T4E AMICRIGAN DAILY "- aka, , v - r y ,r P 2r # .: x ,/ Y I! ? 1111 , have their clothes made-to-measure. it is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? (. 11. IVIL) COMPANY Lead ing M1cechant Tailors ,State St. i ~Iii ICHGA DALYUnitarianl Church, . f w Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published eve. y morning except Monday during the university year. 10.:30--Natural Religion versus Re- vealed Religion, address b~y Rev. R. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as S. Loring. second-class matter. - 11:4 --Environment and Social Pro- Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Su b- g ress, address before the Social Ser- ieriJptions : by carrier or mail, $2.50,.lWant ad. statiors: Quarry's, Students' Supply vice Class by Prof. Pollock. Store, The Delta, cor. Packard and State Phiones: Business, 960; Lditorial, 2414. 7:30--l. eattle and the Northwest. il- WOULD YOU BE HAPY HANDV DESK CALENDAR You may also need a ""Naionar. or Excelsior Diary _I Cotlt Ln of DIAR.I SEEHAN'S Francis F. McKinney..... Managing Editor John S. Leonard.......... Business Manager E. Rodgers Sylvester News Editor 'rorn C. Reid ..........elegraph IEditor Verne Burnett.............. eiegra 1eegah EdIto'r E.. 11. Wright ............ .....Sports E'ditor1 J. C. 11.1Pa:rkei .......... \ssigonent Etlitni- Conrad N. Church1...............City I:.ior Edwin A. IHyxman.........City I d;.~!)r Lee joslyn .............. ..City Edizor Irwtin .1ohnson........Chr. Efficiency Board (caro nll ). Cooke.........St atstical ] ,itor l'lward E. Mack........\dA~vertisiig Alanager ' I11. l\irk \Vhite.........Publication Al aaer' V. K. Aithseleri ( irculation Manager3 ( . V. Sellers............... .Accountant C. T'. Fishleigh . .Assistant .Business Manager! Night F-ditors) Leonard W. Nieter William F. 'Newton Reporters !I. A\. Fitz' eral .1. I,. Stadekcv Wal R. 'I twit Golda Ginsberg< M\artha Grvay Nat Thompson RV 1. Ad a,." ' . . 1McI )tuniiu E. A. Baunmgartli L. S. Thompson Bruce SGaaney e E'1. 1Ziegle: R. J. D13mn w~ naout 1(0 !new specimens have T?, I,-. a bled to tCe museum. In the +.s~~- tt 1re a large number of microscop- ~H~5 a Amteram TiX tOo 0 ~ , id'es which Dr. Bassler of the t4)mrtcliie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11. was ti"t lof(ttrtt\P~a useuml states are among the :i~e and.31 srangl ,3 ak. havng ; jThat be has even seen. Accord- ltkth wrong ci t tNughn 14i' Prof. Caslte addition of these deu l~nam isnotgi~eit bu. i is5lnii l~fS Will give the I.nivers'.ity said~he'-~~ttwasSUZI( 0~ ~iV S~t~ll inl Iihigan a (cllctionl surpassed by of Txel.110~)( i~~'llrivenrt- collectionl in the r0i' States. Miss Mabel Bush, an assistant suri- cal nurse in the university hospital, died Thursday evening at that insti- tution after an illness of less than a week. She is the first of 40 employes of the hospital who have been suffering with influenza, to succumb fronm the ravages of the disease. She devel- oped a case of the grippe a few days ago, and complications set in which lie Rosewarne, 1212 Hill street. Tags to be worn during the Voca- tional Conference may be obtained by r'evresentatives of the houses from 1:00 to 4:30 o'clock in the library Mlonday or from Jeanette Armstrong 17. There will be an important mect- ing of the Junior women who are writing lyrics for the play, WVednes- day, January 12, Barbour gymnasium. Brin; all work already completed and Prof.J. [t. TPrumm will give sugges- tions. New topics will also be as- i I brought on pleuro-pneumonia. l (d Her home was in Caro, Mich., where Sorority or league houses who wish she was educated in the public schools'to entertain the vocational conference and graduated from the high school. steakers must make arrangements She was a member of the 1915 grad- wvith NW. 1). Henderson, phone 7l1, uating class of nurses of the Univer-' sity of Michigan training school. The luncheon which will conclude' The remains were shipped to Caro] the three day's session of the Women's yesterday nmorning; and will be taken Vocational Conference will be givenI to Unionville Sunday, where inter- in Blarboutr Gymnasium at 12:00 ment will be made in the cemetery at! o'clock Stturday, January '15. An that place. excellant menu has been arranged, by ,he committee in charge. The speak-3 Fishier Party :Friday evenintg, janl. r are Jesse Davis, Ira Jayne,,Dr. C. 14th, at lMichig'an Union. For tickets Cs. Glover, and Dr. Schlotterbeck. call 235 or 2370. Judith Ginsberg, '15, chairman of last year's conference, will act as toast- mistress. Tickets for the- luncheon cani be ob- tained for frty cents from \Vahr's Baoo Store, Dean Jordan's o'ffice, r from the following: Linda E'berblchl, Olga Shrrink-ham, Gladlys Whec}lni,t Alice Btes Josephine Randall and Della Liauben gayer. The first twelve women who voluni- teer to wait at luncheon will begie their luncheon free. inug , yna , .;sireet. Phon~e \N(;.I. (*) Rehiiest 11ishc for t!%o wYs r we ar e a , 1 tats, ihat. our - ever increaszig uxn-sprvs T or -l-. tire satisfayi~ ht dia e are pleasedwiiorstie tr ,Tlaxicab &'rns co. 25 is non0e too- oi lnik arI k'e maents for r~ evceIo h - Hop. Stark'; 5.t f !.' ne s i". j ll JJ"il1 . i f .i \ _.. E:XCLU4SIVE: W -igi leli's haberdashery oil sale by , 1'.A IOJI& Co., MIin street. ('iiLyndon for good pictures. a Imn iii