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January 12, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-12

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-I I

Established 1890
eneral Editor......William H. Fort
irriam Hubbard Golda Ginsberg
uth Butler Grace Boynton
:uriel Tyson Christian Wenger
:arry A. Miller Win. T. Adams
This is not a high-brow page. If
is possible at the same time to in-
;ruct, amuse and entertain, then all
tree are to be our objects. We wish
give you a' short half hour of
niles, grins and semi-humorous
tought. If we please you we are
lad; if our little pictures of and hits
, Life displease your aesthetic sense
e are sorry. Let it be known that
ir attitude towards life is optimistic,
ad the atmosphere 'wohich we see is
ear and cheery; we see the clouds
it refuse to recognize their import-
ice If you have anything to add,
nd it in; it will be gladly received
id given careful attention. If some-
ing herein published displease you
'iticize it to us. It is a page to
ve you pleasure and you are invited
add your share in making it read-
ble. But do not knock; not only is
a bad habit-it is also discourag-
g. Be sympathetic, but sparing in
>ur praise. We have no wish for
ify, and do not look for praise
here none is warranted. If you see
mething here that you think you
ight have done better, come around.
he main object is growth, and im-
'ovement at any price. We ask your
elp and invite your cooperation.

The Franco-British have evacuated
the Gallipoli peninsula; the British in-
vaders in the Tigris-Euphrates valley
have suffered overwhelming defeat;
Russians are sweeping over Bukowina
and Galicia in a new offensive; sev-
eral members of the British cabinet
have resigned over the conscription
bill which has already passed the
first reading; and Germans are mak-
ing concessions to the United States
in U-boat squabble. These head-
liners epitomize the news of the past
several days in the realm of interna-
tional gossip. Small but fierice Ger-
man assaults against Alsace positions
have mostly failed, and other armies
on the great war lines seem to be
dug in for winter.
The evacuation of the Turkish pen-
insula is of the greatest strategical
importance, in that it removes some
250,000 Turks from the duty of being
lined up along the Narrows. These
troops will probably be thrown against
the British in Mesopotamia, and
against the Allies around Serbia. The
releasing of Turk troops will for the
present overbalance the value of the
Allies who have this been released.
The Russians have a fair chance of
winning their campaign in Bukowina
and Galicia because the inhabitants of
those two provinces are Russian by
birth and sympathy. The Slav invad-
ers have seized most of the railways,
and due to enormous numbers will
probably overrun the entire district
north and east of the Carpathians be-
fore the next phase of the war is over.
In England conscription seems to
be only a matter of time, although
many resignations, riots and harsh
words are undoubtedly in order, as
they have been for the past week.
Germany has shown her greatest tact-
fulness since the war began by sub-
mitting magnanimously to American
demands in submarine warfare.
that supply tends to meet demand.
Where will you meet yours?
* * *
We again head it remarked that
"two negatives create an affirmative."'
That has never appealed to our senseI
of reasoning. Doesn't it create noth-
* * ,*
Isn't there something ominous in
the sound of an editorial that ends
up with a "Get out?" But it is the
custom of the day and age.

