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January 18, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-18

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>mplete Floor






' '

e Reading Room on Second Floor;
Extends Across Entire Front;
Seats 375 Readers
lans for Michigan's new half-mil-
dollar library have just been ap-
ved by the regents and ground
be broken for the new building
etime next summer.'
he last legislature appropriated
1,000 for the new addition and this
ed to the value of the old stacks,
ch form the only fire-proof part
he present structure, will make
value of the new building close

which extends across the entire front *
of the building. This room will be 170 *
feet long, 50 feet wide, and 40 feet high
and will be capable of seating 375 *
readers. It will have the advantage *
of being lit by north light from 15 *
large windows. The magazine room
will also be on the second floor and *
will be capable of holding four times *
the number of periodicals g ich the *
present reading rooms hold In all, *
it is planned that the various read- *
ing roms can easily accommodate *
1,000 students, thus making the new
library large enough for a university *:
of 15,000.*
Faculty to have Elevator
The third and fourth floors are.to ' *
be given over to graduate research *
and instruction. Special rooms for *
members of the faculty, who are en-
gaged in research work, are also pro- *
vided on these floors, to which there *
will be access by a passenger elevator. -

S * * *

* * :k : t . %.

ajestic-Vaudevil-e, featur-
ing Dr. Royal Raceford, "The
Human Dynamo."

Orpheum -Moving
Dustin Farnum in


Rae-Moving pictures, J.
Warren Kerrigan in "Lang-
don's Legacy," and "The Brok-
en Coin," serial.
Arcade--Moving pictures, Lil-
lian Lorraine in "'Should a
Wife Forgive?"
* * * * * * * * **

"ilack as the Pit
From Pole to Pole"
"The sky is lead and our faces are
1 red,
Andrthe gates of Hell are opened
and riven,
And the winds of Hell are loosened
and driven,
And the dust flies up in the face of
And the clouds come down in a fiery
Heavy to raise and hard to be borne.
And the soul of man is turned from
his meat
Turned from the trifles for which he
has striven,
Sick in his body and heavy hearted,
And his soul flies up like the dust
in the sheet
Breaks from his flesh and is gone
and departed,
As the blasts they blow on the chol-

Columbia--The baseball team will
have a post-season tour this year for
the first time since 1905, making a
trip through New York state and New
England with a six-game schedule.'
The university has arranged a se-
ries of evening courses in citizenship
for the benefit of adult alien men and.
women who desire to become citizens
of the United States.

In reporting on the final plans, the
special building committee, which con-
sisted of the late Dean Guthe, Pro-
fessors Demmon, Wenley and Mr. W.
W. Bishop, university librarian, ex-
plained that their general purpose was
to provide as much workhIg space for
study and for the library staff, and
also for the future needs of a greatly
enlarged student body, as the appro-
priations would allow.



of Waterman Gymnasium
:prevent CGrippe

"The Human Dynamo," Dr. Royal
Raceford, is the headliner of the show

The architect is Albert Kahn, of De-
'oit, who also designed the engineer-'
ig building, the new natural science
uilding, and Hill auditorium. Mr.
ahn is considered by many as the
>ming architect of the United tSates.
New Addition Four Stories High
The building, when completed, is to'
onsist of four stories with six or
even stories of stacks in the rear.
will be built of red brick with
edford limestone trimmings, a red
le roof and will have an imposing
The main entrance will be on the
orth side with a smaller side en-
rance" on the west side. The north-
ast corner of the building will not
pproach the diagonal walk nearer
ban 20 feet. The new stack will be
rected at right angles to the old
ne, and ample provision has been
made for a tower stack in the rear
.nd also an expansion to the east,
outh, and west, so that additional
nits can be added as the university
rows. Therefore when the structure
s outlined in the plans, is carried to
ompletion, the new library should be
ble to house more than 1,250,000
olums. This will somewhat surpass
he present capacity of the Harvard

The Boston Opera Company and the
Pavlowa Ballet Russe will appear in
a return engagement in the Lyceum
theater, Detroit, Friday, January 28,
matinee and evening performances.
Puccini's delightful opera, "La Bo-
heme" will be given in the afternoon
with Maggie Teyte as Mimi, while
Ricardo Martin, who appeared here
two years ago as a May festival artist,
will have the exacting role of Ru-
dolpho. The artists in this opera
make up what is said to be one of the
strongest casts ever given this opera}
for an American presentation.
Immediately following "La Boheme"
Pavlowa and her associates will give
a Spanish ballet which is spirited in
action, tuneful in its accompanying
music and offers a riot of color.
For the evening performance Lean-
cavallo's tragic opera, "I' Pagliacci"
will be given and the cast will include
Giovanni Zenatello, Felice Lyne, Gra-
ham Marr and Romeo Boscacci.
Following this opera Pavlowa and
her Imperial Russian Ballet will pre-
sent the charming and fanciful ballet
"Coppelia." This latter number is in
two acts thus affording Pavlowa a
splendid opportunity to present her
Dean Cooley in New York
Dean M. E. Cooley is at present at-
tending the annual meeting of the
American Society of Civil Engineers
at New York City.

