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January 20, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-20

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rofessor Waterman Traces History of Busral

Captured and Recaptured Throughout
Ages, "Gairden of Eden's Again
has Importance

India and Western Asia.!
It was because of its important po- NS PROGRESSING F
sition, that Basra was selected as thePAt The Thoaor
pthe work o Michi-
gan in Arabia. oByhmeans of this en- JDVLII W90nCONCEGT ~
terprise, the students of the University ..New Bill at Majestic
of Michigan are, ,through the Stu- , fferers of Europea1 Coniflict Will The bill which opens tonight at the
dents' Christian Association, support- Receive Proceeds; Songs to Majestic for the remainder of the
mng a doctor and his wife, and a nurse Feature Program wees oethatrlooksdgooadhas
fromMiciga, wo a prsen ar - _..week is one that soaks good and has
frommany strong acts to recommend it. It
carrying on the work among the Brit- Plans are progressing rapidly for ais teadedn by what might be termed
ish soldiers mnBusrab.tH the "Potash and Perlmutter" of vaude-j
- --- - - terium on Friday evening, February rIle, "Solomon's Bargain," a con-
1 S, for the benefit of the Armenian nercial comedy in which Hyman Adler
T H E PIT ar sufferers. tickets i be placed and company appear.
on sale within the next week. All
Back asthe Pit the seats will be moderately priced The Kilkenny Four, also on the bill,
Prom Pole to Pole" Two sopranos, one tenor, and one vio- are a quartet of remarkable singers
linist, all native Armenians, have been who are making their first tour of the
secured for the occasion. west. To the strain of popular airs,
AHalth,.................... this clever quartet has a singing nov-



Writing the original account of th
creation and of the flood as we know
it now in the book of Genesis; devel
oping the cuneiform or wedge-shape
method of writing, and inventing th
sexogesimal system of numbers, ar
counted among the things for whic
the world is indebted to the origina
inahabitants of the region that is th
center of conflict between Turk an
Briton in the Tigris and Euphrate
The present situation is typical o
the history of this region. From earl
iest recorded times, this district ha
been the meeting place of races whos<
struggle for mastery has been fraugh
with far-reaching consequences fo:
the larger world.
Early Civilization
Legend has it that more than 60
0H years ago, or long before the cre
ation, a creature, half man and hal
beast, swam up the Persian gulf an
brought the arts of civilization to th
people of lower Babylonia. Archeo
logical and modern historical evidenc
confirms the essence of the legend i
that it agrees that civilization wa:
first brought to the Tigris and Euphra
tes valley by a foreign people, par
of whom came up the Persian gulf.
These people conquered the origina
inhabitants and were called the Sume
.rians because they gave the name o
Sumer (Biblical "Shinar') to this re
gion. It is to them that the worl
is indebted for the first record of th
flood and of the creation. With thes
people the flood was an annual oc
.currence, and from the flood ever
year there emerged a new "garden o
Eden," so the explanation of the cre
ation naturally grew up. By 280
B. C.,these people, under their king
Lugazaggisi, extended their domain t
the Mediterranean, including Syri
and Palestine under their sway som
1500 years before Israel became a
They invented the wedge-shaped
method of writing, which was late
adopted by the Semites as a means o
writing Semitic. In the later form i
became the vehicle of diplomatic lan-
guage throughout Western Asia and
By dividing the ecliptic into the 12
signs of the zodiac and by establish-
ing a uniform month of 30 days, they
constructed a solar year of 360 days
and so divided the great circle of the
sun's path into 360 degrees.
Conquered by Semitic Bedouins
Another great struggle took place
when the Semitic Bedouins, who had
always roamed the Arabian deserts
and who even today make up the major
portion 9f the population, came to-
gether and conquered the Sumerians.
From that time, they becane the torch
bearers of civilization from the Per-
sian gulf to the Mediterranean.°
Chaldeans Gain Independence.
The conquering Assyrian nation
never ceased to contend with another
Semetic people who lived in the
swamps around Basra (Busrah).
These were the Chaldeans, and they
finally gained their independence. Un-
der King Nebuchadnezzar, the great-
est historical figure to emerge from
the civilization of Lower Babylonia,
they made the Jews captive and ex-
tended their empire from the Persian
gulf to the borders'of Egypt.
Changes in Modern Times
The modern Basra did not exist
in ancient times-even its site did not
exist because the coastline of the gulf
used to extend about 100 miles farth-
er inland. However, because of grad-
ual deposits of land from the rivers
the land has been made firm, and now
Basra is the center of one of the finest

date centers of the world.
Position Strategic
The present Busrah is regarded as
being a strategic point because of its
being the center of the trade that
comes down the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers and much of the trade of the
great interior lands of Armenia, Asia
and Arabia. The fertile valley of the
Euphrates is one of the best wheat
growing regions of the world. Not
only is Basra a great trade center,
but it is a connecting link between

