKinney ...Managing Editor join S. tLeonar-d.........Business Manager 1'. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor 'Coin C. Reid...............telegraph Editot Verne Bur-nett............. elegraph Editor E'. V. Wright., .. .............Sports ditoi J1. C. B. Parker.......... Assignment Editor Conrad N. Church............... City Editor Edwin A. 1ilyman....... ........City Editor Lee .it ..............City Editor 'Irbil; tonsonu.,.,...Clhr. Eitlfcenc Board (kor io:1 I. Cooke..........Statistical Editor Fdwardl ack....... ..Xdvertising Manager I. Kik \Vjte.......Pulication 'Manager Y K . MAl hier ('_ irculation Manager .. V, ............ccountant C. T. Fish leigh ..Agsistant: Business Manager Leonard NV. Nieter Wtilliaml F. Newton Earl l'ard ee 'Xilliatti-FI. Fart Reporters TT. A. Yitzgcerald j. T ,. Stadeke: Waldo Rt. 811111 Golda Ginsberg MNartha Gtray 'Nat Thompson W, P. Atlas R, . 'M \cDonald F. A. Baunigarth L. S. Thompson Bruice Swaney E. L. Ziegler R. 3. Blum C S. Hluntley Business Staff Alct JU. Horne Roscoe Rau :. C. Musgrave F. IN. Sutter K:. S. A"ccoll L. WV. Kennedy (C. F. Cap ell rfI4UR1-SlDX, FEBRUARY 24, 1916. Nighit Edito". . William Fenton Newton ~i eii wishinit) t ry out for the busi- aft ss Itiffof The PIr), reor(~)it to the l1$Wss dllllIIltgQJ' lti'eu : '1111d 4 I)ETROIT UNITED LINES B~enDetro . ,Ann Arbor and Jackson. C ars rton on Ea:,.tr n timne, one hour faster hal Igeal ,tim. I3t~'oit Limited and Express Gars--8:30 a. n. and ?hourly to 7:1O p. in., 9:10 P. In. FKaIamazoo L.imited C rs-8 :48 a. m. and very two 'tr to o:48 p. in.; to Lansing,. Local Cars, Ezstbuornd-- :35a. im., 6:40 a. in., :C): a. in,, and e-"ery Iw vo hours to 7:053p.v* :X5 P. iM., 9:oj p.. n., 10:45 P. M. To YPsi-r anti Ofl~,. 8:48 a. i. (daily except Sunday), ~oa, in.; r2:(-5 p. in , 6:oi p. im., ix :t p. Locaf Cars, Westbound-6:xz2 a. I'n,, 7 :50 a. ^tan t very two hoturs to 7+50 p. u., 10:20 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 18698 $ 300,000.00 Caph~l v^ nn an l We HMave a FULL LINE OF Cut Flowers and Plants For All Occasions COUSINS &HALL 1002, S. UNIVERSITY AVE, Phone 115 Selected Editorial IN.iDOOR SPORT[ (Collier's) Behold our hero lying stretched out on the soft upholstery of a couch atI his club. No attitude of more corn- plete relaxation could be found; if there were one he would find it. (-10 a table at his side stands his whisky and soda, and at just the right dis- tance to give the most grateful warmth crackles a wood fire. Outside the keen air has the frosty tang of midwinter, and the north wind sweeps along cleansing heaven and earth. Inside the clubhouse the air is warm and heavy with tobacco. Our hero yawns and moves one silken ankle the frac- tion of an inch. He lights a cigarette and drops the glowing match on the carpet because it is too much world to reach over to the ash tray. Still hie does reach almost as far, to pick up his whiskey and soda. He turns a page of the book he is reading. It is entitled "The Art of Skating," ASK AID IN SEAR CH FOR WATCH LtOS'l. N RAILROAD ACCIDENT Tamres Lunney, brother-in-law of Elbert S. Bryant, '19 lit, who was Billed by a Michigan Central engine Tuesday afternoon, has asked aid in his search for a gold watch and chain which it is thought Bryant wore when he met death. Nothing has been seen of the jewelry since the accident and Mr. Lunney is anxious to obtain in- formation which might lead to their discovery. Prof. Daivid Fridlay Delivers Lectures Prof. David Friday of the economics department will deliver two extension lectures this week. Tonight he will talk before the Ber- rien County Horticultural society at Benton. Harbor. The subject of his address has not been announced. Sat- urday morning he will speak at a meeting of the Farmers' club of Howell on "The Single Tax." Nrrnuie Special Car for Ylpsi Alumni Special car for Y psi aluni who at- tend the Ypsi Banquet, Saturday, Feb. 26, will leave Huron street station at 7:00 P. 11. ; State street station at 7:10 P. M. Medic Graduate Anniouncees Marriage Dr. Frederick J. Burt, '13 Medic, was married to Miss Leona Steele of Holly, Mich., on February 10, X916. Dr. and Mrs. Burt will be at home in Goodrich,' Mich., after March 1. New and Secondhand TEXT f 3w .. .. Y Engineers' Surpipes,LbraoyOtisLoe Leaf VNIVERSITY11BOOK.STORES1 I FOR ALL DPR ~ I TYPEWRITERS THE BEAUTY iOFVMY BUSINESS IS--, Visit nmy store and 0 c wr U ng iiI, es-jfoi +Orcheds, Tulips, Narcissus, \ oilet', " eet 'PeaS, Ioe. Carna- tions and billies of the Valhey. Full Lic, o~i Hunts II :: ,, our,,it ; . * iavjvvvuvV I esources pover .,...