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January 15, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-15

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li igan


Pliones :-Editorial 2414
B1"RIC'IIusiness 960yH

-~--- -

VOL. XXV. No. 76.



r .....

Senate Adlourned After Stormy Ses-
sion, to Avoid Further Oebate of
Mexican Situation
Washington, Jan. 14.-General Car-
rauza and the government of Mexico
was to be given full opportunity witI
out intervention from the United States
to run to earth the murderers of
American citizens, at Santa Ysabel
and to demonstrate ability to restore
order and protect foreign rights in
the southern republic.
This was the outstanding result here
tonight, after a meeting of the cabinet
and conference between President.Wil-
son and Chairman Stone of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations committee, and
another day of stirring debate had
occurred in the Senate chamber. The
President, supported by his cabinet
and Democratic leaders in Congress,
is declared to be determined that the
American government shall not be
stampeded by war talk or cries of ven-'
geance into rushing an army across
tle Rio Grande to destroy in its in-
fancy the new central government.
Gue Up Mass Meeting
El Paso, Jan. 14.-Following the
rioting in El Paso last night between
Americans and Mexicans started by an
altercation between two soldiers of
the United States army and two Mexi-
cans, Mayor Lee today ordered that
the proposed mass meeting of pro-
test against the slaughter of Ameri-
cans by Mexicans be indefinitely.post-
The meeting was being agitated by
(Continued on Page Six)
Will Include Lesser Org'anizations; to
Incorporate for $150,000,000,
Says Rumor
New York, Jan. 14.-Practically all
of the details for the formation of a
great $150,000,000 oil merger, headed
by the Mexican Petroleum company as
the center of all the other concerns,
has been completed with the excep-
tion of the formal signing of the con-
tract. The merger is one of the
marked oil amalgamations which has
been put through since the original
Standard Oil Company with all its
underlying subsidiary concerns was
The other big companies which will
join in the merger at once are the
Associated Oil company, which is
largely controlled by the Southern
Pacific railroad company, and the
Union oil company. There are several
other smaller companies which are be-
ing cosidered, but the time is not
ripe for the announcement of their
names. The California Petroleum com-
pany will not be included in the merg-
er at present, but may come in later,
it was learned on the highest author-
It is believed that once the merger

is put through that the 132 or more in-
dependent oil companies operating in
California and along the Pacific Coast
will join the great organization. The
company will be known as the Ameri-
can Petroleum and Transit company
and will have outstandifig $150,000,000
in stock and bonds. It is estimated
that $125,000,000 will be needed to
put through the merger, and this
mount has already been arranged

Union Will Help
Leap-Year Girls
Arrange Special Feature Danee for
Jan. 21: Women to Invite Their
A "Leap Year Party," full of fea-
tures, innovations and surprises, has
been arranged by the dance commit-
tee of the Michigan Union for Friday,
January 21, and will be a special dance,
in addition to the regular weekly Sat-
urday night dance. Its primary pur-
pose is to furnish the women of thea
campus their first real opportunity of
Ithe year.
The young women will have the
privilege of inviting any man of theirl
acquaintance who is a member of the1
Union, but in all cases the campus
male must purchase the ticket and do
the escorting. But even the purchas-
ing of the ticket doeshnot give him the
power to make out her program, for
that is also -one of the special privi-t
leges that the "female of the species"
will enjoy for that evening alone.
For the first time the men will have
to be the "wall flowers" and are not
even allowed the right of asking tol
sit out a dance. It is not an equal
suffrage dance, rather is it a complete
turning of the tables upon the men.
The committee expects that in the fu-
ture the students will be more con-l
siderate of the university women.
Special music, special programs,
and feature dances will be on the list<
of the evening's pleasures, with the
dancing lasting from 9:0 to 2:00
o'clock. The new ticket selling sys-
tem will apply to this dance as well
as to the regular weekly dances. l
Dr. W. S. Franklin Delivers Lecture
Before Physics Class
.Dr. W. S. Franklin, acting profes-
sor of Physics at the Columbia Uni-
versity, gave a most interesting lec-
ture yesterday on thy "Mechanical
Analogies of Electricit y and Magnet-
ism." Dr. Franklin believes that the
best way to teach a student is toI
teach by building up itihis mind phy-
sical ideas with which he is familiar, t
in much the same way that one would
build a house.
With this end in view, Dr. Franklin
has drawn many parallels between
mechanics and electricity, illustrating
by means of some prepared apparatusf
which he carries with him, the essen-
tial way in which the most important
electric phenomena are exactly anal-
agous to the fundamental principles of
Dr. Franklin is at present making a
tour of the country, giving lectures on
this and other subjects of which he
has made a special study.
Berliner Zeitung Declares Affairs Are
Lodon, Jan. 12.-Despite the asser-
tions made in the Reichstag that food,
is ample and starvation in Germany
is impossible the German press con-;
tinues to print denials of the authori-,
ties' claims and to give indications of
the increasing pinch caused by the
British blockade. The Berliner Zei-
tung says it is difficult to imagine that
things could go worse just now with-

