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February 22, 1916 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-02-22

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TAILORGRfA MN' NO. Amateur Finishing . receives our careful , SAT., FEB. 263
T Lo k Y u Betattention- No scratched or stained NOT A MOVING PICTURE!I W hitney Theatre
films when we do your work. "communitetegreat thill of th Feb. 2324Mat. Thur.
Should be the aim of every man. The element of pride ""nmmeaurably fsiating iper
is gratified also economy is afforded in a hand Tailored Suit. -117T' ~m A erforn e ot often equalled.' Special Engagemnt of the ewi-
y ° r LYNDON -Chicago journal. na co
Pride is satisfied because the suit is cut and made to the IN.L N The Greatest Success ofntAtr
individuals need-economy is attained because such a suit will. Faversham's Career JOHN E KELLERD
give__longerwearandmore__satisfactoryservice. DIRECT FROM CHICAGO t
giveloner earandmor saisfctoy srvie.1 -ILUK M ODERN and a capable Company of Play-
Mati eese rs in co m p let to c u t ns o
Spring W ollens Now on Display WN ENADWODJO Tesda andbG ARR ICK Week 3UP RAMA3L.ACTED ~ hkser'
WednsdayDETROIT e.2s _________________
________________________GUY BATESTPOST AMET -- Wednesday Night
Recent Army Chief to 'alk oiAlth TSuMbE MACBETH - Thursday Night
J K.M L (Lwll Preparness I ~ THE is being Sakepeae's 300th
S604 East Liberty Malcolm Bldg. General Leonard Wood recent che IeS timely a Mr. Kellerd holdsth
o staff of the United States army Shows a 3:o00 :3. 8:00, 9:30 record1run oI l amle eX er ac-
will_________________________________.______ speak on the general subject ofTE eie na~
Preparedness and its need in America Prices* eb' -Gal Bane in "The Labhy- -
PhotogrphicalExpertrinth.''requitable. W
~~ITA 'NT.rotorarnci xpet n 111 auitriu Wdneda evnig, Wed. 2;-Robert Warick in "The ruit Ii ~
""T A IN ~If its a difficult technical job, see him under the auspices of the Ann Arbor of Desire." WorldN012.j05.0
WV 1 bI about it.a National Security League branch. The Thrs. 24.-"David Copperfield." Hep- PRICES5Oc42.OO i~rlits k©-7.- 1,l.li0
r E.6n Av. P. S. He began to use a camera, an other lecturer to appear at this free worth. Given by Ladies Aid Society 3 Seats Feb. 24. Mal Orders Now S~lt Sle Feb. 21st
l3EUnvAe. 8x10 outfit, in April 189. meeting is Commodore Robert E. 1st Cong. church. ONElYERlINoEWeYOR Inow
_________________________________________Peary. OEYA NNWYR
For 29 years an army officer, Gen -__________________
eral Wood received his commission in
Announcement-"-- 1886 as lieutenant in the medical Orpheurn Theatre dwt
corps. He showed sc great a ilt FAMOUS STARS IN FAMOUS PLAYS
"- during the Apache campaign that lie Matinees, 2:0c, 3115 vening, 6:45, 8:00 .
Beginning February 26, the Packard Academy was awarded the medal of honor, 9:1 Saturdays-Holidays cniuu
will give Saturday night dances, 9-12 which is the American equivalent of "~ Best S11(O oT°ne Seao~ nu!!
