THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 r I ~Y.. 1l 1 9 =1 t r - ... _ b 4 L. . A ... _ gy . . I I BOTH INDOOIBALUI GAMS FORFEITED. J-Laws and Fresh Engineers Forfeit to Architects and Fresh Lits FREShi LITS SHOW DISGUST Indoor baseball had an off night yesterday when only two games were scheduled and both turned out to be forfeits. According to Coach Arm- strong it was the first time that there. were not at least fifty men out in the gymnasium for practice if not for regular games, undoubtedly the poor- est showing of the season. The J-laws forfeited to the archi- tects and the fresh engineers failed to appear for their game with the fresh lits, which latter team has received a majority of forfeits in their scheduled contests and by far the greatest num- ber of such victories of any team in the league. Owing to the way the teams slated to meet the fresh lits fail to show lp for games, that team is becoming somewhat disgusted and murmurings of discontent were overheard amongst them last night. The principal cause for the dissatisfaction among the first year men seems to be that they do not receive any practice unless they play a scrub team, and as they hold that the scrubs always pick out the best batteries in the league and thus usually force them to take the little end of the score, they are growing fearful that their reputation will suf- fer and their rightful prestige decline, a fact which no one seeing them play would care to dispute. A scrub game was played last night to console the freshmen over their latest accruing forfeit. The miscel- laneous aggregation was composed of men from several teams the archi- tects being in the majority, and the pitcher having been recruited from the ranks of the J-engineers. He made things rather uncomfortable for the freshies, who were unable to touch him up with any great ease during the first part of the game. The scrubs' on the contrary enjoyed their bat rather promiscuously and distributed the ball impartially over all localities in the gym, and annexed four tallies in the first inning as against their opponents' two. However, a way was found, to offset the preponderance of either team at the bat. There being no umpire convenient, each team while at bat had one of its own men act in that capacity, with the result that the batting team had decidedly the advantage, and neither could be caught neglecting that circumstance. 'PUFTS HAS HANDS FULL WITH FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOIL 1916 Tufts' football team will stack up against a hard proposition when it comes to tackle its 1916 football sche- dule, the nine-game program includ- ing some of the strongest teams in the country, and there being no ag- gregations of noticeable weakness on the slate. The four hardest games will be- those with Harvard, Princeton, In- diana and Syracuse. The other con- tests will also keep the men from Tufts on their toes, as they meet such strong New England teams as Worces- ter Tech, Bowdoin; the famous Spring- field Y. M. C. A. eleven, Boston Col- lege, and the Massachusetts Aggies. The schedule follows: Sept. 30--Worcester Tech. atiMedford. Oct. 7-Harvard at Cambridge. Oct. 14-Princeton at Princeton. Oct. 21-Boston College at Medford. Oct. 28-Indiana State at Indianapolis. Nov. 4-Massachusetts Aggies at Med- ford. Nov. 11.-Springfield Y. M. C. A. Col- lege at Springfield. Nov. 18-Bowdoin at Medford. Nov. 25--Syracuse at Boston. QUAIFCATONMATCH IS 'KELO BYVARSITY CLUB Members of Club to Qualify 'oday for Series Against Wisconsin and Yale. Michigan's rifle club 'team started off its season in the National Rifle association yesterday afternoon with the first qualification match to deter-- mine the make-up of the team which will shoot in the early contests. The men who failed to shoot in yesterday's' trials will be expected to appear to- day. Today is the last day for club mem- bers to qualify to shoot in the big se- ries against Wisconsin and Yale. It is important that every member who wishes to compete in the big matches be on hand to shoot in the prelimin- aries, as according to the rules of the tournament, no one may be entered in the finals who has not shot in the qualification matches. All cards must be turned in, and all scores recorded. Those who fail to turn in their cards will be given zero for that score. On January 15 the first intercollegiate match of the sea- son will be shot off, when Michigan meets the strong Wisconsin team. All scores are to be turned in by the even- ing of that day, as they must be tele- graphed to the secretary at Washing- top and filed by the National Rifle-as- sociation at that time. The 15 men in the two qualification shoots to turn in the highest scores will be placed on the Varsity squad, and will compete among themselves for the privilege of shooting in the in- tercollegiate matches. New rifles have arrived from Washington this year, and for the first time it will be pos- sible to have guns for the exclusive use of the members of the team. On the showing in the trials of yesterday and todaw the rifles will be assigned for -the use of the men. GOOD PROSPECTS FOR CLASS HOCKEY LEAGUE CONTESTS Practice Begins at Weinberg's Skating Pin - le~cn iabal fSiwz BUEIHYTRACK MEN APEAR AT COACH'S CALL1H'OUC1g Farrell "Iisappointed at Lack of Inter- est Shown; Speakers Plead for More Tryouts Michigan's first track meeting for the 1916 season was held last evening with about 80 candidates present, and for this reason was something of a disappointment to the track authori- ties, although no cards had been sent out to the men who indicated that they were interested in this sport. Each of the speakers took the atti- tude that there must be more material brought out if the Maize and Blue is to be a ranking factor in the track world during this season and the next. Track Manager Finkenstaedt started the meeting with a few intro- ductory remarks about the number of men needed to insure success in the spring sport, and then introduced Ath- letic Director P. G. Bartelme, who told those present something about the meets that they may expect this sea- son. Bartelme said that the competi- tion would be practically the same as last year, with a few indoor and out- door dual meets, and the usual Penn relays, with the final Eastern inter- collegiates. Following the athletic director, "Ed- (lie" Carroll disproved the theory of track drudgery, and emphasized the need of confidence which the track man must have if he is to be success- ful, as well as the necessity of keep- ing in the good graces of the faculty. Coach Farrell told the men that there