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January 11, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-11

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. - .



'13, Pictures


. M. C.-A.


Former Rhodes Seholar Enlists as
"Y" Secretary With British
Troops in Arabia

By Gee



S * IEnglish History Men Find Remark-
not the stretch after able iaCk of in J rma'oi About Eu-
ropean Struggle

> c °.: n: ,1 tu4ts to Feature
'exn Bounce; PLan for Special
c i:acts d tunts will feature
the next an I ne to be held in
February, >;id an opportunity will be

No-this is
the Yawn.
This is the

ney Bigelow. -- (Putnam & o.,
Especially interesting in view of the
great international strife now waging
in Europe is this latest book of me-
moirs from the pen of Poultney Bige-
Mr. .Bigelow has attained a very
considerable reputation as a historian
and his philosophy is of the true his-
torical variety. He passed some years
of his boyhood in Prussia and in later
years made various sojourns in Ger-


LUn a I

Unparalleled Growth Shown in Na-
tional Banks During First Year of
New rlPai, Says J. S. Wilson
Washington, D. C., Jan. 10.-Under
the federal reserve system there has
been "development and growth never
paralleled in the history of any coun-
try" in the operation of the national
banks during the year from October.
1914. to October, 1915, according to
the statement of John Skelton Wilson,

reach after the Yawn.
* * * *


And our arms are long.


Our attitude is
cheerful, however.
three weeks before
to take examinations.

anythin if not
Just think, only
we are allowed

Movie show operator, travelogue
orator, teacher in the mission school,
leadler of Bible classes, director of
vaudeville shows, are only part of
the daily duties of a Secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. with the British army in
the East~ According to additional let-
ters received by Mrs. O. M. Blanshard
of this city, from her grandson, Per-
cival V. Blanshard, '13, who is at
present serving in the above capacity
In Busrah, Arabia, he must also be a
ready Beader of Greek, and also
patron *f numerous Boy Scouts who
are to be sent up from India to do
messenger service.
Meets Michigan Men at Busrah
Mr. Blanshard, who, before the war,
was Rhodes scholar from the state of
?ichlgan to Oxford, enlisted as a Y. M.
C. A. secretary after the closing of Ox-
ford had made further residence there
impracticable. By a curious turn of
Fate, he was ultimately directed to
Join ,the British troops at Busrah, Ara-
bia, where it so happens there are al-
ready several Michigan graduates re-
siding, their work being to carry on
the industrial and medical mission
which is supported by the University
of Michigan Students' Christian Asso-
ciation. 'He writes that Dr. Van Ess
and Mrs. Van Ess, who are now in
charge of the work there, have helped
make their social life much pleasanter
,than it would otherwise have been.
In his letters, Mr. Blanshard dwells
with special emphasis on the work
that the Y. M. C. A. is able to do in
the way of providing the only means
of entertainment that is obtainable
for the soldiers who would otherwise
"have amighty humdrum existence."
"The moying picture machine is a reg-
ular treasure," he writes, telling how
the native Indian soldiers, many of
whoqt have never had a chance before
to witness anything of the kind, will
gather by the hundreds to witness the
exhibitions. Because of the scattered
camps, the same. film can be used as
many as six times before. it "goes
stale" and a boatman is employed to
pole, the machine around from place
to Place.
The,graplaphone is also called upon
for overtime duty because it is pos-
sible, to get records i the native lan-
guageh, Qf hitsexperiences in this
~lne,,he ,writes : "it, was amusing to
watch the expression on their simple
bHack faces when I inserted a fine bit
of Western classical music into the
middle of the program, They gave
evidence that they could not appre-
Iate it nearly so much as the bar-
brous shrieking and howling of their
owi singers
Gves Amusing. Accounts of Arabs.
An amusing account of some of the
customs of the Arabs is given by
Mr. Blanbhard when he tells of the
way in which dates are packed and the
way in which clothes are washed. It
seems that the dates of which there
are many, as Busrah is the finest date
.centre in the world, are put into a
box. The natives then pack them by
placing over them a thin board on
which they stamp and pound with their
bare feet. The realization that prob-'
ably the next time the process is un-
dertaken the board will be turned
around has tended somewhat to 'de-
stroy Mr. Blanshard's taste for dates.
The washing system seems to be an
even more efficient system. A native
(Continued on Page Five)

