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January 23, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-23

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President Armour Institute of Technology







7:30 PM.

. ._.

Ti(ket Itoldr'j 4 l1 Meet at Union
"T!oker Tomorrtw to Choose
Iheth 1'artners
All holters of 3-Hop tickets who
have not as yet made arrangements
far tli parties wm; 1whom they will
share booths, are to meet at 7:15
o'clock at the Michigan Union tomor-
row night. The meeting will be in
the nature of a smoker, and the Hop
commiteE is taking this means of get-
ting the men together so that they can
pick )u. the sharers of their booths.
Twelve tickets are necessary to re-
serve one booth, and it is essential that
booth occupants be arranged for in
time for the drawing for choice of
booths which will take place Wednes-
day night. The green booth tickets
should be brought along tomorrow
night so that one man in each group of
twelve can be designated to represent
each booth party at the drawing Wed-
nesda1y night.
There are still a few tickets which
can be secured by calling Earl Pardee
at 1166. Fraternities and house-clubs
which have not secured tickets for
their chaperones should make applica-
tion for same as soon as possible.
A meeting of the J-Hop committee
will be held at 10:30 this m9rning at
the Union.I

**** * * * * * *
Majestic, - )oving' pictures,
Theda Jarij h "T 1he Galley
A read e-" o Robbins speaks


"rack as the Pit
From Pole to Pole"
I stand in the cold gray weather,
In the white and silvery rain;
The great trees huddle together,
And sway with the windy strain.
i dream of the purple glory
Of the roseate mountain-height
And the sweet-to-remember story
Of a distant and clear delight.
The rain keeps constantly raining,
And the sky is cold and gray,
And the wind in the trees keeps com-
That summer has passed away;-
But the cold and the gray are haunted
By the beauty akin to pain,-
By the sense of a something wanted,
That will never come again.
At the Union Leap Year party they
claimed that they placed canvas over
the faces of the deadlier sex, and
then allowed the men to pick their
partners. We suggest that the Union
make a permanent feature of this.
Our Dilly Dally claims that the wo-
men at this affair would glance at
each new couple, and would seemingly
ask, "Did you ask him or did he ask
you?" Don't you believe it. The sen-
tence should read, "Huh, it's a darn
good thing this is 'a Leap-Year Party,
or YOU wouldn't be here. And that
same old dress, too!"
And It Hasn't Hal's Initials
Dear Gee:--The Editor of the Sport-
oscope thought that was a squirrel de-
picted in the Gargoyle. A squirrel
hasn't got a couple of stripes down
his back. R. A. S.
That was a point that Hal over-
They may find some excuse for the
excessive heat at the Paderewski con-
cert, but who was the party in poor
health at the last Glee Club concert?
We had to leave early-and weren't
alone in the parting. Besides, the per-
son with me claimed it hurt his corns.
We don't know how it affected the rest
of the balcony, but it hurt us some-
where around the one that was sup'
posed to keep Hill Auditorium com-
.After a great deal of trouble, we
finally managed to obtain a lengthy
interview with the editor of the Gar-
goyle. He eventually gave us his
viewpoint, antl though the discussion
is lengthy, we are.martyrs to a worthy
cause, as always, and print it. "I am
sorry that I have only one life to give
for my country and University," he
stated-between chuckles.
The young ladies who were doing
the Virginia Reel on the back porch
of the K. K. G. House, for the amuse-
ment and edification of the passers-by,
were --- and -
Those against Military Training at
the University apparently did not see
the last act at the Maj. this week.
But don't raise your hopes.
It ain't done.
Without foot-or something-lights.
President Wilson Relayed by Fog
Norfolk, Va., Jan. 22.-Delayed by
a dense fog, President Wilson, en

route to Hampton Roads from Wash-
ington on the yacht Mayflower, had not
arrived at last reports. He was due
this afternoon and was expected to
play golf on the links of the Hampton
Three Killed on Oil Steamer
New York, Jan. 22.-Three men were
killed and three others seriously in-
jured in an accident on the tank
steamer John D. Rockefeller while the

