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January 26, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-26

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_,., ..


Y in War-torn Countries Will Re-
olt Because of Heavy Taxes
to Be Imposed
f. David Friday, of the economics
'tment, in a speech before the
rsity club of Battle Creek, pre-
I that there would be a revolu-
in practically every country in
pe engage.d in the present war,
after peace is declared. He
I that on account of the heavy
that must be imposed the poorer
e would be compelled to revolt.
all the countries of Europe now
ich people are gaining property
S to the future products of their
ries. By selling supplies and
unition the capitalistic classes are
ng enormous profits that must be
in the future. Taxes will be so
ensome at the close of the war
the people will see to it that there
redistribution of wealth. Some
ese revolutions will be bloody,"
Professor Friday
ich revolutions did not follow the
leonic wars because the working
es could not read and did not
*enough to insist on their rights.
y the working classes can read
an be appealed to by the printed
They have learned to insist on
pean Demand Falling Off; Situ-
atio at Washington Influ-
ening 'Business
Henry Cews & Company
e week ending Saturday, Janu-
,2, saw acontinuedabatement of
: exchange activity so noticeable
Lrough the month of December.
s ago the war orders moderated,
use the European demand was
fled largely with earlier orders
the belligerents themselves are
e,41ipped to make many articles
lower cost than that at which we
ible to produce them.
lull revival of business confidence
evented partly because of the ac-
of Congress and the president
egard to Mexico, preparedness,
c revenue, shipping and other
lation. However, general business
itions are fairly active and satis-
ry. The revival which began in
mber and December continues
but slight abatement. This is
:rated by the extraordinary ac-
r in the steel industry, which is
:ically unaffected by the rise in
e railroad situation is steadily im-
ug in various respects. Forty-six
reported earnings of $84,000,000
ecember, an increase of $20,000,+
>ver the same period last year.
disposition on the part of the
c to give the railroads fair play
s to be increasing, and this,
.lated by increased net earnings,
greatly facilitated railroad fin-
g for the better.
eview of the last year shows that
wised crops amounting in value
10,000,000,000. Our railroads
next to agriculture in import-
our industrial plants and com-'
ial and financial institutions run

enormous figures in their trans-
ns, so that it is evident that a
stic revival as well as a stimu-
om war orders is playing a part
r present situation.
market outlook is somewhat
.ful. Its investment- capacity
een severely tested by a great
of foreign securities. There is
nore or less uneasiness caused
a pending, British blockade, which,
h perhaps advantageous to
can interests may play a bad
n causing political and adminis-
e friction at Washington. These
s, plus the Mexican situation, are
ent obstacles to stop further ad-
in the market at this time.

" lack as the Pit
From Pole to Pole"



Den, yu say, dis maester sexton, he
can't hearing Yoesphine;
le ban vork in boiler factory ven he
ban about saxteen,
And it mak him deaf lak blazes. So
he go and. grabbing rope;
But Miss Yosephine ant qvitter, she
ant losing any hope.
No, sir! She run op in bell tower,
yest so fast sum she can run,
And she tak gude hold on bell tongue,
and hang on lak son of a gun.
#Iaester sexton, he keep renging, but
dis bell ant reng, yu say;
For Miss Yosephine ban op dar; she
ant ban no country yay.
Ay yust bet yu she get groggy, for
her yob ban purty tough;
But the bell don't "dingle dangle," it
ant even making bluff.
"Val, by yinger!" say the sexton, "dis
har rope ban awful tight."
Yosephine look dawn and tell him,
"Curfew skol not reng tonight!"
Purty soon it ban all over. Sexton
he ban start for town,.
And Miss Yosie rest a minute, den ay
s'pose she coming down.
Anyhow, she go next morning for gude
talk vith some poleece,
And she yolly Maester Cromwell-he
ban Yustice of the Peace.
"Gude for yu," say Maester Cromwell,
"ay skol let him live o right:
Yust because yu fule dis sexton-cur-
few skol not reng tonight"
-W. E. Kirk.
We hereby give notice that the Pit
will cease its operations with this
issue. The reasons are two-first, be-
caus of the difficulty we experience
every morning in finding this column
n its entirety. As we take great pleas-
ure in reading this column, and tell-
ing our friends how good it is, it is
discouraging to have to spend two or
three hours in locating it. Secondly,
our salary it not enough to warrant
our not accepting better positions.
We were at a loss as to how to pre-
sent these reasons, but not wishing to
prove unnecessarily mercenary, we
chose the above order. Money is
farthest from our thoughts.
And of course there are other rea-
sons. One of them is the following
S* * * '
Dear Gee:
There was a young student who said it's
His plan to get all of its credits.
In the matter of knowledge
He just came to college
To get his degree-now he's fled it.
* * *
Iave you spent an evening with the
sugar-cookies lately, that is, recently?
O, say now, who called 'em that? Well.
that's what they are, at least some of
'em-but some are just molasses (more
lasses) ha! ha!
* * *
It was unsigned. Give him that
much credit. The 'ha! ha!' is drawn
out-as in 'villain.' And on the back
were Engineering notes. With those
clues, what do you make of it, my deerv
* * *
Dear Gee: Why not call them Coo-
eds? Or do you think that that would
he a better term for the spring even-
ings on the boulevard?
M. L..
* * *
Not until my eyes fail me, Horatio.
* * *
The instructor in Nervous Anatomy
in the Medical School, who told his

(ass that "when thy got to the upper
regions they would be in the lower re-
gions," was Dr.
* * *
"La Revue des Nations," is lucky to
secure the services of Aubrey Stauffer
as producer. It almost insures suec-
* * *