out some crowning disaster. The
masses of the people are hungry all
day long, many articles of food hav-
ing reached a price already beyond
the reach of the families of the work-
ing class.
French Land on Greek Island of Corfu
London, Jan. 12.-A French force
has been landed on the Greek island
of Corfu for provisional occupation,
according to an Athens dispatch.
Fourteen ships of unknown national-
ity are cruising around Corfu.

..- , _.__ t


Governor Ferris Urges that
Women Assist in Education
Large Crowd Welcomes Executive -t VocAtional Conference; Dr. Earl
Birnes, of Philadelphia, Talks on "Putting Women's Work on
a Sound Commercial Basis."

An exceptionally large crowd wel-
comed Governor Woodbridge N. Fer-
ris at the meeting of the Vocational
Conference yesterday afternoon.
Governor Ferris urged that women
do all in their power to conduct edu-
cation so that they can go out into
the world and do something. He em.
phasized the fact that if women want
to get anything they must get it for
themselves. "No woman should get
married unless she can support a hus-
band " Governor Ferris stated that
in his opinion, the ideal of every
woman should be to have a home, and
that unless she were capable of car-
ing for her husband and family in an
emergency, she should not think of
marriage. According to Mr. Ferris
this will not disrupt the home but will.
tend to make it even more firm and
secure. In conclusion the governor

knowledge. She is handling the pay
envelopes of the nation, and should
be educated to take proper care of
them." He stated that teaching, li-
brarian, shop and social service work
have been ruined because of women's
ignorance of business methods. In
closing, Dr. Barnes urged women to
study economics above all things, as
he feels that a wide knowledge of the
principles underlying the conditions in
operation today are necessary if a
woman desires to succeed in the busi-
ness world.
Last evening a social meeting was
held at Newberry Residence, at which
Miss Mary Snow spoke informally.
Miss Snow was besieged by a stream
of women desiring. information about
various lines of vocational work.
President Harry B. Hutchins an-
nounced that conferences might be ar--

said, "If you take up a vocation, take ranged with Dr. Bertha Van Hoosen
with you the ideal of a home. Don't and Mr. Ira Jayne in Dean Jordan's
be ordinary in your line, and above office this morning.
all, keep your ability to think." The Vocational Conference will ter-
Dr. Earl Barnes of Philadelphia gave minate with a luncheon in Barbour1
a short talk on "Putting Women's gymnasium at noon today. A number
Work on a Sound Commercial Basis." of speakers have been secured, among
He pointed out that the married whom are Dean Otto Schlotterbeck of
woman of today was living in a feudal the Dental college, and Prof. James
state, and could never acquire econ- Glover of the mathematics department.
omic independence under the existing Miss Judith Ginsburg, '15, chairman of
conditions. "The woman of' today the Conference last year, will preside
shows a shameful lack of business at the luncheon.

