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January 19, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-19

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Freshmen a Husky
Lot, Dr.Nay finds

Senior Engineers Take Tie from
lings After Defeating-
Architects 134


Data Viven Out Show Freshmen
tin-e Good Weight and Lung


No forfeits were tallied last might
when the indoor baseball teams re-
sumed their activities. Three fast
games were played and some of the
dope reversed in the last game when
the fresh lits tied the senior engineers.
The first game between the senior. en-
gineers and the .architects resulted in,
a victory for the former by a 13-4
score; the second fracas saw the de-
feat of the J-engineers at the hands
of the pharmics by a 12-5 count; and
the third contest was a split affair
between the senior engineers and the
fresh lits. In thelast named battle
the. final score was 10-6, in favor of
the seniors, but since they stopped on
account of time in the middle of an
inning, according to the rules of 'the
feague the score reverted back to the
even inning, which made the official
score 6-6.
From the drop of :the hat the senior
engineers and the .architects played
a fast and snappy game, both teams
working hard..and burning up lots of
pep. Davenport pitched' for the ar-
chitects, and the battery for the en-
gineers was Trelfa and Primeau. Both
pitchers hurled a good game, with the
difference that Davenport received
poor support and the engineers worked
well behind -Trelfa. As a consequence
the architects were badly beaten. Both
teams seemed to be able to hit the ball
at will, but the architects apparently
could not hang onto their opponents'
drives and the latter never neglected
an opportunity to land on the pill,
while the '16 men gathered in almost
everything that could be reasonably
expected to be garnered.
Primeau caught an excellent game
and rarely dropped a ball on the last
strike and was especially' strong on
worrying the .base runner. Trelfa
twirled his usual consistent game and
also came in handily for hits in the
pin'ches. Harris, at first, was a most
valuable man to the engineers both'
in hitting and in holding down thet
initial sack, while "Horse Power"
Jones at second was a terror to base
thieves. This stellar infielder added
his quota toward making the batting
a. success.
In the. second, period *more dope
was upset when the pharmics walloped
the J-engineers to. the tune of 12-5.
Batteries for the druggists were Kirch-
gessner and Ankenbrandt; for the en-
gineers Anderson and Gabriel did the
heavy work. Both twirlers pitched
good ball but again the difference in
support counted heavily against one.
Kirchgessner had the edge, in the mat-
ter, however,. by keeping his hits well
scattered, and in one inning retired
his opponents in one, two, three order,
a meat which is far from easy when
pitching with a ball the size of a
California grapefruit. The pharmic
pitcher materially assisted in the win-
ning of his own game as much by his
batting as by his work in the box.

Dr. May, of the department of physi-
cal trainipg, has issued his reports for
this year's class in physical science,
and some of the data given out at the
gymnasium is not only valuable but
interesting to the college student as
compared with the records some years
.Out of a number of 925 students ex-
amined in this year's freshmn classes,
the average age is 18.9 years as com-
pared with 19.1 of the class of 1918.
The average height is 67.9 inches,
which compares favorable with the
best previous records in the depart-
ment. With the average weight of
each man placed at 138.2 pounds, and
the lung' capacity at 240.5 cubic'inch-
s, it would seem as though the present
freshmen should loom up pretty big
in Varsity athletics, when the time
rolls around when they shall be eli-
gible. With a lung capacity such as
indicated above, it would readily ap-
pear that if the combined sum total
of all the men in the class were able,
to be concentrated into the energy of,
a modern steam engine, it could be
used to drive a rather small freight
train nearly two miles.
If each man in the class, standingj
erect, could be placed on the shoulders
of the other, the topmost man would be
at a height greater than the Wool-
worth building in Now York city.-
Of the total number 355 said that
they were users of tobacco. Over a
quarter of the class had stooped,
shoulders, but Dr. May thinks he
can take that out of them with a few
of his vigorous exercises. Seventy-
seven per cent of the class said thatf
swimming was one of their favorite
sports, and it is expected this willl
play a large part in the acquisition of1
a large swimming pool for the new
gymnasium. It is one of Athe thingsy
that' the university has been sorelyI
in need of, for .from the interest that
is manifested in the sport it might be1
urged that the university should be
represented in the athletic world with
a Varsity swimming team.I
Already the class is showing signs
of improvement along the lines of
chest and shoulder development, ar
point which by the way is one of Dr.
May's hobbies in his class work. From
an average of 8.5 times in chinning
and 5.8 in the dips, the class has
reached the present average of 10.9
in chinning and 8.3 in the dipping ex-~
ercise, thus bearing out proof of the1
efficacy of the methods of the depart-1
ment in their favorite plan of a uni-
form development of the body, grad-
ually. in all parts at the same time.'
Pres. Hutchins Back from Battle Creek
President Harry B. Hutchins re-t
turned yesterday from Battle Creek1
where he went Monday in the interests
of the Michigan Union clubhouse pro-
a battling campaign with such effect
that they succeeded in getting six
men across the plate where "Whitey"
H eadman was holding forth in the
capacity of "umps" In the next phase
of thebattle, Trelfa unlimbered his
heavy artillery and held the freshmen
to no score. When the engineers came
into their 'bat they again began to
slam the ball, but the first year men
apparently did not seem to care and
their pitcher allowed them to hit at
will. Then "Bones" Armstrong ap-
peared and put a stop to the festiv-
ities in the middle of the fourth in-
nings and the score reverted back to
the third inning, or 6-6. The fielding
of the freshmen featured the game and
the work of L. Campbell and Telfer,
at third and right short respectively
savored of grandstand stuff. Trelfa and
Primeau again worked for the en-


