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Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960
.. ... - - _ _.__,.___. - T _
VOL. XXVI. No. 78.
Leader Holds Woman Suffrage to Be
Step Along Right
"Why War at all?" was the chal-
lenge flung out by Eugene V. Debs
in an address before a capacity crowd
in Newberry hal last evening.
"Capitalism breeds war. Socialis n
would speed the coming of that fair
day when war shall be impossible.
The -warring class never had a coun-
try. All wars are declared by the rul-
ing classes; in all the history of the
world no war has ever been declared
by the people, anid in all the wars
of history it is the people who have
been compelled to fight."
Patriotism, asserts Mr. Debs, has
been the basis of a false appeal by
which the working classes have been
deluded into believing that their sal-
vation lay in taking the lives of their
fellows to satisfy a fancied wrong,
while the instigators of war remained
at home and waxed opulent. "Patriot-
ism at long range is not patriotism at
all," he declared.
Says Minority Rules
In opening his address Mr. Debs
said, "For ages'and ages the brother-
hood of man has been the dream of
poets, the vision of prophets, and the
inspiration of sages, but human broth-
erhood is yet to be realized upon this
earth. There has never been a free
and self-governing people in all the
history of mankind. This world has
always been ruled by a minority-and
a minority rule is essentially des-
He then traced the history of the
movement toward democracy from
th slaves of ancient Rome, do'wn past
the serfs of medieval Europe, to the
so-called "industrial slavery" of to-
"Now we behold upon every hand
the unmistakable signs of change.
Competition has run its evolutionary
course; when a thing becomes monop-
olistic, it is ripe then for social own-
The speaker emphasized throughout
the fact that all signs now point to
a shake-up in our economicmorder.
Modern industrialism, he claimed,
with its enormous power concentrated
in the handsof a few, and with all
its degradation ie working classes,
(Continued on Page Six)
My sterios Cartoonist of Former
Vaudeville Faie to Appear
with Novel i-eature
Numerous engaging possibilities for
the novelty program of the next Band
Bounce were advanced at the prelfm-
inary tryouts held yesterday after-
noon. With such a wealth of material
the management feels that a produc-
tion of the All-Star variety will ap-'
Among the novel acts which re-
ceived hearty approval was one in
which a cartoonist who has won more
than a local reputation draws take-
offs on -the life and manner of Mchi-
gan students and professors Ile
spent two summers touring the coun-
try in one of the better vaudeville cir-
cuits, where he met with high ap-
In order to produce this portion of
the program it will be necesasry to
import a particular kind of spectro-
scope, which will reflect upon a large
screen at the back of the stage the
pictures which the caricaturist draws
in a small scale upon a piece of glass.
As an added attraction to this act,
the services of a clever whistler have
been engaged.
X-on tenegro Asks
Separate Peace
Teutons Hail with Joy First Break
ii Ranks of Allied Powers
Berlin (via Sayville, L. I.), Jan. 17.
-The announcement that the kingdom
of Montenegro had asked the central
powers for a separate peace was made
by Count Tizso, Hungarian premier,
before the Hungarian parliament.
The premier interrupted the pro-
ceedings of the day to make the state-
ment immediately after word was re-
ceived of the acceptance of an uncon-
ditional laying down of arms by the
little Montenegiin kindom as a pre-
liminary to negotiation.
Both Budapest and Berlin treated
the news of the first break in the
Allies' ranks with great rejoicing.
D/r Rosenau Talks
To Big Audience
)More Than 2,500 Hear Lecture in Hiil
Audiorim Sunday
The Ten Commandments were shown
to be the basis for all authority, and
respect for authority, in life by Dr.
William Rosenau, associate professor
.f Semetics at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, at the third Union service of
the year under the auspices of the
Jewish student congregation, in Hill
auditorium Sunday night. More than
2,500 persons were present.
The ritual service which preceded
the lecture was conducted by Rabbi
Leo M. Franklin of Temple Beth E,.
Americans ight
97texican TyPhus
Ouggenhleims Said to Be Back of Plan
to Establish Hospital in
Aid of Scheme
El Paso, Tex., Jan 17.-World au-
thorities on typhus fever will go into
Mexico to conduct an experiment in
stopping the epidemic of typhus. It
was announced today by Dr. Carl E.
Husk, chief surgeon of the American
Smelting & Refining company, that
the Guggenheims are planning to fin-
ance an expensive expedition to Mexi-
co, where a typhus hospital will be
Typhus is menacing employees of
the company in several of their plants.