Song and novelty will be the pre- imitations of pigs, chickens, cows,
vailing features of the bill that opens dogs, cats, birds and even wild beasts.
at the Majestic, Monday night, and He was advised to go into vaudeville,
remains for a three days stay. A which he did, and with enormous
cowboy who was . discovered for success. Ten years ago Mr. Dunbar
Grand Opera, a musical act and feats met Madeline Dunbar, who is appear-
of strength that are presented in a ing with him, and who is. his wife.
novel and original way, make it They made an ideal vaudeville team,
spectacular. for both were excellent foils for each
The bill is headed by the "Co-Eds." other. Madeline Dunbar began her
The "Co-Eds" does not pretend to any stage career in musical comedy, mak-
plot. Rather it is a vehicle for a trio ing a great hit in the celebrated mus-
of rather clever people to hang their ical extravaganza, "The Gingerbread
specialties on, and seven good-looking Man."
young women furnish the foil and the Ralph Bayhl and company give an
scenery. Cecil Renard is a very hand- exhibition of real strength. The act
some young woman who not only is called "Surprise" and opens in a
knows how to appear at her best, but Japanese tea garden with a geisha
sings uncommonly well, while she is girl singing very prettily. A man
a mistress of the art of modern danc- comes on with "Buttons" carrying his
ing. Most women who essay to dance luggage and soon the action com-
succeed only in making themselves mences. Heavy weights are lifted and
ludicrous. But there is a natural juggled about as if they were tennis
grace about Miss Renard that marks balls and as a finish, the man. who
"C -ds" at the Miajestic
the difference between the artist and weighs 175 pounds, lifts the Japanese
tyro. Arthur West is a droll sort of pagoda, which in itself weighs 520
a lunatic of the mild type which unwthsxepe nthih
amuses without doing any particular pudwtsipeleniwhc
harm Hetels agoo stry n abrings the combined weight up to
har. -i ,llgagod toy-na
good way, acts the fool without mak- Inearly 1,500 and holds it aloft while
ing you tired, and there is a swing the geisha girl sings another song.
to his stuff that is a big relief after Bill Pruit until two years ago was
the wild-eyed ravings of some of those unknown as a singer. He was found
who would entertain a mixed audi- while singing with a cowboy band at
once. Ubert Carlton sings and dances St. Paul' and Chicago, Mr. Andreas
acceptably and the scenery, otherwise Dippel, of the Chicago Grand Opera
known as the good-looking young wo- Co., made him an offer to go to Europe
men, is a real joy. and study, which still holds good.
One of the most unique and original Houseley & Nicolas made warm
acts ever given to vaudeville is that friends of the patrons by a most
of Charles and Madeline Dunbar. pleasing musical act, in which saxo-
Charles Dunbaris a mimic and im- phones, cornet, trombone, and violin
personator of extraordinary ability-- are used. One of the members of the
not an impersonator in the general team works in black-face, and the
sense of the term, because he imitates comedy which the two are able to in-
animals, birds, etc., and not human ject into their work makes a big suc-
beings. As a mere boy Mr. Dunbar cess out of amusical act that would
astounded the neighborhood by his stand alone on its technical merits.

"La Grammaire," the entertaining
Laliche comedy given .by the Cercle
Francais in Barbour gymnasium last
evening, scored a distinct, success.
The four members of 1he faculty
who took the leading parts Proved
beyond doubt that the stince of
teaching does not in any way conflict
with the histrionic art, and the audi-
ence was kept in a continual state of
laughter. ,
In fact each role was very well
handled, and special mention should,
be made of the work of Profs. Kenyon
and Canfield. The former as the de-
ceitful servant was excellent, and
Prof. Canfield as the archaeologist
who doesn't know the difference be-
tween Jean's broken dishes and old
Roman relics displayed real talent.
The difficulties of a well-meaning
father who is illiterate and constant-
ly forced to pretend that he is not,
along with the accomplishments of
Jean, his servant, left no dearth of
funny situations.
Preceding the play there were vocal
and instrumental selections by 1r.
Rodney Parker, and Lee Parker. Miss
Florence Snyder and James South-
worth acted as accompanists. The
music was excellent and well appre-
ciated by the audience.
After the play the Cerele held a
dance on the first floor of the gynina-
Paanma, Jan. 22.-General Giethals
issued a statement today saying it is
not intended to open the canal antil1
a safe, passageable aiid permanent
channel is assured. This, he said., is
not possible at present although
dredges in the past four months have
shown that they can maintain an am-
ple channel when not interrupted by
passing ships.