~At The Theatres
George Arliss at the Whitney
A beautiful play, beautifully pre-
sented, that gives George Arliss great
scope for his artistic acting, is "Paga-
nini," says the Toronto Mail and Em-
pire. It is as wholesome as ont-of-
doors, with an undercurrent of gentle
pathos that does not leave scars.
Paganini is the Italian master of
the violin whose magic captivates the
music-loving daughter of a typical,
solid English squire. The girl, high
spirited and artistic, runs counter to
the prejudices of her ;young officer
lover, and her tequally conventional
father, who attach too much impor-
tance to her admiration for the musi-
cian. That effect, naturally, was to
drive her nearer co Paganini, and
what has been merely g.riish in-
fatuation with the violinist's music,
turns to something deeper. This part
of the role is a striking piece of char-
acter drawing splendidly interpreted
by Margery Maude,'d r. Arliss' sup-
I porting actress.
The charm of the play <s enhanced
by beautiful costuming and taging.
i' Paganini" comes direc from its e*
tended engagement at the Blackstone
theatre, Chicago.
The -man in the pink necktie poised
his fork midway between the plate
and his mouth to look in surprise to-
wards the being with the intelligent
"What's that?" he asked.
"I say there is a sixth sense," said
the owner of the I. N. "A sense
"Huh!" exclaimed he of the pink
necktie, finishing the journey of his
fork. "I don't believe it."
"There is a sixth sense," continued .
the man with the intelligent nose.
"An anticipatory sense which enables
one to know what a thing is before
he sees it, feel it before it hits him,
see it before it happens."
Everyone seemed impressed-that
is, everyone but the person in the
pink necktie, who gargled an egg,
took a swallow of coffee and shook
his head. "No," he said finally,
"you're wrong. There can't be such
a thing for," taking another swallow
of coffee, "I've tried it. Years ago, it
was when, like all the other young-
sters, I was afflicted with the Love
Bee. I went to call on the young lady
of my choice Lovely night; moon,,
spring zephyrs and everything that
makes an evening romantic-
"We know," interrupted the im-
pertinent drummer, "go on."
"I doubt it!" remarked the man in
the pink necktie. "As I was saying
I went to call on the young lady,
talked to the family for an hour, sang
songs for another, played crokinole,

Everyone goes to the moving pic-
tures and everyone sees magazines of
moving picture gossip. If you are not
familiar with the latest matinee idols
of the films, you cay very well be
considered an unfortunate acquaint-
ance by your friends. But did you
ever think of the adventure and the
romance that is bound up in the busi-
ness of getting these pictures? It is
just as "live" as the newspaper game.
There is the same savor of man-
oeuvering for the moment with the
great man. There is the same thrill
in "interviewing" experienced crim-
inals. There is a spice to satisfy the
most avidly adventurous in exploring
the wild places of the earth to catch
the atmosphere of pioneer life.
There is a man who has been in
the moving picture business since he
was 14, who has consented to tell
some of his stories every week. He
worked with Mary Pickford in the
wilds of California-exquisite, wistful
laughing Mary Pickford, who makes
of life itself a delightful play just
touched with pathos. And then by
way of contrast he did sketches of
"Lefty Louie," "Dago Frank," "Whitey
Lewis" (who is not a cheer leader)
and "Gyp the Blood," in Sing Sing
where they stayed for the season, as
the society editor might say. Then
there was Rosenthal, "Bald Jake"
Rose and Mr. Becker who threatened
various things when their pictures
were taken. Harry Thaw allowed
' himself to be photographed while es-
taping out of Canada and there were
some most exciting complications.
Further this film-man spent three
days with the well-advertised Vincent
Astor, who is noted, it is understood,
for few things else beside his lack
of impecunity, but whom the photog-
rapher says is "a bully fine fellow."
At another time, this film-man man-
aged with the help of a girl of the
underworld of New York (we under-
stand that the very upper stories are
just as bad), to get his camera into
the dives and opium dens of the East
The difference between these tales
and the ones that might be found in'
"Top Notch" stories, is that these
are probably more exciting and they
have the further flavoring of being
'f 19
By Alice Freeman Palwier
Professor Palmer has at last given
to the public the poems of Alice Free-
man Palmer. In his preface, he refers
to the manuscripts in his possession