Dr. P. K. Olitski, head of the Mt. Sinai
hospital in New York, which was en-
dowed by the Guggenheims, will join
the party at the border. Dr. E. Lieb-!
man, another world famous authority
on typhus and other fevers, will be
a member of the party.
Washington School
Suffers From Fire
Flames Destroy Main Building; Loss
Estimated at $75,000
Chestertown,, Md., Jan. 18. -The
William Smith building of Washington
college was completely destroyed by
fire Sunday.
The flames spread so rapidly that all
the archives, including many histori-
cal documents, some of them in the
handwriting of George Washington,
were destroyed. The loss is estimated1
at $75,000.
Explosion's Cause
Is Found by Board
Submarine E-2 Damaged by Explosion
Due to Gas Accumulation
New York, Jan. 17.-The investi-
gating board appointed by Rear Ad-
miral N. R. Usher, commandant of the
Brooklyn navy yard, to arrive at the
facts about the explosion of the sub-
marine E-2 on Saturday, completed
its work late today and. turned over
the long report of the case to the
Admiral Usher said it would be for-
warded to the navy department at
Washington tonight or tomorrow.
It is understood that the board find-
ings do not contradict the prevailing
theory that the explosion was due- to
an accumulation of hydrogen gas.
Draw Round of Applause With Lively
Contest; South African Act
Well Prepared
Several surprise numbers appeared
in the first general rehearsal of"La
Revue des Nations" held last even-
ing in Harris hall.
William H. Fort, jr., '16, general
manager of the production, believes'
that the distinct success of this initial
step is due td the system being used,
in which the responsibility for the
representation of each nationality is
:placed with a student of that race en-
rolled in the university.
Japanese duellists won applause
from the participants in other acts1
and a number of foreign students who
appeared to offer their assistance.
Mitsuji Kiyohara, '17, and Mitsu Imake,'
'18L, fought for ten minutes with two
handed foils made of split bamboo,
striking each other upon their padded
head pieces and corselets of bamboo.
Probably the South African scene,
which is chiefly composed of dancing,
was in the most advanced shape. This
act is under the direction of William
Robertson, dent, president of the Cos-
mopolitan club. A slow waltz with
many variations promises to be the
most successful feature of this rep-
A spirit dance was staged in the
North American Indian portion of the
rehearsal, while several Indian songs
by Cadman were given. Carlos Zan-
elli, '19E, also sang. Several other
acts, which are less completely pre-
pared, were considered by Grant L.
Cook, '17L, program manager.
Irish Leaders Beg That Ireland Be,
Included in Proposed
London, Jan. 17.-Premier Asquith
made the positive announcement be-
fore the house of commons today that,
he was not prepared to withdraw the
compulsory miltiary service bill be-
cause of the attack, mainly from la-
bor sources, that had been made on it.
Discussion on the bill was actively
resumed with the appearance of other
Irish members of the house to add
their appeal to that of Sir Edward
Carson that Ireland be included in
provision for conscription. A mo-
tion to that effect was made by James
Chambers, of the southern division of
Belfast and supported by James Craig,
of the eastern division of Down.
Ramona Laws, secretary for the
coloniel and prominent Unionist and
Ulster leader, intimated that the ques-
tion was not one of principles but of
expediency. He expressed regret that
John Redmond, leader of the Nation-
alist party, had not been able to take
the course desired by the amedment.
As it was, he said, if the govern-
ment had attempted to force conscrip-
tion on Ireland, the Nationalist party
would have been driven into uncom-
promising hostility. Any attempt at
coercion in Ireland, he said, he be-
lieved would lose more than it would
gain. John Redmond supported Mr.
Law's statement.
Bomb Attack Successful, Says Paris
London, Jan. 17.-An attack with
bombs, rifles, grenades and trench
mortars against the Germins at Gi-
yenchy had excellent results, says to-
day's official bulletin. A large fire
also was caused behind the enemy's
lines north of Ypres by British artil-
King Goes to Aid of Fire-Swept City
Christiania, Jan. 17.- On a special
train that shattered all records for
speed, King Haakon arrived at Bergen
today and took charge of relief mea-
sures in the fire-swept city.
