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January 08, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-01-08

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Successor to PRACHT f. HENY






A merican Relief Ospital E j Idetfication for.





.ss Mary Snow, Principal Speaker, to
Talk on Vpeation Employment
for Women
Another mighty stride toward in-
cig women to enter other occupa-
ins reside teaching will be taken
ien the second annual vocational
noerence of the women's league con-
ones in Sarah Caswell Angell hall on
ursday, January 13.
Men and women who have attained
te in their professions will be
ought to Ann Arbor to show the'
mien of the University that there
e wonderful openings ready for
>men if they will only overcome
eir scruples and enter the lusiness
>rld. According to these people the
ids of medicine, dentistry, pharma-
mtical chemistry and actuarial work
e ready to welcome the. entrance of
In the past, the league has empha-
zed the fields of social service and
immunity work, but at this confer-
ice special stress will be laid on vo-
tions taught in this University. Gil-
tte Hayden, D. D. S., president of the
mnerican Academy of oral prophy-
xis, will speak on "Dentistry as a
ocation for Women" at the first
eeting of the conference. For those
oum en who are especially proficient
chemistry, Miss Gary Wallace, of
ie editorial staff of the Ladies' Home
ournal, will give a talk on the ad-
anl ages of pharmaceutical chemis-
s,% heyprincipal speaker will be
iss M,.ary Snow,, field secretary of
e New York Intercollegiate bureau
f ocrupations. Because of vast ex-
erience in securing positions for col-
ge women Miss Snow is probably
et ter informed than any other person
the United States of the subject of
ocational employment for women.
On Friday evening, Miss Snow will
(Continued on Page Six)

'What is conceded to be the best
military hospital now in existence, is
the American Ambulance hospital in
Paris. This institution, incorporated
under the laws of the United States, is
under the auspices of the American
Hospital, which has long been estab-
lished in Paris.
At the beginning of the war, Ameri-
cans in Paris, still inspired by the
work of the American ambulance in
the Pranco-Prussian war of 1870, con-
ceived the idea of establishing a hos-.
pital for wounded soldiers, irrespec-
tive of nationality. Hon. Myron T.
Herrick, the American ambassador to
France, lent his aid and encourage-
ment and was largely instrumental
in the successful achievement of this
At the beginning, th'e board of gov-
ernors of the American hospital ap-
pointed a committee of five prominent
residents of Paris to raise funds' and
organize and administer the new hos-
pital, giving them the fullest powers
to this end. Special departmentswere
organized with American specialists
in charge. An example of this is the
dental department, under the direction
of Drs. Hays and Davenport, who col-
laborate in the treatment of wounds
affecting the teeth and jaw.
The French government placed at
the disposal of the committee in
charge of the work a large and near-
ly finished school building, known as
the Lycee Pasteur, just outside the
walls of Paris. By September this
building had been transformed into
a modern hospital and was ready to
receive patients. It was thoroughly
equipped with X-ray apparatus, path.
'ological laboratories, and all the lat-
est appliances known to medical and
surgical science.
Beginning with 170 beds, the hos-
pital now has 440, and an additional
200 at Hospital B at Jouilly. During
December the building was 86 per
cent filled,' and in January, 88 per
cent. It is doubtfulawhether any
other hospital in Paris during the
present war has shown such a large
percentage of its capacity utilized.
Very quickly the hospital, which is
operated under the direct authority
of the French minister of war, gained
a splendid record for efficiency. The
most difficult cases have been sent
there, but the mortality has been only

7.90 per cent, a remarkable record
when it is remembered that almost
all the patients entering the hospital
are suffering from some kind of in-
fection and that gangrene and tetanus
have been much more prevalent dur-
ing this war than was at first antici-I
The hospital is organized in two divi-
sions under the charge of Dubouchet
and Dr. Blake respectively, and a
third division is in charge of well,
known surgeons from the United
States, serving in rotation.
In addition to the base hospital in
Paris, the "Ambulance Americaine"
has organized an "advanced" hospital,
known as Hospital B, at Jouilly, about
30 miles nearer than Paris to the
battle-fields. This hospital has a ca-
pacity of 200 beds, was instituted and
is maintained through the generosity
of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney; and is
under the charge of Dr. Walton Mar-
tin, of New York.
Always see The Ann Arbor Press
for your printing if you want quality..
Press Bldg., Naviard street. Phone
No. 1.(*

The forestry department has re-
cently received a practically complete
set of sections of timber species exist-
ing in the United States. Complete.
sets are extremely rare and are pos-
sessed by only a few institutions in
this country. The species are thin
and square and are cut radially and
The purpose of sets of this kind is
to aid in wood identification. Many
times during the year the forestry de-
partment is called upon to decide on
the merits and quality of wood used
by business firms. The department
has been of great help in protecting
the lumber dealers of the state from'
frauds, and with the new equipment itl
is thought that its efficiency will be
greatly increased.
To Restore Old Frigate "Constitution"
Washington, Jan. 7.-Complete re-
habilitation of the frigate Constitution.
which has lain at the Boston navy
yard since 1897, where she was
launched a century before, is planned
by the navy, which has asked Con-
gress today to appropriate $150,000.