Coach Farrel Getting Nen in Proper
Physieal Condition for
Hard Grind
Candidates for Michigan's 1916 track
teams were out in'force again yester-
day, quite a number of men who are
trying out for both the Varsity and
the All-Fresh cinder outfits again mak-
ing their appearance.
The coach is as yet not ready to
send the men against any fast time,
but is still content to let them go
through the easy stages of hardening
themselves in order that they may be
in the proper physical condition to
stand the hard grind which must be
undergone, especially for those ath-
letes who are out for the distance
events. However, about the last of the
week several of the more advanced
men are expected to take a try against
"Steve's" stop-watch in order that the
coach may get more of a line on just
what he may look for from several of
the men. To date the candidates are
expected to do active work in their
respective branches, but every other
day, but after the semester examina-
tions the harder preparation will be
put into effect, and the men will get
to work in earnest.
The 440-yard men were out in'
force yesterday, the list including
Fontanna, Max Robinson and others
who will probably represent the Maize
and Blue in the quarter mile, and the
mile relay.
For Saturday's weekly meet for the
freshmen, even more entries in sev-
eral of the events, particularly the
35-yard dash, are expected, notwith-
standing the fact that approximately
fifty aspirants were on deck for this
event last Saturday. Freshmen who
did not appear for the othe events in
the first All-Fresh meet last Saturday
have signified their intention to be
among those present this coming Sat-
urday, and for this reason the num-
ber of 'men out for the second meet
will probably materially exceed the
previous showing.
Junibr National Half-Mile Champion
Leaves Chicago University
Chicago, Ill., Jan. 18.-Midway track
prospects fell several degrees today
when it was learned on the Chicago
campus that Earl Eby, junior nationali
half-mile champion, had left the insti-
tution. Eby, who has not been at-1
tending classes since the Christmas
recess, was thought to be out of'
town. It was learned today, however,1
that he has left the university for good.i
It is understood here that Eby cgn-i
templates entering the University ofi
Michigan at the opening of the second1

Tennis Comes into
Fabor atSyracuse


After Five Years' Slumber the
Game Is Revived; May
Meet Miciigin ,


Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 18.-Following
a period of five years during which
tennis has been among the dead sports
at Syracuse University, the game was
revived in 1915 as a Varsity pastime,
and it takes its place with basketball
as the most popular of the minor
The game was only recognized by
the athletic board as a minor sport
last year, and consequently the sche-
dule was hurriedly prepared, and the
field of players was small and of but
medium talent. This year, however, a
good schedule has been made out, and
two faculty men have been enrolled
to coach the team. With these two
things in its favor the university team
should go a step higher in the tennis
world, and furnish some good oppo-
sition to its opponents.
Tennis was abolished in 1909 when
the Varsity courts were removed to
make way for a new building, and up
to last year the Orangemen were with-
out courts. Before the abolishment of
the net game, the' Varsity team took
trips through New England, Ohio and
Pennsylvania, where some of the lead-
ing teams of these sections were met.
In 1909 the Michigan team played at
Syracuse while on its eastern trip.
Last year an effort was made to
secure a game on the Wolverine sche-
dule while the Michigan men were in
the east, but the tennis team at Sy-
racuse was organized too late to find
a place on the Michigan slate, and
whether the Orangemen and the Maize
and Blue will meet on the clay courts
this year is still an unsettled question.
The Syracuse net scheduld for this
year is well on its way to comple-
tion, however, and the men will meet
plenty of stiff opposition.
No Reports Available Yet on Scores
Made by Wisconsin
a"d Y"le

