THE MICHIGAN DAI Y -- . ,- _- IL PEARY TO (INEXT WEEK' THE PIT 'Black as the Pit Prom Pole to Pol" HORATIUS AT THE BRIDGE Date Set for Second Talk Horatius ban brave yentleman, eparedness" in 11111 Who vatch big bridge at night; Auditorium I VORS COAST PATROL SYSTEMI tear-Admiral Robert E. Peary willI let an address upon "An Aerial Ot Patrol System" in Hill auditor- i on Wednesday evening, February under the auspices of , the AnnI or branch of the National Security gae. This will be the second of the r lecture series upon "Prepared- H" given by that society. General bard Wood will also speak, giving views on adequate military prep- ,tions. For many reasons I am strongly favor of an aerial coast patrol sys-I 1," Admiral Peary recently stated, id the more effective it is made in ts of peace, the greater its value I be in times of war, or threatened; asion Its simplicity, definiteness, ipness and, above all, its vital im- 'tance, appeal very strongly. To 'ry 'out the plans proposed it is Lmated that approximately $400,000 I be required. ccording to the admiral's scheme, elaborate system of wireless and st defense stations would be pro- ed, with a lare fleet of flying bots act in accordance with instructions m headquarters. The effectiveness tlis plan would arise from the fact t the approach of any hostile forces, ether by battleship, submarine, or ship, could at once be reported to1 coast guard stations, to be situated distances of 100 miles from eachi .er along the Atlantic and Pacific.- Itility for such a patrol would also1 found in times of peace, Admiral1 ary believes, for such derelictsr ich prove a menace to ocean trans- tation could be located and quickly1 3troyed by the powerful explosives 4 which the flying boats would be' splied- t regular twilight concert will take ce in Hill auditorium Thursday at 0 o'clock, at which time an inter- ing program will be given by sev-' L members of the School of Music ulty. the general public is cordially in- ed to listen to the following pro- :tasie and Fugue.......Bach-Liszt Harrison A. Stevens nata, A major, Op. 100.... Brahms llegro amabili; Andante tranquillo; llegretto grazioso. s. George B. Rhead and Mr. Sam-' uel P. Lockwood a: "Qui la voce sua soave" "I Puritani")...... ...Bellini Ada Grace Johnson sette en Rendeau Rameau-Godowsky to Perpetuo en Octaves. .Emil Sauer prom ptu )...............Chopin .zurka ) Campanella...............Liszt Harrison A. Stevens Accompaniments by Frances L. Hamilton It ban gude many years ago; Ay ant got date yust right. Dar ban some foxy geezers; Who march avay from home, And tenk they having qvite chance To raise some hal in Rome. gudeI Lars Porsena ban starting it,- Ay tenk Lors ban a Svede;t He raise 'bout tousand soldiers,. I And put himself in lead. Then he began tu marching, And all his friends march tu, 3 Till they skoll come almost to Rome, Var dey skol rest a few. . Then op spake Maester Horatius, Captain of dis har gate: "To every yackass on dis earth Death coming sune or late. So how can ay die better Than vatching bridge, yu say? Now who skoI standing on my front And vatching bridge vith me?" (The Norsk Nightengale.)t (To be continued) * l * REFERRED TO "CREATIVE LIST1ENING."! The "Maj" is advertising a "play with music in five scenes." Why not add---"Each girl a song." .. the h. that fed us. The Gargoyle has out a new num- her about the Jay-Hop and the rest. It tells the.old tales of the Coo-eds not being 'mongst those who were blessed with invites to go to the party and tales of their terrible woe. )Of cold,t bitter turn-downs unheartly and tears because they could not go. How theyl sit in the front of the fire their mor-! tification to hide-and think they will4 drown out their ire, imagining sweet1 suicide.' The foot or the pen must have slip- ped up in writing of all of this grief--£ just eighteen fair ones came from one house, and twelve from the next- to be brief, that stuff must have gone' well at SOME time. It must have made some people grin-'way back in the dark nighted ages how funny it all must have been. But now there is something that's lacking, some- body should be put wise. We can only make a suggestion that somebody open their eyes. I3USINESS OF NOT FEELING VERY WELL "Because of the crowded condition, parts of the nurses' sleepirg quarters have been converted into hospital war ds." -Our Jpilly Daily. THEY COME FROM AFAR. D. A. Towle, Jr., of the Hupmobile Corporation, sends a copy of the New York Tribune's "Conning Tower," in which it tells of an incident of Pres. Hutchins' trip. Some worthy con- Tided that college presidents "don't know