that opened at the Majestic last night
for a three-days' stay, Dr. Raceford
stands alone in his particular field
and successfully handles more volts
of electricity than any other person.
FIe seems to be able to make the
"juice" behave as he wants it to and
effectively reproduces lightning, takes
X-ray pictures on the stage, pour
liquid electricity from one vessel to
another, causes candles to be lighted
from his finger tips, lights tungsten
globes from the contact of his fin-
gers, and, with the aid of a committee
from the audience, gives some dem-
onstrations in the electro-hypnotic
line that furnishes roars of laughter.
"On the 5:15" is the title of a bit
of musical comedy that introduces un-
limited action, presenting a company
of young people in a spirited singing
and dancing routine. The young la-
dies are attractive and the principals
all capable, including Joe Deming, the
One of the surprises of the season is
the singing of Lal Mon Kim, the well
known Chinese tenor, lie has a clear
and pleasing voice and his selection
of songs shows his versatility.
Ed and Jack Smith have an act that
is filled with songs and funny sayings.
They furnish a varied entertainment
and there is plenty of originality in
their offering.
Kramka Brothers are a pair of ec-
centric comedy acrobats whose ideas
are original and worthy. They are,
prominent circus performers and their
work is clever.

* * *
With the Jay Hop in sight, the Daily
demonstrated a high degree of faith-
or something--by putting out an Au-
tomobile Edition.
tomoon.* *
They would have done better if they
had advertised twenty-two cent taxis
on that night of exhaustive supervi-
We Do
Dear Gee: Here's a solution to the
riddle. Transpose the "e" and call
them Codes, which is defined as a "di-
gest of laws." If you have heard the
ten-thirty bell you will get the mean-
in g.
F. L, G.
* * i*

Trinity--As a result of the Brickley
football case, radical changes in the
athletic code have been adopted, in-
cluding " a one-year rule, as well as
rules prohibiting students who have'
been in professional athletics, and
those over 26 years of age from par-
Princeton Deficit Less Than Ever
Princeton-The deficit of the uni-
versity for last year was nearly 50
per cent less than in 1914. This de-
licit, as previouslr. has been met by
graduates. In the last ten years 19
new buildings have been erected, cost-
ing $4,157,080.
Nebraska Challenges Washington
Washington-The University of Ne-
braska has sent a challenge for a foot-
ball game to take place in October, and
to be played in Seattle, with a return
game at Lincoln the following season.

"Keep on the move and take plenty
of moderate exercise" was the advice
that Dr. G. A. May gave yesterday,
as a preventative of the epidemic of
grippe that has recently swept across
the country. "But remember T say
moderate exercise," continued the
doctor. "That is as much an Injunc-
tion to those who exercise for matters
of health as with the modern college
athlete. Any excess is as bad as ab-
solute neglect, for the growing ten-
dency of modern science in athletic
matters is moderation, with a contin-
uance of the same practices all
through life."
As a matter of comparison, the case
of the late Tom Shevlin was cited by
Dr. May as a proof of his contention.
"Shevlin was one of that virile, red-
blooded set of men who have made
American athletics the thrilling and
sportsmanlike institution it is. But
Shevlin was a man of extremes. While
in college he played a fierce, vigorous
game of football, and when he left
he settled down into a sedentary busi-
ness life, varied only by his annual
visits to Yale, at which times he
threw himself into the game with all
the strength he could command. An
excess of this kind brought on his
death for the glory of Yale."

Vanderbilt Votes on Student Council
Vanderbilt-A committee of stu-
dents has drafted a constitution for a
student council, which will be sub-
mitted to the student body for ac-
ceptance or rejection.

That term,
meet with the
tion. Next!'

however, is liable to
same strenuous objec-

The doctor is an example of his
own beliefs. There is probably no
other director of physical training in
any of the large colleges or universi-
ties throughout the country who leads
his own classes in person. Yet any
time during class exercises the doctor
is to be seen in his little gray uniform
directing his men through the vari-
ous forms and exercises. With a
splendid physique, good health and
one of the most pleasant personalities
on the campus, he is "living up to the
stern rules of life which he has laid
down for himself. "It's all in getting
the habit," the doctor smiled. "I like
to do it Just to see how long I can

According to the new plans the
ement will be high and well lighted
d the binding department will have
much-needed extra space. The
st floor has a novel feature in uni-
rsity library construction in the
m of a large study room directly off
main entrance. This is to be
ly for the use of students doing re-
ired reading in freshman and soph-
lore courses.
)n the second floor the dominant
ture is the great reading room

Atdelphi Teets Ton aght
Adelphi House of Representatives
will meet in their rooms in U-hall
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in regular busi-
ness session, at which time the elec-
tion of officers for the next semester
will be held. All members are re-
(I uested to be present.