On Sale, Febru:ry 12




The following appears in the Chica-
go Tribune:
Else Why the Warning on Every
Young Woman's Door in
the Three Arts Club
Smoking parties are under the ban
at the Three Arts club, 1300 Dear-
born avenue. 'Placards so announce
from every door. of every young wom-
an dramatist, musician, and artist in
the club. From all this one must in-
fer that smoking cigarets is not an
infrequent pastime among the 200 or
more young women residents. But
the vigilance of the house physician
and superintendent has almost turned
this pleasure into pain. Even when
the keyholes are stuffed, the guard's
it appears, are able to detect the fra-
grant smoke and raids and other un
pleasantries happen to the smokers.

glance, but when one conside
the two opposing forces are se
by the rather safe and reassur.
tance of some 1,000 miles, the
is relieved.
The Kansas City Star offe
"Doc Williams of Wisconsin
sity denies .he will coach Yale
blame him very much."


yesterday's match of the Michi-
rifle club against Yale, there
only three of the members of the
team .that appeared at the rifle

range, so the match will be postponed
until today, when the remaining scores

The Washington State rifle 1
led in the first of a series of
matches when they turned in a s
of 999 out of a possible 1,000.
M. A. C. team was second. They
showed a record of 998. Whe
team submits a card of 998 out
possible 1,000 and can only land
ond place they are at least ent
to the first prize in the "tough h
There will be a dance at the M
gan Union on Friday night, but I
are several of us who aren't
least bit interested. It's a Leap
proposition, you know.

will be shot off. Reports were not '
available last night regarding the re.- Ah! But then, the "guards" should
sult of the score of the Yale team remember that "girls will be girls."
against whom Michigan was to com-
pete. "Michigan Rifle Squad Faces New
Reports of the final score of the Haven Gunmen Tomorrow."-Head-
Michigan-Wisconsin meet have been line in The Daily.
held up by some misunderstanding, but This appears rather serious' at first

it is expected that the totals will be
in the hands of the local team with-
in a short time. No scores have yet
been turned in for the members who
shot in yesterday's contest.

"'TENTION STUDES!" Always see The Ann Arbor
For -quick MESSENGER CALL see for your printing if you want q
last ad on BACK OF TELEPHONE DI- Press Bldg., Maynard street
RECTORY. Phone 79. 4.'17E. No. 1.

Ankenbrandt showed up as one of
the best catchersinthe leagueneand
in the inning in which Kirchgessner
fanned out. the first three men to
confront him, this - backstop only
dropped one ball, foul tips notwith-
standing, and that is also no small
record to hold, considering the English
that one of those horsehide grapefruits
will take. With better support, and
the pitching Davenport put up for his
team, the J-engineers might have held
their opponents to a more even score.
Although the first two games were
interesting enough to satisfy the- or-
dinary spectator, yet the surprise of
the evening was when the fresh lits
came out and started to slam "Tommy"
Trelfa all over the gym floor. For
the first time under fire from heavy
guns such as the top-notch senior en-
gineers the work of the yearling lits
was a shock to some and a tremendous
surprise to others, notably the senior
engineers themsel.ves. For two innings
the freshmen held their opponents
scoreless and themselves annexed six
runs, and thereby caused the boiler-
makers to hold a council of war. How-
ever in the third inning the seniors
started a batting fest and inaugurated


If men and women were machines they might treat their motors as well as they do those which the
makers build into their cars. Lack of care, slap dash eating, poor food improperly prepared, and
you're a one lunger, banging along with your cutout open on the level and balking in low gear on the grades.





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This life Is one long road and its a bum motor
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for men, best known makes at reason-
able prices, on sale by N. F. Allen *
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Call Lyndon for good pictures.
We print Anything, from your Name
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Press. (*)

.... O wm i ..

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