the Victoria Cross. In 1893 he at- Tues. 22-sessie larricole in The Golden .W 3. AJJ U
5cper Cul iie o6 opetained the rank of captain, and at the matinee. Never Before a 46f'~~ {, 4
-beginning of the Spanish was, was Wed. 23-Geraldine Farrar in Carmen. Quarette Lie LThe V oxuullieers
Tickets on Sale at Wahrs. Fridays at 8 P.M. appointed colonel of volunteers by Thurs. ri.-24-25-Denzan Thompson Leila Shaw & Company '"Artfu
President McKinley. Five months in Trhe Old Homestead. Liar_________________________________________
___________________________________later hie received the rank of major- ________________ Fink's Comedy Circus
________________________________________________________________general of volunteers, and a short time
after became brigadier general of the - -- Bortisfriidn Troupe I The 3T at
regular army. In 1903,he was made ! arat
major-general ot the regulars by A htII
President tRoosevelt.J T C o u' s
B e ll" s yt e m11 S E. H ronSo. PECILeM TINEtAND THU SDAYNeaH 1G 18Atte ptHuronterStt.rSt ear ALnForATrinNEa s AND THURS A . DAY
in AsociatonSpigHtDr Fr d ic A.C o
e The Explorr who Discovered the Noth Pole
Pro. W.D Henderson, Henry. C.
Her Him Tell the Truth
V Rumnmel 16L president of the Stu-
dent Council, and N. E. Pinney, 16 _________________
will talk to about 50 freshmen at the vihgn"(feno) enMr
mr~ian supper beginning at 5:45 AmeummoledTeVauto oa U
' ~o'clock' tomorrow night in Newberry Amr E-Coley
Li i IIL V1.te -i -Jt 11 hall. The supper is being held undei Iprovement;" Frank F. Rogers, il
the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. and is \fichigan State Highway Commission-Ckr u m
r ;r "The Status of Road Building in
' 'or the purpose of acquainting the
rehe lihvroso h Michigan; * Prof. Arthur H. Blan-_
rehe ihvrosphases of h r poesorfhgwa nier
WHNtime and diStance make a personal work. An especial attempt will be nCoubaUiestndnefuQ
v isit impossible, do not trust the success of an made to interest the freshmen in a ;he foremost highway engineering ex- jN
important transaction to the mails. series of discussion groups that are )erts in the country, "The Construction I. L F
DIRECT \ oice to-Voice communication is ticesa befod seueifo nd Maintenance of Bituminous Sur-
qikadrand i sal accomplishes Sickler, 1028 Church street; C. An- aces and Bituminous Pavements."
moretha a ettr.rews, 731 Twelth Street; A. A. Wake- .Evening), "The Economic Design of
ighways with Reference to Traffic."
9140009000 :field, 1443 Washtenaw avenue; or ai The course will continue during thee
telephones enable us to talk any time, any- ch nvriyY M .A fie est of this week. Tomorrow's speak-
where in the United States and Canada, over rs include L. H. Neilsen, district en-
the Tong Distance lines of the Bell System. ALLIES' SUBMARINE TORPE- neer, Michigan State highway de-
DOES TUG IN C'ONSTANTINOPLE )artment, and Prof. J. J. Cox, of Mich-
Mihg n Sae T lp o e C .(Continued from Page One) HOLDS ORPET TO GRAND JURY
JJ.KlyMgTlpoe50the vicinity, of Brabant-le-Roi in the - t
Meuse today, according to an offiia (oronerN Jury Deliberates But One
aniiouncement madte this evening. Ilour and at Hal
______ .London, Fdb. 21.-A news agency- -
ispatch from, Zurich reports that a Chicago, Feb. 21-The coroner's
jZeppelin ws wrecked at Friedrich- jr at Lke Forest deibeated only
h #n y Th atre shafen in Tuesday's storm, and that an hour and a half today before it de-

M il o 0 rd e rs No w ! GernasBnrnRumania Grand Jury for the murder of Miss
... Rome, Feb. 21.-The Germans have Marian Lambert.