. ' _ ,

In via

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OLO ISsn, <"
r ~ ~ LJOHT Ca-e.
_ Wr.:fowAbn'.C

* * *1
What fair maiden has allowed you
the privilege of spending fifty cents
for the Union Leap Year Party?r
Or will it tax you further, that
is, financially? If so, have the
men the feminine prerogative of
declining with the customary effusive
Besides-what kind of a wall flower4
are you going to be? The Pit reserves3
the right to be a modest, blooming,
blushing Daisy. Who wants to be
Poison Ivy?
It was confidentially told to this
contemporary of the European war
that the members of The Daily staff
gazed long and fixedly at the
sky, placed their moistened finger
in the breeze - and came in
with the weather report of a
few days back. We refer to the,
unfortunate choice the day that rain
fell most of the time. "News-and
weather-thy making is wondrous to
Our inspired Comp. refused to give
credit to the .Harvard Lampoon for
the strain of humor of two days agone.
Fearing criticism, in more ways than
one, we hasten to register our ab-
ject, apologetic feeling.
B. L. T.-the idol of men that
have nothing after their name but
a period, a rather large period, dec-
orated with a pink ribbon with the
word "Pride" printed on it in gold
letters-now takes a crack at the Col-
lege glee clubs.
Who will be the first to leave that
Kindly do not scratch the wood-
work, gentlemen, in .your efforts to
get out.
By so doing you mar possibilities of
instigators of like criticism.
No Poetry Club Meeting Tonight
Announcement has been made that
the Poetry club will not hold - thei:
regular meeting this evening. Further
announcement will be made in another

Western Schools Resume Relationship
California-Prospects for the early
resumption of athletic relations with
Leland Stanford are exceptionally
bright. Stanford agrees to the elim-
ination of freshmen, provided Califor-
nia will accept certain scholarship re-
Oregon Arouses Interest by Pageant
Oregon--An Oregon pageant, sym.
bolizing the chief interests and char-
acteristics of the state, which is to
be given by the University, is arous-
ing interest throughout the state.
Hoosiers Practice with Indiana Team
Indiana-The Indianapolis baseball
club of the American Association may
take their spring training practice
here with the Varsity squad. Nego-
tiations have been begun with Jack
Hendricks, manager of the team, and
it is expected that he will accept this
opportunity to secure inexpensive
spring training for his athletes.
Stanford Sends 12 to Intercollegiates
Leland Stanford-A team of twelve
men will travel east next summer to
compete with either Yale or Harvard
in the intercollegiate track meet and
field events.
Freshman Girls Give Leap Year Party
Grinnell-Fifty youths were tender-
ed phone and party calls and escorted
to a leap year party by the freshman
girls, and rumor has it, two were
even sent floral offerings, and those,
white roses.

1913-14 1
Cornell ... .1389
Michigan ...1420
Civil Engineering
Michigan ... 296

Michigan Outstrips Cornell
In Engineering Enrollment
Figures just received by the
civil engineering department
of the College of Engineering
from the president of Cornell
University show that Michigan
has been leading that institu-
tion in point of engineering en-
rollment since 1913. The fol-
lowing figures tell the story:
Total Enrollment


337 275
345 313


Nov. 1
- 1915

M 'p1 I

6 .0

To Erect Laboratories at Columbia
Columbia-Plans to make the Uni-
versity a national industrial research
center are fast taking shape. Two
sites have already been offered, upon
which it is planned to erect research
laboratories to cost $350,000, with
$150,000 equipment. The entire pro-
ject calls for an ultimate endowment
of from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000.

The Trust Problem.-E. Dana Durand,
Professor of Statistics in the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. Harvard Uni-
versity Press. Pp. 145. $1.00.
Dr. Durand's book is a result of sev-
eral lectures delivered at Harvard Uni,
versity during the college year of 1M
1914. This book is all the more valu-
able because it comes froni a mar
who was for many years director of
the United States Census.
As the name womld indicate the boom
deals with the legal aspects of the
trust problem. There are three wNys
of dealing with the trust problem ae-
cording to Dr. Durand. They are a
follows: laissez-faire,, regulaifop, p
prohibition. The first chapter of the
book is devoted to the purpose of
showing that the laissez-faire policy
is not the policy to be employed hf
solving this economic probical, in
addition to showing the fallay of this
(Continued on Page Fj)

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Five Syracuse Players Ineligible
Syracuse--Five members of the
basketball squad have been declared
ineligible for participating in an un-
sanctioned game at Rochester last
November. The athletic authorities
are planning on making the eligibility
rules more strict than ever in 1916.'




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Courtesy "The Michigan Alumnus"

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