everything anyway." * * * Which reminds us-be careful to whom you make insulting remarks about this column. You may be talk- ing to us. And that makes us pretty mad. x * tion has ever been seen upon the lo- cal boards. It is given here exactly as it is being presented in New York where the big drama has broken every record in the stage history of the first city In the country. It covers a wide range of American history and touches only the highest points of interest in the great events that led up to and terminated the Civil war. The force that slavery played in producing this crisis is traced from its inception to its abolition. While thg basic theme is historical in its foundation, its intent Is the funda- mental one of true drama The forces which make for these results have been marshalled upon a larger scale than was ever dreamed of before. Where directors of vast spectacles have dealt with hundreds in the past, Griffith employs thousands. Eighteen thousand people fill his stage, which thoas a vast territory for its back ground. Three thousand horses pass before your view in wide dashes over miles of country roadway. One battle- field is shown stretching over an area of ten square miles and upon these plains and trenches 10,000 soldiers clash in a mimic warfare that is as real as if you were an eye-witness of the actual occurrence. Holding the great effects in tether is a story as tender and true as love and romance can be pictured. There are tears and smiles, noble sacrifices and heroic deeds of personal valor.: GARGOYLE VALENTINE NUMBER E1{NJOYS UNPREVEI{ ENTE1) SALE Owing to the constant demand for the Valentine number of the Gargoyle, a small number of copies held in re- serve at the Gargoyle office have been given out for sale to various news stands in the city. The unprecedented sale of this issue was due in large measure to the un- usual demand created by J-Hop guests. Efforts of the staff to anticipate and provide for this demand by printing an extra large edition were found to be entirely inadequate when returns from the. sale were received, and at a late date it was impossible to print addi- tional copies, which accounts for the seeming short supply. Patronize Michigan Daily Advertiz- ers. ** The past few days have been the busiest and enjoyable in the history of our business. most It is with the greatest pleasure that we take this opportunity--Men of Michigan--to thank you for your patronage. We regret that we were unable to take care of all of you who wished to make reservations for house party pictures with us but we believe that you understand and appreciate the limit to which we were pushed--we did our best. We trust that we may serve you in the future as in the past. Faithfully, DAINES & NICKELS . Percy Grainger, the young Austra- lian pianist and composer, will give the fifth piano recital in the Normal Concert course at Ypsilanti at 8:00 o'clock tonight. Mr. Grainger was born in Brighton, State of Victoria, Australia, and as a child of ten was known as a prodigy. Among his teach- ers were Louis Pabst, James Kwast and the great Busoni. Mr. Grainger's program will be com- posed of four sections, and will in- chude a number of his own composi- itions. ISSUE BULLETIN EXPLAINING COURSE ON LIBRARY METHODS An attractive little bulletin, explain- ing the summer course in library methods, 'has just been issued by the university. The inside of the first leaf contains a view of the library,. while the remainder of the bklletin is taken up with a description of the! course.k There will be no entrance examina-E tions held, but candidates are supposed to have completed a high school course or its equivalent, and must satisfy the university librarian as to their prep- aration to undertake the work. As the number of students is necessarily limited by the space available in the library for instruction, preference will be given to, persons already employed, So much so, that we write further * * *~ On account of space. * * * Too bad! do not dare -By Gee. At The TheatersI * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAYk Whitney-Moving Pictures - "'The Birth of a INation." Majestic--Vaudeville - George * Primrose's Minstrels. Arcade--Moving T'hurlow Bergen Pictures - in "The c* * is * a * * .* * * * * "Birth of a Nation" D. W. Griffith's spectacle, "Tie in libraries or under appointment to Birth positions as librarians. . meni Prof. A. S. Root, librarian of Ober- night, lin college, has been added to the staff ances of a Nation," began its engage- at the Whitney theater last There will be two perform- daily at 8:15 and 2:15 p. m.