Automobile King Mortified at Actions
of Associates; Rumor of
Illness False
The Hague, Jan. 14.-America's per-
manent delegates to the Ford peace1
conference were elected only after bit-
ter struggles over procedure. The dif-
ficulty developed between a party led
by Business Manager Plantiff on the+
one hand, and the associates of Mad-j
ame Schwimmner on the other.
Madame Schwimmer, with her clos-
est associates, drew up a petition and
presented it, wishing to have it passed
upon as a whole. This was resented
by Mr. Plantiff and many others, who]
demanded the matter be opened to all
delegates for free nomination and vot-
ing. The Plantiff forces finally won
It became possible to make public
today certain details concerning the7
departure of Mr. -Ford from the ex-
pedition at Christiania, in which+
Madame Schwimmer and her friends
were again implicated. It is said that
Mr. Ford's first difficulty with any
member of the party was when he ex-
amined Madame Schwimmer's peace+
document for the warring nations and
found it a politely phrased declaration
of nothing.
Mortified, he returned to his cabin,
and when the reception of the Scan-
dinavian nations did not encourage the
success of his party he .decided to
leave. Madame Schwimmer, Mr. Loch-
ner and others knew nothing of his
plan. When they saw him departing
from the hotel at Christiania they
thought lie was being kidnapped, and
rushed after the automobile loudly
shouting for help. Mr. Ford's chauf-
feur, however, showed fight and the
Schwimmerites retired. It is a general
belief here in The Hague that Madame
Schwimmer is with the party in the
interests of German propaganda.
Iowa Team Loses Basketball Game
Iowa City, Ia., Jan 14.-The Univer-
sity of Wisconsin basketball team de-
feated the Iowa five 36 to 31 here last

Harry Tuthill to Condition Gridiron
f thletes; Farrell to Devote Whole
Energy to Trlack
Announcement has just been made
by the Athletic Association that a sep-
arate trainer for the football team,
in the person of Harry Tuthill, of the
Detroit Tigers, will have charge of the
conditioning of the gridiron men next
fall. This action comes as the result
of a long-felt need of more attention
being paid to track work in the fall
months, and will relieve "Steve" Far-
rell of the necessity of taking his time
from track and cross-country pros-
pects to devote to the football squad.
Track activities at Michigan will re-
ceive a very timely boost by the re-
tention of Farrell as an all-year-round
coach, in that he can devote his per-
sonal attention to the cinder men from
the opening of school, thus doing away
with the necessity of their working
out their own salvation until the end
of the football season. Cross-coun-
try running will be especially bene-
fitted, it is thought, and the Wolver-
ines will undoubtedly be able to pro-
duce better equipped teams in this
sport in the future.
The loss of "Steve" to the football
squad seems to be partly compensated
by the ability of the man selected to
train the squad next year. Tuthill
has been trainer of the West Point
eleven for the past five seasons with
very marked success, and during the
summer seasons has been official con-
ditioner of the Detroit Tigers.
Michigan's action in this matter will
place the university in much the
same position in regard to track, as
occupied by the other large univer-
sities of the country. Cornell's suc-
cess in track may be partly at least
attributed to the fact that the coach-
ing of the track athletes is not inter-
rupted during the gridiron season.
overnmuent Purchases Building Site
Cheboygan, Jan. 14.-The govern-
ment has purchased the V. S. Moloney
site at Main and Elm streets for a
federal building.

Skating, Carnival
Campaign Starts
University Women Will Start to Raise
Money for Clubhouse on
Palmer Field
As a means of raising funds for an
Athletic Clubhouse for women, a skat-
ing carnival will be held at Wein-
berg's rink next Tuesday evening. The
program, which has not yet been fully
decided upon, will include among other
attractions two hockey games between
picked university teams, music by a
local band, and skating for all.
The event marks the opening of the
campaign on the part of the newly or-
ganized Women's Athletic Department
for the erection of a clubhouse on
Palmer Field. The need for some-
thing of this kind has been felt over
since the women's athletic field has
been in use. Money for the purpose 1
has not been appropriated by the re-1
gents on account of other more im-
portant demands, so the women of the
university have taken matters into7
their own hands. It is expected that
if their dream of a clubhause is real-<
ized, its convenience and 42essibility
will encourage a keener interest in 1
athletics among the women.
It is planned to realize as much as
possible from the present venture. By
arrangement with the maagement ofE
the rink, the money from the tickets1
sold at the gate will go to the man-
agement, but all money realized fromt
campus sales goes to the Clubhouse
Fund. Students are therefore urged
to procure their tickets beforegoing
to the rink,. for that will be the only
way in which money will reach its in-
tended destination.
Tickets have been placed on sale at,
George Moe's athletic supply store on
North University. The usual entrance
fee of 15 cents will be charged. The
program will start at 7:30 and laste
till the usual closing hour of the rink. f
William Howland, Director of Templet
Beth El Musicc
The choir of Temple Beth El, De-T
troit will sing at the Third Unionc
service at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow nighta
in Hill Auditorium, when Dr. WilliamT
Rosenau, of Johns Hopkins University,f
will speak under the auspices of the
Jewish Students' congregation. The
choir is under the direction of Wil-
liam Howland, who needs no intro-
duction to the people of Ann Arbor.
The ritual service will be read again
this year by Rabbi Leo M. Franklin,
of Detroit, who is supervising rabbi
of the student organization. Rabbi
Franklin has been a frequent speak-
er at the Michigan Union Sunday aft-F
ernoon gatherings.
As at previous Union services, all
other churches in the city will close
their doors tomorrow night when the
services are being held in Hill Audit-
orium. The general public is invited
to attend.
Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity-Generally fair and cold Satur-
day. Warmer later in the day.
Dr. Bertha Van Hoosen and Mrs.
Frances Burns speak, Vocational Con-
ference, 10 o'clock.
Girls' Glee Club meets 9 o'clock A.
M., Rentschler's studio, for Michigan-
ensian picture. All members request-

