THE MICHIGAN PAILI rrt rV - _. - - February Clothing Sale We will offer our entire stock of Clothing at 25 per cent reduction for the month of February. This includes every Suit and Overcoat in the Stein V~loekl° make, blues and blacks included, nothing reserved or nothing remarked. Somne Small Lot and Broken Sizes at 1-3 to 1-2 off All. Trousers at Twenty per Cent Reduction Mackin aws at Twenty-Five per Cent-Reduction Fur Lined Overcoats at One-(quarter Off LINDENSCHMITT, APFEL &Co.- LEADING CLOTHIERSj Campus B0ootery Is having a FEBRUARY CLEAN-UP :SALE on BOSTONIANSH E DON'T MISS IT ll Suit YC)uxse 11 0 t You can't help it her, We're always read With togs that will rea ly satisfy f or a coup. of seasons or mor( Come in . R BFasthi onClot Adler - Rochester Clotheraft THE D I (G -' >nr M~,Ji~ { Y WI~ C. A. BEGINS JUBILEE PROGRAMl I Agent for the Rvyal Tailored Clothes for Sep: the Neow Spring Line Awaiting you- Men Stage Make Ups for Student Theatrical Productions Face Paints. Powders, Cold Creams, Rouges, Lip Sticks9, Etc.:::::: A Full Line at THE ~ EBRRAlCH CA ION CO- 200-204 Un. Libas-ty St. k .a No Drops Needed in Our Eve Examination. extra With splayed blades of spe- cial treated Synthloy steel, hardened and tempered, specially polished, nickel- plated. and buffed. Pair, $7.50 Manufactured by ~ S~ A. G. SPALDING & BROS 121 Wcoiward Ave. DETROIT MICH. Complete stock of School of Music suplies at the University Music H-ouse-corner Maynard and Wiliam streets. febl6,17,18 A ssoeiation 'l'akes 1Part In National Celebrationi of Fiftieth Anlniversary TO ROL(D1)SORO0RITY M~E ETINGS As part of the national celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the found- ing of the Y. W. C. A., a jubilee is being held by the local university or- ganization. The first program of the affair was held last night at New- berry hal and there will be a series of parlor meetings beginning today at all the dormitories, league houses and sororities, at which noted speakers will preside as guests of honor. At two jubilee vesper services to be held on February 16 and 23, Dr. George Knepper of this city and Miss Leslie Blanchard will preside, the music being furnished by the Sym- phonic league glee club. Helen Tuthill, '16 has been appoint-. ed "general chairman of the ,Jubilee, the other members being Dean Myra B. Jordan, Dr. Elsie Pratt, Mrs. E. D. Kinne, Mrs. T. E. Ranklin, Helen Hum- phries, '16, Margaret Basset, '17 Marth~a Gray, '16, Margaret Long, '17 Estelle Hooper, '16, Alice Wieber, '17, Barbara Wild, '17, Helen Dow, '16 Lillian Carnegie, '17, Mariola Cornell, '16, Olivia' Williams, '17, Naideau ar- vis, '19, Eva Cole, '18, Nelda Springer, '19, Emnma Matthews, '17, Leila Quirb, Bessie Elliot, Leah Schuerren, '17, Mable stickle, '1, R. Zoe Fleming, '19, Clara Lubbs, Harriet Goodrich, '18, Marjorie Kilibury '18, Beatrice Smith, '1.7, Clarissa Vyn, Josephine Randall, '17, Marion Stowe, Florence Pride, Donna Sullivan, '16, and Emilie Sar- gent, '16. ANNOUNCE ESSAY COMPETITION Bald-tin Prize to Be Awarded Best Paper on Mniipal Subject "Efficient Billboard Regulation" is the title of the 1916 political science essay competition, as announced by the Coun- cil of the National Municipal league. The Baldwin prize of $100 will be giv- en the person handing in the best es- say of not more than 10,000 words on this subject. Competition for the Baldwin prize is, restricted to undergraduates in American colleges and universities offering courses in municipal govern- ment. Essays, to receive consideration, must be handed in before March 15. They must be typewritten in dupli- cate, signed with a nom de plume, and be accompanied by an envelope con- taining the fictitious and real name of the writer. Fencing' Captain (Gives Uip Foil Work J. H. Nichols, '18, captain of this year's fencing team, will be unable to handle the foils during the coming season on account of poor health. In the past 'two years there has been a decline in the sport, and unless Michigan fencers report for practice soon, it is likely that there will be no fencing team this year. Baseball Manager Tryouts to Report All sophomore tryouts for Varsity baseball manager are asked to report to Manager Steen. at 1:15 o'clock today at Waterman gymnasium. a, s. Y. PSa~CO I I It isn't so with FITFORM clothes. They are about the best thing going. They are easy to buy, besides being good to took at. I i % J. " t You Men of Young Ideals I will find them best exemplified in clothes made ex- pressly for you and you alone by For some reason or other young mhen haven't given thought to their clothes. They believe anything will do. They don't get th most out of life. Good clothes--meaning FITFORM-6a re within yourreach at all times; when-i you can buy trim looking, well made, stylish appearing clothes---'"Go to it" at once. Well, here is a $15 FITFORM suit that' as well made as the ordinary $25 suit and if you want to pay $20 or.