University Symphony Orchestra Under
Albert Lockwood to Play
on Jan. 28
The University Symphony orchestra,
with Albert Lockwood as soloist, will
play in Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock
afternoon, January 28. Attention is
called to the fact that this regular con-
cert in the faculty concerts series will
be on Friday instead of Thursday.
Tschaikowsky's piano concerto in B
flat minor, which has not been played
in Ann Arbor for six years, will be
the feature of the program. It is one
of the most thrilling and satisfying
works of the great Russian composer,
and the rehearsals which the orches-
tra has devoted to its preparation have
been so numerous and painstaking
that a worthy performance is assured.
Two rather elaborate dances on Ital-
ian popular themes by a prominent
present-day composer, and an exqui-
site little Motet of Mozart, played by
the strings, complete the program.
Two Piedmontese Dances. ..Sinigaglia
"Ave Verum" ..............Mozart
Concerto, B flat minor.. Tschaikowsky
At The Theaters


Wait For




ot Until. Jan. 31-F eb.1-2



4 ;



Majestic--Vaudeville, featuring
"The Co-eds."
Arcade-Moving pictures, Alice
Brady in "The Rack."


Side of the


EMrs. Campbell a't the Whitney
Ti e anouncemenn that Mrs. Pat-
rick Campbell will present a comedy
from the pen of George Bernard Shaw
at the Whitney theatre February 2, is
of more than passing interest to Ann
Arbor theatre-goers.
"Pygmalion," the latest effort of the
gifted Irish-Englishman, is an appeal-
ing .romance. It tells in five acts the
story of a London flower girl, Eliza
Doolittle. As Pygmalion, the sculptor,
molded Galatea, so Henry Higgins
molds the cockney flower girl to the
graces and apparances of a duchess.
In doing this he awakens her soul.
She falls in love with him and the ap-
peal of the play is the story of her
romance. Eliza's father, a member of
the undeservedly poor, rises to a po-
sition in the middle class, which he
says he abhors. Having brought these
two characters of the streets into a
position of prosperity, Mr. Shaw leaves
the audience to its own conclusions
as to what eventually becomes of them.
In appearing in this play, Mrs. Pat-
rick Campbell, the celebrated English
actress, is making another American
tour. "Pygmalion" is one of the re-
cent London successes and in playing
It in this country, Mrs. Campbell is
causing it to have just as great an
appeal here.
Majestic to Show War Pictures
Actual war pictures are to be seen
at the Majestic during the three days,
January 1 to February 2. These pic-
tures are not only authentic, but also
official. They show the Germans and
Austro-Hungarians preparing for bat-
tle, the aeroplane tactics of the Teu-
tonic. armies, and an entire battle.
The daring of the photographer in
taking these pictures is remarkable.
Shells whiz by his camera and he is
nearly injured, but he never falters.
Life in the trenches is shown and
barbed wire entanglements charged
with electricity are in -clear view of
the audience.
Pav owa Appears in Detroit
Pavlowa will be the principal at-
traction at the Lyceum theatre, Detroit,
Friday, January 28. This noted dancer
and her ballet russe is appearing in
conjunction witf the Boston Grand
Opera company in Michigan's metrop-
olis. Only two performances will be
given, one matinee and an evening
performance. Many prominent vocal-
ists will appear in the opera, and Pav-
lowa will conduct her famous Spanish
"Vag" Gets 65 Days
William Riissel was arrested by
Deputy Sheriff Joe Gross yesterday on
the charge of vagrancy. He was
brought before Justice of the ,Peace
John D. Thomas and sentenced to
serve 65 days in the Detroit hous of
correctiorx The maximum sentence
was imposed since this was the second
time he had appeared before Judge
Thomas on a vagrancy charge.

The original and authentic pictures taken under
the auspices of the Chicago Tribune.
Not exhibited under any non de plume or alias.
We could call them the GERMAN SIDE OF
THE WAR or the battle of any old thing,
but why? When we have the original and
simon pure pictures-not posed in Long
Island or any place but on the Battle Fields
. in Europe.
E. F. Weigle, the Tribune photographer, was in
the midst of several battles and has the
Greatest Picture Ever Show Upon

the Screen

We could use an alias and call the picture "The
Warring Millions" or any old thing.
But Why Deceive You? These are real and
authentic and Shown under their own name
Don't fail to see the Greatest War Picture that



been seen in Ann Arbor, or


will be shown here.
And the regular Majestic prices will prevail.


Entire Main Floor, 15c, Balcony, lOc


15c, 25c AND 30c

Remember the Date and the Picture "The
Cerman Side of the War."



--F F0.go8


the business and trade situ-
s it is, it cannot be too often
n mind that our present pros-
is vastly more due to a rich
and good prices than to war
at Recovers from Operation
Kesselring, '18, who was re-
iperated on for acute appendi-
ras dismissed from the Homeo-
hospital yesterday. He has
his home in Jackson, where
remain until next week.
s for five or more copies of the
idition delivered without extra


Sir: Let us grant that H. A. F.'s
attitude is unconcerned. Probably he
is growing accustomed to the "at-
mosphere" as the result of frequent
association with-well, he's seen
two years' service on the Gargoyle

P. S. - The Chioago Tribune Contributes 50% of the Rental of
"The Cerman Side of The War" to the Blind and Crippled Soldiers

A. L.
* * *
That skuwurral is sure getting plen-
ty of publicity.
* : * .
The editor has just informed us that
our salary will be materially raised. I
beg to inform you that the i'it will
be as deep as ever tomorrow morning.
.* * *
All together, now--"Huzzah!"
. * * * -
Contrary minded-"Ra-a-a-ts."
-By Gee.

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