I filled this cup to one made up of
loveliness alone,
A woman, of her gentle sex the seem-
ing paragon--
Her health! and would on earth there
stood some more of such a frame,
That life might all be poetry, and
weariness a name.
* *
This revered column was ordered off'
the magazine page of yesterday. And
is getting bruised by that continued
process. But we feel that we would
be slightly abashed at our surround-
ings if left on that page. It is only
upon examination of the magazine
page that one gets an idea of the real
value of some of the men with whom
we rub elbows. It is worth reading.
* *
In fact, valuation of men can not
come only through class standing.3
Certain members of the faculty wish
to turn out leaders in the profession
which they teach. But they seemingly
do not consider that grades do not
create leadership. Personality has as
much value. And personality is not
developed by abstaining from collegej
men and affairs.j
* * * .
The Pit wagers ten cents worth of
advertising in this column against a
free ticket to the affair, that the Un-
ion Leap Year party will differ from
other dances in name only.
At Pennsylvania, flirting , if dis-
covered among freshmen women, is
punishable by a fine, laid by the
sophomore women. Michigan Codes
please do NOT notice.
* * *
But wouldn't that start a lovely,
* * *
# Righto!
Dear Gee: That was a smart gink
that stuck his shoe ad at the fot of
your line. L. L. 1.
** *
Yes, it took us a few minutes to get
it, also.
Some day we are going to copy some
of the jokes (pardon the term) that
are laughed at at the Majestic and use
them as proof that it takes all kinds
of people to make up this woundrous
But thebiggest jokes are the ien
(again pardon) that stand outside the
stage door after the show.
Which only proves the advantages
of a college education.
4. * *

I 1e program will Incude songs in ' w ° _i
Armenian, French, Italian and Eng- elty of merit.
lish. Several Armenian folk-songs The six Military Dancers who ap-
will feature the prograi. The variety pear in a West Point setting, perform
of songs is well shown by the contrast their terpsichorean maneuverw with
a military precision and dispatch
wh.ich make their offering delightful.
Three girls and three boys take part
with numerous changes of military
coAtmnes and many new dancing en-

Miss Leonora Allen, of the Univer-
sity School of Music faculty, left
Tuesday night for Milwaukee, where
she will appear as soloist with the
Lyric club of that city. This is Miss
Allen's second appearance in Milwau-
kee this year.
On Friday afternoon of this week a
public students' recital will be given
at the School of Music at 4:15 o'clock
by advanced students of the piano and
violin departments. The general pub-
lie is cordially invited to listen to the
following program:
Prelude on a theme of Bach..... Liszt
PIenetential Song......Beethoven-Liszt
Gladys Viola Seelye .
lo Spring ......................Grieg
By the Sea ..................Arensky
Tom Hinshaw
Romance, Op. 26...........Svendsen
B. J. Hildinger
Sonata, Op. 28 (1st movement)
......--.... .. Beethoven
Earle S. Epps
Rhapsody, Op. 117. No. 4.... .Brahms
Andrew C. Haigh
New York, Jan. 19.--Chairman Wil-
liam F. McCombs, of the National
11,enocratic conunittee, issued a call
tday for a meeting of the committee
on arrangement for the national con-
vention. This committee will meet
a the Jefferson hotel in St. Louis on
I ebruary 8. At the session a decision
will probably be given as to a can-
didate for temporary chairman for the
convention who will be elected by the

Issue ContiiNs Charts Showing Money
lDonated by Cities, States
and cavses
The two color, large sized issue of
Campus News Notes, just off the press,
comains some of the most interesting
data yet arranged. with regard to the
Union campaign for the new build-
ing. Chief among the data are the
subscription charts showing the
amount pledged by cities, states and
former classes. The class chart shows
that the earliest class of Michigan has
pledged just ten times as much for
this fund as has the last class, 1841,
$1,000 pledged; 1920, $100 pledged.
Fourteen graduates have pledged
$5,000 each. The present senior class
has contributed $13,351 and the junior
class, $20.000. Every class, beginning
with the class of '56, is on the list with
some sort of a fund, while there are
no classes between '41 and '56 repre-
The charts do not constitute all of
lhe issue, however, for there are ar-
ticles and illustrations of the new and
proposed buildings on the campus,
pictures of several campaign groups
and a history of the Union campaign-
in foreign lands. The regular issue of
the University Bulletin is now on the
pres: and will be ready for mailing
with Campus News Notes Friday
morning. Inasmuch as the Union is
mailing thirty thousand of both of
these, including a letter from Presi-
dent 1Hutchins, it has need for the
services of over one hundred men and
is again sending out the call for vol-
Russians Institute Another Offensive
Berlin, by wireless, Jan. 19.-A new
offensive movement has been institut-
ed by the Russians east of Czernowitcz
near the western Arabian front.