Extend Year Book
Sale For One Week
Hecal Buying, by 1 o w('i (ItVsIU4
May Make Larger Edition Necessary
The subscription saie for the Michi-
ganensian, through courtesy of the
printers of the booK, has ben extend-
ed for one week, according to an an-
nouncement made last night by Busi-
ness Manager Glen Coulter.
It was found on checking over the
subscriptions that the edition had been
largely taken up by under-graduates,
and that not over three-fifths of the
seniors of the university had ordered
copies. For this reason negotiations
were begun at once with the printers
of the annual in an effort to secure
an extension of the time limit former-
ly agreed upon for the ordering of
additional copies. Subscriptions will,;
therefore, be received at the Michi-
ganensian office in the Ann Arbor,
Press building any day this week, at
the prices which prevailed at the ta-
bles last week: 50 cents deposit at
the entry of the subscription, and the
balance of $2.00 at the time of deliv-
ery in the spring.
As this is the longest time limit
that the printers of the book would
allow, and since the management of
the Michiganensian does not care to
assume the risk of ordering extra
copies, this week will represent the,
final opportunity for Iplacig sub-
Booth Tickets Must Be Bought With
hop Tickets; .Drawing for Places
on Wednesday
Over one-third the total number of
tickets for the J-Hop were disposed
of during the first day of the sale
yesterday. Inasmuch as the sale is'
open only to Juniors during the first
three days of this week, it is evident
that the demand for pasteboards of
admittance to the year's biggest so-
cial event is as great as ever before.
The invitations were not received
in time for distribution at yesterday's
sale, but have now arrived. The pur-
chasers of tickets yesterday may re-
ceive their engraved cards by bring-
ing their tickets to the Union during
the hours of regular sale today. The
committee has decided to make no
charge for the invitations.
A rule of one ticket to a person is
being held to during the first three
days of the sale, but beginning Thurs-
day the sale will open to the campus.
At that time, one person may purchase
tickets for a group, provided he brings
in the names of those for whom he i
buying tickets.
Booth tickets must be purchased at
the same time as the regular J-Hop
tickets. A drawing of lots for booths
will take place between 11:00 and
12:00 o'clock at the Michigan Union
on Wednesday. Only those appear-
ing with 12 or more tickets will be
entitled to a booth, as was the case
last year. Those who can not procure
this number in their party, and who
still desire a booth, will be taken care
of by combining two parties.
Five special music features have
been provided by the committee in
charge, it was learned yesterday,
though they refuse to divulge what
kind and nature. The firm which will
have charge of the decorations of the
Hop this year by a mistake was given
in Sunday's Daily as being from De-
troit. It is in reality from Chicago,
and correction is hereby made.
The regular hours of sale are be-
tween 11:00 and 12:00 o'clock in the
morning, and 3:00 and 5:00 o'clock in
the afternoon.
Leap Year Dance Tickets Go on Sale
Tickets for the Leap Year dance
to be given at the Michigan Union Fri-
day evening will go on sale at 5:00
o'clock this afternoon at the Union
desk. The committee announces that
it is willing that men should ask wom-
en to this affair despite its Leap Year
Several feature dances have been
planned, and the committee has prom-
ised to provide- refreshments. The
tickets will sell for one dollar.
r LY
To Appear i Seti e Taeonan. sl po-
hanae and Pothl Whlaie in
It has been settled that the Var-
sity glee and mandhn clubs will
make their trip to the northwest dur-
ing the spring vacation. Between 3
and 40 men will make the journey,
showing probably at Minneapolis, sev-,
oral Montana cities, Spokane, Port-
land, Seattle and Tacoma, Washing-1
ton, and other places, though they
will go no farther south than Wash-t
Final agreement has been made with
the Fniv usity of Washington, at
Seattle, to appear in a concert in
that city Friday nigh, April 14. This
visit will be the first appearance of
the Michigan musical clubs at Wash-
ington since their trip to the north-
west three years ago. At that time
$250 above the $400 guarantee was
cleared at the Washington concert.-
Of this amount $100 was given to help
send the Washington crew to Pough-
keepsie and $150 was put in charge of
Comptroller Condon of the University1
of Washington for use as a Loan fund<
for needy students. This part of the
fund has been in constant circulation3
since its presentation.1
The Seattle Michigan alumni asso-
ciation, composed of 250 Seattle mem-
bers, have taken the responsibility of
the concert at Washington and have
guaranteed the required amount tol
the clubs. From Seattle, the Michi-
gan men will go to Tacoma, where'
they will perform under the auspices
of the alumni organization of that
It was at first planned to put on a
combined concert between the Wash-_
ington and Michigan clubs, but this
arrangement was given tip since the
Washington clubs will have their
hands full with their spring opera.
