THE _MICHIGAN DAILY THlE BEST DRESSED MEN - I have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual l observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from 'years of experience in tai- loring garm~ents. We have satisfied Your friends, why not you? G. H .WILT) COMPANY Leading Merchant T.auiors State St. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ()ficial newspaper at the Univeniity of MVichigan]. Published 'eve: y morning except Mondlay duritig the univcrsity year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions : by carrier or mail, $2.50. Want ad. stations: Quarry's, Students' Supply Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. Francis F. McKinney...Managing Editor John S. ],eolard.......... Business _Manager E. ]lodgers Sylvester News Vditor 'fornC. Reid ............... elegrapa 1Editor Verne Burnett .............Telegraph Editor 1:;. 1'. Wright.................. Sports Editor J. C. B. Parker .........X ssignmcnt E ditor Conrad, \. Church.......... ..... City Editor EdAwin A. Hlyman .. .. ............ Ciy Editor Lee .Joslyn ...... ..........City lEditor Irwin l ohumson......,. Chr. Efficiency Board (Cordont 1). Cooke... ,......Statistical lEditor EdwardI,'. ick........\d vertisiaig 'Manager 1ir. Kirk 1Whitc".........I '.ldiration \l anager Y. R.AlthelerCirculation Manager C. V. Sellers.............Accountant C. '. Fihleigl; .Assistant Ruainess Manager Selected Editorial GET OUT! A (The Michigan Daily, 1911) This is addressed to the long, skinny guy, the fat guy and any other fellow who has been convinced for years that hie has no ability as a track nian at all; it's for the fellow who in prep school ran fourth to a one armed man in the hurdles, and who couldn't lift {- 12-pound shot; to the gink who was scared to death if he jumped four feet in the air or covered more than his own length in the broad jump. Get out! You may never win a letter here in the university. You may never eveni land on your class team, but ther's a ! big charnceo that you can make soeonetii else extend hiinself to Office Supplies in general. The greatest stock in the County WOUL:D YOU BE HAPPY? Then buy a HANDY 'DESK CALENDAR You may also need a '"Natioanal" or Excelsior Diary Comriplete Linie Main St. -W--AHR'S. VNIVERS TY Sb OK '7TORNZS State St. Of 1 DIARIES Night Editor- grabe some hionor, and thereby makte Leonard W, Nieter William Tr, Newtonl F?;rl Pardeeo V tlilnI. Fort a1class-or perliaps-^Varsity team SH'EE HAIV'S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Reporters XWald'o J. Hunnt '. . .\itla E. A. 11aurngarthl Bruce Swaney R. J. 131 uin Business Staff AlbertL 7. I orne 1 . C. Musgrave W. S. 1MeColl C. '. Campbell George Nobi] 1. L. Stadeker OcGt ocut? Golda Ginsbcrg' NIt Thompson The athlete who wins points for his t{ S 'lclmoal university isn't always the one who lP. LZiege SS. un11tley comes here backed by a great prep -- chtool reputation. Maybe you've been Rosco Ran or -ing along the wrong lines. Why, [< . .sctter "TSeelpy" Dull thought he was a Ma"well Cutting sprintor when he entered the univer- 1). TV. ShanidI 1 sity. He couldn't do the 100-yard dash in less than a dozen seconds to save his soul, bnt he developed into bett we, so- 1.. DETROIT 1UNITED 'LINES ween Detroit, Ann Arbor and jackson. srun on Eiastern time, one hour faster focal timne. ited and Express Cars-8 :i o a. to 7:10 p. in., 9:10 p. In,. Limited Cars-8;:48 a. in. and urs to 6:48 p. in.; to Lansing, two P. M. -al Cars, Eastbound-5 :35 a. im., 6:40 a. m., a. nt., antid every two hour-s to ;7:05 p. mn., P. .,,9:015 P. in., 10:45 p. in. To Ypsi. onl4y, 8:48 a. tn. (daily except Sunday), a. m., 12:05 P. in., 6:05 p. mn., 11:15 ~: .15 a. mf., 1 :30 a. m. al Cars, Westbound-6:12 a. in., 7:50 a. nid every two hours to 7 :50 p. i., ,10 :20 sa2o a. mn. 'he Ann Arbor Savings Bankf Organized 1869 'pta .. ......$ 300,000.00 urplus.... .... .$ 160,000.00 ,esoitrces over . .\,.$8,000,000.00 Banking in all branches fain Offie, N. W. Corner Iftin and IHuront Sts. ,ranch Office, 707 North Univ- ersity Avenue. We Have a FULL LINE OF Cot Flowers and Plants For All Occasions COUSINS &HALL. 1002 s.- UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1 15 TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1916. Night Editor ..........L.. S. Thionpson LOOK OUT FOR THE NEW PLAGUE' The' sudden. wave of sickness which has overrun the nation in the last fort- night is one of modernity's substitutes for things like the Black Death in medieval Europe. Theories explaining the disease agree in general that the sickness is neither grip nor influenza, but something developing from the bronchitis germ, which is apt to de- velop into pneumonia so rapidly .that imnmediate action is necessary. Phe vast whirlpool of traffic and mails in- cident to the recent holiday season. has undoubtedly hastened the spree of the little plague." Authoritative doctors advise that patients do nothing which tends to lessen resistance. The less worrying, overworking, undersleeping or over- eating, the better. Reckless expector- ating, or coughing or sneezing openly into= a room full of people all aid in needlessly spreading the plague. Al- though the closing of schools and col- leges might afford a certain amount, of relaxation, this benefit would be overbalanced when students congre- gate in each other's rooms, offering more opportunity than ever for the spread of the malady. Doctors em- Coal Coke Lumber