W tii this sue' the Daily intro-
daIdeS a neckly clumn devoted to a
fi'aiik discussion oi tiEo religious prob-
ieisn Of college studtents. ie column
viii be toit-seetarian in its conduct,
aind any qluestiolis addressed to the
Frater iln care of The l1aily )will be
nnweri'ed in the column next Sunday.
In a recent census at the univer-
siy of Indiana, 98 per cent of the
students interviewed expressed a be-
lief in religion, but many confessed
that they did not know what they
meant by the term. The answers
raied from a definition of religion
as an intellectual standard to a be-
lief in the sufficiency of the moral
life. That state of affairs is quite
tyliical of the normal campus thought.
The average student is quite con-
tent with the assertion that the Gol-
d(en Rule is religion enough for him,
forgetful of the fact that he is sub-
scribing to a mode of living so ideal
that few can attain it; a mountain
region of moral practice.
No doubt it is easy to say that the
Sermon on the Mount his religion
enough for the average fellow, but
how to attain that brotherly spirit
and temper of mind is the puzzling
problem. \Vhen a university fresh-
man confessed that his room-mate
was a good Christian but hard to get
along with, he placed religion in a
sphere by itself and divorced it from
every day life.
Religion ought to be the power
that makes a man a good companion.
No individual can qualify as a good
Christian and a bad associate. The
terms are mutualy exclusive. Its
like praising a dinner as excellent
while admitting that the food lacked
all nutritive value. The end toward
which we are all striving is a true
brotherhood of right thinking and liv-
ing, and if religion does not make a
man a better companion, it is not
performingits function.
, Let astudent frankly set himself to
the task of fulfilling the terms of the
Sermon on the Mount and if he is
sineere, he will confess that he is
eagerly searching for a power to aid
him in his living. That power or
drive which makes possible the type
olife which we all desire, is' re-

'hleda ara at the Majestic.
That celebrated author Bartley
Campbell, wrote the Galley Slave. At
last it has been picturized with the
seductive Theda Biara, and will be
seen at the Majestic tonight. The
story is well known. A party of Amer-
icans "doing" the continent-an Am-
erican heiress meet and falls in love
with aii artist---The heiress is insane-
ly jealous of her lover and is shocked
e5ause he has a beautiful model,
nancesca, why has a little child and
C.vho has been cruelly deserted by her
iusband, Antoine Brabaut. The Bar-
n De Pois also loves the heiress, pro-
oses for her hand, and is rejected.
-he Baron proves to be the husband
t ie derei'ted wife, the heiress not
kmowin this, mrries him to spite the
artit o or. There are a number of
complications. (iely tries to rescue
__rcott again:. hs will by confessing
him to be he lover, but he is forced
to leave The Baron appears to claim
his we, is confroned by Francesca
who denounces him, and tells the
whole story of their early marriage.
T he laron says it is all a lie and
seems, as the husband of Cicely, to
have ite iht to Lim not only her
fortune but ncr person. Through the
i 'm y at the A 'erican friends, the
earlier narniuge between the Baron
ad Franeese is definitely establish-
ed. Braham i :.'ed to recognize
and support iar xca as his wife.
Norcott is released Irom his dreadful
servitude and is fra eeo marry the girl
,.he lox e-
et'ahI'r JBr/im ifalllid in Fog
0 aI Jan . -The New York
l'uPrto Lien I steamer Brazos
a few hears an't ea steamed from
'r dek diAt law ic station this noon,
wa's ramnsed by ti' :.nk steamer Suif-
"~folk in the den>se se ; off the Jersey
{)rder the M!icliizna Daily now -

Pavlowa, With Boston Grand Opera
Co., Appears Next Week at Lyceum
Organizati u, Which lncludes OriginaliAtists, Orchestra, Chorus, Scenery
and Costumes Will Give Poecini's "L Bohene,"
and the Spanish Ballet