For the Performance on committee the same mistake in Rou-_______
mania they made in Italy. They have FELLOWS TO APPEAR IN
MON DAY EVE., MARCH 6TH resorted to intimidation and have at- "1tGEST BAND B3OUNCE"
i. tempted to provoke a ministerial crisis
of t h e Distinguished English Actor with the object of prolonging Rou-(tne fo aeOe
t ~~~mania's neutrality. Instead of ac- Bad one."rmPg Oe NT
M r. C ril a u d ecomiplishing their object, they have The reputation which Fellows won
strengthened the cabinet, which now for himself on the campus as an en-
IN, HIS IN.has the support of the pro-war party tertainer of great merit, has been add-
TER NATION- i C G R U M P Y " because it is antiGerman. ed to since he joined the list of alumni, K h\I~ 4 f4 ~ ~ I~'7
AL TRUIMPH - m m English Unmarried Men Recruited and no gathering of Detroit graduatesIJLV LH U AJ U L
London, Feb. 21.-Recruits of class is considered complete unless he is rm
Price : 50 "$2.Mail rder Now one single, who had attained the age present to add his share to the amuse-OFH
Pric s: 5 o-$ . Mal O dersNow of iS on August 15 last are called to mnt of the evening.
___________________________________________the colors by a proclamation posted to- FelwRnee helmlgti n
day. They must report to the mili- Arbor as the comedian in "Contrary LIUUOBY ~F Rj
DCR® FREDERICK As COOK nection with this assembly, T. Hawley tary authorities before March 31. This Mary," and followed up his success in L6ET YWLIMF~TR
at th cmo e S 1w orth Pole will be Tapping, publicity nmanager, will meet is the youngest class of those eligible this opera with many others, partic- PRODUCED BYA UBREY AUER
it ieall correspondents representing news- for military service. ularly in monologue and song. For e RHR ~E
MAETC''H RD Y paper interests outside the city, to "Michigan's Biggest Band Bounce" AE
AMATINEE AND) NIHT arrange a schedule of releases. 10) tEGISTERE1) IN LISTS he has prepared an entirely new reper-
A.BIG VAUDEVILLE BILL, TO'Y00_______ OF ANNUAL HIGHIWAY COURSE toire, although it is' whispered that Sl
' Mak Movis of lood ircultionhe may revert to one of his old suc-pTu u
OR~ANIZATION OFMke oieofBod(rltoi (Continued fromi Page One) cesses during the time le holds the
REVUE PERFECTED) Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 21.-Under and listen to expert advice. Class- ceitre of the stage.d f n
the direction of Dr. C. E. Stuart, mi- room work, lectures, and laboratory- - f
croscopic moving pictures showing work are open to all. The purpose of Anthracite Workers Name Committee Hill Auditorium
(Continued front Page One) blood circulation in humans has been the course is to aid in supplying that New York, Feb. 21.-The joint con-
ordinated, each staff officer will report finally completed at the Battle Creek informnationi to highway commissioners Terence of the anthracite coal opera- PriVes: 50c, 75,C, $ .u and 1.5O
to the offices each, day, sanitarium. These pictures, said to and engineers relating to the con- tors and miners met this afternoon
be the first of their kind produced, struction and maintenance of country and agreed to place the demands 'of Whether you want to take a train Shirts made to order-G. H. Wu.
On Wednesday at 5:00 o'clock, a will show how blood is circulated roads which is so much in..demand and the niners for higher wages and short- or make a call, we will get you there ('ompany. ZtAte st. Tailors.
general meeting of all those who are through the body, where, how, and why which is so hard to get. er hours in the hands of a jint sub- on time. Our service is just a
connected withi the production, both obstructions arise and the methods of The speakers of yesterday and their committee. The subcomnmittee was prompt in bad weather as on pleasant In future all cars stop at Good-
in the staging and business depart- treatiiig poor circulation, subjects are as follows: (Morning), then appointed -four representatives days. Stark Taxicab Co.. phone 2255. year's drug store. t
nments, including advertising, publicity, President Harry B. Hutchins, address from each side-and having received_
sales, promotion, 'musical and mechan- Patronize Vichigan Dlly Advertlz. of welcome; Prof. H. E. Riggs, "High- the dermands decided to think them Call Lyndon for a good flashlight. Shoes repaired while you wat. 0..
ical departments, will be held. In con- era. ** way Engineering in the University of over before meeting on February 28., eod-toej G. Andres, 222;8. State tf

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