Planing Mill Specialties Interior Finishing one of the best distance runners in thLe country . You may not be able to his record, but you may be able to do something. There is only one thing for you to do- Get out! We want some good interclass track activities this winter. We need some- thing to stir our spirit when it's cold and sloppy, and everybody hangs around home and wonder~s why in blazes he didn't. stick in the Old Town and sell shoes the rest of his life. Help this along. You can do it. Don't leave the work for the men who know they are athletes. Try to be among those present in skinny togs on the gym floor yourself. To do it you must-- Get out! Women's Organizations Deatn Jordan to Speak Dean Myra [3 Jordan will speak at the wveekly vesper services in New- berry H-all toniorrovr it 5:00 o'clock. Sell ickets for Confercuce. Tickets for the Vocational Confer- ence luncheon to be field this Sat- urday may be procured for fifty cents from Josephine Randall, '17, general chairman, or from any of her commit- tee, Alice Burtless, Olga Shinkman, Linda Eberbach, Della Laubengayer and Gladys .Whelan. To. hold Junior Girl Play Tryouts TPryouts for the Junior Girls' play will be held on :Monday, February 14, the first day of the new semester from 3:00 to 6:00 o'clock in Barbour gym- nasium. Prof. John Brumm, director, and Margaret Reynolds, general chair- man, will be in charge. Seior Society Neets. The Senior Society is to meet Tues- day night at 8:00, o'clock at Newberry residence. FLOWERS FOR Corsage Bouquets Baskets of Flowers MRS. PLANDRS Phone 294 Open Sundays. 9 to 12 ALL OCCASIONS Floral Designs From 75c to $15.00 Flower Shop 213 EAST LIBERTY STRELT FLOWERS DELIVERED A Comxplete LIne of Drug Sund ries, Kodeks Candies, Perfumles" The Beauty of My Business. IsI FLOWERS.I Liberty and0 Main 1phone 2484O J. S.AUER 310 W. Liberty ALBERT MANN, Druggist 215 Swath Madn St. Ar im rbor, Mich..I )artment Paper and Envelopes All Departments LOtSE LEAF PAPER "Any Size" FOUNTAIN PENS SOLID AND REPAIRED CRLEEDE 340 S. State ur Choice of All LLL SUITINGS $3.0 D. E. GRENNAN REAL CUSTOM " TAILOR 606 E. LIBERTY STREET Do you drive winter? an automobilef in the I phasize the old commonplace about not getting the feet wet, but advise plenty of fresh air by walking and by proper ventilation at night. Lots of moderate outdoor exercise, lots of sleep and sensible eating, and immnediate examination by the doctor, are the salient points to be regarded in a campaign of prevention. Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wilo Company. State St. Tailors. The Ann A~b 3r Press-Press build- ing, 1Maynard 0 Ireef. Phone No. 1. (*) You should.. It's convenient. You can heat your garage safely and economically with a SAFETY GAS GARAGE HEATER. Approved by insurance companies. Washtenaw Gas Co. .. SAM, BURCHFIELD &.CO* Correct Full Dress Fine tailoring Our Full Dress Suits tailored by Hirsh --Wickwvire Co., Chi- ca go, Men. are designed for Young They have the style that At1 t a young man demands. This KY" EMPLOYMENT BUREAU NOW CATALOGING ALL JOB-HOLDERS Hole By This Metho.d to lie volop a System for Keeig In 'touch. With .t Oiklde 'Men Systematized methods in ban~ling filled applic~tions at tho' "Y" employ- Iment bureau have been adopted in an effort to make th~ department more ei cient. The new plan which was started this weei: by Philip C. Lovsjoy, '16, calls tor further co-operation between em- plcyers and the v sociatiou, The sec- retary hopes to find out the public's estimate of the students who have ob-. tamned work through the bureau. Hereafter, when each applicant is awarded a position,. he will take toohis employer a letter of introduction and a return postal card which the em- ployer is asked to till out and mail. "Didt hs arrive on lime?" and Wast his work satisfactory?" are the chief questions that the employer is expect.- ed to answer. HowYY may hours the applicant worked, what he wvas Paid and whether or not lhe was hired permanently, are also asked. In this way, the "Y"' bureau expects to develop a group of reliable men for work in Ann Arbor 'f th;_, present plans carry, work will be given only to those who, prove themselves de- pendable. Dance and Banquet Programs-At. tractive Ones, at The Ann Arbor Press. TYPEWRRITIN G MIMEOGRAPHING MUL'TIGRAPRING Hamiton Business Collae stat.e0 Williams r RUTE OF BO)TANY DEPART- vT INSTRUTCTOR IN SYRACUSE rinouncement has just been made Mr. C. D. La Rue, assistant in botany department has been ap- Aed instructor in botany in Syra- University. Mr. La Rue gradu- with the class of 1914, and has, Sassistant here since that time. iuee and Banquet Programs-At- the Ones, at The Ann Arbor Press. FFSHI AY)SOPHlAR("WII'VECTS ( OMBINE TO UV l)X1NCE A dance will be held at the' Packard academy next Saturday night by the combined sophomore and freshman ar-. chitects classes. Prof. anid Mrs. George M. McConkey and Prof. and Mrs. Syd- ney F. Kimball have been secured to act as chaperones. 'tickets for the affair aire $1, and can be obtained from m~embers of the social committee of eithter class. Sev- eral features have been proinised if sufficient interest is shown. Always see The .Annt Arbor Press for your printing if you wiiant quality. Press Bldg. 3iayard street, Phone No. I. style, at a very moderate price is a combination that is well worth considering. Clothing Department WAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET ESTABLISHED 41848