____ 0

The diner was so crowded that I
had to content myself with a vacant
place at one of the large .tables. Op-
posite me was a not unusual man, of
middle age, who looked successful
and also very much bored. Beside
him was a woman whom I guessed to
be his wife. The man was studying
the menu wearily and the woman was
talking in a high-pitched voice to
another woman across the aisle.
"Now that steak sounds good, but
think of paying that much for it! You
don't want steak, do you, John?" She
turned to the man and then immedi-
ately went on with her discussion
with the woman.
"Asparagus-hmm. Probably can-
ned. Now spinach is only 10 Bents.
I think we'll have spinach, John. Put
it down."
The man looked at her and I rather
agreed with the look. The waiter
brought my order and the woman
glanced over critically.
"That looks good," said she to the

other woman. "I wonder if its very
expensive." She compared with the
menu. "Well, it isn't so very. Don't
you hate to think of eating things
cooked in that messy'little kitchen?
John, put this down."
She watched a white-coated waiter
balance a crowded tray 4while the
I rain jolted- to a standstill.
"Do you know," she confided in a
loud whisper to the woman across the
aisle, "Do you know that I heard that
one of these waiters sometimes made
as much as $3,000 a year from tips.
I think it's disgraceful! I never give
one more than 10 cents. I don't
think its moral! John, put down tea.
And you ought to get for yourself,
too. Coffee is so bad for you at
"John" looked at her again-silent-
ly-glanced out of the window and
wrote the order.
And I noticed that when they were
served that he had both steak and
asparagus and coffee too. I left be-
fore he tipped the waiter.

Odd Words to Odd People
- - - - - 0 - - -


By Gee

The Land God Forgot
O outcast land! O leper land!
Let the lone wolf-cryall express
The hate insensate of thy hand,.
Thy heart's abyssmal loneliness.
* * *
Does that Michiganensian fifty
cents look bigger to you now than a
dollar in June What is so rare, as a'
dollar in June Don't answer!
"Sunday Evening at 5:30 o'clock
the first fire was lighted at the Martha
Cook Building."-Our Dilly Daily.,
* * *
What else, my dear Watson, do you
offer as explanation for the present
fashion of fur-bearing animals?
A certain-what'll we call it?-
well, place of distinctive service, ad-
vertises that "growing girls some-
times demand dainty delicacies."
Yes, darn it! And economics says
The Taxi
(From Sword Blades and Poppy
Seeds, by Amy Lowell)
When I go away from you
The World seems dead
Like a slackened drum
I call out for you against the jutted
And shout into the ridges of the wind.
Streets coming fast,
One after the other,
Wedge you away from me
And the lamps of the city prick my
So that I can no longer see your face.
Why should I leave you,
To wound myself on the
Sharp edges of the night?
Oh ly
('o Amy
"Alone I whet my soul 'gainst the u
I polish it, I fashion it, I carve it g
I hone it with a honing, strop.
I sandpaper it anon, until it shrieks a
I send it to the sky like flame.
And watch it break into ten thousa
Like dimpled sunshine on a dapple
I walk with it upon the earth, I weep
J nourish it and watch it grow, I list
One little wordnone tiny sound that
I d 1g, I water and I cherish it.
I scour, I burnish and I brandish it.
T riei nraiQA ~mtih

Pray do not think this semi-mythi-
cal being odd -in the sense of eccen-
tric or peculiar, but in the sense of
nonconformity to the general college
type. In order to give the profes-
sors an occasional crumb of encour-
agement, there must be, among six
thousand students or thereabouts, at
least a modest one per cent who as-
pire to academic honors and bend all
their energies thereto. They may be
too busily engaged in immortal works
to read other things but nevertheless
this little exhortation is addressed to
the surpassing sixty, and to them
So far as we can see, no one but
the faculty ever dreams of taking you
so much in earnest as to attack you,
perhaps because you are so serious
about yourselves, but we must here
register a solemn protest against cer-
tain of your speeches and actions. You
are an institution we expect to be
proud of wh'en we leave college, and
a company of individuals we look for-
ward to worshipping twenty or fifty
years from now. You are unlike us,
the common herd, but we want you,
in the role of intellectual ideals, to
be like yourselves.
In the first place, are you ashamed
that your ancestors endowed you with
exceptionally clear, keen brains and
sufficient stamina to make them ef-
fective? Are you ashamed of having
sat under the instruction of special-
ists in each his particular field, and
hearing the results of their intellec-
tual labors of half a lifetime or more?
Are you ashamed of having studied
as faithfully, of having spent your col-
lege time as wisely, as mortal could?
If you are, you will never imagine
that such a worm as you could help
a struggling classmate; you will never
use ,the Queen's English when you can
think of a slang phrase; it will never
occur to you to stem the tide of popu-
lar, unfounded, unnecessary terror of