$25, You will do still Metter. r 4 , ON Prizes in Life Are Usally yond Your Reach n E.V. Price & Co. Prices Very Reasonable TOM, CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. Young Men's C "Fitfom is G~ood Form" F. w. I GRKOSS Exclusive Local Dealer of Ann Arbor 309 S. Main St. ,Branch: 814 S. State St. 4' v -....GLOVES for men, be~st known makes at reason- able prlei, on sale by N. F. Allen& The "Standard(" Loose-Leaf Book at. Co., Main stret. wed-eod Wjahr's. Your name on cover without -________ expense. Feb.15to20 Call Lyndon for good pictures. I I jtn IC-'. ENCTRAYI HG CO. JOUR NAL QIULOING DETROIT, MICHIGAN 1 5 k_ Poi i 1 E (/' ,,,,,,,,---_ ''!'' ^ Allt if tI - l I+ 11 I i / , - i i ' " 1 " yy r1l The Brisk Smoke-"BulI" Durham When you see an alert-looking young man in a lively argument roll a "Bull" Durham cget-it's the natural thing. He likes to punctuate: a crisp sentence with a puff of "Bull Du rlham. His sm-indc responds to the freshness that's in the taste oi it, and his senses are quickened by its unique aroma. A cigarette of "Bull". Durham just fits in with keen thinking and forceful action. GENUINE "ButILD HA S MOK I NG0TOBA ,CCO _1 WANTED TOR SALB~ VA~ \TFD--Suitcase taken from 11:181 W C. tril nSunday, Feb. 113, 1916. Mfarked Hi. C. 3., Saginaw, Mich.1 Call 201 -1. f ebl6,17- WiANTE- ommt in downstairs suite. 224 South Thayer street. __________febl6",1?7 V AzNT D- -.Four aggresieve men who nuist earn money in order to re- tuirn to the university next fall, to joinincm on ai live proposition that has kep;t me in college for three e ars. good sialatry and comnmis- sion. Call today, 235:=1 .Y. Howard L. King;sley, gratd. feb16' FOR lifil'T f-'cepitionally- fine -ingle room for resit, two blacks northi of camnpus, 814 East Hulrron street. 1843 .j. feb16 } FORit's RNT--A very desirable suite, 2 1-2 bloclks from campus, at 332_L. Jefferson. FOR SALE~ FOR SALE-French horn, good tone, excellent condition; high and low pitch tuning slide; brand new case. $340 comnplete. Call W. M. McKee, 2074-M. FOR SALE--A full dress suit, tailored of finest material ; worn but few times; size about 38. 320 East Lib- erty street. feb16 LOST LOST-Between State and Ingalls, platinum necklace, pendant set with pink sapphire and small diamonds. Reward.' febl5-16-17-1$ LOST-Lady's leather Hop program. FSTEST ENG RAVER 1Q'TtHE WEST IF ATTENTION! UNIVERSITY MEN The R. H. Taylor Real Estate Co., of Detroit, will have a special representa- tive at the Whitney Hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, this week to confer with young men who are interested in becoming active real estate sales- men. Why not enter 'a field where your opportunities are only limited by your ambition? Let us tell you what others have done and you can accomplish. Call between 10 and 12 A. M. or 1 and 4 P. M. Phone for evening ap- pointment. febl5-16 Made of "bright" Virginia-North Carolina leaf, "Bull" Durham is rich, fragrant, mellow-sweet-the mildest, most enjoyable of smokes. "Roll your own" with " Bull" Durham and join the army of smokers who have found that so good a cigarette cannot be ob- tained in any other way. U'1731 1'An Illustrated Book. FR "~ let, showing correct e1 way to "Roll Your P4 Own" Cigarettes, and a package of cigarette papers, will broth be mailed, twadncssaBulDuram .Durham, N .C. TER 811 WICAW TOBACOCO. Ask for FREE package of "papers" with e~uA 5c each Calling cards enclosed. Finder call 2S67. Febl5-16 LOST-One loose leaf leather covered note book. Name on outside, H. F. Shaw. Return to Daily Office or phone 366. febiS-16 MISCELLANEOTJN f 'XCHANGED-At Hlop :- Gray over coat, out of booth 45, about 29th dance. Finder phone 1029 M -or 139 for re-exchange. feb16 ... ... Have You Heard About 1It'?a Which will play So to '00 .Records- without cbanging. Their Records are made by the World's Greatest Artists. These features, com- bined with our liberal service, make the most desirable combination in exisaence.3 Our Easy- ri nel BOsur 24-horan Payment System ..r..i i *Approval lan Pheoe 1707. 116 South Main St. { I Our Service IThe Michigan Daily for the rest of year-1.50is always cxentleixaniy, Courteoi yer$.0and ,Prompt. Stark 2255. Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wilts Patronize Mci nDaily Adverti Company. State St. Tailors. 1 CS, SALE- ,on bulldog. 2 Broadway. Phone febl5-1G