* * *
And then we won't have to read
about preparations for the Jay Hop
any longer. Huzzah.
* * *
Frederick Palmer will soon give us
the war as he saw. And Mr. Gen.
Sherman said-but do your darndest,
F. P.
* * *
There is always an opening the be-
ginning of every year for the man with
a little ingenuity. Being benevolent.
we will tell about it. Cut out a picture
of Father Time-then one of a Tal-
cum Powder Baby with the usual gar-
ments. Have the child irreverently
pushing the old gent off of an easily
penned Earth-and name your price
from any magazine. *
But be sure and keep away from
THIS column.
* * *
And what is it, an "All Naticn Re-
vue?" If we think it is what we think
it is, they will have considerable
trouble portraying certain European
nations on one stage and in onpe eve-
ning, without getting Tom en hand
for general protection.
* * *
In snite of that, it sounds as if we
will attend.-That is-good!
* * * .
Hasn't the J-Law Class Forgotten
* *. *
No Excase Wihalever
New York Man-Are you goin' to

Some time ago The Nation printed given £7 all who believe they have en-
a letter giving the results of all ex- tertainment spedalties out of the or-
amination on the European war which (inry to (-monstrate their ability at
was given to a freshman class in Eng- the preliminary tryout which is' to be
lish at a midawestern university. Soon held on Juary 24, probably at the
after this Mr. Phillip Bursely, of the Michigan Union.
Romance language department, gave laa;, t, monologue acts,
a similar examination to his students ventriioqu n singing, and any form
in French. The results of both these of novel musical numbers and sleight-
examinations showed astounding ig- of-hand turns are among those de-
rorance on tbe nart of the students cr el hr Ihe occasio::, and the com-
questioned. mitt(e in charge is especially anxious
Prompted by l"ese two tests, Mr. 'mt t htt
Ros I. c~an~n M. iiamgiv1vew tet a chance to intro-
dce i>'a io the campus. Old per-
Schurz, both of the 'nglish histery formers wvl' c ' s, however, will
departmenh gave another examina- be wclc"'ed.
tion in order to see if their students o'A in to 2 elaborate plan for
were as devoid of current knowledge snei :ecy and 1ahting effects,
as were the others. Some of the re- : ri at the actors will
sults are as follows: Opportunity to make use
For the capital of Bulgaria, 13 out Ojr'at [a'karmud in their
ci 56 students questioned answered ! '= ;esuit in the pro-
correctly, while eight were incorrect Idution ol a o:ma-1 play.

many. At the time of his schooldays, 'comptroller of the currency, in his
his father, the late John Bigelow, was annual report to the congress, made
minister to France. Through the public today. The past fiscal year
father's friends among Berlin court was the first under the federal re-
officials, young Bigelow had the op- serve system.
portunity of associating as playfel- "The reserves held by the national
low with the present Emperor. banks November 10, 1915," says the
Mr. Bigelow has a keen sense of report, "exceed by $587,000,000 the
humor and the personal element in greatest reserves ever held at any
his narrative makes it spirited and time prior to the passage of the fed-
thoroughly readable. The volume eral reserve act. Loans and discounts
presents first hand information, with 'amounted to more than the total loans
conclusions drawn from logic rather I and discounts of all banks, including
than from any personal feeling or con- national, state, savings and private
viction, and it must constitute an imn- banks and loan and trust companies,
portant contribution to the study of as late as the year 1902."
the development of Prussianized Ger- Cites Cases in Proof
many. "To ive the flourish:i rni nriit iA.


and 15 did not answer at all. Five
gave Budapest as the capital, two,
Bucharest, and one Constantinople. As
to the boudaries of Serbia, there was
one correct answer. Among the coun-
tries iven as touching Serb were
Bavaria, Russia, Italy and Armenia.-
Eighteen placed Saloniki in the
right country. It was widely scat-
tered in Albania, Russia, Serbia, Po-
l, d, Persia and Japan.
The answers to the question, "Who
commands the French armies?"
ran el from Pe Jeoffry through Goof-
fry, Jeoffere, Jeffries, and Joffee to
Joeff. Two placed Viviani, former pr
mier of France, correctly. One called
him prime minister of Canada. while
oight said he was an Italian.
Of the answers turned in, it ap-
peared that 16 knew that Peter was
king of Serbia. The remaining 40
knew nothing of this important Bal-
kan ruler. (nhly five of 30 knew who
was king o'f Italy. Alfonso was drpag-
ged in from Spain and Constantine
(Sophia) from Greece. In addition to
this George VII, and VIII, Edward and
Albert are some of the names given
to the king of England.

Snece the last entertainment, the
at ban l been busy improv-
ing tc cihe iccy by means of weekly
prat Lice: iu: h new music has been
r( h and mastered which will
he presented ha:l ween e. Proceeds
'rm thi! e't will go to buy more
'a i Ye i istrui1ntl and uni-
forms in rev cii an ( to help send the
organization on football trips.