of New York Ciy, soprano, who will
apear in Hill auditorium on Friday1
evening. February 18.
between the opening and closing num-
bers. The first number, to be sung by
Miss Rose Hagopian, soprano, is "oj
Patria Mia-Aida," by Verdi, while the1
closing number is a duet by Mrs. Za-
belle Panosian, soprano, of Boston,
and Mr. A. Chah-Mouradian, tenor, of
Paris. They will sing "Haberban," a
song with which the Armenian peas-
ants often accompany their folk-danc-
The concert is to be repeated at the
Garrick theatre, Detroit, on Sunday
afternoon, February 20, also for the
benefit of the war sufferers. Among the
patronesses xho have been secured
for the Detroit concert are a number
wonen prominent in Detroit society
Informal Dance to Be Held After
Presentation of Cercle
Francais Play
Vour members of the cast of the La-
biche comedy, "La Grammaire," which
will be presented next Saturday even-
ing in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, are
of the faculty of the French depart-
ment. The other part, the only femin-
ine role, will be taken by Miss Ger-
trude Patterson.
This play, which is to be given as
the fourth number of the Cercle Fran-i
cais series, will occupy 50 minutes of
the evening. Preceding this, Miss Inez
M. Gose of the School of Music, will
sing a solo in French, Lee Parker, '17,
v ill play the cello, and Rodney Par-
ker, '16, will offer two vocal, numbers
in French. The remainder of the
evening will be given over to an in-
formal dance.
The cast of "La Grammaire" is as
Caboussat, retired merchant......
Albert F, Hurlburt
Poitrinas, president of the Etamps
Academy...Prof. Arthur G. Canfield
Machut, veterinary surgeon........
Prof. Edward L. Adams
Jean, servant of c(aboussat.......
Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon
Mile. Blanche, daughter of CaboussatC
Miss Gertrude Patterson
Students holding associate member-
ship tickets of the Cerce will be en-
titled tc admittance free of charge.
Others will be charged 50 cents,
French Aeroplanes iombard Stitio
Paris. Jan. 19.-French aeroplanes
bombarded the railway station at
Metz and Arnaville, dropping 22
shells, following a raid by German
machines on Nancy the nights of Jan-
uary 18 and 19,

Eiler's Circus, as its name implies,
is an animal act that is entirely dif-
ferent from anything vaudeville has
yet presented in its varied career. The C
chief performers in the offering are
a troupe of trained goats that have
been taught to do tricks far beyond
tle usu.al conception of their intelli-
Lending a lively tone to this prom-
ising vaudeville bill will be Callowar
and Elliott, blackface comedians, who
joke, sing and dance at a lively pace.
They are usually good for a laugh a
minute and may be counted on t o
make one of the hits of the bill.
White Beats Azeiedo in First Round

Boston, Mass., Jan. 19.-Ciiariey
White, the Chicago lightweight, had Carranza Declares Villa an Outlaw
no trouble in getting a decision over Washington, Jan. 19.-General Car-
Joe Azevedo of California . in their ranza telegraphed the Mexican ens-
bout here. White was in his best bassy here today that he had for-
form and stopped the Spaniard in the mally proclaimed Francisco Villa an
first round. outlaw and authorized his execution
- --=- 4-- by any citizen of the republic who
The Ann Arbor Press.-Phone No. 1. might encounter him.

£ r


It produces wild oats with
sweetest of toilet water odors.
* , *


And large labels on suit cases.
By Gee.
Gernans Lose 5.,980' Killed to Date
According to London
London, Jan. 19.-German casual-
ties for the war have totaled 2,325,769,
according to a statement made by Har-
old J. Tennant, parliamentary under-
secretary of war before the house of
commons this afternoon. His figures,
place the number of wounded and
missing at 1,566,549; of killed at 588,-
986; and of prisoners at 356,153. In
addition he stated 24,080 had died from
other causes.
English War Planes Active
London, Jan. 19.-"On Monday 16 of
our aeroplanes attacked an enemy sup-
ply depot at Lesars, northeast of Al-
bert, causing considerable damage,"
says tonight's official English war
statement. "During the day there were
19 air encounters in which five of the
enemy's machines were driven down

TheStandard ofService
HIS great railroad system is owned by 30
stockholders. It is operated by their Che
officers for the public service.
It gives employment to 150,000 workers, to whoi
pays $118,780,000 annually in wages. For supp
bought from the public it pays out in addi
$96,429,454. For taxes alone, $14,293,000 and
interest and dividends on stocks, bonds and oi
securities held by the public it distributes $43,784,
making a total annual disbursement in which
public has a direct interest of $273,286,454.
These railroad lines and their owners, the comma
ties they reach, the millions they serve, and the wor
they employ, all have the closest mutual inter;
The more these mutual interests are understood;
furthered, the greater the degree of service render
To be a faithful, efficient, punctual and depends
public servant, to make every branch of its sere
the best possibleis the ideal and standard of the
____) Nelr tra1 Li1nes
Michigan Central R. R. "'he Niagara Falls Route"

m it


1 jc


and two of our aeroplanes lost." In future all' cars stop at Good-
year's Drug Store. tf
Call Lyndon for a good flashlight.
eod-tue Good Printng. £hHe Ann Arbor Press.

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