ed. to wear light dresses.
Vocational Conference luncheoii,
12:00 o'clock, Barbour gymnasium.
Craftsmen meeting, Masonic temple,
7:30 o'cl'ock. The Rev. W. H. Jamie-
son of Detroit speaks.
Upper Room Bible Class meets, 444
State, 7:00 o'clock to 8:00 o'clock.
Cosmopolitan Club meets at 2:30
o'clock, Newberry Hall.

N ieiold'% of iia Wi1~ill Fight to nh
d'7ar Met-'cptue
.30 iI ids
Rome, .Jan. 14.-King Nicholas was
forced into signing an armistice
which looks like a peace preliminary'
between Austria-Hungary and the
kingdom of Montenegro. The Monte-
negrin kin, refused to sign any form
of peace proposals with the invaders,
until after the Austrian guns were
tramed upon Cettinje, his capital, a
day or two ago.
The aged ruler is reported as hav-
ing wept as he signed the armistice
which is said to mean a virtual sur-
render to the central powers. He
first called his counsellors to him,
and offered to retreat to the moun-
tains and fight it out till death. He
was somewhat bitter toward the en-
tente allies for providing only prom-
(Continued on Page Six)
Exhaust Edition Last Night; Receive
Subscriptions Till Noon Today
The wind-up of the Michiganensian
subscription sale last night found the
edition exhausted, but in view of the
fact that there may be some who have
not had an opportunity to subscribe,
a table will be placed in the corridor
of the general library this morning,
and subscriptions will be received un-
til noon. To cover these sales an ad-
(itonal order will be placed with the
printers, but the managing editor an-
nounces that this represents the last
opportunity to secure copies of the
annual. Subscriptions will also be
received until noon today at the Michi-
ganensian office in the Press building.
Wish to Ai Jewish Students Make
Unon Service a Success
Due to the union services in Hill
Auditorium Sunday night under the
auspices of the Jewish Student con-
gregation, there will be no Sunday
1Y" meeting in the Arcade theatre.
The association desires to co-oper-
ate 4vith the meeting and will not even
attempt a short session. However,
plans have been made for the follow-
ing Sunday, January 23.
At this time, J. C. Robbins, candi-
date secretary of the student volun-
teer movement for foreign missions,
twill speak.
No One Injured in Collision; Taxi
Loses Front Wheel.
Attempting to turn too short a cor-
ner, the machine of Dr. D. M. Cowie
of the university hospital collided
with a taxi of the Ann Arbor Taxicab

company last night about' 11:00
o'clock. The accident occurred at the
junction of Liberty Street and Fifth
Avenue, and was witnessed by several
pedestrians, who assert that both cars
were proceeding at a reasonable rate
of speed, with the full quota of lights
burning. Neither party to the acci-
dent sustained personal injuries, but
the right front wheel of the taxi was
sheared off, and the fender on the doc-
tor's car was crumpled.

ca - -

8 o'Clock

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Greatest Socialists


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