French Planes Bombard BulghiO Capital

of the national banks, Mr. Wilson
cited a number of cases. He showed

London, Jan. 10. - A. despatch that the net resources of the banks in-
through the Exchange Telegraph Com- creased in the year $1,743%.878,648,
pany from Saloniki says that a flo- that deposits increased $2,081,530,164,
tilla of French aeroplanes has'dropped and that loans and discounts increased
bombs on Sofia,.causing considerable $917,450,502. During the same period
damage and an indescribable panic available cash increased $862,000,000
among the inhabitants of the Bulgari- and the reporting national banks had
an capital. (Continued on. Page Six)



be at home this evening?
New York Girl-Why should I?
feel perfectly well.


* * *
Considering the naming of events,
we have yet to find a name that car-
ried less meaning than the "rand-cer-
tainment." It surely taxed somecne's
* * *
But who cared what it was called?
Not the man at the Box Office!
* *
But, also, what about that class?
At The Tearf
New Majestic Bill Pleases
One of the best bills that the Ma-
jestic has had in some time is on the
program for the first part of the week.
It is full of fun from start to finish,
and though every act is deserving of
almost equal mention, the headliner
would seem to be Wim. Hallen and
Ethel Hunter, in a little skit entitled
"Just For Fqn."
A juvenile musical coned % pre-
sented by Menlo Moore, and called
"The Live Wires" is made successful
through the efforts of Jack Pearl and
Herman Meyer, and it vies with "A
Jay Circus" for second place. This
latter skit portrays a small town cir-
cus and the adventures of two "rubes"
attending the performance.
Caplane and Wells in a European
novelty act start the performance, and
Bill Robinson, colored comedian,
takes care of an act with a clever clog
and song skit, in which he authentic-
ally impersonates bees and mosquitoes
and finally a trombone.

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A real Cle'rance Sale,;
year, . f clothes you
on. Cgne; in.

for the 24th
can depend


,. :,
j ,,
'! f
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(Henry Clews and Company.)
An extraordinary group of con-
dieting tendencies marks the open-(
ing of the new year. Our home condi-
tions are exceedingly satisfactory and
thoroughly justify reasonable ep ti-
mism. If we had nothing further to
calculate on than the effects of a good
harvest, a satisfactory bank position
and a substantial recovery in domestic
trade, the outlook would be compara-
tively clear and even the doubts of a
presidential year would not be any
too serious. But the great conflict
across th sea is still raging and is
a dominating factor, injecting into the
ordinary trend of things grave uncer-
tainties which modify other expecta-
Judge Gary recently issued a timely
note of warning directed in other
channels than merely war specula-
tion. It concerned our foreign trade.
Here indeed is a field in which pru-
dence and thoughtfulness will be
greatly needed. The war has greatly
disturbed our foreign conmnerce,
stimulating it in ways never antici-
pated When peace comes, some of,
this activity will cease. There will be
no more munition orders and the
problem will be how can we retain
the trade gained from other countries
during the war? Germany will un- {
doubtedly make a desperate struggle1
to recover her position held before the
war, but she of course will be handi-
capped for some time to come. France
and Belgium will chiefly be occupied
with reconstruction. Great Britain
will be better prepared for foreign
trade than any other country, unless
it be ourselves. Therefore, the chances
are that for some time after the close
of the war we will be able to hold our
own with foreign competition.

A big, well-selected bunch of medium priced
coats at / off.
Now $6.70 to $12
Highestgrade ulster, loose-backs, form-
fitters at your disposal.
Now 1-4 and 1-5 off
$15-$20 SUITS
Mighty wide variety of mighty well-made
medium priced suits.
Now $13.50
$22.-$25 SUITS
Best makers' best output. Custom-tailored
in all but price.
Now $16.50

-: 1 it fit lu'c tl f ! II

.Shirts ,



- I

(' Ill:, iThis opportunity comes
only twice yearly. All
kinds of materials and STETSON-KNOX
designs in this famous
make. 20% off on all standard a ft
and stiff hats, including
1.50 no .15STETSON
$2.oo now $1.55
$KNOX and
flOW $1.95 R. C. F. Specials
and higher
20Q off-now to $4.
~$6--$25 BATH ROBES itimTakeu 1-4 off, now $4.50 to $18.75

Business conditions at home are
j . -generally satisfactory. The trade
revival, which began after the harp-
- mca est, continues to spread and is gen-

A big stock of mighty
handsome ties.
Loud or conservative
as you like.
Now 35c to $1.35

THE BI JO C-). i


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