a blue-book, but you will shudder with
the crowd; you will never tell a fresh-
man that Browning is not invariably
difficult, or that Homer is not a stiff
old "classic," but the most fascinating
reading in the world; you will never
refuse an invitation to the Maj when
you really long to stay home with
George Meredith. You will hide your
light under a bushel, your talent in
a napkin.
your conduct toward your profes-
sors can be improved as much as your
behavior to your fellow students. In
order to sustain your reputation, you
will never dare hand in a theme or a
theses that is just sufficient to cover
the assignment; you will do outside
reading of your own accord, and elab-
orate to the maximum limit. You will
have the moral courage and the intel-
lectual honesty, to say nothing of com-
mon courtesy, to thank a man for a
rigorous course and a searching ex-
amination; and furthermore, you will
advise that "his course is gloriously
In the third place, you have a very
narrow path to travel as regards your
personal and individual selves. How
to steer between excessive application
to books and average frivolity, and
turn out a healthy, reasonable, culti-
vated human being, is a task no one
outside can assign for you. All that
we can urge upon you here is this;
that no matter how helpful you may
be toward the less gifted persons
about you, no matter how much you
may reform campus activities, no mat-
ter how favorable an impression you
may make with your professors, the
realize now and forever that you are
most important thing of all is that you
not that fraction of a whole man or
woman whose denominator is six
thousand and whose numerator is one.
Remember that your denominator is
a hundred, and be a highbrow if you
-Mary Fanghorne.

*x* * 1---LVI-- -'-------------and tears they may be too intimate
"I ta pair o pants drank lemonade and did my best to afor.
wanta for my sick publication. With this witness
husband," exclaimed the woman. appear amused. Finally we were left to their truth-telling and spontaneity,
"What size?" asked the clerk, alone. She was at the piano, when it is with peculiar joy that one turns
"I don't know, but I think he wears an old street organ stopped outside the leaves of the little volume of a
a 14 1-2 collar."-Philadelphia Pub- and began playing, Let Me Call You bare 70 pages, to find again the im-
. , , omen, thought it was just the time above all things the fine art of living.
to ask an" important question, jumped .
Burglars broke into the house of The poems are arranged in three
up, switched off the light, and led her groups called, "The Approach," "To-
Prof. T. E. Rankin, and stole money to the window. "Dearest," I whis- gethers" and "The Parting." They
amid silverware. Since . they left the pered, groping for her hand in the gtead TePrig hy
1 peed, ropng fr he had intheare all short, exquisite, sincere. They
cord on the radiator in the front ofI
hisdclasstrom, ,dat very etxensi n- dark, "May I call you sweetheart?" outbursts of the lyrist's joy in
hi*cas ooa eareenie n
He paused and turned to the man with life, simple, wondering aneubr
vestigation will not be carried on. th eiettre d ie ipe od r, and exuber-
Sthe intelligent nose. "And here is ant as that of a child; or when the
Professors must expect to have the proof of my assertion that you aspects of pain and grief are upper-
their homes broken into several times can't feel a thing before it happens. most, the feeling is still that of child-
in the next month. It would take a very wise man to like passion mingled with an utter
* * * predict what followed, trust in ultimate good. Nothing could
To avoid further complications "I suppose you expected to see her be more expressive of joyous har-
they can leave the papers out in the fall into your arms, remarked the mony with her world, than the poem
open. impertinent drummer, "and then got in the first group called "The Singling
*o O hecotard-"Heart." Nothing could be more touch-
Whose home have YOU picked out "No. On the contrary I ing or simply charming than the four
"You were accepted!" said the man stanzas beginning:
* * * with the intelligent nose, decisively. "This is the dress I wore,
If you don't like the weather don't "Wrong. Both- wrong," responded This is the jewel, too.
blame us. WE didn't write it. the man in the pink necktie as he Let me put them on again,
shifted his quid of beef and prepared Thinking of you."
to leave. "The light was switched on, In the second division, Mrs. Palm-
Soul/ my friend was again at the piano, er's delight in nature sings itself into
and I had proposed to her father." such poems as "The Butterfly," and
Lowell) "The Present Heaven." There - are
nruffled blue of the unyielding sky!"' TICKETS FOR FISCHER PARTY not lacking passages of graver
orgeously. FRIDAY NIGHT SELL RAPIDLY thought; one mood expressed in "It-
is the well-known and quietly wor-
loud, white hot with pain. Tickets for the Fischer party, which self" has a feminist echo and there
is billed for Friday night at the Union, shipful "Communion Hymn." It is
nd sprays of glittering color. 1are selling rapidly. Admirers of this in the final group, however, that the
d hill. organization's music are engaging the deepest strains are found, perhaps
alone with it under the infinite stars. pasteboards early, and telephone 2370 the finest of which is, "Acquaintance
ten earnestly lest it should utter is kept busy answering the demands With Grief." '
I heard not. of the dancing public. Dancingw il I saideto Pain, "I will not have thee
start. at 9:00 o'clock and continue u here;
til 2:00 o'clock. The nights are weary and the days