$3,000,000.00 Blanking in all branches 'fain OfficeAN. IW. Corner M~ain ° and -Huron Sts. Branch Office, 707 North VJniv- esity Avenue. STATIE AND GERMAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK Haig & Washingiton Sts. Resourcess $2,5009000-001 I TYPEWRITING AND SHORTHAPI 0 MIMEQRAPHINC "Li'erythi,,g for the T3ypelvriterr' 0. D. MORRILL (ov'r Latii're LUnch) ,.322 S. State St. A I0Ot(lolC. Coal Coke Lumber Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing IJNO0. Phone 24$4 J. S.AUER 310 W. Liberty All Department Paper 35c per Pounds Now 25c F. S CHLEEDE 340 S. State NOW READY Amn unusual showing of new Foreign and Domestic Woolens for Spring. Market conditions mak. e an early selection desirable. as all good patterns will be bard to d4 plicate D. E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM TAILOR 606 E. LIBERTY STREET I l ANNISM VS. AMtERICANISM "I would rather live under the pat- ernal socialism of the hated Kaiser thaniiunder our own corrupt, inefficient tov,,rnn t." So writes F. A. Klann, a JK.iior in the Literary College. This is a remarkable opportunity, which -; ili probably he seized upon by some pub1licity-monger, as a basis for say- i' tht higher education breeds per- tiotm is, but we are inclined to dtoubt that t here are more thanr five otlhers of the samlle ilk within the uni- vers, i .. Stich statements are obnoxious to any mia n having the slightest interest in the( welfare of the united States, and espocially college student% who are being taught the principles of Americanismi as applied to the idea of service. We can conceive how a man wronged by a gove'rnment, and seeking revenge, mnight preach such doctrines. But a student educated practically at the expense of the state is under entirely different obligations. Perhaps, too, this mnight answer Klann's question as to what "great goodl he has received from America." There are souse good openings for sopiom:ores on the editorial staff of M le .11 itig'anen sian. Any eligible solo loniore wishinmg t0 work on the M'icmigallensiani report either Thurs- day, or Friday, betwaeen .2:00 aind 4 :00 o'clock a thela offices in thme Press Women's organizations Do you drive winter? You should. an '3 ito mobile in the It's! convenient. MRS. FLANDERS Phone 294 A Complete Lines of 215 Soistl. Mmir St. IA':. A ,b t °,M'ica.. ti~ There Will be an important rehears- al of the entire cast of the Junior Girls' play at 3:00 o'clock this after- noon. All girls nmust be present. Miss Bertha Tyrell, Dean of Women and head of the department .of house- hold economics, of the University of Vermont, will be in Ann Arbor .Fri- dlay and Saturday. She may be reach- ed thirou,-h; MXrs. Jordan's office. Congregational Girls' club will meet at the home of Mrs. E. C. Boynton, 547 Elm St., this afternoon, from 3:00 to 5:30. Plans for the semnester will be discussed. Fibl er Sh1,p, 213 EAST UL IEOY STREET You can heat economic.ll GARAGE'H Voi r (garage sf n vih SFTY GAS' EA T,4R . Approve. by i' Wash t-,naI Ga C. 3:"r.[, .6 .Nff -tv-5 7l s tx. .Mr. -;1M91 _- -_ SAM BURCHFIELD &CO# NO0TI C E Fine Tailoring I Building. Q 4 4 p (7 C " SHOES ONLY SIIORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BnOOKKEEPING Seat Instruction and Equipment Uau-viton BOusin ess College Std'te and Williams Sts. Whiether you ~a to take a train ma~'ea calwe wvill get you there time. 0 itr er ce is just as :)mpt iiib 1vate as on pleasant ys. Sal 1al Co.. phone 2255. Violetsp ad up 7-a artistically ar- rgod crage 'ouqu ets.: Mail orders xtsprmtly tov any gaddress. Prices ;An $i1q00 to l C,-M p)r bunch. Try a ini. ah th Mder. The only ~~~ce ~ c InMcia oget really crag- nt l.arzye8 - etolets is of the rwer. *, .'. ,Dav is, Florist, Ionia, :a a-thug R.FREDERICK A. COO w~h fm) ixi v'fred 1 lheN orth 1Pole, 11ill, be at the MFATINEE AND Mll A IBhi') Vft I)EVILLE BILL, T00. Movemnt -to Employ ('outy Agent Sentintent h-as been a zcuse laong the farmers of Vashtemaw county, amid the agricumlturally imiero,-to of An A rbor, in favor o f the o'tfl )lcy m n f c u t gnt o h s C 1 11 t During the farmors' institute wvhicah closed its sessions yesterday, the quies- tion was brought up for discussion. Our Serrise is always Gentlemanly, Courteous and Prompt. Stark 2255. tf Michigan Union Opcr litS Will be ontslei= Hl Auditorium Box Ofrce and Corridor r t ii Feb. 25, 26, 28,271Mac WAuviLk &CO Sole Agents Stmte Sirtet, Ann Arbor 4! I4W