Lawrence, Kansas, Jan. 7.-The
Daily Kansan is going to give the
students of the University of Kansas
a chance to get back at professors
who hold classes after the hour, by
publishing their names on the front
page of the paper. It also suggests a
faculty committee to discipline over-
zealous professors.
Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 7.-Seventy-
two candidates reported for the relay
teams at Harvard university. This
is the largest number that ever came
out on the first day for winter track
work. A new canvas curtain fer ham-
mer-throwers has proved successful.
The men stand about 15 feet from the
curtain and throw just as if they
were outside. Previously they had
not been able to work until the out-
door season opened in March.
Philadelphia, Jan. 7.-The Alpha
chapter of the Beta Gamma Sigma, a
national honorary fraternity, for stu-
dents in 9ommercial courses, in the
universities of the United States, has
been installed at the University of

Pennsylvania. This is similar to Phi
Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Sigma
Delta Chi. At present the national
organization includes chapters at Wis-
consin, Illinois, and California, with
several universities considering the
formation of others.
Bloomington, Ind., Jan. 7-Fred-
erick L. Beebe will coach the Univer-
sity of Indiana baseball team this
spring. Beebe is a graduate of the
University of Illinois and was one of
the stars of the Orange and Blue var-
sity. He was a pitcher, who, like Cy
Falkenburg and Carl Lundgren,
drifted into professional ball after
leaving college.
French Sentence Germn: Spy to Deaitih
Paris, Jan. 7.-Maria Jose dei Pasi,
25 years old, a naturalized Argentin-
ian, has been sentenced by court mar-
tial to (death because he was caught
sending military information from
Marseilles and Paris to German agents.
Gooad Printing-The Ann Arbor Press.

--- --,


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At the Whitney May Irwin in "33 Washington Square"
Yis May Robson in a revival of the May Irwin was a genuine treat for
comedy, "The Rejuvenation of Aunt those who saw her last night at the
Mary" is the attraction scheduled for Whitney in the well worked-out com-
tihe Whitney theater this evening. Miss edy "33 Washington Square." Having
Itobson is a clever comedienne who the natural advantage of very gen-
h as won distinction in many produc- erous proportions, and the acquired
tios, but surpasses herself in this advantage of long and successful ex-
success written by Anne Warner. For perience, the comedienne at no time
found difficulty in being funny.
One of theliveliest scenes came in
the second act, when, thanks to the
exigencies of the plot, the aristocratic
society leader Mrs. DePeyster is spi-
rited to Mrs. Gilbert's popular-priced
East-side boarding house, where the
rule is "that guests may not whittle
pickles." Here the heroine, who is
Mrs. Gilbert's housekeeper, was able
to combine acrobatic novelties with
exceedingly clever and trite lines. The
result was a continuous round of mer-
riment, which on the whole was evi-
dent all throughout the play.
The book, by Leroy Scott, offers
ma3ny amusing situations of which the
most are made. The star herself did
not occupy a solitary horizon, but was
urrounded by a thoroughly compe-
tent cast. Leonard Hollister, playing
the part of a skillful crook, was en-
{ As if to prove herself the mistressj
of every department of stage humar,
May Irwin sung several popular songs
min the first act which were heartily
received. The scenery and proper-
-.S t-ties were up to the standard set by the
Cs(eral caSns l'Ihe appeared in the book and cast.
title re to the d light of all wno
took pleas' in a mirth producing M. A. C. Professor Resigns
alnd wlioIe:o comedy. Discarding East Lansing, Mich., Jan. 7.-An-
this play, ,,i Robson starred in nouncement has been made that E. C.
nail y other suucessful productions, Greenman, assistant professor of
but L r ciemilt all over the coun- machine - design at the Michigan Ag-
try cirnmortd ft r tnutther view of that ricultural College, has handed in his
quaint character. "Aunt Mary," and resignation, to 'take immediate effect.
the present production. 'with elaborate
and attractive features, is the out- The Anp Arbor Press-Press build.
cone. Iing, Maynard streets Phone No. 1. (*)


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