People You Pay Have fissed

I happened to mention that I was
working on a philosophy paper.
"Oh," said the girl next to me, "I
had philosophy once and I just hated
(This in the confidential tone usu-
ally reserved for mathematics.)
"Why, what kind was it?" I asked.
"Ethics or metaphysics, or an intro-
duction. What men did you take up?"
"Oh, I don't know," she answered.
"I just hated it so that I didn't pay
much attention. But I just love so-
ciology. It makes you think so. I
had the loveliest teacher in it. Ev-
evryobdy thought that he was an-
infidel-but we learned later that he
taught a Sunday-school class!"
She said "infidel" in a whisper.
"What do you think an infidel is?"
I asked. I couldn't resist it.
"Why, an infidel is some one who,

who doesn't believe!" she told me.
"Oh."I said, "I thought that an in-
fidel was some one who didn't think
the way you did."
"Goodness!" she exclaimed. "Well,
do you know, I read the sweetest
book the other day. It was about a
man who was an infidel. It was call-
ed 'We Two.' Did you ever read it?"
I never had.
"Well, this man did all sorts of
things for humanity. He just loved
humanity and he used to help it all
the time. More than most Christian
people do!"
"Yes," I said, "I dote on humanity
"Well, he died without believing!"
"Would you consider it worse to
die without believing than to die
without thinking?" I asked.
But she was called away just then,
so I may never know.


I learned how deep his voice,
sweet his song,
How far his eyes can see."


rise inn atred and tidemonishit _.
ad at the last, may not there be from out my soul, Dance and Banquet Programs-At. In
ie little prayer: "One little, little hour of peace. Oh Amy! One little hour!" tractive Ones, at The Ann Arbor Press. He
(M. H.) ,

are drear
thy hard company.
clasped me close and held me still
so long

Folders, Announcements, etc. Try{
The Ann- Arbor Press. (*)
The Ann Arbor Press-Press build-
Ing, Maynard street. Phone No. 1. (*)

Newberry head (Cl(led Home by Illness
Mrs. Erie Layton Gates, social di-
rector of Newberry residence, has re-
turned to her home in Bay City be-
cause of the illness of her mother.
During Mrs.- Gates' absence Miss Alice
Wood, assistant instructor in physical

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