Vienna hears That Italian Generals
D(eide on Concentration on
Nod-herai Frontier
Berlin, Jan. 17.-Announcement was
made from Vienna today of advices
received there that Italy has aban-
doned all intentions of participating
in the Balkan campaign and is pre-
paring to evacuate Albania.
The Austrian government has learn-
ed that Italian patrols sent northward
from Avlona after the occupation of
that port, are being withdrawn. Italy's
decision, it is said, was arrived at aft-
er a long council between King Vic-
tor Emmanuel and his military chiefs.
The King desiredto undertake the de-
fense of Albania and Montenegro, but
was overruled by his generals, who
believe in a concentration of forces
on the Austrian frontier.
Dean Vaugan Returns
Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the medi-
cal school, returned yesterday from
New York city, where he delivered the
Herter lectures at the University and
Bellevue Medical School.
1hefeat of Either English or Turks
May Make General Disaster
London, Jan, 17.--The second im-
portant British victory to be reported
withint wo days in the Mesopotamian
theater of war was announced in the
house of commons by Secretary for
Inda Chanberlain.
The British relief force under Gen-
eral Aylmer, on its way to aid the
main British force at Kut-el-Amara
on the Tigris, 105 miles below Bag-
dod, followed up its success of Jan-
uary 13 and 14 and'drove the Turks to
a position only six miles from Kut-
el Amara, The war office statement
issued yisterday said that the relief
force, after h-- g driven the Turks
on January S <«u 9 to a position on
the Tigris at Drah, 25 miles below
Kut-el-Amara, attacked the Ottomans,
driving them still further before -
Today's announcement says that the
British since then have made a gain
of 19 miles toward Kut-el-Amara. In
the six-mile afea that still keeps the
relief force from the defenders of the
fortress, a decisive battle is believed
to be now in procress.
The British official reports show the
Turks to be in a perilous position. If
the main British force at Kut-el-Amara
is still as strong as is estimated, about
25,000, a successful sortie combined
with continued advances of the relief
force would constitute a tremendous
menace to the Turks, who are now be-
tween the two fires.
The position of the British relief
force is fraught with danger even if
it follows up its latest success and
drives the Turks to the gates of Kut-
el-Amara fortress. Kut-el-Amara is
serrounded from all sides.
If the Turs' siege forces are strong
enough, part of them, when the peril
of the separated Ottoman' forces at
the hands of the relief detachment be-
comes extreme, can come to the Turns'
aid through a flank attack on the
British. Such a flank attack south of
Kut-el-Amara would offer renewed
danger to the relief force and if suc-
cessful might cut off its aven'ue of e-
cape, which is downstream on the
Much Interest Shown by Students in
Event; Ticket Sale Already
Past .500 Mark
Weather for Ann Arbor and vieIn
ity : Fair ad contir ied cold; strom
-vvesterly winds,
TO) Y.
Walter K. Towers lectures, 202 West
hall, 4:00 o'clock.
Canadian Club business meeting,
Union, 6:45 o'clock.
Skating Carnaval, Weinberg's rink,
7:30 o'clock.
Adelphi House of Representatives
election, rooms, 7:30 o'clock.
Deutscher Verein meeting, rooms,
8:00 o'clock.
Drawing of lots for booths at J-
Hop, Union, 11:00 and 12:00 o'clock.
Skating for all will, be the ord
of the day, or evening, at the Womer
Athletic Association benefit in Wei
berg's Rink tonight at 7:0 o'cloc
A short program has been arrange
consisting ofia hockey match betwee
teams of University men and anoth
between teams of University women,
grand march at 8:15 for all skater
and a short -exhibition of fancy sk2
ing. Dock Schleede's band will pl
throughout the evening, and prepar
tions are being made for a gre
The evening will not' be entire
taken up by the program, which w
be run off as speedily as possible,
as to allow the crowd the use of t
inside rink. Skating will go on ou
side of the main building as usu
The program will not interfere wi
the use of this part of the rink.
A chance will be afforded to E
a number of the women stars of t
Unive sity in action in their game.
crowd'of tryouts for all teams we
out on the ice last night, and seven
gave proof of exceptional ability. T
two women's teams are being coach
(Continued on Page Six)