was ample room and accommodations for at least 150 men who were out for the team, while Captain Smith, the last speaker, told of the science in track by saying that he regarded the sport as being 60 per cent brains and 40 per cent physical prowess, citing sev- eral specific instances as examples of where the battle of grey matter had more than offset that of mere physical ability. All of the speakers brought out for-r cibly the greater importance of a num- her of men over the few stars, as shown in last spring's intercollegiates, when Cornell won the big meet by a comfortable margin with but one first place, while Michigan had two, and still finished fifth. They also informed the audience of the necessity that each man out for track dig up more can- didates so that the team this year might be as strong as it is possible to make it. For the workout yesterday after- noon, nearly fifty men put in an ap- pearance, more than have been out any time before this season. The can- didates are still taking things easy, as the coach desires to get the men well in shape before they are allowed to do any hard training. GLOVES for men, best known makes at reason- able prices, on sale by N. F. Allen & i i to £'a t ieabere, AUTOMOBILE EDITION SUNDAY JANUARY THE SIXTEENTH I THE DAILY SPORTOSCOPE the east. I I I . 1unk; (irises 'sked to Ngn up hi League.. From present indications it appears that 10 or 12 teams will be listed in this season's class hockey league. This will include all of the classes im- portant in the interclass football league during the past season, and also those more prominent in the in- tramural sporting events. Coach R. A. McGinnis of the Varsity reserve football team will have charge and supervision of the hockey league for this season, and in order to facili- tate arrangements, it is requested that all class managers report to him at the intramural office as soon as pos- sible. Practice has already begun at Wein- berg's skating rink, where a hockey pen has been constructed for the sole use of the league teams. It will be in daily use from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock, and class managers will be given passes for the members of their team, upon application to Coach McGinnis. A schedule is being made and it is planned that it will be completedby the latter part of this week. If any classes that wish to enter the league have not already done so, they are requested to notify Coach McGinnis immediately, if they intend to play for their numerals under the sche- dule. Swimmer Sets New World's Record New York, Jan. 11.-Herbert E. Voll- mer, crack swimmer of the New York Athletic club, last night negotiated 150 yards in the New York A. A. tank in 1:29 4-5, and it is said will lay claim to a new world's record for the distance. C. M. Daniels at present holds the record which lie made in England in 1908, when he completed the distance in 1:32 2-5. Vollmer was out for the trials for the Metropolitan A. A. U. 100-yard A Detroit Sunday morning paper printed the following: "Murphy appears to be about the best half-miler in the Michigan camp, despite the fact that he was a most erratic performer last sea- son. Murphy was switched from quarter to half, and from half to mile last spring so frequently that he did not have a fair opportunity to show his true ability at either distance." The above was interesting. It must have been intensely interesting to Murphy, especially so since he was in- eligible last season and didn't compete at all. Outside of this minor discrep- ancy between facts as stated and as they are, the paragraph was of con- suming interest. Walter Camp seems to have company. Fighters never tire of telling stories about Greek George Brown, the mid- dleweight. Brown had more fighting scattered around now: Brown picked up a newspaper dur- ing, the football season and saw a headline which read, "Brown fears Yale." "That's a lot of bunk," said the fighter. "I don't even know who this guy Yale is." It is rumored that this story was told down in New Haven and the only person that laughed was a grey-haired professor who graduated from Harvard and who had a son at Brown. Walter Eckersall, the man that ref- ereed the game between Brown and Washington State College at Pasadena New Year's day, said that in his opin- ion, the westerners had one of the greatest tdms he has ever seen. Eck- ersall declared that they looked every' bit as good as the Cornell team, and Eckersall's opinion is a valuable one, for he understands football from A to Zythum. The Washington aggre- gation won by a 14 to 0 score, and Brown had one of the good teams of Michigan is now adopting an "every man get a man" system for her track squad because of the fact that Coach Farrell and his cohorts had only 80 men at the meeting last night. Those who have been peeking in at the gym are wondering what man is going to get Al Robinson, or whether he is not going to be got. Waughton to Stay at Harvard Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 11.-Percy Haughton will undoubtedly continue to serve as head coach of the Harvard eleven notwithstanding the fact that he now has big interests in the Bos- ton National league baseball team, was the statement given out last night- by Fred M. More, graduate treasurer of athletics at Harvard. He said that as yet no final arrangements had been made but that it was hoped that a plan could be arranged whereby Mr. Haughton's duties as head coach could be lessened without lessening his value to the team. The Anp. Arbor Press-PrAms build-. ing, Maynard street. Phone No. 1. (*) Good Printing-The Ann Arbor Press. (*) Co., Main street. wed-eod ability than education. This is being EAT WITH US AND THE WORLD'S WORTH WHILE We will always take pride in preparing strong muscle and brain building foods for lusty lads, but we are not losing sight of the fact that growing girls sometimes demand dainty delicacies THE RENELLEN 1HOSPICE. A PLACE OF DISTINCTIVE SERVICE seeks to serve particular patrons with the things they want in the way they want them. We are go- ing to win out on quality, not price-on service, not servility. I am standing squarely behind this thing and it's going to go. dash when he made the record. Dean Effinger Suffers Attack of Grippe Dean Effinger, who has been ill with University of Wisconsin Defeats Iowa the grippe, was reported last night Iowa City, Ia., Jan. 11.-The Uni- to be much improved, although there versity of Wisconsin basketball team was some doubt that he would be able last night defeated the Iowa five 36 to meet his classes today. to 31 iii a fast game. t1~ V a i 1 AA~1W