Members of the Menorah society
will hold their semi-annual election
of officers this evening in Newberry
hall at 8:00 o'clock.
Besides the election, a short pro-
gram will be observed. Robert Bur-
man, '19, first violin in the University
Symphony orchestra, will render sev-
eral solos. He will be accompanied
by A. J. Gornetzky, '17, one of *the
composers of "All That Glitters," and
this year's opera.
Submarine - Re-Floated.
San Diego, Cal., Jan. 22.-The
stranded United States submarine H-]
3 this afternoon at high tide floated
off the soft mud bank which it struck
in the harbor yesterday. Apparently
the submarine was undamaged.
El Paso, Tex., Jan. 22-Francisco
Villa today sent a message to the
American people saying that he was
not responsible for the massacre of
18 Americans at Santa Ysabel Janu-

Candidates for the office of Mayor,
for the election of which will be held
in April to fill the unexpired term of
the late Charles A. Sauer, are peti-
tioning for a place on the official bal-
lot. Among those whose petitions are
out for signatures are Fred Heusel,
Jr., who seeks a place on the Repub-
lican ticket. Other prominent Repub-:
licans are Frank I. Cornwell, and
George Kyer, whose petitions have not
been prepared.
Those mentioned on the Democratic
ticket are Ernest M. Wurster, and
Sam Heusel, although it is not defi-
nitely known whether or not Mr.
Wurster would be an available can-]
Mr. Heusel when questioned regard-
ing his petition said that he was not
aware that it was being circulated,
and had not made known his inten-
Vanderbilt Considers Military Course
Establishment in Vanderbilt univer,
sity of a course in military training
under an officer of the United States
army is being strongly considered by
the university authorities.

___ 0----

Music lovers of Ann Arbor are look-
ing forward with keen expectation to
the two performances to be given in
Detroit at the Lyceum Theatre on
Friday, Jan. 28, matinee and night, by
the Boston Grand Opera Company in
conjunction with the Pavlowa Ballet
After consulting representative cit-
izens of Detroit, Mr. Rabinoff decided
to give Puccini's melodious "La Bo-
heme," which will be'followed by the
first presentation in that city of the
Spanish Ballet, a novelty in this coun-
try, in which Mme. Pavlowa never ap-;
peared until last fall.
The organization, which comes here
direct from its splendid successes in
New York: Beston, Philadelphia,
Washington and other representative
eastern cities, includes the same dis-
tinguished artists which captivated
both critics and public, substantially
the same orchestra and chorus, the
same artistic directors 0(1 the same
beautiful scenery and costumes which
are of the finest character ever before
shown in this country save in such
cities as New York and Boston.
The cast for "La Bohenme includes
either the celebrated English lyric so-
prano, Miss Maggie Teyte, who sang
at the Paris Opera Comique, Covent

Garden, London, and the Philadelphia
opera; or the great American soprano,
Felice Lyne; Mle. Olivete Marcel, a
young lyric soprano, who has made
rapid strides in her profession and is
now looked upon as one of the most
promising in opera; Riccardo Martin,
or Guiseppo Gaudenzi, the distin-
uishged Italian lyric tenor; Thomas
Chalmers, the American baritone, or
Graham Marr, formerly at Covent
Garden and the Chicago Opera Com-
pany, and regarded as one of the
finest of American baritones; Jose
Mardones, who has appeared in all
the best European opera houses and
is conceded to be Spain's foremost
basso; Giorgo Puliti, the splendid
Italian baritone,. and Paolo Ananian,
for many years one of the most re-
liable of the New York Metropolitan
Opera Ilouse baritones. Maestro Rob-
erto Moranzoni, whose conducting has
recently caused him to be called
young Tosanini, will direct the per-
Following "La Boheme," the Span-
ish Bal let, performed to music by
Moskowski, Massenet and Glazounov,
will be given with Mime. Anna Pav-
Iowa, Alexandre Volinine and the en-
tire Ballet Russe, under the musical
direction of Mr. Adolf Schmid.

vessel was taking on oil at Tampico. 'ary 10.

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